Tuesday and following days,
APRIL 16th to 19th, 1890.
To«sd»]r at 9 o'fsloek, and followlncr days at 10 and 9 o'cloek.
Library, Autographs, Maps,
Portraits, etc., etc.
Library, Mafluscripts, Autogi'apli I
Author of "Fall of New France," £x-rm^[|^T of the Society
FOR Historical Studies, Montreal, etc.
Forming an extraordinary assemblage of Karjtiks, and comfrising
Rare Americana, Scarce Black Letter Books, Illuminated M?S ,
Rare French Belles Lettres, Editio Princeps of valuaklf.
Works, Books from Provenances Illustres and bound ry
>fAsTER Binders, Early Canadian Imprints, Rare
Historical Documents relating to Canada,
Autograph Letters of the Sovereigns of
France and England, etc., etc
April 15th to I9th» 1890,
Tnc'daT a( 1 oVlnck, ami tie follorriiii? rtars at 10 and "J o'rlotk.
Library Salesroom, No. 13 Hayward Place.
TERMS CASH. .^.'1<
C. F. Libfie. Jr.. Printer, 6 to \2 Beach Street.
I Sqo.
Tuesday, April 15th, at 3 o'clock.
Kos. I to 355
Wednesday, April i6th, at 10 o'clock. *
Nos. 556 to 710
Wednesday, April r6th, at 2 o'clock.
Nos. 711 to 1060
Thursday, April 17th, at 10 o'clock.
Nos. 1 06 1 to 141 7
Thursday, April 17th, at 2 o'clock.
Nos, r4i8 to 1763
Friday, A.pnl iSlh, at 10 o'clock.
Friday, April iSth, at 2 o'clock.
Nos, r764. to 2 119
Nos, 2T20 to 2469
Saturday, April rgth, at 10 o'clock.
Nos. 2470 to 2S22
Saturday, April 19th. at ^ o'clock.
Nos. 3823 to End.
The true bibliophile will recognize in the Hart Library, even
from a casual perusal of the catalogue, a collection of great
importance, containing treasures seldom found, even in great
European private libraries, and it would seem superfluous to call
attention to any of the many desirable items. The collection
is rich in artistic and literary treasures which appeal to the
taste, not only of the bibliophile and bibliopegist, but also to
the collector of objects of true art, and to the seeker after rarities
in general.
Foremost among the many treasures is the collection of his-
torical and artistic bindings which form a very important division
of the Hart Library, these bindings, being the individual handi-
work of the artists, are certainly worthy specimens for a fine Art
Museum, the first masters of the fifteenth century and later periods,
as the Clovis family, Le Gascon, Du Seuil, Boyet and others, being
represented by remarkable examples. The Provenances Illustres
found in this division include books of the greatest rarity from the
collections of Diana de Poitiers, Catherine de Medicis, Marguer-
ite de Valois, Edward V[, Francis II, Charles I, Maioli, Colbert
and other celebrities, and are worthy of especial attention.
Recent sales of early Americana prove that this branch of litera-
ture is meeting due appreciation among collectors and librarians,
but we wish to specially mention the Canadiana in the present
catalogue. It includes books from the first printers throughout
Canada, and although to the American collector they may appear
of comparatively late date, when it is considered that no printing
press existed in Montreal prior to 1776, the numerous books
included in this collection printed before 1820, or even before
1840, in Canada, must be reckoned among rarities.
The collection of autographs contains many original documents
of the greatest rarity and of political and historic interest bearing
on the history of Canada, especially during the French Dominion,
covering almost the entire range from Roberval, the discoverer,
1542, to Vaudreuil, the last French Governor, as also specimens
oi the Sovereigns of France and England, Luther, Melanchton,
Ferdinand and Isabella, and many others of equal value.
As usual in our catalogues, the arrangement is mainly alphabeti-
cal, with the exception of a few especially interesting groups, as
Bindings, the French and English War of 1755-60, Canadian
Laws and Imprints, the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, War of 1812,
Maps, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, Portraits and
A'. B. — Books are sold per roliifm; pamphlds per part or
picio, and bids by vtail or otherwise must be made aceording/y.
j\'o charge made for buying for parties unable to attend the sale.
Books are guaranteed as catalogued, in good second-hand condition.
Imperfect books (jiot so described) may be returned.
In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold.
1 A 'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott. Comic History of ICn^-
f^ land. With 20 colored etc'nings and 200 wood-cuts by
John Lcccli. S° half calf extra.
Bradbury, Jlvans ^; Co. : London.
2 A'Bkckett. Comic History of Rome. Jllustrated by John
Leech. 8' half cf. extra. Bradbury, li^vans «!' Co. : London.
3 .\rijOTT, J. S. C. l\omance of Spanish History. Illustrations.
12° cloth. • New York, 1S6')
\ AniNGOON, Earl of. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund
J»urke, Esq., to tiic ShcrilTs of Bristol, on the Affairs of
America. 8° stitched. C).\pra.
5 .Nc.^DiA. Banishment and Removal of the Acadians by the
cruelty of England ; — Exile of the Acadians; — Revivals
in Nova Scotia, iSoo; — Practical Information respecting
New Brunswick. 7 pamphlets.
6 Account of a Girl of twelve Years of age, who lived on L(ii<l
Collier's Manor, in the Province of Lower Canada, who was
converted to the love of God in a wonderful manner. tO'
paper. Printed for the Purchaser, 1815
7 Account of a Journey to Niagara, Montreal and Quebec in
1765, or 'lis Eighty Years Since. 8° half morocco.
New York, 1846
S AcoKN Leaves; a Series (if Can.idi.m i'.iU-s. l>y Nell Gwynnr.
Square S^ cloth. Toroulo, 18/ ',
9 Adams, Brooks. Emancipation uf Massachusetts. Snull 8'^
cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887
A'. /?. — />t'c>/:s arc sold per volume, paiiiphlcis per part or
pieec, and bids by mail or othcrzvise must be made aecording/y.
P\^o ehargc made for buying for parties nuahle to attend the sale.
Books are guaranteed as eatalogued, in good second-hand condition.
Imperfect books {not so described) may be returned.
In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold.
A'BI^XKETT, GiLRERT Abbott. Comic History of Vav^-
land. \\"\\\\ 20 colored etchings and 200 wood-cuts by
John Leech. S° lialf calf extra.
Bradbury, ]'Aan.s (.\: Co. : London.
A'Bkckett. Comic History of Rome, illustrated by John
Leech. 8' half cf. extra. Bradbury, Evans & Co. : London.
AcBOTT, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish History. Illustrations.
12° cloth. • New York, 1869
Ar.iNonoN', Ivirl of. 'Lhouj;hts on the Letter of Edmund
J'»urke, Esq., lo the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of
America, 8° stitched. O.xpra.
Acadia. Banishment and Removal of the Acadians by the
cruelty of England ; — Exile of the Acadians ; — Revivals
in Nova Scotia, iSoo; — Practical Liformation respeclin;^
New Brunswick, 7 pamphlets.
Account of a Girl of twelve Years of age, who lived on l/nd
Collier's Manor, in the Province of Lower Canada, who was
converted U) the love of God in a wonderful matincr. it/'
paper. Printed for the Purchaser, 1815
Account of a Journey to Ni.igara, Montreal and Quebec in
1765, or 'tis Eighty Years Since. 8" half morocco.
New York, 10,16
AcDiwN Leaves; a Series of Can;uli.in 'i'ak-s. By Nell Gwynnr.
Square 8^ cloth. Toronlo, 10/ •;
Adams, Brooks, Emancipation of Massaciiusclts. Small 8"
cloth, uncut, Boston, 1887
10 Adams, Rev, John. Poems on several Occasions, original and
translated. 8° sheep. Boston, 1745
11 Adams, W. H. D. Concordance to the Plays of Shakespeare.
Portraits. S'' cloth, uncut. London, 18S6
12 Adams. Windsor Castle and the water-way thither. 74 illus-
trations in the te.xt and 12 full-page water colour sketches
after F. Jones. 4° cloth. London, 1880
13 Adamson, John. Account of the Discovery at Hexham, in the
County of Northumberland, of a brass vessel containing a
number of the Anglo-Saxon Coins called Stycas. Plates.
4° paper. (Excerpt from the publications of the Society of
Antiquaries, 1S33.)
14 Addison, Joseph. Criticism and Notes upon the Twelve
Books of Paradise Lost ; with the Beauties of the Poem.
12° sheep. (Binding cracked.) London.
15 Addisox. Sir Roger de Coverly. Reprinted from the Spec
talor. IIKislrations by C. O. Murray. Square 8° cloth.
i6 /Lsi.irus Phrygis, et Aliorum Fabuke. Tine uncut copy of a
very rare edition. Small 8° half sheep.
Apud Seb, Gryphium : Lugduni, 1542
I 7 /^E.s<jpus Phrygis. Vita et Fabula; (Graice), plures et emenda-
tiores, ex vetustissiu)o codice bibliothecaj Regiae. 4'^ old
tuorocco. (Stained.) J\ob. Slephani : Lutetis, 1540
rS /Esop. Select P'ables of Esop and other Fabulists, in three
books. Baskerville's fine edition, with plates by (jrignion.
Small 8° calf. (Somewhat foxed.)
John Baskervillc ; Birmingham, 1764
19 Agincourt, Seroux d'. History of Art by its Monuments,
from its Decline in the Fourth Century to its Restoration
in the Sixteenth. Translated from the French by Owen
Jones. With 3,835 subjects on 328 plates. Architecture.
Sculpture, Painting, etc. 3 vols, in i, royal folio, half
crimson mor., uncut edges, gilt top. Fine copy. Lond., 1847
20 Agnel, Ii^mile. Manuel General des Assurances. 12° half
morocco. Paris, 1861
21 Agriculture and I-'isheries of Canada. Paniphlets relating
to. (20)
22 AiNSW^ORTH, W. IL Windsor Castle, an historical Romance.
Frontispieces by George Ouikshank. 3 vols, in i, small
cloth. London, 1S43
Fine copy of t'nc origip.al tiliiion. Portrait, autograph letter, and an
ex libris of the anlhur inscrtcti.
23 Ai.ciATi. Les Embltimes de maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime
francoyse. W'iih f 22 woodcuts. i2°siieep. Rare edition.
\\'cchel : Paris, 1539
24 Alciati. Les Eniblemes da Maistre Andte Alciat, puis
nagueres augmentez par le diet Alciat et mis in rime fran-
^oise, avec curieuse correction. With 115 emblems
engraved on wood. 12° elegantly bound in La Valliere
morocco, gilt ornaments on the sides, inside border, gilt
edges, by Chambolle Duru. Christien Wechel : Paris, 1542
Heaiitit'ul copy, with Latin and French texts, printed in italici=, with
two additional plates of emblems.
With " temoins." 162 mil!.
25 Alciati. Diverse Imprese accomodate a diverse moralita, con-
versi che i loro significati dichiarano. Tratta da gli Emblemi
deir Alciato. 144 pages, with engraved border and wood-
cut on each page. Small 8° full crimson crushed levant
morocco, gilt edges, inside borders, by Belz Niedr^e.
Gulielmo Rovillio : Lione, 1549
Second edition of the Italian version. A superb copy and very
rare. The wood engravings, which are beautifully executed, are signed
r. V.
26 Alciati. Andrea Alciati and his Books of F.mblems, a bio-
graphical and bibliographical study. By Henry Green.
Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1S72
27 Aldine (The), a Typograpiiica! Art Journal. Vols. 6,7, H.
Numerous fine illustrations. 3 vols, folio, half morocco.
New York, 1873-76
28 Qlltiuo. Petrarcha, Francesco. Le Cose volgari de Messer
Francesco Petrarca. 12° vellum, (The first and last leaves
slightly wormed and some leaves loose, otherwise a good
copy.) Impresso nelle case d'Aldo Romano : Vinegia, 1501
An important rarity in more than one respect. It is the first edition of
Petrarch published by Aldus, the first Italian book printed in italic
ivpe, and it is greatly prized as having been printed accurately from j.n
original manuscript in the posse.ssion of Cardinal Bemlio.
The above copy has the scarce leaf containing the sonnets ag:iin>i
the Roman court, whicii are often cut out from this as well as other
early editions. This copy also contains tlie scarce \indication of Aldus,
added after the publication of the work.
29 Aldus. Martialis Epigrammata. Fine large copy of this rare
book. 16" bound by Bozerian jeune, in full blue straight
grained morocco extra, back and sides richly tooled, gilt
edges. In Aedibus Aldi : Venetiis, 1501
30 Aldus. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. 12° in a fine contem-
porary Italian morocco binding, gilt back and sides, gauf-
fered edges. In /Edibus Aldi: Venetiis, 1502
31 Aldus. Stephanus (Byzantinus) de Urbibus (Gracce, cum
Praef. J. Taberius). Small folio, half russia.
Apud Aldum Romanum: Venetiis, 1502
First edition, without the Anchor at the end. Fine copy and very
3? Aldus. Pontani Opera. Vrania, sine de Stellis libri quinq.;
Meleororutn liber unus, etc. Fine copy. 2 vols, in i, 12°
tuU morocco, gilt edges, vvitli the Aldine anchor stamped in
gold on the sides. In Aedibus Aldi Ro.: Venetiis, 1505
1,3 Aldus. L. Coelii Lactantii I''irmiani diuinarum institutionum
Libri septem (cura J. li. Ignatiu.s) ; — TertulHani Apologeii-
lus. J5oimd together, 'i'hick 12"^ paper.
In Aedibus Aldi et Andrea? Soceri : Veneiiis, 1515
34 Aldus. Lnciani Opuscula Erasnio Roterdamo interprete. 'Vok-
arins, sine de Amicitia. Alexander, qui et Pseudomanlis,
etc. 12'' boards. Very rare, according to Renouard.
In Aedibus Aldi et Andrece Soceri: Venetiis, 1516
35 Aldus. Nervae et Traiani, atq.; Adriani Crcsarum vitte ex
Uione, Georgio Merulo interprete. 12° old morocco, gilt
back and sides, gilt edges. In Aedibus Aldi : Venetiis,i5 tg
36 Aldus. Commentarius Pauli IManutii in Epistolas M. Tullii
Ciceronis ad M. Junium Lrutum, et ad Q. Ciceronem fra-
Irem, 1557 ; — ■ Orthographiae Ratio ab Aide Manutio Pauli
]•'. collecta, 1561. in one volume, i6° calf.
(Aldus) Venetiis, i557-.<ji
37 Alexander, James E. L'Acadie ; or, seven years' e.\plora-
tions in British America. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12° cloth.
London, 1849
38 Alex.'VNDer. Transatlantic Sketches, comprising visits to the
most interesting scenes in North and South America and
West Indies, with notes on negro slavery and Canadian
emigration. Etchings by Heath. 2 vols. 8° cloth.
New York, 1833
39 Allardvce, Paul. " Stops," or how to punctuate. 16° paper.
London, 1884
40 Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British Navy. Portrait. 2
vols. 12° cloth, uncut. i3ohn : London, 1864
41 Allen. Narrative of Ethan Allen's Captivity. Written by
himself. 16° cloth. Burlington, 1846
42 Alline, Henry. Two Mites on some of the most important
and much disputed points of divinity. 12° sheep.
A. Henry: Halifax, 1781
Very rare Halifax imprint. Unknown to Sabin.
43 Allirone, S. Austin. Critical Dictionary of English Litera-
ture and American autliors, living and deceased. 3 vols,
imperial 8° cloth. Phila., 1886
44 ^Imanacl) Perpetuus exactissime nuper emedalu omniii celi-
mortuum cum additionib. in eo factis tenens complementum
4° original stamped calf. (Broken.) S. L., 15 13
45 Almanack for the year 1761, by Nathaniel Ames. With a
Poetical verse upon the Conquest of Canada. 16°
stitched. Boston.
46 Almanacs. Merchants' and Farmers,' i8f;5, 1858, and 1862.
(3) ' St. John, N. B.
47 Almanacs. Montreal Almanack and Lower Canada Register,
1829 ; — Family Christian Almanac, 1848. (2) Montreal.
48 Almanacs. Almanach Ecclesiastique et Civil de Quebec,
1846 ; — Le Petit Almanach du Bas-Canada, 1858. (2)
49 Almanacs. Vennor's Weather Almanac, 1877, 1882 and
1883 ; — Scobie and Balfour's Canadian Almanacs, 1849 and
1852, etc. (9) Toronto.
50 Amberly, Viscount. An Analysis of Religious Belief. 8"
cloth. New York.
51 American Forts. A set of 30 Plans and Forts in America.
Reduced from actual surveys, 1765. Square 16° bound
by F. Bedford, in full crimson levant morocco extra, gilt
edges, inside borders. London, 1765
A collection of great rarity and in the best possible condition.
Comprises plans of New York, Albany, Montreal, Louisburg, Ticon-
deroga, Fort George, Fort* Saratoga, Crown Point, etc.
52 American Magazine and Monthly Chronicle for the British
Colonies. Vol. i,from October, 1757, to October, 1758,
inclusive. By a Society of Gentlemen. S° half sheep.
(Top of title cut ofT, and binding broken.)
Printed by W. Bradford : Phila.
53 American Naval Battles; being a complete history of the
Battles fought by the Navy of the United States, from its
establishment in 1794, to the present time. Plates. 8''
sheep. Boston, 183 1
54 A.merican (The) Traveller; being a New Historical Collec-
tion. Carefully Compiled from Original Memoirs in sev-
eral Languages, and the most authentic Voyages and
I'ravels, containing a complete Account of that Part of the
World now called the West Indies, from its Discovery by
Columbus to the present time. Illustrated with the Heads
of the most Eminent Admirals, etc., etc. 12° full calf.
London, 1743
55 American Wanderer through various parts of Europe, in a
Series of Letters to a Lady. By a Virginian, Small 8^
calf. Dublin, 1783
56 Amours (Les) de Pistion et de Fortunie. Tiroes du voyage
de Canada dicte France Nouvelle, a la Royne Marguerite.
18° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. (Some leaves
apparently missing at the end.) • Paris, 1606
Du Fosse, in cataloguing a copy of this book as a "Rarissime, "
states that he had a special search made in all the libraries of Paris
and no other copy could be found.
57 Anacreontis (Teij) Odae, ab Henrico Stephauo, luce at Lat-
initate nunc primum clonatas. 8° calf. (Cracked.)
Apud Henricum Stephanum, 1554
Clean copy of the edito princeps.
According to Mattaire this was printed by S. Etienne when he was
only 26 years of age. It is extremely rare and Mr. Quaritch gave
,,^io IDS. for the Sunderland copy, and ,^8 Ss. for the Beckford one.
The above is a very interesting copy, and probably belonged to Queen
Mary, as the binding is tooled on the back in gold with the royal
crown and the rose of England, alternately, while at the bottom arc
the initials M. R. On the title page is a contemporary autograph,
" Franciscus Rassius Chirurgus, 1 555," and further down, "Ex D. Tal;£J
dono, 1555," also in red ink and in a later hand, " Dedit J. Fabricio."
58 Anacreontis. Carmina cum Saphonis et Alcsi fragmentis,
Gr. 32° full old red morocco extra. Edinburgi, 1754
Printed entirely on silk taffeta. Only a very few copies were so
59 Anacreon. Odes of Anacreon of Teos, literally translated
into English Prose, with Notes, by Rev. Thomas Gilpin,
Portrait. 8° boards, uncut. York, 1806
60 Ancient and Modern Familiar Quotations from Greek, Latin,
and Modern Languages. Translated into English, with
index. 8° half morocco. Phila., 1833
61 Anderson, E. L. How to Ride and School a Horse. With a
System of Horse Gymnastics. 12"^ cloth, uncut.
London, 1881
62 Anderson, W. J. Life of Field-Marshal H. R. H. Eldward,
Duke of Kent, illustrated by his correspondence with the
De Salaberry family, never before published, extending from
1791 to 1S14. 8° cloth. Ottawa, 1870
63 Andrews, John. History of the War with America, France,
Spain, and Holland, from 1775 to 1783. Vols, 2, 3, 4
(2 copies). 4 vols. 8° calf. (Portraits missing.) London, 1786
64 Anneslv, J. Memoirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman,
returned from Thirteen Years Slavery in America, where he
was sent by the wicked contrivance of his cruel uncle.
Both parts. 2 vols. 12° old calf. London, 1742-43
One of the most curious and romantic cases in the Peerage. James
Annesly, Marquis of Annesly, was kidnapped while a child, and sold
as a slave or bond servant in this country, from which he returned after
thirteen years of labor, and recovered his estates after one of the
greatest law-suits that has ever been tried. The volume contains nuicli
concerning colonial life and manners in America, and the whole story
is the basis of Scott's Guy Mannering, Charles Reade's Wandering
Heir, and a portion of Smollett's Peregrine Pickle. .
65 Anneslv. The Case of the Honorable James Annesly,
Esq. Being a Sequel to the Memoirs of an Unfortunate
Young Nobleman. 12° old calf. London, 1745
66 Annuaire de LTnstitut Canadien de Quebec. Nos. 1-9,
1874-82. 9 vols. 8° paper. Quebec.
AH published. Historical Essays by best Canadian writers,
67 Anspach, Lewis A. History of the Island of Newfoundland.
Containing a description of the island, the banks, the fish-
eries and trade of Newfoundland and the Coast of Labra-
dor. 2 maps. 8° half morocco. London, 1819
6S Antidote against Melancholy. Compounded of Choice Poems,
Jovial Songs, Merry Ballads, and Witty Parodies, most
pleasant and diverting to read. Small 4° paper, uncut.
New York, 18S4
69 !!^tttonius, St. (Archbishop of Florence). Tractatus Notabilis
de Excoicationibus Suspecionibus JInterdictis Irregulitativ,
etc. JBlacli Cxttev. Printed in double columns on 135
leaves. 4°. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet in polished
crushed levant morocco, sage color, inside gold borders,
edges gilt on marble. Venetiis, ductu et impensis Johannis
de Colonia agripinesi ac Johanis Mathen et Gherretzem, 1474
Excessively rare, and iu magnificent condition, with broad margins-
This was the Yeminez copy and has inserted the bookplate of that col-
lection. The volume is one of the first books printed with signatures
by John de Cologne and John Manthen de Geretzen, who were the
first to use them in Venice and in 1174.
70 '^^ipionns. Cosmographicus Liber Petjri Apiani Mathematici
studiosecollectus. Clack CcUcr. Numerous cosmographical
plates, some with revolving diagrams, globe on title, and
arms on verso of title. Small 4° boards (slightly wormed}_.
J. Weyssenburger : Landshut, 1J24
Very rare black letter and a fine copy of the first edition of the " Cos-
mography " of Apianus. This, from MS. on the title, was at one time
m the possessioniof an Augustinian monastery. The wood-cut of the
globe on the title and the arms of the Cardinal Archbishop of Saltz-
burg, are printed from wood blocks in two colors, black and red. This
is a very early specimen of block printing in colors. On page second
is a globe with the word " Ameri" on an island. There are several
revolving diagrams, some on earlier printed matter — That on page 6 ;
contains the word " Anrerica." On page 69 the fourth chapter begins
in Latin with, " America, which is now called the fourth part of the
world, took its name from Americas Vespuccio, who discovered it; and
it is called an island for the reason that it is surrounded with water."'
7 1 Appel de I'Angleterre touchant la secrete Cabale ou Assem-
blee a VVithael k et envers le grand conseil de la nation,
Amsterdam, 1673 ; — Comparatio inter Claudium Tiberiuni
Principetii, el Olivariuni Cromwellium instituta, 1657.
Bound in i vol. Small 4° vellum.
72 Appletox, Nathaniel. Thanksgiving Sermon on the total
Repeal of the Stamp Act, Cambridge, May 20, 1766. 8'^
stitched, uncut. Boston, 1766
73 ArOLLONius, L. Levini Apollonii, Gandobruani, de Peruvian
Regionis, inter Navis Orbis prouincias celeberrimog, inuen-
tione, et rebus in eadem gestis. With the scarce wood cut
map. 12° stamped pigskin. Antverpias, ic^G-j
An account of the discovery of Peru and the wars with the Incas.
74 Arabian Nights, The Book of the Thousand Nights and One
Night. Now first completely done into English prose and
verse, from the original Arabic. By John Payne. With 2 1
etchings by A. Lalauze. India proofs. 9 vols, full vellum
gilt, uncut edges. London, 1884
Holland Paper copy. Only 500 copies printed.
75 Arabian Nights. Lady Burton's edition of her husband's
Arabian Nights. Translated literally from the Arabic.
Prepared for household reading by A. H. McCarthy. 2
portraits. 6 vols. S° full vellum extra, uncut edges, gilt
lops. London, 1886
76 Arabian Nights. Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Cal-
cutta (18 1 4-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights
and One Night not occurring in the other printed texts of
the work, now first done into English by John Payne. 3
vols. S"^ vellum extra, uncut edges, gilt tops. Only a limited
number privately printed for the Villon Society.
London, 1884
77 ARCH.EOLOGiCAT,. Stonc Implements and Fragments of Pottery
from Canada; — Work in Mound Exploration of the Bureau
of Ethnology, by Cyrus Thomas ; — Problem of the Ohio
Mounds ; — Perforated Stones from California, by Henry
W. Henshaw ; — Use of Gold and other metals among the
Ancient Inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Uarien, by W.
H. Holmes ; — Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru. 6 pamph-
78 Argumentum AntiNormanicum ; or, an ■ Argument proving
from Ancient Histories and Records that William Duke of
Normandy made no Absolute Conquest of England by the
Sword, in the Sense of our Modern Writers. First edition.
Frontispiece. 8'^ old calf. London, 16S2
79 Ariosto, Lodovico. Comedia di Lodovico Ariosto intitolata
Cassaria. First authorized edition, with a wood-cut border
on the title. An elegant copy. 16° bound in full crimson
levant morocco extra, gilt ornament on the sides, gilt edges,
by Hardv-Mesnil. Venetia, 1552
One of the best editions in verse (Ganiba).
80 Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Baskerville's fine edition,
illustrated with the series of fine plates engraved by
Hartolozzi. 4 vols, royal 8° calf. (Vol. i slightly imperfect.)
Baskerville: Birmingham, 1773
81 ARiSTOTEt.is Stagiritae Oeconomicorum seu de Re Farailiari
Libri duo ; Bernardino Donato Veronensi interprete, Parisiis,
1541; — Galeni Medicorum principis exhortatio ad bonas
arteis. De oplimo docendi genere et qual^ oporteat esse
medicfi. D. Erasmo Roterodamo interprete. Parisiis
apud Jodocum Badium, 1526. In i vol. 16° half calf.
82 Armstrong, Dr. L'tconomie dc IWniour un Traduction p^r
Bibliophile Fantaisiste. Illustrations de F. Fau. 8° paper,
uncut. Faris' 1S8G
83 Armstrong, General. Hints to Young Generals. iS° half
roan. Kingsto^i, 1812
84 Arnauld. Me'inoires de M. I'abbd Arnauld, contenant quel-
ques anecdotes de la Cour de France, depuis 1634 jusqu'a
'673. 3 vols in I, fine copy, elegantly bound by Tkauiz-
Bauzonxet in full polished crushed levant morocco extra,
inside borders, gilt edges. Amsterdam, 1756
85 Art (L) Revue Bi-Mensuelle illustree. Vol. I. With 24 fine
etchings and numerous engravings on wood. Large foH^,
in parts. Paris, 18SS
86 Art Age. Illustrations. 9 odd numbers. New York.
87 .\rt Journal, 1S49 : — Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue, 1857.
Numerous steel plates and wood-cuts. 2 \'ols. folio, half
calf, (i vol. broken and imperfect.) London, 1S48-51
88 .-\UT Treasures of England. The Masterpieces of the best
English, Irish and Scottish Painters and Sculptors, repre-
sented by 100 fine steel engravings, with biographical and
descriptive text. Edited by J. Vernon ^^'hittaker. Folio,
in the original parts. Phila., 1875
89 Ashe, T. Travels in America, performed in 1S06, for the pur-
pose of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, ^^onongahel3,
Ohio and Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce anrj
Condition of tlicir Pnnks and Viciniiy. Small 8^ half
morocco. New York, iSi t
90 Ashley, John. Supplement to the second part of the memoirs
of, concerning the trade and revenues of the British Colo-
nies in America, on Taxes upon Sugar. i;° stitched,
uncut. London, 174 j
91 Ashton, John. Social Life in the Rtign of Queen Anne, taken
from original Sources. Numerous illustrations. 8° cloth,
uncut. London, 18S3
92 AspiNWALL, James. Roscoe's Library; or. old books and old
times. 12" cloth. London, 1853
93 ArKixsoK, Rev. Christopher. The Emigrant's Guide (o New
Brunswick, British North .Vmcrica. Portrait. 16° cloth.
Berwick upon-Twced, 1847
94 Atkinsov, \\'. (". Historical and Statistical .Account of New
Brunswick, B. N. A. With .Achice to f'anigrants. 18° em-
bossed morocco. I'.ditiburgh, iSji
95 Autographic Mirror. Iiiedil'jd autugraplii of illuitrioua ;ind
distinguished men of past and present times. Large folio,
cloth. London,
96 AvissE. Oiuvres d'Avisse, Aveugle, Membre de Tlnstitute des
Aveugles-Travailleurs. Second edition. 12° polished calf,
gilt edges, bj^ Bauzonnet.
De rimprimerie du Musde dcs Aveuglcs : (Paris) 180S
By the celebrated blind teacher of the blind ia Paris.
9; Ayeks, J. li. Every Man his Own Doctor: a family medic;U
adviser, containing knowledge that will promote health,
cure disease and prolong life, describing all diseases, and
teaching how to cure them by the simplest medicines.
Illustrations. 8° cloth. Montreal, 18S1
98 AvTOUN, W. E. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other
Poems. With illustrations by J. N. Paton and W. H. Paton.
4° full morocco super extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1863
99 |__>ACK, C.^i'TAiN. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedi-
jj tion to the Mouth of the Great Eish River, and
along tl;e Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the Year.s
1833-35. Mnp and beautiful steel plates. 4' half calf,
gilt. ^ London, 1836
Large paper. Only a few copies were printed in this
100 EALLA^'TV^•i^, Robert M. Hudson's Pay; or, every-day life
in the Wilds of North America, during six years residence
in the territories of the Hudson's Bay Company. Illustra-
tions. 12° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 184S
rot Bacqueville de la Potherie. Histoirc de I'Amerique Septcn-
trionale. Contenant le voyage du Port Nelson, le gouvernc
ment de Quebec, des Trois Rivi^rs, de Montreal, 1534-1701 ;
— Histoire des Sauvages Allies de la Nouvelle France, etc.
Maps and plates. 4 vols, in 2, 12° calf. Paris, 17^2
■so: Badon-Pascal, E. Repertoire des Assurances contre I'lncen-
die ; sur la Vie, les Accidents, la Grcte, etc., 1 873-1883.
Royal 8° half morocco. Paris, 1884
103 B.MF, Jean Antoine de. Les Jeux de Jan Antoine de Baif. A
Monseigneur le Due d' Alen^on. Small 8° full dark olive
crushed levant morocco super extra, with beautifully de-
signed tooling " h petits fers " and of wonderful execution
on the sides, and fine tooling on the back, edges gilt over
carmine, inside borders, l)y CAvt.
Pour Lucas Breyer : Paris, 1573
A superb coji_. or i!.c (.^^'rUGixAL Edition. From the Double
Library. 163 mill.
T04 BULEV, N. Universal Etymological English Dictionary. S"
old c;ilf. ('Covers broken.) London, 17^3
105 Bailey. Universal Etymological Engliish Dictionary. S"*
sheep. London, 1747
106 Baillairge, F. a. Coups de Crayon, 12° paper, uncut.
Joliette, 1889
107 Baines, T. The Victoria Falls, Zambesi River. Sketched
on the spot during the journey of J. Chapman and T.
Baines. 12 large and finely colored plates. Atlas folio,
cloth. London, 1865
loS Bairu, Charles W. Jiistory of the Huguenot Emigration to
America. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut.
New York.
109 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America, in notes on American
Archaeology. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1S72
1 10 Balzac. Droll Stories collected from the Abbeys of Touraine.
425 illustrations by Gustave Dore'. Small S'' half morocco.
London, 1874
111 Balzac. After-Dinner Stories. Done into English by M.
Verelst. With an Introduction by Edgar Saltus. ir?''
{)aper. New York, 1S86
112 Bancroft, George. History of the United States of Amei-
ica, from the discovery of the continent. 6 vols. S° cloth,
gilt tops. New York, 1886
113 Bancroft, H. H. History of Central America, 1501-18S7.
Maps. 3 vols. 8° cloth. San Francisco, 1890
J 14 Baraga, R. R. B, Theoretical and practical Grammar of
the Otchipv.'e Language for the use of missionaries and
other persons living among the Indians ; — Dictionary of the
Otchipwe Language — ICnglish-Otchipv.'e and Otchipwe-
English. 3 vols, bound in one. Thick 12° half morocco.
Montreal, 1878-80
115 BORDER, J. \V. Historical Collections of the State of New
York. Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1851
116 Barbier, Ant. Alex. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes.
Troisit;me Edition, revue et augmentde par MM. Olivier
Barbier, Rene, et Paul Billard de la Biblioth^que Nationals.
4 vols, thick royal 8^ paper, uncut. Paris, 18S2
A. work of incalculable value to librarians, bibliophiles, and biblio-
graphers, as it is really a supplement to both Qucrard and lirunet.
1 17 B.'VRBOUR, John. Life and Acts of the Most Victorious Con-
queror Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. Carefully corrected
from the edition printed by Andro Hart in 1620. Black
Cetter. 4° calf. Edinburgh, 1785
Fine copy, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, with Earl
Moira's autograph.
ii8 li^RCiA, Andres Oonzules. Hisloriadures primitives de las
Indias Occidentales, que junto, traduxo en parte, a sac6 ^
lu2, ilustrados con eruditas Notas, y copiosas Indices. 3
vols, folio, boards, entirely uncut, Madrid, 1749
Very rare, the tracts having been piibli.she J separately and not col-
lected till after the author's <icaih. Many copies were destroyed and
tomplele sets are rarely found. Accoidinj; to I.eclrrc not more than
100 copies are knoun to exist.
Content.s : —
Vol. I. La Historia de D. Christoval Coliin, que coninuso eu cas-
tellaiio Don Fernando Colon, su hijo, y traduxo en toscano Alfonso de
Utloa.—Ouatro cartas de Ilernan Cortes, dirigidas al einperador Carlos
V. — Dos relaciones hechas al misino Cortes, por I'edro de Alvarado —
Utra relacion hecha al misino Cortes, por Diego de Codoy. — Relacion
.Miiimiaiia de la historia natural de las Indias . . . por Oviedo. — Exa-
inc^n apo!ogt:tico de la hist6rica narracion de los naufragios, y inilagros
dc Alvar Xiine/ Cabeza de Kaca, contra la Censura del padre Honoiio
Mlopono. — Relacion de los naufragios del gobernador Alvar Nuntz
(Jabeza de iiaca. — Cominentarios del mismo de lo sucedido durante
.-lU gobierna del Rio de la Plata.
Vol. If. Historia general de las Indias por Ft. Lopez de Gomara.
— (Chronica de la Nueva-Kspana, 6 Con<juista de Me.vico.
Vol.111. Historia del descubrimienlo y conquisia de la provincia
del I'eru . . . por Agustin de Zarate. — \'erdadera relacion de la con-
ipiista del I'eru, por Francisco de .\erez. — Historia y descubrimiento
del Rio de la Plata y Paraguay, por Schmidel, Argentma conquista del
Kio de la Plata, con otros acaecmiientos dc los regnos del Peru, Tucu-
uian.y Lslado del Brasil, por Martin del Darco cuntenera. — Viagu del
luunao, de Simon Perez de Tores.
119 Barclay's Universal English Dictionary, newly revised by B.
li. Woodward. Maps and numerous illustrations. 4" half
morocco, red edges. London.
120 l',ARLO\v, Joel. Vision of Columbus. 12° boards, uncut.
Hartford, 1787
121 Bakrow, Sir John. Voyages of Discovery and Research
within the Arctic Regions, from 18 18 to the present time.
Portrait and maps. S° cloth, tmcut. London, 1846
From the library of Charles Dickens, with his book-plate.
122 Barrow. Chronological history of Voyages into the Arctic
Regions, undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering
a North-East, North-West, or Polar Passage between the
.'\ilantic and Pacific. Map. 8° calf. London, i8i8
123 Barthe, J. G. Le Canada reconquis par la ' France. Por-
traits and illustrations. 8° half roan. Paris, 1855
124 BAkiin;. Souvenirs d'un Demi-Si^cle ou mdmoirs pour
servir a Thistoire contemporaine. 1 2° paper, uncut.
Montreal, 1S85
125 BAkri.hir, W. H. Canadian Scenery Illustrated. Text by
N. P. Willis. Numerous fine steel plates. 2 vols, in i,
imperial 8° half morocco, gilt edges. London.
126 Bartlett. Beauties of the Bosphorus ; by Miss Pardoe.
Illustrated in a series of Views of Constantinople and its
Environs, from original drawings by W. H. Bartlett. Por-
trait and numerous fine steel plates. 4'^ calf, gilt. (Bind-
ing rubbed.) London, 1S30
127 Bartlett. Pilgrim Fathers ; or, founders of New England in
the reign of James the First, Fine steel plates by \V. H,
Bartlett. &" cloth. ' London, 1864
128 Bartlett. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem.
Maps and numerous fine steel plates. Square 8" cloth.
129 Bartolozzf, and his Works. By Andrew W. Tuer. A Bio-
graphical, Anecdotal and Descriptive account of his Life
and Career, illustrated by 13 of his original engravings,
with remarks on his prints : Why Sought After; Increas-
ing Rise in Value ; Modern Reprints from Worn-out Plates
and how to Distinguish ; Falsely Tinted and how to Distin-
guish ; a list of Chopper plates known to be still in exist-
ence ; General Gossip, together with a list of upwards of
2,000, the most extensive record yet completed, of the
great engraver's works. 2 vols. 4° vellum, gilt tops, uncut
edges. London.
130 Bartolozzi and his Works. By A. W. Tuer. A bibliograph-
ical and descriptive account of ihe life and character oi
Francesco Bartolozzi. Second edition, corrected and re-
vised with additional matter. Plates. 8° vellum, uncut
edges, gilt top, with silk binders. London, 1885
Only 500 copies printed.
131 Cartolns he SojeofcrratJ. Tractatus Varii. Incipiunt trac-
tatus bar de saxo ferrato qui sua scientia leges : . . Incip-
iunt differentie inter ius canonicum et ciuile, etc. /go leaves.
Also: Disputationes dui Bar de saxo ferrato legu interpretis
et sunt numero XVIII. 46 leaves. A wonderfully fresh and
clean copy, beautifully printed in Roman characters, in dou-
ble columns, v/ith full margins, numerous neatly written
contemporary notes. Large folio, boards.
Vindel. a Spira : Venetiis, 1472
132 Bauchart, Ernest Quentin. Les Femmes Bibliophiles de
France (XVIe, XVIIe, et XVIIIe Sifecles.) With numer-
ous coat-of-arms of distinguished women bibliophiles, ex-
amples of bindings, vignettes, head and tail pieces, etc. 2
vols, imperial 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1886
Large paper. Only 300 copies printed on Holland paper.
133 Bayard, Story of the Chevalier Bayard, from the French of
the Loyal servant, M. de Berville, and others, by Edith
Walford, with notes and introduction. iG° cloth,
London, 1880
13 |. Beaubien, Henry R. Traitd sur les Lois Civiles du Bas-
Canada. 3 vols, in i. 8° sheep. Montreal, 1832
135 Beach, W. W. Indian Miscellany; containing Papers on
the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages, Religions, Tra-
ditions, and Superstitions of the American Aborigines.
Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 188S
136 Beaugrand, IL Melanges: Trois Conferences. L De
Montr<^aK\ Victoria ; 11. Le Journal ; Son origine et son
histoire ; IIL Anita: Souvenirs d'un contre-guerillas.
Illustrations. S° paper, uncut. Montreal, 188S
137 Beaugrand. Jeanne La Fileuse. Episode de i'emigra-
tion Franco-Canadienne aux Etats Unis. 8" paper, uncut.
Montreal, 18S8
138 Beaut6s de I'Histoire d'Amerique. Numerous illustrations
of Indian customs, animals, etc. 2 vols. 12° half calf.
Paris, 18 18
139 Eeattie, William. Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Views
taken expressly for this Work, by T. AUom, W. H. Bartlett,
and H. Mc Culloch. L'pvvards of 100 srcel plates and
maps. 2 vols. 4° calf. London, 183S
140 Bechard, a. Monographies, Gouverneurs, Intendants et
Eveques de la Nouvelle-France. 12° paper. Ottawa, 1880
141 Becket, II. W. The Montreal Snow Shoe Club, its history
and record, with a synopsis of the racing events of other
clubs throughout the Dominion, from 1840 to the present
time. 12° cloth. Montreal, 1882
142 Bedard, T. p. Histoire de Cinquante Ans, 1791-1841.
Annales Parlementaires, et politiques du bas Canada de-
puis la constitution jusqu'a, I'union. 8° paper, uncut.
Quebec, 1869
143 Beers, U. W. Lacrosse. The National Game of Canada.
Photographic illustrations. 12'' half calf. Montreal, 1869
144 Beleze, G. Dlctlonnaire des Noms de BaptSme. Small 8"^
russia. Paris, 1863
145 Beloe, William. Miscellanies, consisting of Poems, classical
extracts and oriental apologues. 3 vols. 16° tree calf extra,
by Kalthoeber. London, 1795
From the Hamilton Palace Library.
146 Benjamin, L. N. St. Albans Raid; or, investigation into
tl:e charges against Lieut. Burnett H. Young and Command
lor their acts at St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 19, 1864. 8° paper.
Montreal, 1865
147 Bennett, Edward. Amenities of Social Life, 16° cloth, un-
cut. London, 1887
148 Bentox, Clark. Slatements of Facts and Law, relative to the
prosecution of the Rev. Clark Benton, Protestant Mission-
ary from the London Missionary Society, for the assumption
of the office of a dissenting minister of the gospel in Que-
bec, by the King's Attorney General of Lower Canada, 8^
half roan. Troy, 1804
149 (Beraldi, Henri.) Bibliothbque d'un Bibliophile. Small 8'
paper, uncut. Only 200 copies printed. Lille, 1885
Very rare. Interesting notes.
ijo Berard. Essai Bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs,
les plus prdcieuses et les plus recherchdes, prcc(fd^ d'une
Notice sur ces Imprimeurs Cdl^bres. 8° half calf.
Paris, 1823
151 Berjeau, J. P. Early Dutch, German and English Printers'
Marks. 100 plates. Royal 8° half morocco, uncut.
London, 1866
152 Bernard's Bible Prints. Quadrins Historiques de la Bible.
Reue et augmentez d'un grand numbre de figures ; —
Figures du Nouveau Testament, With 327 wood-cuts by
Petit-Bernard. 2 vols, in i, 12° old calf. (Closely trimmed
and otherwise a rather inferior copy, but the wood-cuts are
in good condition.) Jean de Tournes : Lion, 15 5.8
153 Beroalde de Vervillc, Francois. Le J^Ioyen de Parvenir.
Q^uvre contenant la raison de tout ce qui a este', est, et
.sera ; avec demonstrations certaines et necessaires, selon
la rencontre des etiets de vertu, Et aduiendra que ceux
qui auront nez a porter lunettes s'en seruirot aiubi qu'il est
escrit au Dictionnaire h. dormir en toutes langues, S.
Imprime cette annc'e. 18° full crimson polished crushed
levant morocco super extra, three gold fillets on the sides,
the back beautifully decorated, gilt edges, inside borders,
double' with green crushed levant morocco, green silk ends.
8. L. a A. (16 10)
A superb copy of the very rare Original Edition, bound by
LoRTic. Sec Lacroix's preface to the edition of iS.}i.
154 Beroalde. Le iMoyen de Parvenir, (Euvre contenant la
raison de ce qui a etc, est et sera, avec d(fmonstrations cer-
taines et accessoires, selon la rencontre des effets da la
vertue. litude IFistorique et Litteraire, par Blavignac.
Small 8° paper. Genbve, 1S72
155 Bertellius, Petrus. Theatrum Urbium Italicarurn. 56
plates, views of cities, fortresses etc. Small oblong folio,
vellum. Venetiis, 1599
156 [Beverly, Richard.] Hibtoire de la Virginia. Par un Auteur
natif et habitant du pais. Traduit de I'Anglois. 14 plates.
12° calf. " Paris, 1707
157 Bewick. Select Fables of ^-Esop and others, in three parts.
I. Fables extracted from Dodsloy's ; 2. Fables with Reflec-
tions in Prose and Verse ; 3. Fables in Verse, to which are
prefixed the Life of yEsop, and an essay upon fable by
Oliver Goldsmith. Faithfully reprinted from the rare New-
castle edition published by T. Saint, 1784, With the ori-
ginal wood engravings by Thomas Bewick, and an illustra-
ted preface by Edwin Pearson. Small 8° cloth. London.
158 Bewick. The New Robinson Crusoe, an instructive and en-
tertaining History for the use of Children of both Sexes.
With 32 woodcuts by John Bewick, many signed. 2 vols.
12° sheep. London, iSir
159 Bewick. British Birds. Original edition. 2 vols. S" half
calf. (Imperfect.)
160 Bewick. Thomas Bewick and his Pupils. By Austin Dob-
son. 95 illustrations. Small 8° cloth. London, 18S4.
161 Beyard and Lodowick. Journal of the late Actions of the
French at Canada, by Col. Nicholas Beyard and Lieut.-Col.
Charles Lodowick, 1693. Small 4° boards, uncut. (2 copies.)
Only 150 copies printed. New York, 1868
162 BiBAUD, i\L Epitres, Satires, Chansons, Epigrammes et
autres Pieces de Vers. 12° boards, uncut. Montreal, 1830
Fine uncut copy of the earliest volume of French-Canadian Poetry.
163 BiBAun. Histoire du Canada, sous la Domination F'rangaise.
2 vols. 12° sheep. Montreal, 1843
164 BiBAUD. Revue Critique dc I'llistoire du Canada, de M.
Garneau. 12° half calf. Montreal, 1855
165 BiBAUD. Dictionnaire historique des Hommes Illustres du
Canada et de I'Amerique. 12° half mor. Montreal, 1857
166 BiBAUD. Les Institutions de 1' Histoire du Canada, ou
Annales Canadiennes jusqu'a I'an 1819. 12° half morocco.
Montreal, 1S55
167 BiBAUD. Histoire du Canada et des Canadiens, 1830-37.
12° paper. Montreal, 1878
168 BiBAUD, F. M. M. Biographic des Sagamos illustres de
I'Amerique septentrionale. S'^ paper. Montreal, 1848
169 Ciblici Sacra Catina. Indpit .• Prologus in Bibliam. In fine
Explicit Biblia ipressa Venetiis p Fraciscu de Hailbrun y
Nicolau d'franckfordia socios iviCCCCLXXVI. Blacfi
£eUct, printed in double columns on 454 leaves, 51 lines to
a full page, with signatures, but no catch-words nor numer-
als. 2 vols, in I, small folio, calf. Venetiis, 1476
Fine copy. The second Venetian edition of the Bible. Very rare,
early edition, being No. 12 on Brunet's list.
On the front page is a finelv executed broad border of birds, flowers
and frtsit painted in gold ana colors, also a lar;;e painted initial, with
miniature, representing St. Jerome kneeling.
170 Bible. La Saintc Bible, traduite sur Ics 'I'cxles origiiiiiux,
avec les differences de la Vulgate. Engraved title after
Ikrnard Picart. Small 8^ sumptuously bound by Capk in
full crushed levant morocco, super extra, sides richly tooled
with very wide dentellc borders, gilt back, inside border^,
edges entirely uncut.
Aux dcpens dc la Campagnic : Cologne, 17J';
A superb copy in an exceptional state, being entirely imrtif, and in a
rich binding, of this celebrated and rare "Jansenibte" IUIjIc, elegantly
printed from a minute type, in double columns.
171 Bible. IMacklix's Magnificent edition of the Holy Hiblc.
printed in very large and beautiful type by Bcnsloy, and
illustrated by a large series of elegant plates, engraved b\'
Bartolozzi, Sharp, Fittler, etc., from drawings by Stothard,
Opie, Westall, Smirke and other distinguished Britisli
artists. Somewhat worn in the binding, but a beautiful
copy inside, witli fine impressions. 6 vols, thick atlas folio,
full russia extra, gilt edges. London, 1800
172 BiBLiA Pauperum. Bible des Pauvres, reproduite en fac-
similie sur Texemplaire de la Bibliothl-que Nationale par
Adam Pilinski. Reproduction, on antique paper, of the
Biblia Pauperum printed from the blocks. Folio, boards.
Only 100 copies printed. Paris, 1883
173 Bibliophile Frangais (Le) Gazette Illustre'e des Amateurs
des Livres, d'Estampes et de Haute Curiosite. Profusely
illustrated with portraits of distinguished bibliopiiiles, fac-
similes of bindings, title-pages, etc., also numerous illustra-
tions in the text of coat armor, bindings, etc. 7 vols,
imperial 8° in half crushed levant niorocco, uncut edges,
gilt tops. Paris, 18G8-73
A beautiful set of this valuable and now scarce publication, printed
from type on laid paper.
174 BiBLiOTHECA Americana; or, a chronological catalogue of the
most curious and interesting books, pamphlets, state papers,
upon the subject of North and South America, from the
earliest period to the present, in print and manuscript. 4°
boards, uncut. London, 1739
175 BiBLiOTHEQUE Aine'ricaine. Collection d'une Amateur
de Livres anciens et modernes, histoire, histoire naturcllc,
linguistiquc, dont la vcnte sa fera le lundi 13 Janvier, 1873.
Priced in ink. 8' half morocco. Pari6, 1873
176 BiBLiOTHECA Sundcrlaudiana. Sale Catalogue of the truly
important and very extensive I^ibrary of Printed P>ook.-,
known as the Sunderland or Blenheim Library, comjirising
a jcmarkable collection of the (ircck and Roman classic
writers in first, early and rare editions, early printed Bibles,
etc. Large paper, with printed lists of prices. 5 vols,
imperial 8" cloth, uncut. London, 18S1-3
177 Bigot. Discours du Procureur General en Presentant les
Arre'ts du conseil et lettres patentes concernant I'Affaire du
Canada le iS Decenibre 1761. pp. 51, 4° stitched.
(Paris, 176:!)
17S BinoT. J ugenicnt rendu en dernier Ressort dans I'affaire du
Canada, du 10 Decembre, 1763. 4'' stitched. Paris, 176.*,
179 BiGSBV, John J. Shoe and Canoe ; or, Pictures of Travel in
the Canadas, illustrative of their scenery and of colonial
life. Numerous plates and nmps. 2 vols, in i, 12° cloth.
London, 1850
Ill this department only books bound by the old French and Italian
masters, and biiiding.s of liistorlcal value, and books from celcbraled
collections will be found.
Hooks bound by modern binders, including, Trautz-Bauzonnef, 'J'hou-
vcnin, Chambolle-Duru, Thibaron, llardy-Mesnil, Lortic, Cape, Clark,
Masson-Dcbonelle, Ilozerian, Alio, Bedford, Thompson, Matthews and
others, will be found under the names of the authors of the respective
180 Anne, Queen. Collection of the Statutes now in force, rela-
ting to High Treason and Misprison of High Treason.
12° old blue morocco e.\tra, gilt edges, with Queen Anne's
iSi Baskerville Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old
^J'eslanient and the New. An elegant copy of Baskervillc's
edition. Large thick folio, sumptuously bound in full old
red morocco super e.xtra, with broad dentelle borders on
sides, with fan corners and large rosettes in the centre, in-
laid with blue morocco, gilt edges.
John Baskerville : Cambridge, 1763
182 BiLSTONE, J. Sermons before the University of Oxford. Old
purple morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. Fine copy.
London, 1749
I S3 BuvEK. Bouterouc, Claude. Kecherches curieuses des
IMonoyes de France depuis le commencement de la
Monarchic. Numerous plates. Large paper. Large folio,
full wrinkled morocco, three gilt fillets on the sides, tooled
back, gilt edges, inside borders. Paris, 1666
Magnificent example of a Foyer binding, from the libraries of the
Due de la Valliere and I'rince Kazdivill.
184 Bover (Double'). Instructions theologiques et morales sur les
Sacremens, par feu Monsieur Nicole. 2 vols. 16° old morocco,
double, inside borders, gilt edges, by Bover. La Haye, 1707
185 Chalon. Juvenalis, Auli Persii Flacci Salyrac. <i oldcilron
morocco extra, gilt edges. (Title and a few leaves mil-
dewed.) Lugd. Bat., 1648
Rich 17th centuiy binding, back and .sides richly tooled, witli the
arms of the city of Chalon-sur-Saonc.
186 Chalox. Annaeus Senecce Tragoedioe. Cum Notis Tii.
Farnabii. 16° full morocco extra, gilt edges, Amsterdam!.
A 17th century binding, with the arms of the city of Chalon, and
date, 1656.
For a fac-siniile of a similar binding see plate 93 Brunet Reliurt-
157 Charles I. Scioppii, G. Scaliger Hypobolimasus, hoc e.st
Elenchus Epistolae Josephi Burdonis pseudo Scaligeri. 4 '
old red morocco extra, gilt edges. Moguntiae, 1607
King Charles I's Copy, with his mark, the letter C, entwined and
Clowned, stamped in gold on the back and sides.
Books from Charles First's library very seldom occnr for sale, jnost
of his books having been dispersed or destroyed with his other posses-
.-iions, in the revolution. The above copy is from the Sunderland
Library, lias notes from prominent bibliographers on tly leaf bearing
on its rarity and value.
158 CifOiSEUL. Martial. Les Poesies de Martial de Paris dit
d'Auvergne. 2 vols. 12^ old red morocco, fillets on sides,
gilt back and edges. Paris, 1733
Fine specimen, with the arms of Archbishop Choiseul-Deauprc.
189 Clement X (Pope). Congregatione sacrorum ritum, beatifica-
tionis Rob, Card. Bellarmini, positio super dubio. Folio,
richly bound in old red morocco, the sides richly tooled in
compartments, gilt edges. Ronio^, 1675
Wh\\ tiie arms of Pope ('lament X.
190 Colbert. Dondinus, Gulielmus. Historia de Rebus in
Gallia Gestis. Fine copy with large copper plates. Large-
folio, full morocco extra, gilt edges, by Boyer. Roma, 167 5
From the library of J. 15. Colbert (I^ouis XIV's Minister), his arms in
gold on the sides, and monograms and crown on the back.
191 Colbert. AUatius, L. De utriusque Ecclesia Occidentalis
atque Orientalis de Purgatorio Consensione. Fine copy.
8° red morocco, with Colbert arms in gold on sides,
by Boyer. ('Marked on title : Bibliotheca Colbertiana.)
Romae, 1655
192 Colbert. Piscatoris J. Commentarii in omnes Libros Veteris
et Novi Testamenti. Fine copy. 5 vols, in 3, folio, old
red morocco, with the Colbert arms in gold on sides, by
Boyer. Herborna*, 1643-58
193 CoNDE. Artemidori Daldiani Philosophi, etc. De Somni-
oriim Interpretatione, libri quinq a 1 Cornario, etc. llaiul-
soniely printed in large type from the press of Froben.
Square 12" old citron morocco, gilt, with arms of the great
Conde. Easilia", 1544
I'^rom the library of the great Coiidc, Marshal of France.
194 CoNDE. Salasar, Ambr. de. Miroir general de la gramaire
en dialogues, pour scauoir parfaitement lalangue espagnole,
avec aucunes histoires gracieuses et sentences notables (en
fran^ais et en espagnol). Engraved title, 12° in the ori-
ginal morocco binding, gilt back and sides. Royen, 1615
Scarce specimen, with the arms of the great Conde.
195 Di.ROME. L'Esprit de J. C. sur la tolerance pour sevir de
rcponse !i plusieurs tcrils de ce temps sur la meme mati^re
et p.T.rticulierement a I'apblogie de Louis XIV sur la revo-
cation de edit de Nantes et a la dissertation sur massacre de
la Saint-Barlhelemi (par V. G. de la Broue.) 8° finely
hound by Derome in red morocco, dentelle borders " i
petits fers " coat of arms on sides, gilt edges. S. L., 1760
196 Derome. Charron. De la Sagesse, trois livres. Engraved
title. 18° full red morocco, 3 fillets on the sides, tooled
back, silk ends, gilt edges, by Derome.
Chez Jean Elsevier: Leide, n. d.
Fine specimen of Derome's binding, in perfect condition, and a rare
Elzevir, with large margins.
197 De Thou. Aurelius Victor ex Bibliotheca A. Schotti. 32°
old red morocco extra, gilt edges, with the arms of Thuanus
within foliage stamped in gold on sides, and his monogram
and bee on back, bound by Eve.
(Heidelbergae) H. Commelinus, 1596
An excellent specimen of the arms of the celebrated bibliophile. The
copy is also from the Hamilton Palace Library.
198 Du Seuii.. La Sagesse de Salomon, paraphras^e par M.
Guillebo. Engraved title. 12° full old red morocco extra.
Paris, 1635
A beautiful specimen of a genuine iJu Seuil binding; the panels on
the back are tooled in a geometrical pattern, surrounded by dotted gold,
the sides are in compartments formed by gold fillets and dotted lines,
with small pointille ornaments in the corners, the edges are gauffered
gilt, and painted in an e.\quisite manner.
199 Du Seuil. Psalmi Davidis Vulgata Editione. S° old red
morocco, gilt edges. Parisiis, 1581
A genuine De Seuil binding in exceptional condition, with elaljor-
atfcly tooled back, the panels in compartments formed by gold lillets,
anil a beautiful centre ornament " a [>eiits fers." (lenuine Du Seuils
are of extreme rarity.
200 Du Seuil. France, Abbe de. Conduite chre'tienne adresse'c
h son A. R. Madame de Guise, par le R. P. Dom Armand
Jean ancien abbe' de la Maison-Dieu, M. D. de la Trappe.
12° old red morocco extra, gilt edges, in the Du Seuil
manner. Paris, 1697
201 Embroidered Binding. Book of Common Prayer 1642; —
Bible (including Apocrypha), 164 1 ; — Psalmes in Meeter,
with music, 1642. In i vol. 8°, fine copies, ruled through-
out in red, and bound in the original silk cover, embroi-
dered with colored flowers and silver lace, gilt edges.
London, 1641-4?
202 Embroidered Binding. Holy Bible, containing the Old
Testament and the New, Newly translated out of the ori-
ginal tongues and with the former translations diligently
compared and revised. Engraved title. Thick 4° in a
unique contemporary embroidered silver cord binding, gilt
edges. Robert Barker : London, 1637
203 Edward VL Aristotelis de Arte Rhetorica et de Poetica,
Groece. Small 4° full brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by
Clark and Bedford. B. Zanetti : Venetiis, 1536
Edward Vlih's copy, with his autograph E. R. and his motto " Crux
Christi clavis Coeli " in his hand-writing; it subsequently belonged to
Thomas Taylor, the Platonist, and has his autograph signature and
note on the King's motto on title. Books from Edward VI' Library
are among the rarest of provenances.
204 English. Patrick, Bp. S. Devout Christian. Frontispiece
and plate. 12° very fine copy, in old English red morocco,
very tastefully covered with gold tooling and variegated
leather, gilt edges. London, 1676
This elegant specimen of contemporary binding was executed for T.
Flatman, the poet's daughter, whose autograph " Hannah Flatman,
1675-6" is inscribed on tly-leaf.
205 EvE. I Salmi di David. Tradotti dalla Lingua Hebrea nella
Italiana, Diuisi in cinque parti. Di nuouo ricorretti ed
emendati. In the original Eve morocco binding, gilt
edges. Paris, 1588
Marguerite de Valois' copy, in a beautiful binding by Clevis Eve,
the sides and back entirely covered with marguerites, her arms on the
front cover and her motto, Spes mea (Deus), on the back. A very rare
and desirable specimen.
On the last leaf is an autograph motto of two lines in the hand-
writing of Catherine de Medicis, wife of Henri II and mother ot
Marguerite de Valois.
The engraved title-page has the monograms of Queen Catherine
(both styles) and Henri If, a peculiarity nf special interest.
206 Eve. Vias. Sylviae Regiae Balthasaris de Vias. 4" old calf
super extra, gilt edges. Lutetian, 1623
Clovis Eve bindir.g, willi om.uncutalujn " a petits fers ; " the sides
are tooled in two compartments ; with a double fringe of dentelles
around the lines ; the inner frame contains a losange figure, composed
of floriated ornaments, with numerous series of fleur-de-lys, in the
vacant space. A very curious specimen.
207 Eve. II Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, Nuova-
mente corretto per Messer Antonio liruccioli. 18° old red
morocco super extra, gilt edges. Venetia, 1542
The Turner copy.
An elegant example, by Nicolas Eve, in perfect preservation.
The sides and back are entirely covered with geometrical rolls and
branches of foliage of the most delicate execution and of a beautiful
design. Sold at the Turner sale for 1,020 francs.
20S Eve. Prophdtie de Daniel, saincte et admirable, interprcl(fe
du regne et de la mort du chef des hdretiques qui se prt^tend
Roy de Navarre, et veut envahir la couronne de France.
D^did il Monseigneur le Due de Mercosur et de Penthieuvre,
Fair de France, etc. S"" old red morocco binding, gill
edges. Tholose, 1591
Fii\e specimen of a Clovis Eve binding, the sides richly tooled in
compartments in a geometrical design of a beautiful pattern, entirely
covering the panels. Aside from its value as a fine specimen of bind-
ing, the book is very curious and valuable, and very rare, lirunet only
records the sale of one copy since 1819.
209 Eve. Nomocanon Photii, cum Commentariis Theodori Lal-
samonis. 4° old red morocco, gilt edges. Lutetiae Par., 1615
Magnificent Clovis Eve binding of the Louis XIII period, with the
a.rms of a Prince Royal, the sides entirely covered with gilding, con-
sisting of four rows of geometrical fringes, the spaces filled in with
numerous small ornaments.
For a magnificent Clovis Eve binding, see under Manuscripts, Book
of Hours bound for Marguerite de Valois.
2 1 o Fleurv. M^moire pr^sente au Consell de sa Majeste, sur leque
le Roy a ordonnt^ I'ertablissement de I'instruction gratuite dans
les collt;ges de la Faculte des Arts, oil il y a actuellemeni
plein et entier e.xercise de belles lettres et de philosophic.
Folio, old brown morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1724
With the arms of Cardinal Due de Fleury, minister of Louis XV.
211 Francis II. Angeli Politianis Sylvae. Nutricia, Rusticus,
Manto, Ambra. .Small 8^ contemporary stamped calf bind-
ing. Salmanticae, 1554
With the arms of Francis II as Dauphin, stamped on the sides.
This is a very fine and rare specimen of blind tooling of the i6ih
rentury, in very good preservation, and a very rare Provenance,
F'rancis II having lived only two years after ascending the throne, and
books with his arms are very rare.
212 George II. Standing Orders of the House of Lords in MS.
i?° old morocco, tooled back and sides. (London.)
With the personal arms of George II.
213 Grolier. JNI. TulUi Ciccronis Orationum. Tonuis primus.
iS° old morocco. Lugduni, 1560
Fine specimen of a Grolier hiiuliug, the sides covered with gold
looling of a geometrical and interlaced pattern, the back tooled in
J14 IIanthaler, C. Exercitationes Faciles de Nuniis Veterum
pro Tyronibus. 4° magnificently bound in calf extra gilt,
inside gold borders and gauffered edges. Nuremberg, 1735
Superb example of binding. The entire sides and back are covered
"ith gilt tooling of birds, leaves and flowers, within paneled gilt lace-
work borders. In the centre of two sides are decorations, with the date
" 1736," and with the coat of arms, mitre and crosier of " Bernard us
Abbas Ettalensis." On the recto, within a medallion, is a "Madonna
and Child," with the legend " Fvndatrix Monaster] Ettalensis."
2t5 Henri II and Diane de Poitiers. A Gellii Lvcvlentissiini
Scriptoris Noctes Atticce. Charming engraved border on
title. Small 4° black morocco, gilt.
Cologne, Opera et Impensa loannis Soteris, 1526
From the library of Henri II of France and Diana of Poitiers. One
of the rarest examples of their books. The .sides arc paneled in gold,
and in the centre of each of the four fillets is the interlaced monogram
" D. II." (Diana et Henri), accompanied by fleurs-de-lys and crosses.
In the centre of each side of the cover is the coat of arms of France,
surmounted by a crown, and surrounded by the grand collar of tlic
( )rder of Saint Esprit. IIclow is the favorite emlilem of Diana do
I'oitiers, "a crescent moon," on the right and left of which is repeated
the initial letter " II." of her regal lover.
216 Henry VIII. GcjKlUS Dccrctalium Liber, per Tionifacium
octauum Pontificem santcissimum in Lugdunensi consilio
cditis. Block Cctlcr, ^vith woodcut on title. 16° in the
original calf. King Henry VIII's copy, v.ith the royal arms
stamped in blind tooling on the sides. Paris, 1523
An English i6th century stamped binding, executed for Henry VIII,
of great rarity.
The following is an exact description of the tooling:
Recto Cover. — Panel stamped with the king's arms, bearing (piar-
ferly France and England, supported by a dragon and a greyhound,
and ensigned with a royal crown. Ground or ticid dotted with stars.
In the top corners, the arms of the city of London in a shield, with
the sun on one side, the crescent moon on the other.
Reverse Cover. — Panels stamped with the Indos rose, encircled
\vith a ribbon, on which is inscribed, in old Gothic letters :
" IItcc rosa virtutis de coslo missa sereno,
Asternum llorens regiasceptra feret."
supported by two angels. The arms of London are on recto, .lud at
bottom the binder's mark of Julian Notary, with his initials, Engl.ind s
fourth printer, but doing contemporary printing with Caxton, for whom,
no doubt, he worked.
This binding and stamp belong to the older model, used l)y Pynson
and Julian Notary for Henry \'1I and continued for Henry VII 1, until
changed by John Keynor.
One cover loose and blemishes in the binding in several places, but
but as fine a specimen as is now obtainable.
217 Henriette de France. Zarate, Augustin de. llistoire de la
decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou. Traduite de
TEspagnol. Plates. 2 vols, tz'^ old citron morocco, extra,
gilt edges. Paris, 1742
Beautiful copy witli the arms of Fiiucess liciirielte Sophie de
France, daughter of Louis XV.
21S Hov^r. Phffidri qui sub Augusto ct Tiberio vL\it Fabulas.
Addit^E sunt notaj et animadversiones Tanaquilli Fabri.
Small 4" French mottled calf, extra. Salmurii, 1657
I'lom the library of the Count d'lloym, with his arms.
219 llovM, Bossuet, J, B. Politique tire'e des propres Paroles
de rp^criture Saintc. Fine portrait. 2 vols. 12'' calf, extra.
Paris, 17 1 4
I'"rom the library of Count d'lloyni, with his arms stamped in gold on
the sides.
220 IIovM. Irenicum. Irenicoruni, scu reconciliatoris chrislian-
orum hodicrnorum norma triplex, etc., Amst., 1658 ; — Irc-
iiico-Mastix, 1667; — Henoticum Christianorum, 1662. 4
parts in 2 vols. 12° old green morocco, gilt backs and
From the library of Count d'lloyui, with his arms stamped in gold
on the sides. Fine copy.
22 1 Italian. Uffizio della Beata Vergine Maria per tutti i tempi
dell' Anno coll' UfTizio. Engraved frontispiece and vignette
on title. 8°, superbly bound in calf extra gilt, gilt edges.
Roma, dalla Stamperia Pontificia Vaticana, 1742
tiraiul example of binding. The back and sides are one mass of
handsome tooling in gold. There is a medallion of the Virgin sur-
rounded by a glory on both sides, part of which are marbled, part
plain and part black to enhance the effect of the extremely ornate in-
terlacements. The edges are gauffered at the sides, and exquisitely
painted by hand in colors. The beautiful designs on the edges partake
much of the character of the tooling on the volume, which is presented
in a contemporaneous leather drop case marbled and elegantly tooled
on the leather.
2 22 Italian. Oratorio de' Religiosi et Essercitio de' Virtuosi.
12° in a beautiful Italian morocco binding, gauffered gilt
edges. Venetia, 1560
A beautiful contemporary Italian binding, with rich gold and silver
ornamentation, the arms of the Spinola family in the centre.
223 PrALiAN. Rustici Rei Scriptores (Cato, Terrentius Varro,
Columella, et Palladius). 8°. Fine copy in bright old red
morocco extra, the edges beautifully painted with flowers on
.1 (lull gold ground. H. Aldi et A. Soceri : Venctiis, 1533
I''rom tlic ilumiltoii I'.ilace l.ilirarv.
224 Italian. Plutarch. Le Vite di Plutarco ridotte in compen-
dio di M. Dario Tiberto da Cesena. E tradotte alia com-
mune utilita di ciascuno per L. Fauno, in Buona lingua vol-
gare. 12° old calf, richly tooled in compartments, gauffered
edges, gilt. Venetia, 1543
Interesting specimen of Italian binding of the 16th century, some-
what damaged.
225 Italian. Natalis Comitis Mythologiffi, sive explicationuin
Eabularum Libri decern. Fine copy. 4° in the original
red morocco binding, gilt edges. Venetiis, 1567
A rich Italian binding of the sixteenth century. The sides are cov-
ered with a tooling, consisting of square and rectangular bands in the
(irolier manner, with an oval medallion as centre-piece, the spaces filled
in with a leaf pattern resembling ornamental iron work.
226 Italian Mosaic. Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII et
Urbani VIII Auctoritate Recognitum. With numerous en-
gravings, splendidly printed in black and red, with music;
3 vols, folio magnificently bound in red morocco with col-
ored leathers mosaiced in the sides, tooled in one harmoni-
ous blending of interlaced floriated designs, inside gold
borders, edges gilt on marble.
Roma, ex-typographia Vaticana, 1726
Splendid e.xample of iSth century Italian binding, stamped in gold
on the sides with the hat, tassels, and quartered arms of a cardinal of
the Catholic Church.
227 Ivory. Manuel de Missa e da Confissao, Sexta Edicao Aug-
mentada com varias Devocoes pelo Presbytero J. Roquette.
Steel plates and illuminated title. 16° bound in ivory, gilt
edges, watered silk ends. Paris, 1864
Unique Example of binding. The sides and back are made of ivory,
and on the fore sides are beautifully carved roses and other flowers.
In the centre of a carved cross medallion is a lady's watch, in thorough
\\ urking order, and the face of which is about the size of a dime. The
edges of the book are gilt, and the ends watered blue silk. The whole
is in a leather case lined with silk and velvet.
228 James II. Du Prat, M. Portrait du Marechal de Gassion.
Small 8'^ in the original red morocco extra, entirely covered
with fleur-de-lys, stamped in gold, gilt edges. Paris, 1864
Presentation copy to the Duke of York (afterwards James II) with
an autograph letter respecting the work, addressed to him by the author.
Also two addresses (in Latin and French) to Charles II, in his hai'.d
and signed. The copy wants one leaf.
229 Le Gascon. I'indari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. 4°
in a rich red morocco binding, the back and sides entirely
covered with gold tooling, gilt edges. Salmurii, 1620
Fine specimen of a I.e Gascon binding, with fine and elaborate tool-
ing; the pattern on the sides is that of a losange in the centre, filled
within with a geometrical tooling, the whole in a frame fringed without
with dentelle work, rounded corners, and an outer border of dentelle
For a similar binding, see plate 1 10, in Brunet's Reliure Ancienne.
J30 Le Gascon. La Chambre, Sieur de. Traits' de la Connois-
sance des Animaux, ou tout ce qui a estd diet pour et con-
tre le Raisonnement des Bestes est examind. 4° full old
red morocco, sides and back covered with gold tooling, gill
edges, Paris, 164S
Finecopj'of Le Gascon's pointille work in perfect condition. The
decoration on the sides consists of an exquisite centre ornament of
geometrical design in tlie pointille manner, all the interstices filled in
with gold dots, with a monogram and crown in the centre, the whole
surrounded by a frame of a double fillet, all the inner and outer corners
as well as the dentcUe borders in a pointing tooling of an exquisite
For a similar binding, see plate 41, Reliurc Anclcnne.
231 Le Gascon. Du Ghoul. Discours de la Religion des Anciens
Romains, de la castrametation et discipline militaire d'iceux,
des Bains et antiques excertitations Grecques et Romains.
Illustrated with nuinerous plates of medals, bas-reliefs from
antique monuments. 2 vols, in i, 4° in a superb eld red
morocco binding, gilt edges. Lyon, 15S1
From the Didot Collection, with book-plate. A beautiful pointille
binding by Le Gascon, the sides are decorated in compartments, the
liUets fringed on both sides with a fin^ pointille decoration of minute
.^old dots, arranged in arabesque figures, with ornaments of the same
t^tyle in the corners and the four outer compartments ; in the center are
the arms of a member of the house of Vieuville d'Artois, Chevalier
de I'ordre de Malta, stamped in at a later period.
23-: Lk Gascon (Mosaic.) Moreau P. Les Saincts Prieres dc
TAme Ghrestienne, Escrites et Grauees apres le Naturel dc
la Plume. Every page, including beautiful borders illus-
trating coats-of-arms and text, engraved. Small 8°
superbly bound by Le Gascon in red morocco, with olive
compartments in mosaic, the back and sides beautifully
tooled in ''pointilM h petit fers," edges gilt, in levant
morocco drop case. Chez le autheur : Paris, 163:;
A beautiful example of the engraved work of the elder Moreau, and
of the finest lace v.-ork tooling of Le Gascon.
2^j, Le Gascon. !Mari.inisches Tag-Buch. Engraved frontispiece.
3 vols, thick 4'^ splendidly bound in morocco, gilt, gauf-
fered edges. Augsburg, 1695
An admirable example of late 17th century work in the style of Lc
Gascon. The sides are covered with gold and silver tooling " a
petits fers," presenting a charming lace work effect. The ornamenta-
tion, other than the tooling, is Gothic and geometrical, and darkened
within the parallel lines.
234 Le Gascon. L'Annee CUvcstienne. Par le R. Pere Amable.
Bonnefons de !a Compagnie de Jesus. 2 vols. iS° old
morocco, bound by a pupil of Le Gascon, and richly tooled
on sides and b;ick, " .\ petits fers.'' Paris, 1645
335 Le Gascon. Officia Christianiae Pietatis Parva per Christia-
nissimum Regem Ludovicum XIII ordinata cum Calendario.
Portrait of Louis XIII praying before a crucifix. Folio,
in old red morocco, covered v/ith gold and silver tooling,
" i petits fers." Abb.d Bignon's copy, having his interlaced
H. P). in centre, gilt edges, by Le Gascon.
Paris, e Typographia Regia, 1643
A beautiful pattern of unusual occurrence, in perfect condition.
Very rare, having been printed for the Royal Chapels only. This
was lot 1913 of the Towiiley Library, and has the heraldic book-plate
of John Townley, Esq.
236 Lf, Noveau Testament, Charenton, 166S ; — Les Pseaumes de
David, mis en Rime Frangoise par Marot et De Beze, v.ith
ihe music, ib., 1666. In i vol. 12°. Bound in bright olvl
citron morocco extra, the sides richly tooled in gold, gilt
edges. Charenton, 1666-68
Tall and perfectly clean copies, ia very desirable condition, with tl.e
contemporary autograph " Lucy Montague, son livre."
237 Louis XV. Office de la Semaine Sainte en Latin et en
Fran9ois a FUsage de Rome. Engraved title (torn) and
plates. Thick small 8° fine old red morocco, superbly
tooled in gold, and the back and sides in the Le Gascon
style, edges gilt on marble (foxed slightly), Paris, 172S
Stamped in gold on the sides with the arms of Louis XV, impaltd
with those of the Queen.
238 Maioli. Ciceronis de Philosophia, 2 vols,, also Orationum
Marci Tvl. Ciceronis, volumen secundum a loan. jMichaele
Bruto emendatum. Together 3 vols. 32° beautifully laid
in enamelled and painted calf, with interlaced geometrical
and floriated designs on the back and sides, gilt edges in
excellent preservation.
Lyons apud Antonium Gryphium, 15 70-; 1
Kare examples of Maioli binding with the motto '• exlabore corona"
on the backs. The name " Franciscus le Pigeon " is stamped in gold
on the front sides over that of " Petrus Colard.'' Specimens of Maioli
are gradually becoming of the greatest rarity, and but very fesv arc-
now obtainable at any price.
239 Maioli. Hebrew Bible. 18° in the original Italian calf
binding, gauffered gilt edges. S. L. a A. (circa 1550)
Fine specimen of a ^faloli binding, the back and sides are covered
with gold tooling in a geometrical pattern, the corners and centie
piece decorated with inlaid leather, painted in various colors.
240 MoNTAUSiER. Gulielmi Sanson, in Geographicam Autiqu.'un ;
Michaelis Antonii Baudrand, Disquisitiones Geographicar.
16" old red morocco extra, gilt edges. Lutetice : Par., 1583
From the library of the celebrated bibliophile, Due de Montausier,
author of " La Guirlande de Julie," with his arms stamped in gold on
the sides, and the monogram of CC and crown in the corner,
241 Mosaic. Ladies Calling, in two Parts. Frontispiece. 8°
old morocco, gilt edges. Oxford, 1667
A Mosaic binding of the i6lh century, the sides and back elabo-
rately tooled.
242 Mosaic. Government of the Tongue. 8° old morocco, gilt
edges. Oxford, 1677
A beautiful Mosaic binding, apparently by an English binder, the
sides eniiiely covered with gold tooling of an arabesque pattern.
243 Padeloup, Perez A. Pentateuchus Fidei, sive Volumina
quinque de Ecclesia, Conciliis, Scriptura Sacra, Traditioni-
bus sacris et de Romano Pontifice. 5 vols, in i, small
folio, fine copy in full morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup,
from the library of the Duke of Sussex. Matriti, 1620
Extremely rare, having been rigidly suppressed on account of sev-
eral passages therein having given offence to the Court of Rome.
Hound by Padeloup about 1725, with his ticket, " Relie par Padeloup
le jeune, place Sorbonne a Paris," the back tooled in " Oisseau " pat-
tern. Padeloup's bindings with ticket are very rare.
244 Padeloup. Lafitau, J. F. Moeurs des Sauvages Ameri-
quains compare's aux Moeurs des premiers temps. Numer-
ous plates. Photographic portrait of the author laid in. 2
vols. 4° full calf extra, gilt edges, by Padeloup le jeune,
WITH HIS TICKET. Paris, 1724
A very rare specimen of Padeloup binding, by Antoine Michel le
jeune, with his tickets in both volumes, which is of very unusual occur-
245 Padeloup. Lombard, 1). Comparison des deux liistoire de
M. de Mezeray et du Pcre Daniel. Fine copy. 4" blue
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Padeloup. Amst., 1723
From the Hamilton Palace Library. " Genuine specimens of Pade-
lnu])'s binding are very difficult to obtain." The copy was purchased
by Mr. Bohn at the Laberdoyere Sale, and from him it passed to Mr.
Beckford." — J^cckford Catalogue.
246 Padeloup. Saint-Real. Dom Carlos, Nouvelle historique. 16°
bound in old red morocco, double', with red morocco, gilt
back, tooled outside and inside with fieurs de lys. In fine
condition. Amsterdam, 1673
247 Payne. Artemidori Daldiani et Achmetis Sereimi F. Oneiro-
critica. Nicolai Rigalth ad Artemidorum Notae. Greek
and Latin. Small 4°. Richly bound in full grained citron
colored morocco, gilt edges, tooled inside and out, and
ornamental tooling on the back, Lutetian, 1603
Beautiful specimen of binding, by Roger Payne. Very rare.
248 Pompadour. Histoires Plaisanteset Ingenieuses. Recuellies
de plusieurs bon auleurs grecs, latins, espagnols, et fran-
cois. 12° calf, gilt. Paris, 1673
With the arms of the Marquise de Pompadour. From her library.
249 Pompadour. Racan. Les Bergeries de Mre. Honorat clu
Bueil, Chevalier, Sieur de Racan. Small 8° calf, gilt.
Paris, 1632
With the arms of Madame de Pompadour, stamped in gilt on the
sides. From her library.
250 Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Tes-
tament. By I. Watts. 16"^ in an old red morocco binding,
the back and sides covered with a pattern of geometrical
figures and llowers, in which a crown is introduced, gilt
edges. London, 1755
251 Rohan. Office de la Semaine Sainte, Latine et Francois. 8°
in the original red morocco binding,, back and sides en-
tirely covered with a rich tooling of an arabesque pattern,
gilt edges. Paris, 1725
Fine specimen, with the arms of Cardinal De Rohan, Prime Minister
of Louis X\'.
252 SiMiER (Mosaic). Notices Historiques sur les Tableaux de
la Galerie de Son Altesse Royale, Monseignieur le Due
D'Orleans, par J. Viatout. 2 vols, in 3, thick folio, mag-
nificently bound by Simier in red crinkled morocco, tooling
a I'eventail" on the side?, with green morocco mosaic laid
in, inside gold borders, blue watered silk ends, gilt edges.
Paris, 1S26
Grand specimen of Simier binding, specially executed for King Louis
Philipp, then Due d'Orleans, whose collection of paintings is described
in these three volumes, each of which is stamped on the side with
the Orleans arms.
253 Simier. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Budget de
1829. Rapport au Roi. Ofticial copy signed by the Minis-
ter. Folio, full red crinkled morocco extra, the royal arms
of France stamped on the sides, blue watered silk lining,
gilt edges. Paris, 1828
Fine specimen by Simier, with arms of Louis XVIIL
254 Thouvenin. Viellot, L. P. Histoire Naturelle des Plus
Beaux Oiseaux Chanteurs de la zone Torride. Illustrated
with 72 beautiful plates of Oriental singing birds exqui-
sitely colored by hand. Large folio, superbly bound by
Thouvenin in crinkled purple morocco extra, with red mo-
rocco double full gilt and tooled vellum ends, gilt edges.
G. Dufour : Paris, 1805
The illustrations arc fully e<)ual in beauty to either the plates of
Gould or Audubon, and like them are colored by hand. There are in
all seventy-two plates. This superb volume is enclosed in a morocco
case and may justly be considered a chef-d'oeuvre of Thouvenin, signeil
and dated, 1S32. The back is superbly tooled and the sides are recog-
nizable, in their panelings, floriated corners and central decoration,
with the orthodox designs of the master. The red morocco double
is inlaid in a broad border of purple morocco, and is extpiisitely de-
255 SiMiER. Scott, Sir Walter. Lay of the Last Minstrel, lolh
edition. Plates by Westall. 8° handsomely bound by
Simier, in purple straight grained morocco sides and back,
richly tooled, gilt edges, silk lining. London, 1809
256 V'auban. Les Idylles de Bion et de Moschus. Traduites
en vers Francois. 12° calf, gilt. Paris, 16S6
With the arms of Marshal Vauban.
:?f;7 Verrue. Avantures Grenadines, par Melle. D * * *. Front-
ispiece, Amsterdam, 1710 — Le Prince Kouchimen, His-
toire Tartare, et Dom. Alvar del Sol, Histoire Napolitaine,
Paris, 1710. In I vol. 16° in the original red morocco ex-
tra, gilt and marbled edges, with the arms of Jeanne-Eap-
tiste d'Albert du Luynes, Comtesse de Verrue, stamped in
gold on the sides. ' Amsterdam, 17 to
Writing of the Comtesse, Guigard terms her, "I'une des plus ravis-
santes pedes de ce splendide ecrin du dix-huiteme siecle," and de-
scribes her library thus, "Sa bibliotheque etait surtout remarquable
parmi tant de remarquable choses ; un diamant serti d'or, sous I'ebtfne
delicatement fouill^e se pressaient dix-huit mille volumes d'un choix
laplupart habilles par Us vicil'.curs artisUs de Vspoquey It was this
lady, who on her death-bed, wrote her own epitaph : —
'• Ci-git, dans une paix profonde,
Cette dame de volupte,
Qui, pour plus grand sdrete.
Fit son paradis dans ce monde."
2^^^ Caialogue of Fifteen Hundred Books remarkable for the
beauty or the age of their Bindings, or as bearing indica-
tions of former ownership by great Book Collectors and
famous historical personages. Large 4° half morocco,
uncut, gilt top. Quarich : London, 18S9
259 La Reliure Ancienne et Moderne,.Recueil de ii6 planchef:,
reliures artistiques des XVI-XIX' si^cles ayant appartenu
■X Grolier, Henri U, Francois I, Diane de Poitiers, Mar-
guerit de Valois, etc., et executtfes par Le Gascon, Clovis
et Nicolas Eve, Bauzonnet, etc. Introduction par Gustave
Brunet. 116 plates. 4° boards, uncut. Paris, 1878
260 Marius-Miciiel, M. M. La Reliure Frangaise, depuis I'ln-
vention de I'lmprimerie jusqu'ii la Fin du XVIII* Sic;cle ; —
La Reliure Fran(;aise Commerciale et Industrielle depuis
!' Invention de I'lmprimerie jusqu'd Nos Jours. Profusely
illustrated with plates, heliogravure reproductions, original
gilt and illuminated cloth examples, and illustrations in the
text. 2 vols, large 4° paper, uncut.
MorgandetFatout: Paris, i88o-8i
This magnificent work of the celebrated French binders Marius-
Michel is the authority on bibliopegy.
:6i UzANNE, Octave. La Reliure Moderne, artistique et fantais-
iste. An elegant book, beautifully printed on " papier vel-
lin" and illustrated with 72 reproductions of fine bindings,
after designs by P. Albert-Dujardin, allegorical vignettes
by Adeline, Fraipont and Giraldon, and a frontispiece by
Albert Lynch, etched by Menesse. Royal 8° ornamental
paper covers, uncut edges. Only 1500 copies printed.
Paris, 18S7
762 Bookbinder (The). An Illustrated Journal for Binders,
Librarians, and all Lovers of Books. Vol. i. Illustrations
of Bookbinding. 4° cloth, uncut. London, iSSS
263 BiuGKAriiv. Abre'gc dc la Vie dc ^L Olier ; — Sir G. F"..
Cartier ; — F. X. Garneau ; — Sir Charles Tupper ; — A. \.
Morin ; — Abbe Laverdiere ; — .Abbcf Pilote, etc. 15 pam-
264 BiucH and Jenner. Early Drawings and Illuminations; aii
Introduction to the study of illustrated JNIanuscripts, with a
Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum. Illustra-
tions. 8° cloth. London, 1879
265 BissELius, Joannis. Argonauticon Amcricanorum, sive Ilis-
toriae periculorum Petri de Victoria. Libri X.Y. Map of
the two Americas. iS^ vellum, with clasps. Monachii, 1647
26G Black Hawk. Life of Black Plawk; or, Ma-ka-tai-me she-
kia-kiak, embracing the Traditions of his Nation, Indian
Wars in which he has been engaged. Cause of joining the
British in their late war with America, and its history, etc.
Dictated by himself. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S36
267 Black Prince. Le Prince Xoir, Pocme du Heraut D'Armes
Chandos. The life and feats of arms of Edward the Black
Prince, by Chandos Herald. A metrical chronicle with an
English translation and notes by Francisque-Michcl.
Frontispiece. 4° half roan, uncut, gilt top. London, 1S83
2 63 Blades, William. The Enemies of Books. Revised and en-
larged by the auihor. Whatman paper copy. 16° half
roan, uncut, gilt top. London, 18SS
369 Blaeu, G. et J. Le Theatre du Monde, uu nouvel Atlas.
La seconde partie de la seconde, Ame'rique. 12 finely
executed maps comprising : general map of America, Nova
Belgica et Anglia Nova, Insulae-Americana;, Bermuda, Vir-
ginia, Florida, etc. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt top.
Amsterdam. i6so
270 Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Crea-
tion to the present Time. Imperial 8° half morocco.
London, 185 1
271 Blake, William. Etchings from his Works, by William Bell
Scott. With descriptive text. 10 etchings, India proofs
before letters. Folio, boards. London, 1878
272 Blake. William Blake, a critical Essay by Algernon Charles
Swinburne. With illustrations from Blake's designs in fac-
simile, coloured and plain. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt
top. London, 1868
273 Blanchet, J. List des Documents se rapportant a I'histoire
du Canada, copie' et conserve au departement du Regis-
traire de la Province de Quebec. 8° paper. Quebec, 1883
274 (Blome, Richard.) L'Amerique Angloise, ou Description des
Isles et Terres du Roi d'Angleterre, dans I'Amerique.
Traduit de I'Anglois. Maps. 16° old calf, gilt.
Amsterdam, i683
275 Blome. L'Amerique Anglois, ou Description des Isles et
Terres du Roi d'Angleterre, dans I'Amerique. Maps. Fine
copy. 12° calf. Amsterdam, 1688
276 Blunbcnillc, @l)OmaG. Mr. Blundevile, his Exercises, con-
taining eight Treatises on Cosmographie, Astronomic, Geo-
graphic, Art of Navigation, etc. Fourth edition. Good
sound copy. Small 4° old calf, rebacked and tooled in gold,
complete with all the separate interior titles, folding tables
and moveable plans, pp. 799. W. Stansby : London, 1613
Contains an account of the first voyage of Sir Francis Drake by sea
unto the West and East Indies, also the voyage of Mr. Candish, also,
a description of I'lancius' map and Molineux's globes, etc., etc. It is
seldom that a copy of this rare work is found complete.
277 33orcaccio, (LMounuui. Bocace de la genealogie des dieux
contenant la faulse credence des infidelles et gentilz : qui
par leur erreurs et mal fondees supersticions creoyent et
oppinogent pluralite de dieux et ceulx qui avouent faict
aulcuns beaulx fait dignes de memoire deifioient et leurs
erigeoyent temples atulez et ymaiges. Translate en Fran^oys.
Bhick £cttcr. Title in red and black alternate lines, within
a very beautiful wood-cut border, designed by the celebrated
Geoffrey Tory, with large wood-cut on reverse, pp. 228
and table 6 pp. verso of last leaf Mark of Philip Le Noir
designed by Tory. Printed in Gothic characters. Illustra-
ted with a considerable number of boldly executed engrav-
ings on wood, and numerous initial letters, the latter by
Geoffrey Tory. Portrait of Boccoccio added. Small folio,
elegantly bound by Lortic in full green levant morocco
extra, gilt leaves over marble. Johan Petit : Paris, 1531
Very fine copy from the Library of Eugene Paillet and Ciiy Pellion,
with their e.x-libris.
278 Soccacrio. Amourous Fiaminetta, wherein is seLtc duwiic h
catalogue of all and singuler passions of Love and iealosic,
etc. Now done into English by B. Giovano. London,
1587. (Title mounted.) /n (he same volume: Greene's
Never too late, both partes, sent to all youthfuU (Gentlemen.
By Robert Greene. London, 1631. (Title and last Jeni
imperfect.) Cliick Cettcr. Small 4^ old calf.
London, 1587-1631
279 Boccaccio. The rare Elzevir Decameron. II Decamerone
di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio Cittadino Fiorentino. Cut of
the Sphere, title in red and black, 9 prel. leaves and 744
pages. 12° beautifully bound by Hardv-Mesnil, in crimson
levant morocco, full gilt bucks, inside borders, edges gill
over marble. \\\ .Amsterdamo, 1665
A very choice copy of this beautifully printed edition, liij^Iily
esteemed for the correctness of its text, and making part of the Kl/,evir
series. Brunei is of the opinion that it is from the press of J. Blacn.
Large copies arc much sought by collectors. Unmet quotes a copy ns
being 147 to 149 mil. 196 f. The present copy is full 150 mil. and is in
perfect preservation.
2S0 Boccaccio. Le Decameron do Jean Boccace. Elegantly
illustrated with portrait, no full-page plates and 97 tail
pieces by Gravelot, Boucher, Cochin and Eisen. 5 vols. 8 '
old red levant morocco extra, tooled back and sides, gilt
edges, by Dero.me. Fine copy. Londres (Paris), 1757
281 Boccaccio. Contes de J. Boccace. 'JVaduction Nouvellc.
With upv.'ards of 100 fine plates by Eiseu and Gravelot.
10 vols. 16° calf. Londres, 1779
28: Boccaccio. The Decameron. Now lirst completely done into
English prose and verse. By John Payne. Villon Society's
limited edition. 3 vols, small 4'^ vellum, uncut edges.
Printed for the Villon Society, for private circulation only.
No. 156 of the original issue. London, 1886
283 Boccaccio. Contes de Boccace. Traduction de Sabatier de
Castres. Numerous illustrations by Tony Johannot, Grand-
ville and others. Small folio, half crimson morocco extra,
uncut edges, gilt top. Paris, 18G9
284 BoccHii, Achilis. Symbolicaruin Quaestionum, dc uniuerso
genere, quas serio ludebat, Libri quinque. With 150 fmc
plates of emblems engraved by Giulio Bonasone, retouched
by Agostino Caracci. Small 4^^ old calf. Bononire, 1571
2S5 BoiiK, II. G. Handbook of Proverbs, xi^ half roan.
London, 1867
286 BoiLEAU. Giuvres de Boile.iu Despre'aux, avec des Eclair-
cissemens historiques. Vol, L Plates by Chereau. (Por-
traits missing.) 4° sheep. (Broken.) Geneve, 1716"
2S7 EoiLEAU Despreaux. CEuvres Diverses, avec le Traite du
Sublime, ou du merveilleux dans le discours, traduit du Grec
dc Longin, Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee de di-
^•erses Pieces nouvelles. Avec les passages des PoeLes
Latins imites par I'auteur. Fine copper plates, Proofs
bEFOKE LETTERS, and an inserted portrait by St. Aubin. ;i
vols. S'' in a sumptuous old crimson morocco binding, the
sides entirely covered Avith fine tooling " ^. petits fers."
backs and edges gilt. Amsterdam, 1702
Grand Papier de Holland copy, beautifully printed and
very rare in such exceptional condition.
:Sd> [BoiLEAU.] Oiuvres diverses du Sieur D * * avec le Traite
du Sublime ou du Merveilleux dans le Discourse traduit du
j;rec de Longin, Frontispiece by Landry, plate by Cha-
uveau. 4^ full blue crushed morocco extra, three gilt fillets
on the sides, gilt back and edges, inside border by Massok-
IJ)Ei:.ONNELLE. Dcnys Thierry : Paris, 167 t
A very elegant aiul large copy of the first collected edition of
2S9 BoiSTE, P. C. V. Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Fran-
caise. 4° half morocco. Paris, 1857
290 BoNNAFFE, Edouard. Les Collectionneurs de I'ancienne
France. Small 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1S73
291 BoNNECHOSE, Charles de. Montcalm et la Canada Fran^ais,
essai historique. Portrait. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1877
2rj2 ijooli of (flljristinn Praicrs, worthy to be read by all Chris-
tians in these dangerous and troublesome daies. Woodcut
portrait of Queen Elizabeth and every page filled with bor-
ders by Albert Durer, Hans Holbein, etc. |3Iacli Ccltcv.
Small 4° antique russia, gilt edges. London, 1608
Usually called Queen Elizabeth's Prayci- Dook, and by some attril -
uted to John Foxe, and l>y others to Richard Day. Of the first edi-
tion only one copy is known to be in existence. It is the only English
book which corresponds with the beautiful volumes called " Jiooks of
Hours," so numerously printed at Paris at that time.
203 Book of Favourite Modern Ballads. Illustrated with 50
engravings, from drawings by the first artists, and gilt bor-
ders and head and tail pieces, also in gold. Small 4'^ lialf
morocco, gilt. London,
2')^ BoOKRUVER (Tlie"). A Summary of American and Foreign
Literature. Vol. 3, 1SS6-87. Illustrations. 4° cloth.
New York.
295 BossuET, J. B. nisc'jurs sur riiistoire Universelle a Monsei-
gneur le Daupiiin. I'ortrait inserted. 4° old red morocco,
gilt edges, Paris, 16S1
( 'rigiup.l etliiioii.
j<j6 BoKDONE. Libro di Benetlelto Bordone, uel qual 51 region a
de tritte I'Isole del niondo, etc. Numerous maps and plans
of cities, etc., some colored by hand. Small folio, half vellum.
Per Nicolo d'Aristotile, detto Zoppino: Vinegia, 152S
Very rare and original edition. On the title is an ancient heraldic
library stamp. A few pages are stained and there are a few contempo-
lary MS. Notes.
I-olio ten has a woodcut plan of the Ciiy of Mexico (Temislitan) as
ir was before the destruction by Corte.?. The third large double niaq:)
exhibits the Continent of America, " modo," "nouo," etc. There art
also most important maps and plans, on which will be found — "Terra
di sancto Cvoce oner Mondo Nouo," " iamaique," " cuba," "martino,"
" quad.ilupe," "dominica,' etc.
297 BoRTiiwiCK, Rev. J. D. Montreal, its History, to which is
added biographical Sketches, v.-ith Piiotographs of many of
its principal citi.^ens. Large 4'^ half roan. (Covers broken.)
Montreal, 1875
29S BoRTHWiCK. History of the Montreal Prison from A. D. 1784
to 1SS6. With 25 inserted autographs and illustrations.
8' cloth. ' Montreal, 1886
299 BoRTiiwiCK. Battles of the World; or, C)'clopaidia of battles,
sieges and important military events, the origin and institu-
tion of military titles. &° cloth. Montreal, 1861')
300 Bossu, M. Nouveacix Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, conte-
nant une Relation des differens Peuples qui habitens les
environs du grand fleuve Saint Louis, appelld vulgairemeni
le Mississippi. Plates. First edition. 2 vols, in i,- 12'^
calf. Paris, 17 68
301 Bossu. The Same. Second Edition. Plates. 2 vols, in i,
12° calf. Paris, 1768
'•Almost entirely filled with historical and personal sketches of the
Southern Indian tribes of the present United States." — Fii/c/.
303 EoTTA, Charles. History of the War of Independence of the
United States of America. Translated by G. A. Otis.
Portrait. Royal S° cloth. Edinburgh, 1844
304 Boucher, Pierre, Histoire Veritable et Naturalle des Mceurs
et Productions du pays de la Nouvelle France. iG° full
crimson morocco, Montreal, 1882
:',o5 Boucher. Canada in the Seventeenth Centurv. Translated
by E. L. Montizambert. 8' cloth. Montreal, 1S83
306 BoucHETTE, Joseph. British Dominions in North America ;
or, a Topographical and statistical Description of the
Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunsv/ick,
.Vova Scotia, etc. Fine copy, including the Topographical
Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. Embellished
with views, plans of towns, harbours, etc. With 20 inserted
portraits, views and autograph letters, 3 vols, royal 4°
cloth, uncut, London. 1832
307 BoucHETTE. Topographical Description of Lower Canada.
Illustrated with maps and views, also 46 extra illustrations,
consisting of autographs, views, etc. Royal 8' boards, un-
cut. London, 18 15
30S BouciiETTE. Topographical Dictionary of the Province of
Lower Canada. Portrait. 4*^ calf, London, 1831
309 BoucHOT, Henri. Le Livre, I'lllustration, la Reliure.
Numerous illustrations. Small 8° cloth. Paris.
310 BouLMiER, Joseph. Etudes sur le seizbme Sil-cle. Estienne
Dolet, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son martyre. Portrait in three
slates. Siuall 8° paper, uncut. Only 500 copies printed.
Paris, 1857
311 lionLiON, D'Arcy. Sketch, of his Majesty's Province of
Tpper Canada. Map. 4° half sheep. (Broken.)
London, 1805
313 I'.oUNDARiKS formerly in Dispute between Great Britain and
the United States ; — Northerly and Westerly Boundary of
the Province of Ontario; — Treaties affecting the Boun-
daries and the Fisheries of Canada, etc. 4 pamphlets.
313 BouKiNOT, John G. Local Government in Canada, an his-
torical study. 8'' paper, uncut. Baltimore, 1887
3 1. 1 BoiTRASSA, Napoleon. Jacques et Marie; Souvenir d'un
I'eople Disperse. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Montreal, 1886
315 BouRBotJRo, Abbe. Histoire du Canada, de son Eglise, et de
ses Missions, depuis la decou\'erte de 1 Amerique jusqu'a
nos jours, ecrite sur des documents inedits compulses dans
les Archives de I'Archevechd et de la ville de Quebec, etc.
2 vols. 8° sheep. Paris, 1852
316 BorjRGEOis. La Vie de la Venerable Sceur Marguerite Bour-
geois dite du Saint Sacrament, Institutrice, Fondatrice, et
Premiere Superieure des Filles Seculieres de la Congre-
gation Notre-Dame, Etabli a Ville-Marie dans la isle de
Montreal en Canada, tire'e des memoires certains, et la Plu-
part Otiginaux. 12° sheep. Ville-Marie, 1818
317 BouRGEOVs. Vie de la Sa-ur Bourgeoys, fondatrice de la
(,'ongregation de Notre-Dame de Villemarie en Canada,
suivie de I'histoire de cet Institute jusqu'a ce jour. Portrait
and plates. 2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Villemarie, 1853
318 Bt:)iTRGEOvs. Me'moires particuliers pour servier a I'Histoire
de riiglise de I'Amt^rique du Nord ; Vie de la Soeur Bour-
geoys, et Histoire de la Congregation de Villemarie depuis
la mort de la soeur Bourgeoys jusqu'a ce jour. Par I'Abbt
^'.lillon. Portrait and plates. 2 vols. 8° half calf.
Paris, 1853
319 B')URi.vor, J. G. Manual of the Constitutional History of
Canada, from the earliest period to 18SS. 12° cloth.
Montreal, 1888
320 BouTWELL, Charles. English Heraldry. 450 illustrations.
12° cloth. London, 1879
321 BovER, A. Dictionnaire Anglais-Erangaise et Frangaise-
Anglais. Thick 4° half morocco. (Broken.) Paris, 1841
322 Boys' Own Annual, ^'ol. 10. Illustrations. Small folio,
cloth. London, 1S87-VS
^2^ [Brackenridgi., H. H.] The Death of General Montgomery
at the Siege of Quebec. A Tragedy. With an Ode in
honor of the Pennsylvania Militia, and Elegiac Pieces com-
memorative of distinguished characters, pp. 79 (5). S'^
morocco e.vtra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford.
R. Bell: Phil a., 1777
A portrait of Gen. Montgomery (engraved by Norman) is inserted in
place of the symbolic frontispiece, which is wanting.
324 Bradley, J. W. Dictionary of Miniatures, Illuminators,
Calligraphers and Copyists, with references to their works,
and notices of their patrons, from ihe establishment of
Christianity to tiie eighteenth century. Vols, i and ?., A-N.
(Vol. 3 not yet published.) ? vols. 8° half morocco, uncut.
London, 1887
325 Bradley, M. C. and E. T. Westminster Abbey. Illustra-
tions and Architectural Chapter by A. J. Graham. Royal
8^ half morocco. Boston.
326 Brainerd, David. Account of the Life of. By Jonathan
Edwards. 8° sheep. (Broken.) Edinburgh, 1765
327 ©rant, Sebastian. Stultifera Navis : Narragonice Pfectionis
nunq' satis laudata Navis per Jacobum Locher in latinum
traducta eloquium, per Sebastianu Brant denuo seduloque
revisa. With 117 large and curious wood-cuts. Small 4"
half morocco. Johannes Bergmann de Olpe : Basil, 1497
32S Brant. Salutifera Navis. An exact Reprint of the text,
with close reproductions of the engravings, from dilTerent
wood blocks. Small 4" in the original half calf binding, a
very large copy from the Heber Library.
Jac. Zachon (Lugduni), 1488 (sic, for 149S)
The chapter " De geographica regiona inquisitione " contains the
earliest known allusion to the discovery of the New World, by Col-
umbus, and these volumes are justly classed among Americana.
329 Brant. The Ship of Fools. Translated by Alexander Bar-
clay. With nearly 120 quaint fac-similes illustrations from
the edition of 1497. 2 vols. 4'^ cloth, uncut.
Edinburgh, 1S74
330 Brant, Joseph, r^Iemoir of the distinguished Mohawk Indian
Chief, Sachem, and Warrior, Capt. Joseph Brant, compiled
from the most authentic records. Portrait. 12° boards.
Brantford, 1872
331 Branxomk, Sicur de. Les sept Discours touchant les Dames
Galantes. Publics sur les manuscrits de la Bibliothbque
nationale par Henri Bouchot. Portrait and line etchings
by Beaumont and Boilvin. India proofs. 3 vols. 12° half
crimson crushed levant morocco extra, uncut edges, gilt
tops, by Bradstreet. Paris, 1882
China taper copy. Only 30 printed.
332 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Manuscrit Troano, Etudes sur le
Systtme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas. Profusely
illustrated with chromo-lithographic plates and woodcuts. 2
vols, large 4° half morocco extra, gilt tops.
Imprimerie Imperiale : Paris, 18G9-70
Supplementary to Kingsborough's Antiquities of New Mexico, and
very rare, with the " Supplement au Systcme d'Interpretation des
Signes Hieroglyphiques et du Lecture du Manuscrit Troano," bound
up at the commencement of the second volume.
333 Breen, H. n. St. Lucia ; historical, statistical and descrip-
tive. 8° half calf. London, 1844
334 [Bremond, G.] Le Cocu content, ou le Veritable Miroir des
Amoureux. Histoire nouvelle et galante. Frontispiece.
An elegant copy. 16° bound by HARDV-Mf:SNiL in citron
levant morocco extra, three gold fillets on the sides, gill
back and edges, inside borders. Amsterdam, 1703
335 Bressanv, R. p. F. J. Relation Abrcgee de quelques mis-
sions des peres de la compagnle de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-
France. Illustrations. 8° mottled sheep. Montreal, 185:?
336 Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Miracles, imitative, realistic
and dogmatic. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1884
337 Brewer. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the deriva-
tion, source or origin or common phrases, allusions, and
words that have a tale to tell. 8° half morocco. London.
338 Brewer. Readers Handbook of Allusions, References,
Plots and Stories. 8" half morocco. Phila., 1883
339 Brewer, F. P. Coins and Currency of Modern Greece.
Royal 8° paper. ' Boston, 1877
340 Brissot de Warvllle. New Travels in the United States ol
America, performed in 1788. 2 vols. 8° sheep. (Binding
cracked.) London, 1794
341 Brock, Sir Isaac. Life and Correspondence of, interspersed
with notices of the celebrated Indian chief, Tecumseh.
12° cloth, uncut. London, 1845
342 [Erooi;e, Mrs. Frances,] lli.story of Emily IMontague. 4
vols. 12° calf. London, 1769
The first Anglo-Canadian Xovel, very rare, describing rolnnial cus-
toms- life at Quebec, etc.
3^5 Brougham, Lord, Historical Sketches of Statesmen who
flourished in the Time of George IIL 6 vols, in 3, 16^
cloth, London, 1845
.;(4 [Browne, Thomas,] Parson's Horn-Book, Part 2. By the
Comet Literary and Patriotic Club. Humorous plates. S''
cloth, uncut, DubUn, 1S31
345 Browning, W, S. History of Huguenots. S' cloth.
Phila., 1845
346 Brunet, J. C. ^Manuel du Libraire ct de I'Amateur de
Livres. 5 vols. S° half roan, uncut, gilt top.
Bruxelles, 1838
347 Bru2vEt, Gustavc. Curiosites Biblographiques et Artistiques ;
Livres, Manuscripts et Gravures qui, en vente publique.
ont ddpasse' le prix de mille Francs, Tableaux paye's plus dc
cinquant mille Francs. S'^ half crimson morocco, uncut,
gilt top. Geneve, 1867
34S [Brunet.] Livres paye's en Vente Publique 1000 fr. et an
dessus, depuis 1S66 jusqu'a ce jour. £tudc bibliogra-
phique par Philomneste junior. 8° half morocco, uncut,
gilt top. Only 250 copies printed. Bordeaux, 1877
349 Brunei. Bibliomania in the Present Day in France and
England ; or, some account of celebrated recent sales, giv-
ing the prices at which the more important Books were
sold, together with the prices brought by the same books
in previous sales. Portrait. 8^ vellum paper, uncut.
New York, iSSo
350 Brvan, Michael. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers,
biographical and critical. New edition, revised and enlarged
edited by R. E. Graves. 2 vols, royal 8° in parts, uncut.
London, 18S4
351 IhnAX. Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and
Engravers. New edition by George Stanley, Imperial 8"^
cloth, uncut. London, 1873
352 Bryan. Marks and Monograms of Early English and Con-
tinental Engravers. 4^ paper. (2 copies.) London, 1819
353 Bryant and Gay. Popular Histol-y of the United States from
tlie First Discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the
Northmen, to the end of the First Century of the Union of
the States. Numerous steel plates and woodcuts. 4 vols,
royal 8° cloth. London, 1876
354 Brvce, George. Short History of the Canadian People.
Map, 12^ cloth. Toronto, 1887
355 Buccaneers. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and
Dampier, including a View of the History of the buccaneers.
Portraits. 12'' cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1S37
356 BucHAN, William. Domestic Medicine. Autograph of Nel-
son. 8° sheep. London, 1799
357 Buchanan, Isaac. Relations of the Industry of Canada,
with the mother country and the United States. Edited by
Henry J. Morgan. Portrait. 8" cloth. Montreal, 1S64
35S BuDt. Summaire ou Epitome du Livre do Asse fait par Ic
commandement du roy, par maistre Guillaume Bude, con-
seiller du diet seigneur . . . reveu et additionne' oultre les
pr(fc^dentes impressions. 12° full brown crushed levant
morocco extra, inside borders, gilt edges.
Galliot du Pre', Paris, 1529
Elegant copy, bound by Trautz-Bauzon.nlt.
359 BuF.i'iiiR, Pe're. Traite de la Socie'td civile, et du nioyen de se
rendre heureux, en contribuant au bonheur des personnes
avec qui Ton vit. iS° sheep. Paris, 173 1
360 BuiES, Arthur. Chroniques, Voyages, etc. 2 vols. 12'' sheep
and half roan. Quebec, 1875-77
36/ BuiES. Chroniques, Uumcurs et Caprices. 2 vols. 12° half
calf. Quebec, 1873
362 Bulger, G. E. Extracts from my South-African Journal,
during five years service in the 2nd Battalion, loth Foot,
i^rivatcly prmted Regimental Press. S'' paper.
Bangalore, 1867
363 BuNYAN, John. Pilgrim's Progress, as originally published
by John Bunyan. Being a fac-simile reproduction of the
First edition. 12'^ boards. London.
364 BuNYAN. Pilgrim's Progress as originally published. Being
a fac-simile reproduction of the PMrst edition. 16° i^^pc,
uncut. London.
365 BuRDER, George. Pilgrim's I'rogress from Earth to Heaven,
an epic poem. Being a metrical version of that inimitable
Allegory, by John Bunyan. Illustrations. 12^ cloth. London.
366 BuRGMAiER, Hans. Images de Saints et Saintes de Famille
de I'Empereur Maximilian. 119 line large woodcuts by
various old engravers after designs by H. Burgmaier, first
impressions. l''olio, full crimson morocco, super-extra, gilt
edges. Vienne, 1799
Beautiful impressions from the original blocks, on thick paper, and in
a rich old morocco binding, with coat of arms on the sides. Limited
367 BuRGOYNE. State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid
before the House of Commons, by Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne
and verified by evidence with a collection of authentic doc-
uments, and addition of many circumstances which were
prevented from appearing before the House by the proro-
gation of Parliament. Written by himself. Map. 4°
half sheep. London, 1780
36S BuRGOYNE. State of tlie Expedition from Canada, as laid
before the House of Commons, by Lientenant-Ccncral
Burgoyne, and verified by evidence : with a collection of
authentic documents. Written and collected by himself.
2d edition. Maps. S'^ boards, uncut. London, 17S0
Fine uncut cojjy, with autographs of Gov. rownal and Hon. John Ncilson.
369 Burke, Edward. An Account of tlie European Settlements
in America. Maps. 2 vols. S° calf. London, 1757
370 Burke. Account of the European Settlements in America.
2 vols. 13° calf. London, 17O6
371 Burke. Speech of, on moving his resolutions for concilia-
tion with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. S^ paper.
London, 1775
372 Burke, Sir Bernard. Rise of Great Families, other Essays,
and Stories. 8" cloth, uncut. London, 1S73
373 Burke. Vicissitudes of Families and other Essays. 2 vols.
small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1859
374 Burke, John. Encyclopctdia of Heraldry, or general armor)-
of England, Scotland and Ireland, comprising a registry of
all armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time,
including the late grants by the College of Arms. Thick
8° cloth. London.
375 Burke. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the extinct
and dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scot-
land. Portrait and hundreds of coats-of-arms in the text,
colored by hand. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844.
376 Burke, J. and J. B. Royal Families of ICngland, Scotland,
and Wales, with their descendants, sovereigns and subjects.
2 vols, royal 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 184S
377 Burke. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the
Landed Gentry, of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols,
imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1847
378 Burke. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerages
of England, Ireland, and Scotland, extinct, dormant, and
in abeyance. 8^ cloth, uncut. London, 1840
379 Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements
in North America in the years 1759 and 1760 : with obser-
vations upon the state of the Colonies. S° calf.
London, 1775
350 ]]URN, Richard. Le Juge a Paix, et officier de paroisse pour
la Province de Quebec. 8° half tnorocco. Montreal, 17S9
351 Burns, Robert. Complete Works of. (Self Interpreting.)
Illustrated with 60 etchings, and wood-cuts, maps and fac-
similes. 6 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Phila.
Edition de luxe. India proofs. Only 1000 copies printed.
352 Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, by
Robert Burns. 8° full morocco super extra, red edges.
Printed by John Wilson, Kilmarnock, 1786
The excessively scarce first edition, with some defects, but measui
ing 7 1-2 by 4 7-8 inches. The title page is missing and supplied in a
facsimile, 5 leaves mended, and several leaves stained ; considering its
rarity the copy is a desirable one, perfect copies are quoted at ;ii^ioo
.ind over.
353 Burns. Poems chielly in the Scottish Dialect. Second edi-
tion (First Edinburgh Edition), An elegant cop}', with
portrait after Nasmyih. 8° half morocco extra, gilt top
by Bradslreet, Edinburgh, 1787
384 Burns. Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. The Third
Edition (First London Edition). A beautiful copy. Por-
trait by Bengo. 8° full crushed levant morocco super
extra, gilt edges, by Tout. London, 1787
This edition, published in April, 17S7, contains the first engraved por-
trait made of lUirns from the painting by Nasmyth. Burns wrote to
}>a!lantyne, Feb. 4, ijSy. " I am getting my phiz done by an eminent
engraver, John Bengo, and if it can be ready in time, I shall appear in
my book, looking like other fools, to my liile page"''
385 Burns. Works of, with an account of his life, and a criti-
cism on his writings, to which are prefixed some observa-
tions on the character and condition of the Scottish Peas-
antry. Portrait. Fourth edition. 4 vols.; — Views in
North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns,
accompanied with Descriptions, and a Sketch of the Poet's
Life, by James Storer and John Greig. Numerous plates.
8° half roan. Together, 5 vols. London, 1S05
356 Burns. Poetical Works. Engraved titles. 2 vols. 24° cloth.
Chiswick, 1829
357 Burns. Poems. Reprint of the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.
8° boards, uncut. Kilmarnock, 1870
358 Burns. The Cottar's Saturday Night. With 8 plates, by
John Faed. Oblong folio, cloth. Edinburgh, 1853
359 Burns. Illustrations of Robert Burns' Works. 17 etchings,
by W, B. Scott. India proofs before letters. In a port-
folio. Folio, boards. Edinburgh, 1885
390 DuKNS. Illustrations to the Works of Robert Burns, from
original drawings by Nasmyth, Bough, Lockhart and Stain-
ton. 29 elegant plates, in a portfolio. Folio, boards.
Artist's proof. Only 75 copies printed, Edinburgh, iSSo
391 Burns. The Soldier's Return. Illustrated by John Faed.
6 fine plates. Oblong folio, cloth. Edinburgh, 1S57
392 Burns. Tam O'Shantcr. Illustrated by John Faed. 6 fine
plates. I'olio, boards, Edinburgh, 1S55
393 Burns. Tarn O'Shanter, a Tale in Verse. With full-page
colored illustrations bj' George Cruikshank. 4" boards.
London, 1884
39; Burton, John H. Book-Hunter. Portrait and illustrations.
12° half morocco, uncut. Roxburghe style. New York, 1SS3
395 Burton, W. E. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor, containing
choice and characteristic selections from writings of the
most eminent humorists of America, Ireland, Scotland and
l^ngland. Portraits. 2 vols, bound in 4. 4 vols. 8" cloth.
New York, 1872
396 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy. Folio, half
sheep. (Title page missing and otherwise imperfect.)
(London, 163S),
397 Bush, George. Life of Mahommed, founder of the religion
of Islam and of the Empire of the Saracens. First Canada
edition. 8° half morocco. Niagara, 1831
39S Bussv-R.\BUTiN. llistoire Amoureuse des Gaules. 18° full
crimson crushed levant morocco e.xtra, three gold fdlets on
the sides, tooled back, gilt edges, inside borders, by Tiii-
KARON. Lie'ge, n. d.
Elegant copy of the famous Elzevirian edition, '• ula Croi.xde Make."
Contains the extra leaf (the Key), giving the names of the parties
alluded to.
399 [BuTEL-DuMONT.] Histoire et Commerce des Angloises, dans
I'Amerique Septentrionale, ou Ton trouve I'etat actuel de
leur population, et des details curieux sur la constitution du
leur gouvernement, principalement sur celui de la Nouvelle-
Angleterre, de la Pensilvanie, de la Caroline et de la
(icorgie. 12° paper, uncut. Londres, 1755
100 Butler, Capt. \\. F. Wild North Land, being the story of a
winter journey with dogs across Northern North America.
Illustrations and map. ' Montreal, 187 (
^oi Butler. The Great Lone Land, a narrative of travel ami
adventure in the North-West of America. Map. 8^ cloth,
uncut. London, 1872
402 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, the first part, printed for Richard
Marriot, 1663 ; LIudibras, the second part, printed for
John Martyn and James AUestry, 1664 ; Hudibras, the third
and last part, printed for Simon Miller, 1678. The rare
first edition of each, together 3 vols. 12" and 8° calf and
half calf. London, 1663-78
403 Butler. Hudibras, in three parts. iS° in old morocco bind-
ing, lettered " Whole Duty of ^Lan."' Glasgow, 1769
404 Butler. Poetical Works of. Portrait. 2 vols. 12" polished
calf. Pickering: London, 1S35
405 BuTTERWORTii, Hezekiah. Zigzag Journeys in Acadia and
New France. Numerous illustrations. 4° cloth. Boston, 18S5
4-1 C A '1' A L O G U E .
^n6 F.VRON, Lord. Hours of Idleness, a Series of Foetus, original
and translated. 8° original boards, uncut. Newark, 1807
Fine copy of ihe original edition of Byron's first publication, wlurh
called forth the adverse criticism in the lulinbiirgh Review.
/\o'j BvRoN. Poems. The Giaour, JJride of Abydos and Corsair.
8" boards, uncut. London, 1814
40S BvRON. Sardanapalus, a Tragedy; — 'i'he Two Foscari; —
Cain, a Mystery. 8° half roan. London, 182 1
409 Byron. Don Juan. Portrait. 18° boards, uncut.
London, 1822
/lio BvRoN. Narrative of Lord Byron's Last Journey to Greece;
extracted from the Journal of Count Peter Gamba, who at-
tended his Lordship on that E.xpedition. 8® calf.
London, 1825
4n BvRO\T. Life of, by John Gait. (First Canadian Edition.)
8° sheep. Niagara, 1831
412 /^~~*AB1NET OF Genius; containing frontispieces and char-
V^_^ acters adapted to the most Popular Poems, etc., with
the Poems, etc., at large ; embellished with 56 most exquisite
stippled engravings, in brown ink, of the Bartolozzi School,
designed by S. Shelley, and engraved by Taylor. 2 vols,
small 4*^ calf. (Covers broken.) London, 1787
^13 Cap.ot, Sebastian. Remarkable Life, Adventures of Sebas-
tian Cabot of Bristol, founder of Great I'ritain's Maritime
power, discoverer of America and its first colonizer. By J.
I'\ Nicholls. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1869
414 Catot. Les Navigations Terre-Neuviennes de Jean et Sebas-
tian Cabot. Letter an Rev. L. Woods, Par M. 1), Avezac.
Royal 8" paper, uncut. Paris, 1869
415 Cai.endrier Parisien, 1886. Illustrated with 12 etchings.
18° silk covers, uncut edges. Only 650 copies printed.
416 C.M. KINS, John B. Ilistorv and Geography of Nova Scotia.
12'' cloth. ' ILalifax, 187S
4 1 7 Calvf.rt, Pierre du. Appel a la Justice de I'Etat ; ou Recueil
de Lettres au Roi, au Prince de Galles, et aux JvLnistres ;
avec une lettre a Messieurs les Canadiens, ou sont fidele-
rnent exposes les actes horrible de la violence arbitraire
qsii a r^gne dans la Colonic, durant les derniers troubles,
ft les vrais sentiments du Canada sur le Bill de (Quebec,
et sur la forme de Gouvernment la plus propre a y faire
renaitre la paix and le lionheiir public. S'^ paper, uncut.
Londres, 1784
418 Calvkt. Case of Peter du Calvet, Esq., of Monlreal, Prov-
ince of Quebec; containing (among other things worth no-
tice) an Account of the long and severe Imprisonment he
suffered in the said Province, by the order of Gen. Haldi-
niand, the present governor of the same, without the least
cause or offence. 8° half morocco. London, 17S4
419 Cameos of English History; — Italian Dictionary; — Bige-
low's Handbook of Punctuation; — The Queen's English,
by Alford ; — Cyclopaedia of Religious Literature, etc.
10 vols.
420 Campardon, ]•'. La Cheminle de Madame de la Poupelinicre.
Frontispiece. Square 18° full blue crushed levant morocco
extra, inside borders, gilt edges, purple satin lining. Paris,
¥lne copy. Relates to the famous liason of Cardinal Richelieu with
La Poupelinieie.
421 Campbell, Thomas. Pleasures of Hope, with other I'oems.
Plates by W'estall. 12° panelled calf. London, 1822
422 Campean, F. R. P'. Illustrated Guide to the House of Com-
mons of Canada, 1875 ; — House of Commons and Senate,
1879. Numerous portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth.
Ottawa, 1875-9
423 Campean. Guide Illustre de la Chambre des Communes
du Canada. Numerous portraits. 8° cloth. Ottawa, 1875
424 Canada. Collection de manuscrit contenant lettres, memoirs,
et autre documents historiques relatif a la Nouvelle-France,
recuelllis aux archives de la province de Quebec, ou copies
a I'etranger, mis en ordre et editt/s sous les aupices de la
legislature de Quebec avec table. Complete set. 5 vols,
thick 4° paper, uncut. Quebec, 1SS3-85
425 Canada. Short Topographical Description of his Majesty's
Province of Upper Canada in North America. To which
is annexed a Provincial Gazetteer. 8" half roan, uncut,
gilt top. London, 1799
426 Canada. Relations incdites de la Nouvelle-France, (1672-
1679) pour faire suite aux Anciennes Relations, 1615-1672,
2 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1861
427 Canada. Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760.
]\Iaps and plans. 8° cloth. (Binding damaged.)
Quebec, 1S73
428 Canada. L'Univers Pittoresque, ou Ilistoire et description
de tous les peuples, publit? par Firmin Didot freres. 1436
livraison concernant les possessions anglaise de I'Amerique
du Nord par Frt?d, Lacroix. With 16 plates. 8° paper,
uncut. Paris.
ContaliTi an aiticle on Caniida not to lie found elsewheie.
429 Canada Archives. Complete , set, comprising Ancient
French Archives or E.\tracts from the Minutes of Council
relating to the records of Canada, while under the Govern-
ment of France. Small 4° original boards ; — Neilson,
Quebec, 1791. (Fine copy of English and French text); —
Reports of Douglass Brymner 1873, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884,
1885, 1886, 1886, 1888; — Quebec Parliamentary Reports,
1883 and 1886-87 ; — Nos Archives, Les Statistiques, Que-
bec, 1880; — Les Archives du Canada par Turcotte, 14
vols. Quebec, 1877
430 Canada I^aws. Nova Scotia. Perpetual Acts of the Gene-
ral Assemblies of His Majesty's Provinces of Nova Scotia,
'i'itle. Dedication, Table of Titles, etc. (13 prel. 11.) pp.
i-2o6, and errata, i p. ; — The Temporary Acts of the Gen-
eral Assemblies of Nova Scotia. 'Pitle, and pp. 65. 2 vols,
in I, old law calf. Fine copy.
Robert Fletcher: Halifax, N. S., 1767
" Tl»Is ediiion of the Laws of the Provinres was prepared liy Joliii
Duport, Ksq. ' with the revised and marginal references by Cluef-Justice
Jonathan Belcher' — by whom it was dedicated to the (iOvernor, Lord
William Campbell."
431 Canada Laws. Ordinances made for the Province of Quebec
by the Governor and Council of the said Province' since the
l<]stablishment of the Civil Government. Folio, half sheep.
Pirown and Gilmore : Quebec, 1767
General Murray's Ordinances. Si pages, the last supplied in MSS.
lion. Judges Kamsay and I). Mondelet's signatures on title.
.^^3 Canada Laws. Ordinances made and passed by the Gover-
nor and Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec,
pp. 134. Folio, half roan. Quebec, 1777
433 Canada I^aws. Ordinances made and passed by the Gover-
nor and Legi-slative Council of the Province of Quebec,
pp. 82. J'^olio, half sheep, uncut. Quebec, 1780
434 Canada Laws. Ordinances from 1768 to 1773 in MS. folio.
(Not known to exi.st in a printed form.)
The four preceding numbers form a complete set of the Ordinances.
43^ Canada Laws. Complete set of Statutes from 1758 to 1S36.
Vol. o. Public Acts, Quebec, 1824 ; — Vol.1. Edits et Or-
dinnances, Quebec, 1803; — Vol. II. Ordinnances des
Intendants; — Vols. I to XIV. Statutes, Quebec, 1830-36.
17 vols. 4° uniform binding, sheep.
-^36 Canada Laws. Ordinances of the Special Council of Lower
Canada, 1838-9. 4° half calf. Quebec, 1839
437 Canada Laws. Collection of the Acts passed in the Parlia-
ment of Great Britain, and of other public Acts Relative to
Canada, 1 759-1822. (Includes official Articles of Capitu-
lation, Quebec and Montreal. 4° half sheep. Quebec, 1824
43S Canada Laws, Ordinances made and Passed by Ihe Governor
and Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec and
now in force in the Province of Lower Canada. 4° calf.
Quebec, 1795
Contains also Acts Geo. 111,1768-74: — Copies Quebec Official
Cia^ictte, Dec i, 1791, containing proclamation forming Province of
I'pper Canada, May 24, 1702, Proclamation forming cities of Montreal,
Quebec, Three Rivers, William Henry and townships of Canada.
V'roclamation Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation betwecti
Kngland and the United States of America, dated 19 Nov. 1794. Reg-
ulation of Comqierce between Lower Canada and the^ United Slates,
Official Proclamation, Indexes, etc.
439 Canada Laws, Maseres' Plan of a Code of Laws for the
Province of Quebec. Reported by the Advocate-General
(Masbres). 12° half morocco. London, 1774
440 Canada Laws. Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada from
the first session of the first Provincial Parliament, 1792 to
1808. 4 vols. 4° half sheep. (Quebec, 1795-1808
441 Canada Laws. The Same. Vol. 1. 1792-96. 4° half
sheep. Quebec, 1795
442 Canada Laws. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations,
et Arrets du Conseil D'Etat I)u Roi ; Concernat le Canadn,
mis par ordre chronologiquc. 2 vols. 4° half sheep.
Quebec, 1803-6
413 CaxNada Laws. Edits, Oidonnanccs Ivoyaux, Declarations,
• ct Arrets du Conseil ; — Arrets et Rcglements du Conseil
Supbrier dc Quebec ct Ordonnances et Jugements des In-
tendants du Canada. 2 vols, royal S° half sheep.
Quebec, 1854-55
444 Canada Laws, Statutes of His Majesty's Province of Upper
Canada, 1820-30. 4° half sheep.
York and Toronto, 1S20-30
445 Canada I-aws. L'pper Canada Legislative Council and
Assembly Reports of 1S21. (Title page and first two leaves
missing). 4° half roan. Printed at York, 1821
446 Canada Laws. Statutes regulating the Judicature of Lower
Canada, 8° half sheep, Kingston, 1S43 ; — Index Com-
plct dcs Ordonnances et Statuts du Pas Canada Jusqu'a la
57', ;\nncc (1817) de George Trois. 'i'ogcther 2 vols. 8''
iialf sheep. Quebec, 1818
447 Canada Laws. Tables relative to the Acts and Ordinances of
Lower Canada. S° half sheep. Kingston, 1843
44S Canada Laws. Tables of fees to Attorney's and Officers of
the Courts of Law of Lower Canada. 8^ half sheep.
Montreal, 1862
4 19 Canada Laws. A brief View of the Laws of Upper Canada.
By W. C. Keele. 8° half sheep. Toronto, 1844
450 Canada. Information respecting the Eastern Townships of
Lower Canada, addressed to emigrants and others in search
of lands for settlement. 8° half roan. Sherbrooke, 1S37
451 Canada and her Resources. First Prize Essay, by J. S.
Ilogan ; — Second Prize Essay by Alexander Morris. Maps.
2 vols. S' cloth, uncut. AContreal, 1S55
452 Canada. Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of the Con-
federation of the British North American Provinces, 3d
session 8th Provincial Parliament of Canada. Royal 8°
half sheep. Quebec, 1S65
'153 Canada. 'Jlioughts on the Canada Ei!l now depending in
Parliament. 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1791
454 Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1S55. Frontispiece.
8" cloth. Toronto, 1856
455 Canada. Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada, to
which is added an appendix describing the principal towns,
fortifications, and rivers in Lower Canada. With folded
map mounted on linen. 8° boards. New York, 1813
4:56 Canada. Constitution of Canada. The British North Amer-
ica Act, 1867; to which is added the (Juebec Resolutions
of 1864, and the Constitution of the LTnited States. By
Joseph Doutre. Royal 8'^ half sheep. Montreal, 1880
^57 Canada. ISfemoires ct Documents relalifs a I'histoire du
Canada, public's par la Socicte Ilistorique de Montreal,
8° half morocco. Montreal, 1859
45S Canada. Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of
Lower Canada, in the Session of 1831. 8° boards.
Montreal, 1832
459 Canada. Dcbats Parlementaires sur la question de la Con-
federation des provinces de I'Amerique Britannique du
Nord. 3^ Session, de Parlement Provincial du Canada.
Thick 8° half morocco. Quebec, 1865
460 Canada. Rapport du Commitc du Conseil sur I'Objet d'aug-
menter Ics Moyens d'Education. 4° half calf. Quebec, 1790
The first oHicial report on public instruclion printed ia Canada.
461 Canada. Journal de ITnstruction Publique. Illustrations.
8 vols, in 2, 4° half calf. Montreal, 1858-64
462 Canada. Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress
from its Commencement to 1S74. 8 vols. 8° flexible calf.
(Vols. 1 and 3 misbound.) Montreal, 1863-74
463 Canada. Exploration Geologique du Canada. Rapports de
Progress, 1845-53. Maps. 2 vols. 8° half morocco.
464 Canada. One Hundred Prize Questions in Canadian His-
tory and the Answers of " Hermes " (McCord). 12° paper.
(2 copies.) Montreal, 1880
465 Canada. Early Imprints. Si\ John, N. I>. Sermon by J.
Priestly, 23 pp., St. John, Henry Chubb, 1821 ; — Remarks
on the Improvement of Live Stock, St. John, Henry Chubb,
1825; — Minutes New Brunswick Baptist Association, St.
John, D. A. Cameron, 1834; — Speeches Wesleyan Cen-
tenary Meetings, St. John, W. L. Avery, 1838. York. Re-
port Society Promoting Christian Knowledge for 1827,
York, U. C. R. Stanton, N. D. ; — CInirch Fellowship, a
Sermon by Ven. John Strachan, York, Rob. Stanton, 1832.
Toronto. 10 letters on Church Establishment, in Answer
to Rev. E. Ryerson by an Anglo Canadian. 7 pamphlets.
Toronto, 1839.
4G6 Canada. Early Imprints. KtNGSTON, U. C. Religious Dis-
courses by the Author of VVaverley, Kingston, James Mac-
farlane, 1828; — A Letter from Rev. D. Strachan to Dr.
Lee, D.D., Kingston, 1829 ; — La Crise Ministerielle et Mr.
Dennis B. Viger, etc., Kingston, 1844. Cohourg, U. C.
Hear the Church, Coburg, 1839. Montreal. The Christ-
ian Religion recommended in a letter to his Pupils, by Rev.
J. Strachan, Montreal, 1S07 ; — A Sermon preached at
York, by the Rev. John Strachan, Montreal, 1814 ; — Arti-
cles of Association of the Montreal Bank, Montreal, VV.
Gray, N. D. (18 16). 7 pamphlets.
467 Canada Imprints. Meilleur, J. B. Nouvelle Grammaire
Anglaise. 16° stitched. Village Debartzch, 1833
46S Canada Imprint. Toronto Almanac, 1839. (Title-page and
last leaf of the index missing.) 16° half calf. Toronto.
469 Canada Imprint. Lettre adresse a ses Quailles par Mgr.
J. Ev^que de Lt'on. (Quebec : J. Neilson, 1792)
470 Canada Paper Money. Declaration Du Roy ou sujet de la
Monnoye de Carte de Canada, Paris, 1717. Arrest du
Conseil I) Etat du Roi concernant les Papiers de Canada.
Paris, 1 764-1 765-1 768-1 769. 6 interesting pieces on the
paper-money of Canada.
471 Canada. Agricultural. Evans' Agricultural Improvement,
Montreal. (Inscribed copy from the Author to James
Leslie); — Traduction des Lemons de Chinne, Montreal,
1820; — Supplementary Volume to Evans' Agriculture,
Montreal, 1836; — Canadian Agricultural Reader, Niagara,
1845 ; — The Canadian Farrier ;ind Farmer's Manual, by
R. C. Hoit; — Stanstead and Sherbrooke, 1834; —
Memoirs of the Society of Virginia for Promoting Agricul-
ture, 1818; — Provincial Agricultural Society, Halifax, N.
S., 1824. 6 vols.
472 Canada Provenances. French Regime. Church Missal
with Music (without title and imperfect). Ce present Missal
appartirent a L'Eglise des P^res Recollets desTrois Rivieres.
cA moy soussignd, qui rempruntc, promets le leur rendre a
Icur premiere, requet et volontd . Fait au.vTrois Rividres cc
fjiiinzibme Mars, Mil Sept Cent Trente Hult, Clement
Lefebvre Prdtre Religieux Recollet Missioiiaire des Forges
de Saint I\Iauricc. Folio, old calf.
473 Canada Provenances. French Rf.GiME. L'Homnic de
Cour de Baltasar Grecian. With autograph sig. on title of
CuRl^ Le Guerne, dated 1753, and with book-plate on
cover, A la Cure de Quebec, Bibliothcquc de I^L Le Guerne.
J 2° calf. Paris, 1687
Books from the Frcncli period of Canada (prior to 1760) arc excess-
ively rare. Cure Lc Guerne was a prominent Missionary to the Aca-
flians at the time of their expulsion. The book-plate is believed to
have been printed in Canada as it is now well established tliat there
<vas planting of small matter done under the French regime.
474 Canada Provenances. Foster's Sicily. With book-plate, Jo-
seph Frobisher (Montreal Merchant, 1783); — Iradatus
Rcligione, with Bishop Lartique's autograph signature on
title (first R. C. Bishop of Montreal) ; — School Colloquies
(1725), with Hon. Robert Baldwin's book-plate (Baldwin of
Spadina, in the County of York, Upper Canada) ; — Ameri-
can Poets, with Lord Sydenham's autograph signature on
title (Governor-General of Canada, 1S39-41) ; — Virgil,
with Hon. James Leslie's autograph signature on title ; —
Institution au droit Fran<jais, with autograph signature on
title of FIoN, Chas. R. Ogden, Attorney-General, Lower
Canada (184O and Isle of Man; — Menagiana, with Vi-
caire General Noisen's book-plate ; — La Farfalla, with Abbe
Chenet's autograph signature on title ; — Raynal's History,
with Sir Hew Dalrvmpi.e's autograph signature on title
9 vols.
475 Canada Provenances. Frobisher. Autograph of J. Fro-
bisher on Travel, by Marshall (\ol. 2), founder of the
North West Company in 17S3; — McGill. Rollin's His-
tory (vol. 12), with autograph signature on first page, James
McGill, 1780 (the founder of McGill University, Montreal) ;
— Cauchon. Rules, Orders, and Forms of Proceedings of
the House of Commons of Canada. 12° full red morocco
extra, with autograph signature of Joseph Cauchon on fly-
leaf (the first Speaker and President of the Senate and
Lieut.-Gov. of Manitoba) ; — Craig. Histoire de France,
with autograph signature on fly-leaf, J. H. Craig, Governor
(Sir James Henry Craig, Governor of Canada, 1807-11); —
Haldimand. Testament Politique, with autograph signa-
ture, Fred Haldimand (Governor of Canada. 1778-1785).
q vols.
476 Canada Provenances. La Science des ConfesseuVb. With
auto. sig. Nic Boucher Pretre, 1721, on title-page. 12°
calf. Paris, 1700
Boucher was son of the celebrated Author of the History of Canada, 1666.
477 Canadian Authors. Fables, by Paul Stevens; — Canadian
Homes ; — Tugue Bleue, by Lesperance ; — Temperance
Odes, by McKillop ; — Fifine, the Fisher-Maid ; — Canadian
Summer Evening Tales, by Spedon ; — For King and
Country, a story of 18 12, etc. 11 pamphlets.
47S Canadian Authors. Les Fleurs de la Poesie Canadienne ; —
Romances et Chansons, par Maisais ; — Chants de la Veil
life ; — LTntendant Bigot, par Marmette ; — A^'alentine, ou
la Nina Canadienne, etc. S pamphlets,
.]79 Canadian Poetry. Poems by E. Sawtell, Montreal, 1840
(very scarce) ; — Mrs. Blennerhassett's Poems, Montreal,
JS24 (very scarce) ; — Saul, by Hea\7sage, ist and 2d edi-
tions ; — Count Phillippo, by Heavysage ; — Cousin Sandy's
(J. Eraser) Tale of the Sea ; — Ascher ; — ^'■oices from the
Hearth. 7 vols.
450 Canada. Poems by Robert McBride, Auguste Baldwin, Heavy-
sage, Cousin Sandy, " A Protestant," Ascher, John Reade,
Charles Mair. 8 vols.
451 Canada. Poems by Bard of Niagara (with portrait), 1872; —
Sangster, Day-dreams by a Butterfly, Kingston, 1854 ; ~
The U. E., a tale of Upper Canada, Niagara, 1859 ; — A Mili-
ary Trite or Rhymes of a Red-coat, Quebec, 1858 ; — Poems
on Various Subjects, by Widow Fleck, Montreal, 1S35 (rare) ;
— The Unknown, or Lays of the Forest, by W. F. Hawley,
Montreal, 183 1 (fine uncut copy); — Poems, by J. A. i<.
Standish ; — O'Grady's Poems, 1841 (scarce) ; — The Hu-
ron Chief, by Adam Kidd, Montreal, 1830 (scarce); — Mc-
Lannier's Songs of Old Canada. 13 vols.
452 Canada. General Literature. They Two, or Phases of
Life in Eastern Canada fifty years ago ; — Peri Tamar (v.ith
view of Quebec) ; — Uncle Tom's Cabin, Boston, 1852 ; —
Dred, Toronto, 1856 ; — Charlie Chatterton ; — Elizabeth,
or the E.xiles of Siberia, Montreal, 1830 ; — Scraps and
Sketches in the Album of a Literary Lounger, Montreal,
1831; — Hours off and on Sentr)' (Militar)' Adventures in
Canada), by Alex Walker, Montreal, 1859 (very rare); —
A Six Weeks' Tour, by Miss Jane Porter (signed by her) ; —
The Advocate, by Heavysage. Illustrated (scarce). 11 vols.
483 Canadian Poetry. Frechette (Poet-Laureate) ; — Les Fleurs
Borealis, Les Oiseaux de Neiges, Quebec, 1879, with in-
scription on title from the author ; — Legendre, Suite, Les
Ileurs de la Poesie Canadians Arminta (J. Leslie's cop\'
with book-plate), early Montreal full binding ; — Moore's
Alelodies (New Vork, 1S21). 6 vols.
454 Canada, General Literature, Frechette, Les Oiseaux de
Neige, Quebec, 1879 (30 copies only printed) ; — Suite, Au
Coin du Feu; — B. Joliette, by A, Manseau (the Bibaud
ropy with notes) ; — Antoinette de Mirecourt, translated l)y
Cenand, 1S68; — Les Ileros de Chateauguay by David; —
lancher de St. Klaurice ; — Le Chevalier Falardau, Bibaud
copy with signature ; — Esquisse sur le Canada par Tachb ;
— Notes sur le Canada par Ue Cayes ; — Th^se sur les Mar-
iages Clandestines par E, L. D. Bellefeuille ; — Reforme du
Tarif Canadien par C. Beausoleil ; — Taylor's Creation of our
(I lobe, Quebec, 1840; — Suisse Methodiste Confendu et
Convaincu d'Ignorance et de Mensonge, Montreal, 1851 ; —
'I'lie Valley of the Chaudi^re, Its Scenery and Gold Fields,
l)y Dr, N. J. Anderson, Quebec, 1872 (with photographs) ; —
Notes Historiques sur la Colonic Canadienne de Detroit ; —
Manuel de Temperance par P^re Chinicjuy, Montreal, 1847 ;
— Les Qualites Morales du Bon Militaire, par L. N, Voyes.
ID vols,
4>>^ Canadian Handbook and Tourists' Guide, giving a descrip-
tion of Canadian Lake and River Scenery and Places of
Historical Interest, with the best Spots for Shooting and
I'i.shing. Photographic illustrations. 8° cloth,
Montreal, 1S67
486 Canadian Journal, 1856; — S(iuvenirs of a Canadian State
Prisoner in 1838, Montreal, 1S62 ; — Reminiscences of
Quebec, derived from reliable Sources, Quebec, 1859; —
Maple Leaves, First and Second Series, Quebec, 1863-64 ;
— A Siege of Quebec, 1759, etc. Maps and plates. Bound
in 1 vol. 8° half roan.
4S7 Canada. Nos Croises, Montreal, 1871, (Narrative of the
Canadian Zouaves to Rome duiing the Papal and Gari-
baldi troubles); — Medical Essays by Philanthropic Physician.
l'ul)lished by the Author (Montreal), 1834, First Medical
treatise printed in English in Canada; — Wilderness Jour-
neys, St, John, N, B., 1864; — Le Sueur's Memorials of the
Quebec Conference, 1863; — McVicar's Emigration to
Canada; — Gait's Life of Byron, Niagara, 1831; — Wil-
liam's Alexander the Great, Niagara, 1831. 8 vols,
455 Canada sous la Dominion Anglaise, par Boucher de la
P-ruere ; — Histoire du Canada, par I'Abbd de Belmont ; —
Memoire de Bougainville sur I'etat de la Nouvelle France,
1757 ; — Une Page d'Histoire contemporaine ; — Notes sur
hi Famille Lambert du Mont, etc. 8 pamphlets,
489 Canadian Religious Controversy, La France Canadienne,
la question religieuse, par (iuerard ; — M, I'Ahbd Sax et
ses Souffleurs ; — La (irande Guerre Ecclesiastique ; —
Le Don Quichote Montrealais, etc. 8 pamphlets.
490 Canada as a Home ; — Le Saguenay en 185 1 ; — Gold Fields
of Canada ; — British Columbia ; — Northern Lakes of
Canada; — Wilderness Journeys in New Brunswick; —
Holiday Trip, Montreal to Victoria, etc. 20 pamphlets,
491 Canada. Historical Pamphlets relating to. Canadian Lettre
di Cura Le Guerne ; — P.Stevenson's Address to the Lit.
Hist. Soc, Quebec, 1878 ; — Soc. Hist, di Montreal. Vols,
for 1869 (2), 1S71 (Hist, de Montreal, 1640-72); — Les
Veritables Motifs de Mefsieurs et Dames de le Socic^te de
Notre Dame de Montreal, 1880. (10)
492 Canada. Miscellaneous Pamphlets relating to, including
Index to iirst 16 vols. La Revue Canadienne ; — Gagnon's
Chansons Populaires, Quebec, 1865 ; — Russell's Quebec;
— Bishop Macdonnell's Reminiscences with autograph sig-
nature inserted, etc. (25)
493 Canada. Scraps and Sketches, or the Album of a Literary
Lounger, Montreal, 183 1. (Fine uncut copy) ; — Les deux
Girouttes, Montreal, 1S34 ; — Evans' Agricultural Improve-
ment, Montreal, 1837; — Institut Canadien en 1852, par J.
B. E. Darwin; — Institut Canadien en 1855, P'^'' J- L. La
Fontaine (contains Doutre's Lectures), etc. 4 vols,
494 Canada. Miscellaneous Pamphlets relating to. (30)
495 Canadian Scraps. A Scrap Book containing a large collec-
tion of matter relating to Canada, consisting of autographs,
newspaper clippings, portraits, etc. 4° cloth.
49G Canadian Scraps. A Collection of Newspaper Clippings,
mounted in a scrap book, relating to Canada, with manu-
script index. Large 4'^ half roan,
497 Canadian Church Robbery, 1840; — Canada in Sculpture; —
Notes on federal Governments, past and present ; — Reli-
gious Endowments in Canada ; — Canada, 1849 ^^ 1859 ; —
Account of the Noblesse or Gentry in Canada in 1775 ; —
Romance of the History of Canada ; — Afemorial of the N.
\V. Company, etc. 10 pamphlets.
49S Canada. History of the old French Fort at Toronto ; —
Le Canada sous la Dominion Anglaise ; — Les Archives du
Canada ; — Montalembert's Celebrated Essay on the Colo-
nial Policy of England, etc. 10 pamphlets.
499 Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal. Vols, i to
4. With 24 portraits and 47 autograph letters inserted. 4
vols. 8° half calf extra. Vols. 5 to 12 in parts, together 12
vols, 8°. ^ Montreal, 1872-85
500 Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of
eminent and self-made Men. Quebec and the Maritime
Provinces Volume. Numerous steel portraits. Thick
royal 8^ full morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 188 1
501 Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository, Vols, i 104 (all
published). 4 vols. 8° half calf. View of Montreal and 23
portraits and autograph letters and documents inseated.
Montreal, 1823-5
503 Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal. No.
I, July, 1824, 8° paper. ISIontreal.
504 Canniff, U. History of the Settlement of Upper Canada
(Ontario), with special reference to the Bay Quinte. 8"
cloth. Toronto, i8Gg
505 Canterbury Poets. Edmund Spenser ; — Chaucer. Edited
with notes by Roden Noel. 2 vols, 16° cloth, uncut.
London, 1887
506 Cape Breton. The Great Importance of Cape Breton,
demonstrated and exemplified, by Extracts from the best
writers, French and English, who have treated of that
Colony, 8° stitched. London, 1746
507 Cape Breton. Importance of Cape Breton considered, in a
letter to a Member of Parliament, from an Inhabitant of
New England. 8'^ half morocco, (Top of title cut oft".)
London, 1746
50S Cardwell, Edward, Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks
and Romans, 8'^ cloth, uncut, Oxford, 183:;
509 Carion, Jean. Les Chroniques de Jean Carion Philosophe.
Avec les faictz et gestes du Roy Fran^oys, iusques au regne
du Roy Henry deuxiesme de ce nom, h present regnant.
Traduction en Francois par maistre Jean le Blond, Fine
copy. Thick 18° full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt
edges, inside borders, by Chambolle-Duru.
Jean Cavelier : Paris, 1556
Translation of Carion 's celebrated work originally published in
German, and edited by Melanchton.
510 Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. I'irst edition, 8'^
cloth, uncut. London, 1843
5 1 1 Carmichael-Smyth, Sir James, Precis of the Wars of Canada.
from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, with military and
political reflections. Portrait. 8° cloth. London, 1862
5 1 2 Caron, N. Petit Vocabulaire a I'usage des Canadiens-Fran-
<;ais, contenant les mots dont il faut r^pandre I'usage et
signalent les Barbarismes qu'il faut tfvlter, pour bien parler
notre langue, 8" paper. Trois-Rivieres, 1880
513 ('arr, J. Comyns. Modern Landscape. With 9 etchings
from celebrated pictures and numerous illustrations on
wood and in fac-simile. Folio, cloth, London, 18S3
514 Carroll. Journal of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, during
his Visit to Canada in 1776, as one of the Commissioners
from Congress. With Memoir and Notes by Brantz Mayer.
S° half roan, Baltimore, 1845
515 Carter, John. Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and
painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period
to the reign of Henry VIII, consisting of statues, bas-reliefs,
brasses, paintings on glass, missal illustrations, carvings,
seals, ancient furniture, etc. With critical and historical
illustrations by Douce, Bray, and others. i.:o fine plates,
many in gold and colors. 2 vols, in r, atlas folio, half mor-
occo, uncut, gilt top. London, 1S3S
516 Cartier, Jacques. Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la
Navigation faite en 1435 et 1546 par le Capitaine Jacques
Cartier, aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres.
Reimpression, prdcdd^e d'unc introduction historique.
I'ar M. Davezac. Small 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1863
517 Cartier. Voyage de Jaques Cartier au Canada en 1534.
Nouvelle edition, publie'e d'aprbsl'edition de 1598 et d'aprJ:s
Ramusio, Par M. H. Micliellant. Avec deux Cartes.
Documents Inc'dits sur Jaques Cartier et le Canada. Small
8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1S65
518 Cartier. Relation Originalc du Voyage de Jacques Cartier
au Canada en 1534. Documents inedits. Publid par J I.
Michelant et A. Ramd, accorapagnds de deux portraits de
Cartier. Small 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1867
519 Cartier. Voyages de de'couverte au Canada cntres les an-
ne'es 1534 et 1542 par Jacques Quartiers, le Sieur de Ro-
herval, Jean Alphonse de Xaintoignc, etc., suivis la discrip-
tion de Qudbec et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers
extraits relativement au lieu de Thivernement dc Jacques-
Quartier en 1535-36, avec gravures fac-simile, rdimprime
sur d'anciennes relations et publids sous la direction de la
Socie'td Historique. Map and plate. Small 8° paper.
Quebec, 1843
5:0 Cartwright, George, Journal of Transactions and Events
during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of
Labrador. Maps and plates, 2 vols, large 4° half russia.
(Binding broken.) Newark, 1792
521 Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the Interior Parts of
North America in the Vears, 1766-G8. Maps and plates.
8° half calf. I<ondon, 1778
522 Carver, Travels througli the Interior Parts of North Amer-
ica in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Map and plates,
some colored, 8° mottled calf. London, 1 78 1
523 Carver, Three Years' Travel through the Interior Parts of
North America for more than 4000 miles. 12° sheep.
Phila., 17S9
524 Carv and Lea, Geograph}-, History, and Statistics of Amer-
ica and the West Indies. Maps, 8° boards, uncut.
(Broken.) London, 1S23
525 fitasciS, B. de las. Tratados varies. Eutre los remedios
, . . para reformacion de las Indias. JDlack £cttcr. Small
4° half vellum. Fine copy. Sevilla, 1552
526 Cases. Tratado. Este es untratado sobre la materia de los
yndios que se han hecho en alias esclavos. Ulack £ctter.
Small 4° half vellum. Fine copy. Sevilla, 1552
5.: 7 Casas. La Decouvcrte des Indes OccidenLales, par les
Espagfiols. Frontispiece. 12*^ old calf, gilt. Pans, 1697
528 Casas. Tyrannies et Cruautez des Espagnoles, comises es
Indes Occidentales, qu'on dit le Nouveau Monde. Traduite
en Franrois par Jacques de Rliggrodc. Small 4° vellum.
Rouen, 1630
529 Casgrain, L'Abbe H. R. Un IV'ierinage au pays D'l^vange-
line. S'^ paper, uncut. Quebec, 1887
529*Casgrain. Une Paroisse Canadicnne au XV'Il* siecle. 18°
cloth. Quebec, iSSo
530 Casgrain. Ilistoire du LTIotcl-Dieu de Quebec. 8° paper,
uncut. Quebec, 1878
53o*Cassell's Old and New London. Parts 1-25. Subscription
edition. Several hundred illustrations. 25 parts, royal 8°
paper, uncut. London.
531 Cat, Edourd. Les Grandes Dccouvcrtes Maritimes du Trei-
zieme au Seizemc Siecle. Portrait. 12® paper, uncut.
532 Catalogue de la Bibliotheque dc L'Institut Canadien de
Quebec. 8'' paper, uncut. Quebec, 1S81
533 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Legislative As-
sembly of Canada. 8"^ half roan. Montreal, 1846
534 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Literary and
Historical Society of Quebec. 8" cloth. Quebec, 1864
535 Catalogue of the Library of the Parliament of Ontario; —
Subject Catalogue of the Toronto Public Library. 2 vols.
8° cloth and half roan. Toronto, 1 88 1-89
536 Catalogue. Reference Catalogue of current Literature,
containing the full titles of Books now in print and on sale ;
with the prices at which they may be obtained of all book-
sellers, with index. Very thick 8° half morocco.
London, 1SS9
537 Catalogue of the American Portion of the Library of the
Rev. Thomas Prince. With a Memoir by W. H. Whitmore.
Portrait. 16° cloth. ' Boston, 1868
538 Catalogues. Bibliotheca Americana ; — Hoffman ; — J. J.
Cooke, Part 2 ; — Robert Clarke, Bibliotheca Americana ; —
Bibliotheca Canadienne ; — Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrio-
iialis, etc. (12)
539 Catalogue. Bindley. Curious and extensive Library of the
late James Bindley, Esq., containing an e.xtraordinary
assemblage of rare and curious books in every department
of literature, but particularly in early English Literature :
— Catalogue of Henrj- Drury. Triced in ink, with names of
purchasers. Portrait. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top.
London, 18 iS
540 Catalogue. Brinlcy, George. American Library. The
four parts complete, with list of prices to part first, x vols.
8° paper, uncut. Hartford, 1878-86
541 Catalogue. Bushncll, Charles I. Americana, Engravings,
Autographs, Historical Kclics. etc., sold April 2, 18S3. S''
paper, uncut. New York.
542 Catalogue. Cist. Collection of Autographs belonging to
the estate of the late Lewis J. Cist. Complete set, priced
in ink; valuable as having complete lists of signers, gen-
erals, sovereigns, etc. 4 vols. 8'^ paper. New York, 1886-7
543 Catalogues. French Sales. J. C. Brunet, 1868, priced in
ink ; — Van der Helle, 186S, with printed list of prices : —
Le Baron J. P. * * , 1869. Bound in i vol., royal 8° half
morocco e.xtra, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1868-9
544 Catalogue. Hawkins, Rush C. ^Lmuscripts, Black-Letters,
etc. 8° paper. New York, 1S87
545 Catalogue. Libri Collections. Splendid Manuscripts; —
Choicer Portion of the Library ; — Partie reserve'e et la plus
Pre'cieuse, Printed Prices and Purchasers' Names. 4
vols, royal 8^ paper. London, 1S59-62
546 Catalogue. Menzies, William. Books, ALanuscripts and
Engravings. Royal 8° paper. New York, 1876
547 Catalogue. Murphy, Henry C. Books relating to America,
sold March 3, 1S84. Priced in ink, and the printed list of
prices bound in. Royal 8° half roan, uncut.
New Y'ork, 1884
54S Catalogue. O'Callaghan, E. B. Rare Americana. Priced.
8° paper. New Y^ork, 188::
549 Catalogue. Pellion. Livres Rares et Prc'cieux composant
la Bibliothcque de M. P. Guy Pellion. Priced in ink. S"
paper. Paris, iSSj
550 Catalogue. Pene du Bois, Library and Art Collections, sold
lunc, 1887. 8° i^aper, uncui. New York.
551 Catalogue. Pinart, A. Catalogue dc Livres Rares et Prc'-
cieux, manuscrits et imprimc's principalement sur TAmeri-
que. 8'^ paper, uncut. Paris, 18S3
552 C.vtalocue. Pixer^court. Bibliothcque de ^L G. de Pixerc-
court, avec des notes littdraires et bibliographiques de
Charles Nodier et Paul Lacroix. S° paper, uncut. Paris, 1838
553 Catalogue. Yemeniz. Bibliothbque de M. N. Yemeniz.
Pr^c^d^ d'une notice par Le Roux de Lincy. Royal 8°,
paper, uncut. Paris, 1867
554 Catastrophe Mundi ; or, Merlin Reviv'd, in a Discourse of
Prophecies and Predictions, and their remarkable accom-
plishment; with Mr, Lilly's Hieroglyphicks exactly cut.
16" calf. London, 1683
With book plate of Horatio Walpole.
^55 Catlin, George. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and
Condition of the North American Indians, with letters and
notes -written during eight years' travel and adventure
among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing.
3G0 colored illustrations, 2 vols, royal 3° cloth.
London, 1S76
556 Catltn, George. Notes of eight Years' Travels and Resi-
dence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collec-
tion. Portraits and plates. 2 vols, in i, 8° half morocco.
London, iS^jS
557 Caimn's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes
and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of
America. From drawings and notes of the author, made
(luring eight \'ears' Travel among forty-eight of the wildest
.>.nd most remote Tribes of Savages in North America. 31
plates without text or title. Imperial folio, half morocco.
George Catlin : London.
555 Caulfieid, James. Calcographia ; the Printsellers' Chroni-
cle and Collectors' Guide to the knowledge and value of
engraved British portraits. Portrait. 8° boards, uncut.
London, iSt 1
559 C-AviiNDL-^n, Sir Henry. Government of Canada. Debates
of the House of Commons in the year 1774, on the Bill for
making more effectual Provision for the Government of the
Province of Quebec. Now first published by J. Wright.
\^'ith the two scarce maps. S° cloth, uncut. (Cover
loose.) London, 1839
560 Cavendish. The Same. (Maps v«ar.ting.) 8° boards.
London, 1839
561 Caxto.v, W. Tlie Destruction of 'i'roy, Three Books, with
many admirable Acts of Chivalry in the Defence and Love
of Distressed Ladies, corrected and amended. Small 4°,
line copy in green morocco super extra, tooled sides, gilt
edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Printed on London Bridge, 1703
This curious Romance is a translation of the famous " Recu^yl des
MIstoires le Troyes," which was printed abroad by Caxton between
1464-7, and is supposed to have been the earliest produrtion of hi-
prcss as well as the fitst book printed in French.
562 (Jaxiox. 'l"he Fifteen O's and other prayers, rriatcd by
commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England
and of France, and also of the Princess Margaret, mother
of our Sovereign Lord, the King, by their most humble
subject and servant, William C'axton. Reproduced in
Photo-lithography, by Stephen Ayling. Small 4° vellum.
563 Caxtox. J'he Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. Fac-
simile reproduction of the First Book printed in England by
William Caxton, in 1477. Small folio, cloth, London, 1877
564 Caxton's Game and Plays of the Chesse, 1474. Verbatim
reprint of the first edition, with an introduction by William
E. A. Axon, 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 18S3
565 Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection
of antiquities, curiosities, and appliances connected with
the Art of printing. Edited by George Bullen. Square 8"*
cloth, uncut. London.
Only 150 copies on hand-made paper. This \o. loS.
566 Caxto.v Celebration. Tiie Same. 12° paper. London.
567 Caxton, Some Rules for the Conduct of Life : In Honour of
William Caxton, this Pamphlet is Gratuitously Circulated,
1477-1877, Small 8° boards, uncut, London, 1S77
56S (Cazenove, R. de.) Notes sur deux Bibliophiles Lyonnais,
1562-1867. (Extrait de la Revue du Lyonnais.) Royal
8° boards. Only 103 copies printed. Lyon, 1867
569 Ca;^f.s, Paul de. Notes sur les Canada. 12° paper, uncut.
Quebec, 1878
570 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, dites les Cent Nouvelles du Roi
Louis XI. Nouvelle t;dition revue sur I'ddition origlnalc,
avec des notes et une introduction, par P. L. Jacob, (L:.-
croix.) 12° half morocco, uncut, Paris, 1858
571 Cercle de la Librairie. I'remiere E.xposition, S° cloiii,
uncut. Paris, iSSo
572 Cervantes, Aliguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. 'I'rans-
lated by Charles Jarvis. Numerous full page and other
illustrations in the text by Tony Johannot. 3 vols. 8* full
morocco, gilt edges. London, 1837
573 Cervantes. History of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quix-
ote of La Mancha. Translated by P. A. Moiteux, Illus-
trated Vv'ith 36 etchings by Lalauze. 4 vols, imperial 8°
boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1879
Large pater, with double set of plates, India proofs and
Japan proofs. Only 50 copies printed.
574 Cervantes. Trent-sept Eaux- Fortes pour illustrer Don
Quichote, dessinees et gravies par Adolphe Lalauze, 37
etchings, India proofs before letters In a portfolio.
Large foliO; boards. Edinburgh, 1S85
575 Cervio, Vincenzo. 11 Trinciante ampliato et a pertetiunc
ridotto dal Cavalier Fusoritto da Narni ; — II Mastro di
Casa drl Cav. Nanii. Fine copy with the plates. 4°
< loth. Roma, 1593
A ciiiious aiid iiire couk Look, wiih i>lates of tahlf seivue, etc.
576 Cesnola, L. J\ di. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Il-
lustrations by George Gibson. Folio, paper. New York.
577 Chabert, M. de. Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi, en 1750 et
1751, dans L'Amerique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les
Cartes des Cutes de I'Acadie, de I'lsle Royale, et de ITsle
de 'I'erreneve ; et pour en fixer les principaux points par
des Observations Astronomiques. Maps. Fine copy. 4°
half roan. Paris, 1753
57S Challamkl, M. Augustin. Flistory of Fashion in France ;
or the dress of women from the Gallo-Roman period to the
present time. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr.
John Lillie. Numerous colored plates of costumes. Royal
8° cloth, ornamental wood sides. London, 18S2
579 Chamber's Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.
Edited by Andrew Findlater. 12° cloth. London, 1885
580 Chamtlain, Samuel de. Les Voyages de la Novvelle France
Occidentale, dicte Canada, faits par le Sr. de Champlain
Xainctongeois, Capitaine pour le Roy en la Marine du Po-
nant, & toutes les Descouuertes qu'il a faites en ce pais
depuis I'an 1603, iusques en I'an 1629. Plates in the text.
4° old calf. Lovis Sevestre : Paris, 1632
Good copy of th\> very rore first issue of this edition, with Sevestre's
imprint, with the "Traite de la Marine," et " Doctrines Chrestienne,"
but lacking the map and the "Table de la carte." S pp.
581 Champlain. Les Voyages de la Novvelle France Occiden-
tale, dicte Canada, faits par le Sr. de Champlain Xaincton-
geois, Captaine pour le Roy en la Marine du Ponant, &:
toutes les Descouuertes qu'il a faites en ce pais depuis I'an
1G03, iusques en I'an 1629. Chez
Piere Le-Mur dans la grand Salle du Palais, Paris, 1632
Good copy, with the Traite de la Marine and fac-simile map.
582 Champlain. Another copy of Le Mur's edition, with facsim-
ile map, but lacking the Traits de la Marine. 4° old calf.
Pierre Le Mur : Paris, 1632
583 Champlain. Voyages du Sieur de Champlain, ou Journal ^s
D^couveries de la Nouvelle France. 2 vols. 8° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1830
584 Champlain. Ses CFuvres. Publit'es sous le Patronage de
rUniversitd Laval. Par I'Abbd C. H. Laverdiere. Seconde
edition, ]VIaps and illustrations. 3 vols. 4° half antique
calf, red edges. Quebec, 1870
555 Champlain. Expedition against the Onondagas, 1615; —
Champlain's Astrolabe, Discovery of an Astrolabe supposed
to have been lost by Champlain in 1613 ; — Expedition of
1 61 5, Reply to Dr. Shea and Gen. Clark by O. H. Marshall;
— De C^loron's E.xpedition to the Ohio in 1749, by O. H.
Marshall. Reprinted from the Magazine of American
History. 4 pamphlets small 4*^ paper.
556 Champlain. Le Tombeau de Champlain, par N. E. Dionne ;
— La Question du 'I'ombeau de Champlain, par S. Drapeau.
2 vols. 12'^ paper, uncut. Quebec, 1S80
557 Champlaix. Mc'moire en requete de Champlain pour la
continuation du paiement de sa Pension public par Gabriel
Marcel. 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1886
588 Chap Books. The famous History of Whittington and his
Cat, wood-cuts, Hartford, N. Patten, 1788; — Wisdom of
Crop the Conjurer, an impartial account of the celebrated
Tom Trot, etc., added, The Farmer and his Two Daughters,
cuts, fresh copy, Dutch paper cover, Worcester, L Thomas,
1794; — Aflecting History of the Children in the Wood,
cuts, Hartford, J. Babcock, 1796 ; — jSIoses in the Bul-
rushes, a sacred Drama, Worcester, L Thomas, Jr., 1800 ;
— Hermit of the Forest, cuts, Litchfield, 1808; — History
of Tom Jones, a Foundling, cuts, Hartford, 1806 ; — Historv
of Little Pha-be, and the Reclaimed Child, cuts. 7 vols.
32° paper.
5S9 Chap Books. Goody Two Shoes ; fac-simile reproduction of
the edition of 1766, with an introduction, giving some ac-
count of the book and some speculation as to its author-
ship, by Charles Welsh. 16° boards, uncut. London, i88i
590 Chap Books. Bairns' Annual (The), for 1885-6. Edited by
Alice Corkran. Frontispiece. Square 16° boards, uncut.
591 Chappell, Edward. Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay
in His Majesty's .Ship Rosamond, containing some account
of the north-eastern coast of America, and of the tribes in-
habiting that remote region. Map, 8° boards, uncut.
London, 1S17
592 Charles L Eikon Bazilike. The Pourtraicture of his
Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. 8° old calf.
(London), 1649
593 Charles H. Eikon Basilike Deutera, the Portraicture of his
Sacred Majesty King Charles H, with his Reasons for
turning Roman Catholick, published by K. James. Found
in the Strong Box. With a fine impression of the satirical
portrait of Charles H. Fine clean copy in the original calf.
8°. Printed in the year 1694
594 Charlevoix, P. Ilistoire et Description Generale de !a
Nouvelle France, Avec le Journal Historique d'un Voyage
fait par ordre du Roi dans I'Anierique Septentrionale.
Numerous maps and plates. 3 vols, 4° old French calf.
Paris, 1744
^95 Charlevoix. Histoire et Description Generale de la Nou-
velle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait
par ordre du Roi dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Maps.
6 vols. 12° calf. Paris, 1744
596 Charlevolk. Journal of a Voyage to North America, under-
taken by order of the French King, containing a geographi-
cal description and natural history of that country, particu-
larly Canada. Map. 2 vols. 8° sheep. London, 1761
597 Charron, Pierre. De la Sagesse, trois Livres. Troisiesme
edition revue et augment^e. Fine frontispiece by Leonard
(.]autier. An elegant copy, thick small 8° full olive polished
crushed levant morocco, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges,
by Chameolle-Duru. Paris, 1607
595 Charron. Les Trois Verite;'. Second edition reveue, coni-
gde, et de beaucoup augment^e ; — La Replique de Maistre
Jean le Charron, sur la Response faite k sa troisiesme
Veritc. Bound together. Small 8° calf. Paris, 16 10
599 Charron. Of \\'isdome. Translated by Samson Lennard.
Engraved title. Small 4° old calf. London, 1670
600 Charters of the British Colonies in America. Small 8^ half
sheep. London.
601 Chastellux, ^.larquis de. Travels in North America in the
Years 1780-82. Maps. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 17S7
602 Chateaubrland, De. Voyages en Amerique, en France er
en Italie. 2 vols. iS° paper, uncut. Paris, 1834
603 (E^l)aurer, ©eoffrcp. The Workes of our Auiient and lerned
English Poet, Getlrey Chaucer, newly printed. Slack Uttfr.
Fine copy, with the engraved title and the scarce portrait.
Folio, half calf. Impensis Geor. Bishop : Londini, 1598
A fine copy of Speight's first edition, with wood-cut titles to the
Foenis. Contiiins two j)oems never before published.
604 Chaucer. Works of, compared with the former editions, and
many valuable MSS., out of which, three tales are added
which were never before printed, by John L^rry. Portrait
of Urry. Large folio, old calf. (Covers broken.)
London, 1721
605 Chauveau, M. LTnstructlon Publique au Canada, precis
historique et statistique. Sinall 8° half morocco.
Quebec, 1876
606 Chauveau. Souvenirs et Lcgendes. Small 4° paper, uncut.
Quebec, 1877
607 Chevreau, M. History of the World, Ecclesiastical and Civil .
Vol. 5, History of America. 8" boards. London, 1703
60S Chiniquy, Pere. Le Pretre, la Femmc, et le Confessional.
12° paper. Montreal, 1877
609 CnoiSEUL, Due dc, Kclation du Depart de Louis XVI, le 20
Tuin, 1791, e'crite en Aout 1791, dans la prison de la haul
cour nationale d'Orleans. 8° red morocco extra, gilt edgej^.
with the author's monogram on the cover. Paris, 1822
610 Christian Gleaner. New Series, Vol. 2. 8° half sheep.
Halifax, 1837
611 Christif, Robert. History of the Late Province of Lower
Canada, parliamentary and politicni. Vols, i to 4. 4 vols.
12° cloth, Quebec, 1848-53
Two portraits and seven autograph letters inserted, the date on vol.
2 is iS.jS, which is of rare occurence.
6rj Christie. ISIemoirs of the Administration of the Colonial
Government of Lower Canada, by Sir James H. Craig and
Sir George Prevost, 1807-15. 8 boards, uncut.
Quebec, iSiS
613 Christmas, Rev. II. Copper Coinage of the British Colonies
in America. Plate. 8° half morocco. London, 1862
614 Christmas. Emigrant Churchman in Canada, by a Pioneer
of the Wilderness. Plates. 2 vols, in 1, 8"^ cloth, uncu(.
London, 1849
615 Christmas Numbers. I'aris Noel, 1887-S; — .Figaro Illus-
tree, 1S85-6; — Ladies' Pictorial, 1887, etc. With numer-
ous colored plates and other illustrations. 7 numbers.
6t6 Chronicle of the Kings of England, from ^Vil!iam the Nor-
man to the death of George III. 8"" boards, uncut.
London, 1S2 i
617 Chronicon Preciosum ; or, an Account of English Money,
the price of corn and other commodities for the last 600
years. 12° sheep. London, 1707
618 Chronique (La) du tres Chrestien et victorieux Roy Loys
vnziesme du nom (que Dieu absolue) auec plusieurs his
toires aduenues tant es pays de France, Angleterre, que
Flandres et Artois. Beautiful copy. 12° bound by Cham-
noLLE-DuRU in full blue crushed levant morocco, the arms
of France on the sides, inside borders, gilt edges.
Galliot du Pre : Paris, 155S
619 Churchill's Collection of Vogages and Travels, some now
first printed from the Original Manuscripts, others now
published in English, with a general preface, giving an Ac-
count of the Progress of Navigation from its first beginning.
With several hundred mnps and copper cuts. 4 vols, folio,
calf. Lnndon, i 70 \
620 Cicero, M. T. Epistolac ad T. Pompo. Atticum cum Com-
mentariis Jo. Bapt. Pii Bono. Antea Nullibi impressae et
ab infinitis mendis per eum castigatae. Engraved title.
Eolio, vellum. Good copy.
In yEdibus Jo. Baptistise et Benedict! fratris : Bononiae, 1527
62 I Cicero. Treatises on the Nature of the Gods ; on Divina-
tion ; on Fate ; on the Republic •, on the Laws ; and on
Standing for the Consulship. Literally translated by C. D.
Yonge. I a'' cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 18S4
622 Clarke, Samuel. Mirror or Looking-Glass, both for Saints
and Sinners, whereunto is added a geographicall description
of all the known World. Engraved title and portrait.
Thick folio, sheep. London, 167 1 .
Crood copy, including the scarce addenda. A true and faithful Ac-
count of the four chiefest Plantations of the English in America, to
wit, of Virginia, New England, Bermudas, Barbadocs ; also of the
Natives of Virginia and New England, London, 1670.
623 Clarke, S. R. Treatise on Criminal Law as applicable to
the Dominion of Canada. 8" half sheep. Toronto, 1872
62.1 [Clarke, William.] Observations on the late and present
Conduct of the French, with regard to their encroachments
npon the British Colonies in North America. Together
with remarks on the importance of these Colonies to Great
liritain. pp. 47, 15. Small 4° half crimson morocco, gilt
top. Boston, 1755
625 Clary, Fr. de. I'hilipiques contre les bvlless, et autres prati-
ques de la faction d'Espagne, pour tres chrestien Henry le
Grand. 12° old calf, gilt. Tours, 16 11
626 Classical Library. Livy's History of Rome, translated, with
notes and illustrations, by George Baker ; — Xenophon's
Whole Works, translated by Ashley Cooper and others; —
Herodotus, translated, Avith notes and life of the author, by
Fs.ev. William Beloe ; — Thucydides' History of the Pelo-
ponnesian War, translated by William Smith. Portraits. 5
vols. S° half sheep. London, 1S30-31
627 Clement, Clara E. Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and their
Works. A handbook. Illustrations. 12° cloth.
New York, 18S4
62S Clement, Felix. Poetes Chretiens depuls le IV Siecle jusqu'a
au XV. Morceaux Choisis. S° half morocco. Paris, 1857
629 Cleveland, Edward. Sketch of the Early Settlement and
History of Shipton, Canada East. 18° boards.
Canada East, 185S
C30 Cohen, Henry. Guide de I'Amateur de Livres a Gravures du
XVIII Sibcle. Cinquieme edition, revue, corrig(fe etconsid-
erablement augmentee, par le Baron Roger Portalis. Royal
8' paper, uncut. Paris, 1886
Only 1000 copies pruited.
630 [Ci.UNV, Alexander,] American Traveller, or Observations
on the present state, culture and commerce of the British
Colonies in America. JJy an old and experienced Trader.
Map and frontispiece. Fine copy. 4" half morocco extra,
gilt top. London, 1769
"The author was the hist to give accurate intelligence of Hudson's
P-ay, and to institute an inquiry about a more successful commerce
Avith the Americans. The book is said to have been published under
the auspices of Lord Chatham, and both the English and the Ameri-
cans, at that crisis, were so eager to possess it, that it was bought and
read by one party with the same avidity tliat it was bought ai.d
destroyed by the other." — Dibdin.
631 Cluverius, Philip. Introductionis in L'niversam Geograph-
ium, Summa Americce descripiio. Dates. 24" vellum.
Lugduni, 1648
633 Cohen, J. Les De'icides, examen de l.i \'ie de Jdsus et dcs
de'velopements de I'^glise chretienne dans leurs rapports
avec le judaisme. 8^ paper, uncut. Paris, 18G4
634 Colbert. Testament Politique de Messire Jean Baptiste
Colbert. 16° old calf. La Haye, 1697
635 Colbert et Le Canada. Portrait. 12^ paper, uncut.
Paris, iS;9
636 Colden, Cadwallader, History of the Five Indian Nations
of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New
York in America, and are the Barrier between the Englisli
and French in that part of the World. With accounts of
their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws and Forms cf
Government ; their several Battles and Treaties with the
European Nations ; particularly Relations of their several
Wars with the other Indians, and a true Account of the
present State of our Trade with them. i\Lap. 8° half calf.
London, 1747
637 Colden. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada,
which are dependent on the Province of New York in
America, and are the Barrier between the English and
French in that Part of the World. Third edition. 2 vols.
12° calf. London, 1755
638 Collection of nearly 500 fac-similes of the Water Marks.
used by the early Paper Makers, during the latter part of
the 14th and early part of the 15th century. 25 phite';.
(No text.) Small folio, paper. London, 1840
639 CoLLFCiioN of Parliamentary Debates in England, from 1668
to the present time, Vul. 7 (Relating to American affairs'.
8'^ sheep (broken I. London, i;)!
640 Collector (The), a monthly journal devoted to autographs.
By W. R. Benjamin. Vol. i. S^ half roan.
New York. 18S7
641 [Collins, Anthony.] Discourse of Free-Thinking, occasioned
by the rise and growth of a sect called Free-Thinkers. 8°
old calf. London, 17 13
642 Collins, Arthur. The English Baronage ; or an historical
account of the Lives and most memorable Actions of our
Nobility, with their Descent, Marriages, and Issue. De-
duced from Records, Historians, Manuscripts, and other
Authorities. Vo], i (all published"''. Plates. 4° half mor-
occo, London, 1727
643 CoLMAN, Benjamin. Discourse had in the College Hall at
Cambridge, March 27, 1722, before the baptism of R. Ju-
dah Morris. To which are added three discourses written
by Mr. Morris himself. The Truth, The Whole Truth, and
Nothing but the Truth. iS° sheep. Boston, 1732
644 CoLTON, C. Tour of the American Lakes, and among the
Indians of the North-West Territory in 1S30. 2 vols, half
tuorocco, uncut. London. 1S30
6(5 CoLTON. Tour of the American Lakes and among the In-
dians of the North-West Territory in 1830. 2 vols, small
8° cloth, uncut. ' London, 1833
^546 Columbus. Historic del Signer D. Fernando Colombo : nelle
quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, e de' fatti
deir Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo suo Padre : et
dcllo scoprimento, ch'egli fece dell' Indie Occidentali, dettc
Mondo Nuovo, hora possedute dal Serenissimo Rb Cato-
lico. Nuovemente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell' Itali-
ana dal Sign. Alfonso Vlloa. 12"^ vellum. Veneiia, 157 1
This is the first edition of Vlloa's Italian Acrsion and is considered
the original, as no copy of the Spanish original is known. "Cet ouv-
lage est un des documents les plus precieux h. consulter pour Thistoir-j
de la decouverte. Les ff. 250-287 sont occupes par la Relation dcs In-
diens d'ispagnola, ecrite d'apres I'ordre de I'Amiralpar le pere Roman
Pane, de I'ordre de Saint-Jerome. C'est la plus ancienne hisloire des
indigenes de I'Amerique." — Lcclerc.
647 Columbus. De Insulus Inuentis Epistola Cristoferl Colom
(cui etas nostra multu debet : de InsuHs in mari Indico
nup inuetis. Ad quas perquirendas octauo antea mense :
auspicijs et ere Inuictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis
missus fuerat) ad magnificum dum Raphaelez Sanxis ; eu-
isdS serenissimi Regis Thesaurariu missa quam nobilis
ac litteratus vir Aliander d'Cosco ; ab Hispano ydeomate
in latinu conuertit tercio kl's maij. MCCCCXCIIJ. Pon-
tificatus Alexandri Sexti Anno Primo. 4 woodcuts. S
leaves of 27 lines to a full page. Small 8° half levant mo-
rocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1858
" One of 20 copies only, reproduced in Paris l)y Pilinski about 1858.
After it was issued it was discovered that it had been fac-similied from
an imperfect copy, and wanted the first and last leaves. Mr. Lenox
possesses the only known j)erfect copy of the original edition."
648 CoLUMbus. Lettera di Cristoforo Colombo riprodolta a fac-
simile da Vinceiizo Promis, dall' esemplare della Biblioteca
di S, M. 4° unbound. Torino n, d.
Only 50 copies printed. This copy Xo. 10.
649 CoLU.MBUS. Histoire de la Decouverte de I'Amerique, Voy-
age de Christophe Colomb ; — Lettre de Christophe Colorab
sur la Decouverte de I'Amerique; — Discourse by Jeremy
Belknap, Oct. 23, 1793, to commemorate the discovery of
America by Columbu.s. 3 pamphlets.
650 Combe, William. Tour of Doctor Synta.K in search of the
Picturesque, sixth edition ; — Second Tour of Doctor Syn-
tax, in search of Consolation. Second edition. Numerous
colored plates by Rowlandson. Early impressions. 2 vol^.
S'^ half morocco. London, 1820
65 I QToniinines, Pl)ilip ^e. Clironique et Histoire faicte et com-
pos^e par feu messire Philippe de Commines chevalier
seigneur Dargenton, contenant les choses aduenues durant
le regne du Roy Loys unzeisme. Slack H^ttiev. 2 vols,
in I, 12° La Valliere levant morocco, gilt back, gilt
und blind compartments on sides, double with red morocco
extra, gilt edges. Galliot du Prb, Paris, 1539
Very fine tall copy of Commines' Chronicles, in a sumptuous bind-
ing by Alio.
652 Commines. Memoirs of, containing the Histories of Louis
XI and Charles VllL, Kings of France, and of Charles the
Bold, Duke of Burgundy : to which is added, the Scanda-
lous Chronicle, or Secret History of Louis XT., by Jean de
Troyes, Edited with Life and Notes, by A. R. Scable.
I'ortrait. 2 vols. 12'^ cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1S56
653 Complete History of the Late War, or Annual Register of its
rise, progress, and events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America. Maps. (Portraits missing.) 8° old calf.
Dublin, 1774
654 Conduct of the Ministry impartially E.Kamined in a Letter to
the merchants of London. 8° stitched. London, 1756
Relates to the case of some British subjects Imprisoned for trading
on the Ohio.
656 CoNSTiTUTiON.\L History of Canada; — Parliamentary Govern-
ment in Canada ; — Alammalia of North America : — Bos-
ton Rail Road jubilee, etc. 6 vols.
657 CoN'STiTi'TiONS of the several states of the Union and L'nited
States in 1859, including the Declaration of Independence,
and Articles of Confederation, and with an essay on
changespriorto the year 1879. Square 8° cloth, uncut. N. V.
655 Convention for the Liquidation of the Canada paper money,
belonging to the subjects of Great Britain, between the
King of Great Britain and the most christian King, 4"
half morocco, London. 1766
6-9 CoNVKNTS. Loiette. History of Louise, Daughter oi a Ca-
nadian Nun : exhibiting the Interior of Female Convents.
I'ortrait. 8'^ boards, uncut. New York, 1833
660 Convents. Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, the thrilling
mysteries of a convent revealed and Six Months in a Con-
• vent. 12° doth. IMiILi.
661 CoNvrMS. Six Months in a Convent : — Supplement to Six
iMonths in a Convent ; — Answer to Six Alonths in a Con-
vent ; — Charlestown Convent, its destruction by a mob ; —
Report of the Committee relating to the destruction of the
Ursuline Convent, Aug. 1 1, 1834; — Review of the Lady
Superior's Reply to " Six^Months in a Convent." 6 pieces.
662 Cook, James. Voyage round the World, performed in His
Majesty's Ships, the Resolution and Adventure, in 1772-5.
Illustrated with a chart of the Southern Hemisphere, show-
ing the tracts of some of the most distinguished navigators,
and a variety of Portraits and Views of Places drawn dur-
ing the voyage, by Mr. Hodges. 4 vols. S° calf.
Dublin, 1777
663 Cook. Journal of the Resolution's Voyage, in 1772, 1773,
1774, and 1775, on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere.
Maps and plates. 8° calf. London, 1775
664 CoDNEv, Robert. Compendious History of the Northern
Part of the Province of New Brunswick, and of the District
of Gaspe, in Lower Canada. 8° boards, uncut (cover
loose). Halifax, 1838
665 Cooper, J. Fenimore. 'Jhe American Democrat; or, Hints
on the social and civic relations of the United States of
America. First edition. 12° cloth, Cooperstown, 1838
666 Corner, Miss. History of China and India, pictorial and
descriptive. Maps and numerous illustrations, 8° full
morocco, gilt edges. London, 1847
667 CoRNUT, Jacobus. Canadensium Plantarum, aliarumque
nondum editarum Historia; cui adiectum est ad calcem
Knchiridion Botanicum Parisense. 68 finely engraved
plates of trees, plants, etc. 4° calf. Parisiis, 1635
668 CoRNWALLis, K. The New El-Dorado ; or, British Columbia.
IMap and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, J858
669 CosTEi.LO, Louisa Stuart. The Rose Garden of Persia.
Specimens of Persian Poetry, translated into English, beau-
liiuliy illuminated in gold and colors in fac-simile of the
originals, printed within engraved borders. Small 8° full
light polished calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1845
670 CosTUiME. Recueil des divers Costumes des Habitans de
Bordeaux et des environs. 36 finely colored plates, with
descriptive letter-press. Folio, half sheep, uncut. Bordeaux.
671 Cosiu.MK. lUuslraUons of English and Foreign Costume,
from the fifteenth century to the present day. A Series of
96 full length (colored) portraits, engraved by Pauquet
firothers, after the designs of Albert l3urer, Titian, Vecel-
lico, Jost Ammans, Holbein, Kubens, Vandyck and the
principal artists of the present time. Royal 4° full mor.,
gilt edges. London, 1875
672 Costumes of British Ladies, from the time of William the ist
to the reign of Queen Victoria. 35 plates. (Incomplete
and stained.) Folio, paper. London.
673 CosTU.MF.s of the Catholique Clerg}- and OiTicers of the \'ati-
can. 24 colored plates. 12*' boards.
674 [CousTELiER, A. v.] L'heureuse Foiblesse, ou I'Entretien
des Tuilleries. Nouvelle galante. 16° calf. La Haye, 1736
Also bound in tlie same volume : Les Quatre veuves, Londres, 1746 ;
— Zelindor at Zaire, Le Haye, Van der Aa, 1755; — Tanastes, conte
allegotique; — L'Amours decent et delicat ou le beau de la f;alanteric-.
A la tendresse, che/ les Amans, 1760.
67 r, CowPER, William. Poems of. New edition, with head and
tail pieces, designed by Thurston. 2 vols. 8° calf.
London, 1808
676 Cox, E. W. .\rt.s of Writing, Reading and Speaking. 12"
cloth. New York, 1S74
677 Cox, Ross. Columbia River; or, Scenes and Adventures
during a residence of six years on the western side of the
Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians, hitherto
unknown; together with a journey across the American
Continent. 2 vols, in i, 8° half calf, London, 1832
678 CoxE, Peter, Social Day; a Poem in four cantos. With 32
exquisite engravings mostly by J. Scott, after designs by
Wilkie, Stothard, Smirke and others. Royal 8° half calf,
gilt. London, 1823
679 Craik, George L. Manual of English Literature, and the
history of the English Language, Small 8^ cloth. London.
6S0 Craik. History of British Commerce, from the earliest
Times. 3 vols, in i, 16" cloth, uncut. London, 1844
681 Ckantz, David. Flistory of Greenland; containing a De-
scription of the Country and its Inhabitants, and particu-
larly, a Relation of the Mission, carried on for above these
thirty years by the L^nitas Fratrum, at New Hennhuth and
Lichtenfels, in that Country. Maps and numerous copper
plates. 2 vols. 8^ diamond russia. London, 1767
6S2 Creasv, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from
Marathon to Waterloo. Square 12"^ half roan.
New York, 1 88 1
683 Crellius, Johannis. Declaratio Sententiae de Caussis Mortis
Christi. 16° old morocco extra, gilt edges. (Parisiis), 1637
684 Cramoisv Series of Jesuit Memoires, Relations, etc., relating
to the French Colonies in North America. Edited by J. G.
Shea. 13 vols, bound in 10, small 4° and 8° in various
bindings. Nouvelle York, 1858-69
I. Bigot, J. Copie d'une Lettre escrite par Le Pere Jacques Bigot
de la Compagnie de Jesus, I'An 16S4, pour accompagner _un collier de
pourcelaine envoiee par les Abnaquis de la Mission du Sainct Fran9ois
de Sales, dans la Nouvelle Fiance au tombeau de leur Sainct Patron a
II. — Chaumonot, P. J. M. La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Chau-
monot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionaire dans la Nouvelle France,
ecrite par lui-meme, I'a 168S.
III. — Chaumonot. Suite sa deVie, avec la maniere d'orasion du
venerable pere, ecrit par lui-meme.
IV. — Dablon, C. Relation de se qui s'est passe de plus remarqu-
able aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle
France, les annees 1672 and 1673. (Large paper.)
V. — Relation de la Mission du Missispi du seminaire de Quebec en
lyoo, par M. 'M. de Montegny. de St. Coste, et Thaumur de la Source.
VI. — Sagean, Mathieu. F.xtrait de la relation des aventures et
/ voyages.
VII. — Milet, P. Relation de sa captivite parmi les Onneiouts, en
VIII. — Relations des Affaires du Canada en 1696. Avec des lettres
des peres de compagnie de Jesus, depuis 1696 jusqu'a 1702.
IX. — Dreuillettes, C. Epistola ad Dominum Joannem Wintrop,
(sic) 1 65 1.
X. — Copie de Deu.x Lettres envoiees de la Nouvelle France, au
pere Procureur des Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en ses conlree.s,
XI. — Lettres envoiees de la Nouvelle France, au R. P. Jacques
Renault, Provincial de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Province de la
Nouvelle France, par le R. P. Ilier. Lallemant, 1660.
XII. — Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable au.x Mis-
sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France es
•mnees 1676 et 1677.
XIII. — Narre du Voyage falct pour la Mission des Abaaquois et
des Connaissances tire/, de la Nouvelle Angleierre, ei des dispositions
des Magistrats de cette Republique pour le serours contre les Iroquois
es annees 1C50 et 1651.
6Ss Cr^mazie, Octave, CEuvres Completes. Publie'es sous le
patronage de I'lnstitute Canadien de Quebec, Portrait. i>
vols, imperial 8° half morocco, imcut edges, gilt tops.
Large paper. Only 12 copies printed. Montreal, 1882
Cremaz.ie is the autlior of the Canadian National song " Le Drapeau
de Carilon."
G87 Cr^mazie, Jacques. 'Manuel des Notions Utiles sur les
Droits Politiques, le Droit Civil, la loi Criminelle et Muni-
ripale, les Lois Rurales, etc. 12° half calf. Quebec, 1852
688 Creuxius, Franciscus. Histoire Canadensis, seu Noviar-
Francice Libri decern, ad annum usque Christi 1656. Map
and 13 plates on copper, including the large plate of the
martyrdom of Fathers Denoue, Jogues and others, accord-
ing to Harrisse usually wanting. Good copy. 4'^ calf.
Parisiis, 1664
6S9 Cruikshakk, George. Life in Paris ; or, the Rambles,
Sprees and Amours of Dick Wildfire, Squire Jenkins and
Captain O'Shuffleton. Embellished with 21 comic vignettes
and 21 colored engravings by George Cruikshank, Original
edition. S° straight grained morocco, gilt. London, 1827
690 Cruikshank. Memoirs of the Life ahd Writings of Lord
Byron. By George Clinton. Portrait and numerous illus
trations by George Cruikshank. S^ boards, uncut.
London, 1S27
691 Cruikshank. Peter Schlemihl, the Shadowless Man. From
the German of Von Chamisso, by Sir John Bowring. Plates
by George Cruikshank. Small S° half calf extra, uncut,
gilt top, by Tout. London, 1861
bf)t Cruikshank. Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron
Munchausen. Illustrated with 37 curious engravings from
the Baron's own designs, and line wood-cuts by George
Cruikshank. Portrait and colored plates. 12" cloth.
London, 1S69
693 Cruikshank. Bachelor's Own Book; or, the Progress of
Mr. Lambkin (Gent.) in the pursuit of pleasure and amuse-
ment and also in search of health and happiness. 24 plates
by George Cruikshank. Small &° boards. Glasgow.
694 Cruikshank. Playfair Papers; or. Brother Jonathan, the
smartest nation in all creation. Plates by Robert Cruik-
shank. 3 vols, small S° cloth, uncut. (Stamp on titles.")
London, 184 1
695 Cruikshank. Monsieur Tonson, by John Taylor, Esq.
Illustrated by Robert Cruikshank. 16° half crushed levant
morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1834
696 CuGNET, F. J. Traite de la Loi des Fiefs; — Traitc dcs
Anciennes Lois de Proprie'te' en Canada (with the leaf at end
containing list of law books) ; — Extrait des Registres du
Conseil Superieur et des Registres des Intendants ; —
Trait^ de la Police. The four parts with their respective
title-pages bound in i vol. 4° half calf. Brown : Quebec, 1775
A fine, clean and large copy of this very rare code of laws, the first
published in Canada, has a name clipped from first title-page.
697 CuGNET. The Same. 2 vols. 4^" unbound and uncut, in ex-
ceptionally fine condition. Quebec, 1775
Xo other copy in this state is known to be obtainable.
69S CuGNET. Extraits des Registres du Conseil Superieur et des
Registres d'lntendance. 4° calf.
Guillaume Brown : Quebec, 1775
Judge Charles Mondelei's copy, with signature on tly-leaf.
699 CuGNET. Traite de la Loi des Fiefs ; — Traitc des Anciennes
Lois de Propridtd en Canada. 4°calf. G. Brown : Quebec, 17 75
Judge Charles Mondelet'scopy, with signature on fly-leaf and first title.
700 CUNXINGHAM, Peter. Story of Nell Gwyn, and the Sayings
of Charles II, with a complete index to the personages
mentioned, now first published. 12 process portraits.
Royal 8° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1883
701 CuOQ, J. A. Lexique dc la Langue Algonquine. 8° paper,
uncut, Montreal, 1886
■J02 CuoQ. Lexique de la L.inque Iroquoise avec notes et appen-
dices. 8° paper. Montreal.
703 CuRWKX, Henry. History of Booksellers, the Old and the
New. Portraits and illustrations. 8'" cloth, uncut. London.
704 Cutter, C. A, Rules for a printed Dictionary Catalogue.
8° paper. Washington, 1876
705 CuTTS, Re\'. E. L. Scenes and Characters of the Middle
Ages. 182 illustrations. Square S'' cloth. London, 1872
706 CycloP-'Y.dia of Painters and Paintings, edited by J. D. Charap-
lin, jr.. Critical Editor, Charles C. Perkins. With more
than 2,000 illustrations, including 48 full-page reproductions
of modern paintings. 4 vols. 4° half morocco, uncut edges,
gilt tops. New York, 1888
707 T"'\'AC\'GNA, CiiKisToniER. Yoyages and Discoveries in
|_y South America. The first up the River of Amazons
to Quito, in Peru, and back again to Brazil. The second
lip the river of Plata, and thence by land to the mines of
Potosi, by Mons. Acarette. I'he third from Cayenne into
(juiana, in search of the Lake of Parima. By M, Grillet
and Bechamel. Maps. 8*^ old calf. (Covers broken.)
London, 1698
70S Da IX, Francois. Polydorc ou le Printemps des Amour du
Sieur Daix. \b'' full citron levant morocco, super extra,
mosaic sides and back, gilt edges, inside borders by Thi-
iiARON. Thibaud Ancelin : Lyon, 1605
A sumptuous copy of a very rare book in a binding of great beauty.
The sides are ornamented with a broad guirland "a petits fers" of a
delicate pattern, the leaves on inlaid green and the blossoms or. inlaid
blue leather. The back is in compartments with leaves on inlaid
709 [Daniel, Rev. F.] Nos Gloircs Nationales ou Ilistoire des
principales Families du Canada. Numerous portraits, also
a portrait of the author and other extra portraits inserted,
also numerous manuscript notes by the author. (Only 100
copies published. 2 vols. 8° halt morocco. Montreal, 1867
710 Dankers and Sluyter. Journal of a Voyage to New York
and a tour in several of the American Colonies in 1679-80.
Translated and edited by If. C. IVTurphy. Imperial 8°
paper, uncut. P.rooklyn, 1S67
L.aroe paper.
711 D'AuvERGNE, ^I'1ltial. Les Arrets d'Amours avec rAiiiP.nt
rendu Cordelier, h rObservaiice d'Atnours accompagnez des
Commentaires Juridiques el Joyeaux do Benoit de Court.
augmentee de plusieurs arrets, de Notes, et d'un (ilossairc
des Anciens Termes, Best edition. J'inc copy. 11;'^ crim-
son morocco extra, gilt edges. Anisterdani, 177,1
712 David, L. O. Biographies et Portrails. Tortraits. S" cloth.
Montreal, 1876
713 David. Les Patriotes de 1S37-183S. S"' paper, nncut.
Montreal, 18S4
714 Daviks, John. History of the Caribby Islands, viz., Barba-
does, St. Christophers, St. Vincent, Martinico, Dominic(t,
Harbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Antego in all XXVI II :
Containing the natural and moral history of those islands,
illustrated with several piece of sculpture, representing the
most considerable rarities therein described, with a Carib-
bian vocabulary. 9 plates. Small folio, sheep.
London, 1666
715 Davks, a. Antiquities of Central America, and the Discoverv
of New England by the Northmen, 500 years before Col-
umbus. 8" paper. Boston, 1842
716 Davis. History of New Amsterdam ; or, New York as it was
in the days of the Dutch (Governors. 12° cloth.
New York, 1854
717 Dawson, Rev. .A, N. Our Strength and their Strength, the
North West Territory, and other Papers chielly relating to
the Dominion of Canada. 8° cloth. Ottawa, 1870
718 Dawson, George. Shakespeare and other I^ectures. Edited
by George St. Clair, S'' cloth, uncut. London, 1S88
719 Dawson, Sir J. W. Eossil men and their Modern Represen-
tatives ; — Origin of the \Yorld according to Revelation
and Science. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8*^ cloth, uncut.
London, 1883-S3
720 Dawson. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carbon-
iferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. Plates.
S° paper. Montreal, 1873
721 Dawson. Archaia ; or, Studies of the Cosmogony and Nat-
ural History of the Hebrew Scriptures. S° cloth, uncut.
Montreal, i860
722 Dawson. Acadian Geology, the geological structure, organic
remains, and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Bruns-
wick and Prince Edward Island. Illustrations, S'^ clotli.
London, i863
723 Dav, Mrs, M. C. Pioneers of the Eastern Townships : con-
taining official and reliable information respecting the foi-
mation of Settlements ; with incidents in their early history,
and details of Adventures, Peril and Deliverances. 12^
cloth. Montreal, 1S63
7^4 [Deane, Charles.] Spurious Reprints of Early Books. By
" Delta." Small 4° paper, uncut. Only 75 copies privately
printed. Boston, 1865
725 Deane, The same. Ivoyal 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1865
Large paper. Only 30 copies printed.
~ zb De Brv. Collectiones peregrinationum in Indiam Orienta-
lem et Indiam Occidentalem xxy partibus comprehenss a
'I'heodoro, Joan-Theodore de Bry, et a i\Ietho Merian pub-
licatrc. Francorfuti ad Moenum, 1590-1599
" Great Voyages in Latin : —
Fart i. — Haviot T. Admiranda nairatio, Fida tamen.de Commodis
et Incolarvm Ritibvs Virginiae, nvper adraodvm ab Anglis, qvi a Dn.
Kicardo Greinvile Eqvestris Ordinis viro eo in coloniam Anno
M.D.LXXXV. dedvcti sunt inventae svmtus faciente Dn. Waltero
Kaleigh Eqvestris ordinis viro Fodinarvm Stanni praefecto ex avctori-
tale Serenissima: Reginse Anglian. Anglico Scripta sermonio a Tliom
llariot, eivsdem Walteri Domestico, in earn Coloniam raisso vt Kegio-
iiis si tvm diligenter observaret Nvnc avtvm primvm Latio donata a
r,. C. A. Cvm gratia & priuilcgio Caes. Maiest. ad quadrienniuni.
I'ncraved title and 29 finely engraved plates including that of " Adam
and Eve," often lacking. Also the first important map of Virginia.
Enlarged with many additional blank pages and made taller by strips
neatly attached to bottom of each leaf. Folio, full bound in levant
morocco, elegantly tooled in Grolier style, gilt edges. Francofurti ad
Moenvm, Typis loannis Wecheli, Sumptibvs Vero Theodori De Bry,
.•\nno MDX'C : Vcnales Reprivntvr in Ufficina Sigismvndi Feirabendii.
line complete and perfect copy of the first issue of the first edition
of this notable book. With very fine impressions of the plates before
the title had engraved on it Cum gratia, etc., which is in small italics
f.'n narrow slip pasted on, and with Thedori and Feirabendii; also with
tiiangular culs-de-lamp at the end of the index and the Menda:.
" An earlier condition than Brunei has seen." — Quaritch.
jzj De Bry. Parts 2 to S. A very fine set. 7 vols, folio, full
crimson straight grained morocco, uncut edges.
P.\RT 2. — Le Moyne de Morgues, Breuis narratio eorum quae in
Florida Americae provincia Gallis acciderunt.
First edition. Map and 43 plates. An account of the unfortunate
expeditions of the French Huguenots into FloridaunderR.de Laudon-
niere, J. de Riband, and D. de Gourge.s.
Part 3. — Stadc, Johannis, America; tertia pars memorabile. Pro-
vinciae Brasila: historia, addita est narratio profectionis J. Leiii. Map
and 45 plates printed in the text. I59.;.
Second edition, with the second variation of the escutcheon plate
and the proof plate of Adam and Kve.
Part 4. — Benzoni, H. Americae pars quarta, sive Irsignis et Admi-
randa Historia de reperta primum Occidentali India a Christophoro
Colombo. 1593-
First edition. I^Iap and 24 plates.
Part 5. — Benzoni. Americae pars quuita Nobilis. Secundse secti-
onis. Portrait of Columbus, map of New Spain and 22 plates. 1^95.
F'irst edition. 92(82 j)ages). The foot-notes in Roman, the number-
ing of the plates also in Roman.
Part 6. — Benzoni. America: pars sexta. Scctio tertia, ^^ap of
America, plan of Cu.<cn and 2S plates. 1596,
First edition.
C A T A L O G L' K ,
Pakt 7. — Scamidcl. America; pars VI f. Verissima et jucundis-
sima descriptio praecipuarum quarundam Indias regionum et Insula -
rum, quse quidem nullis ante hajc tempora visa? cognitaeque, iam
primum ab Ulrico Fabro. 1599, etc.
First edition, with plate on p. 7.
I'ART 8. — (Raleigh's Guiana, etc.) America; pars V'lII continent
Frimo, Descriptionem trium Iiinerum Nobilissimi et fortissiml equiiis
Francisci Draken, quiperagrato primum universe terrarumorbe,poste;i
cam nobilissmo Equite Johanna llauckens. Secundo, iter nobilissimi
Kquitis Thoma Candisch. Tertio, Gualtheri Ralegh. 1599, etc.
First edition, with the two small maps, the large map of Guiana and
iS plaies.
72S De Brv. Benzon, H. American pars se.\ta, Sectio tertia.
First edition. 28 plates. (Map and plan missing.) Folio,
lialf sheep. Francofurti, 1596
729 De Bl're, G. F. Bibliographic Instructive; ou Traitd de la
Connoisance des Livres Rares et Singuliers. 7 vols. 8°
calf. Paris, 1763-GS
730 De Burk, Supplement a la Bibliographic Instructive. 2 vols.
8° half crimson calf. Paris, 1769
731 De Bure, Richard. Philobiblion, Excellent Trait^sur I'Amour
des Livres. Traduite par llippolyte Cocheris. 12° half
calf, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1850
732 Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United
States of America. S'' cloth. New York, 1864
733 De Foe, Daniel. The Life and Strange, Surprizing Adven-
tures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, who lived eight
and twenty years all alone in an uninhabited island on the
coast of America, near the mouth of the Great River Oroo-
noque. . . . Written by Himself, Frontispiece. The
Second Edition. London, printed for W. Taylor, at the
Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719; — The Farther Adven-
tures of Robinson Crusoe. Being the Second and Last Pari
of His Life, and of the Strange, Surprizing Accounts of His
Travels Round Three Parts of the Globe. Written by Him-
self. Folding Map of the World. First Edition. London,
printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row,
1719. 2 vols, small S'^ russet morocco extra, gilt edges, by
Roger Payne. London, 1719
From Sir W. Tite's library, with autograph signature.
734 Defoe. Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robin-
son Crusoe of York, mariner, as related by himself. Fac-
simile reproduction of the first edition, published in 1719.
With an introduction, bv Austin Dobson. Frontispiect;.
8^ cloth. ' London, 18S3
735 Dent, J- C. The last Forty Years, Canada since the Union
of 1841. Numerous portraits and plates. Also an autograph
letter of the author inserted. 2 vols. 4"^ half morocco extra,
gilt edges, Toronto,
77/1 DFxrsoN, George T. Fenian Raid on Fort Erie ; with an
account of the battle of Ridgeway, June, 1866. Map. 8°
paper. Toronto, 1S66
737 Dfnvs, Monsieur. Description Ge'ographlque et Historique
des Costes de I'Arn^rique Septentrionale. Avec ITIistoire
naturelle de Pais. With the exceedingly rare map and
plates seldom found in copies. 2 vols. 12° calf, gilt edges.
Paris, 1672
Fine copy, bound by Simier, and exceedingly rare, priced by Dufosse
900 francs, containing the map and two plates of which Harrisse says,
in liis " Notes siir la Nouvelle France," that he never was able to find a
■ npy containinn; them.
73S 1)E Roo.s, F. F. Personal Narrative of Travels in the United
States and Canada in 182^*. \\'ith remarks on the present
state of the .American navy. Plates, 8° boards, uncut.
London, 1827
739 l)FRtH;rK (La) et I'Adieu des Filles de Joye de la Villa et
Jaubourgs de Paris, avec leur Nom, leur Nombre, les Par-
ticularite;! de leur prise et de leur Emprisonnement, et Re-
queste h. M. D. V. L. Fine copy. iS° red morocco extra,
gilt edges, by Riviere, very rare.
Jouxte la copie ^ Paris (ilollande), 1667
'lilt; Reque.sie was addres.^t-d 10 .Madame de la Valliere. A copy was
lecently priced / 12.
7^0 D'EscHAVANNF.s, JoufTroy. Traite conq^let de la Science du
Plason, a I'usage des bibliophiles, archdologues, amateurs
d'objets d'art et de curiosiie, numismatics, archevistes.
Illustrations. Small 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1885
74 J Df.sfontaine.s, Abbd. Le Nouveau Gulliver, ou Voyage de
Jean Gulliver, his du capitaine Gulliver. Traduit d'un
Manuscrit Anglois. Elegant copy. 2 vols, in i, 12° full
crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides, gilt
hack, inside border, edges gilt over marble, by Eelz-
Ni^:DRiiE. Paris, 1730
742 Df.smarest.^, 1. Le Combat Spirituel, ou de la perfection de
la vie chreslienne, traductiou faite en vers. 16° paper.
Paris, 1554
I'ii:»ted with llic so-called " tvpe of the Riclielieu bil)le."
743 Dt;s PoRTES, Philippes. Les Premieres CEuvres de Philippes
des Portes. Au Roy de France et de Polongne. Reueues,
corrigees et augmentees pour la quatrieme impression. 16°
beautifully bound in full crimson polished levant morocco,
. giU edges, inside borders, by Thiharon-Jolv. Paris, 1577
Tall copy. 139 mill.
744 Devii.lk, E. Examples of Astronomic and (ieodetic Calcula-
tions for the use of Land Surveyors. 8° cloth. Quebec, 1878
745 Deux Visites k Nicolas de Flue. Relations de Jean de Wald-
heim et d'Albert de Bonstetten, traduites par Edouard Fick.
Small 4° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges,
by Petit. (Geneve, 1864)
Holland paper copy.
A valuable document relating to the liistciy of Switzerland, printed
in antique type, from ancient manuscripts.
746 Devil (The) upon Crutches in England, or Night-Scenes in
London. A satirical work, written upon the plan of the
celebrated Diable Boiteaux of Monsieur Le Sage. By a
Gentleman of Oxford. Small S° half calf, uncut, gilt top.
London, 1759
747 Dewart, Edward if. Selections from Canadian Poets, with
occasional critical and biographical notes, and an introduc-
tory essay on Canadian Poetry. Small S° cloth.
Montreal, 1S64
74S DiBDiN, Thomas. Metrical History of England, or recollec-
lections, in rhyme, of some of the most prominent features
in our national chronology, from the landing of Julius Caesar
to the commencement of the Regency, 18 12. 2 vols. S"'
boards, uncut. London, 1S13
749 DiBDiN, Rev. T. ]'". Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Pic-
turesque Tour in France and Germany. Portraits and
illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1829
750 DiBDiN. Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable
Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Fourth edition,
greatly enlarged and corrected. 2 vols. 8'^ half antique calf,
red edges. London, 1827
751 DiBDiN. Library Companion; or, the Young Man's Guide
and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library,
8° half red morocco. London, 1824
752 DiBDiN. Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the
Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the library of the
Duke Di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George
John, Earl Spencer, K. G. With a General Index of Authors
and Editions contained in the present volume, and in the
Bibliotheca Spenseriana and .Edes Althorpians". Imperial
8"^ half morocco. London, 1S23
753 DiBDiN. Bibliomania; or. Book Madness. A Bibliographical
Romance. New and improved edition, to which are added
Preliminary Observations and a Supplement, including a
Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. Portrait
and wood engravings. Imperial 8° half green morocco^
gilt top, untrimmed edges. London, 1S76
754 DiBDiN. Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable
Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics. 8° old polished
calf. Glocester. 1802
755 DiBDiN, Reminiscences of a Literary Life. VVitli the Index
which is often ^vanting. Portrait and plate. 2 vols. 8° full
morocco. London, 1836
756 Dickens, Charles. American Notes for General Circulation.
Frontispiece by C. Stanfield. 12° half mor. London, 1850
757 Dickens. Old Curiosity Shop. Frontispiece. 12'^ half
morocco. London, 1853
7r,S Dickinson, Jolin. Political Writings of. 2 vols. 8° sheep.
Wilmington, 180 1
7t;g [Dickinson.] Regulations lately made concerning the Colo-
nies and the Taxes imposed upon them considered. 8°
stitched. London, 1765
760 Dickinson. Reasons for keeping Guadaloupe at a Peace,
preferable to Canada, explained in Five Letters from a
Gentleman in Guadaloupe to his Friend in London. 8"'
stitched. London, 1761
761 Dickinson, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the
Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8'^ stitched.
London, 1768
762 Dickinson's Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition
of 185 1, from the originals painted for the Prince Albert,
by Nash, Plaghe and Roberts. With 53 finely colored
plates. 2 vols, in i, atlas folio, half morocco. London, 1854
76^ DiCTiONNAiRE Portatif, historique, theologique, geographique,
critique et moral, de la Bible. 2 vols. 12° old calf.
Paris, 1759
764 DiCTioNNAiRE Portatif des Regies de la Langue Frangoise.
2 vols, in I, 12° old calf. Paris, 1770
765 Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Engravers,
containing Biographical Sketches of the most celebrated
Artists, from the earliest ages to the present time. 12° half
calf. London, 18 10
766 Dier^ville, AL Relation du Voyage da Port Royal de
TAcadie, ou de la Nouvelle-France, dans laquelle on voit
un detail des divers mouvemens de la mer dans un traversde
de long cours, la Description du Pais, les maniers des differ-
entes Nations Sauvages, etc. 12° calf. Rouen, 1708
767 DiER^viLLE. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de I'Acadie,
ou de la Nouvelle-France, dans laquelle on voit un dtftaii
des divers mouvemens de la mer dans une traversde de long
cours, etc. 12° calf. Amsterdam, 17 10
fCS DTvERNOis, Francis. Historical and Political Survey of the
losses sustained by the French nation, in population, agri-
culture, colonies, manufactures and commerce. 8° sheep.
London, 1799
769 DiDOT, Ambroise Firmin. Catalogue Illustre des Livres Pre-
cieux, Manuscrits et Imprimes. Profusely illustrated with
pliotogravure plates, jomc chromo-lithographic. 6 vols,
large 4° paper, uncut. Paris, 1878-84
Limited edition of 500 numbered copies.
This set of this wonderful auction library catalogue of thousands of
pages consists of the divisions — June, 187S; May, 1879; June, 18S1 ;
June, 1SS2; June, 1S83, and June, 1SS4. All are accompanied with
separate printed price lists.
The illustrations to the above are mostly from the manuscripts of
M. Firmin-Didot, who had the finest collection in Europe, many far
excelling in quality those in the most important national libraries.
Some of the plates are in gold and colors.
770 DiDOT. Catalogue des Dessins et Etampes. Prdcedoc d'intro-
ductions par Charles Blanc et G. Duplessis. Thick roya!
8° paper, uncut, Paris, 1877
771 DiDOT. Catalogue des Livres rares, prccieux, et trb-bien
condilionne's du cabinet de M. Firmin Didot. Priced in
ink. 8'^ boards, uncut. Paris, 1810
772 Didot. Essai Typographique et Bibliographique sur I'His-
toire de la Gravure sur Bois. 8"^ paper, uncut. Paris, 1863
773 DiscouRS Joyeux des Friponniers et Friponnibres, ensemble
la Confrairie des dits Friponniers et les Pardons de la dite
(.'onfrairie. A Rouen, chez Richard Aubert, libraire rue di^
I'llorloge, devant le Lyon-d'Or. Small 4^^ full brown
straight grained morocco super extra, gilt fillets and arabes-
que tooling on the sides, uncut edges, by BAUZONNEr.
fvEFRiNT ON viii,i.u>r, in a suniptuous binding by Eauzonnet, wiih
the arms of de Audenet. See Plate 46, Brunet Keliure Ancienne.
774 Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. Portrait, vig-
nette title and fac-simile. S° half calf, gilt. London, 183S
775 Dixon, George. Voyage round the World; but more parti-
cularly to the North-West Coast of America, performed in
1785, 1786, 17S7 and 1788, in the King George and Queen
Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. Numerous maps
and colored plates. 4° half calf. London, 1789
776 DoBBS, Arthur. Account of the Countries adjoining to Hud-
son's Bay, in the north-west part of America, with an
abstract of Capt. Middleton's Journal, and Observations
upon his behavior during his voyage. Map. 4° half calf,
gilt. London, 1744
777 DoDSLEv's Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the last
war between the English and French in North America
from the commencement of it, 1744, to the conclusion of
the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, containing a particular ac-
count of the importance of Nova Scotia or Acadie, and the
Island of Cnpe Breton to both nations, 8° half roan.
Reprinted : Boston, 1758
7;8 Dominion Illustrated (The) a Canadian Pictorial Weekly.
Vol. I, July-December, iSSS. Numerous illustrations.
Folio, cloth. Montreal.
779 DottOlttS, ^Aclins. Cummentarius in Terentii Comoedias.
In fine : Qui cupit obstrusam frugcin gustasse Terentii,
Donaturn querat noscere gramaticu. Quem Vindelinus
signis impressit abenis, Vir bonus et claro preditus ingenio.
Printed in Roman characters, on i6o leaves with 41 lines,
without signatures, catchwords and pagination. Fine copy,
with full margins. Folio, calf.
(Venetiis, Vindelinus Spirensis, about 1472)
780 DoNNELY, Ignatius. Atlantis : the Antediluvian World.
Illustrations. 12' cloth. New York, 1882
78 1 DoRL. London, a Pilgrimage. I5y Gustave Dore and
Blanchard Jerroid. With above 200 fine illustrations by
Dore', early impressions. Large folio, half morocco extra,
gilt edges. London, 1872
7S2 Douglass, William. Summary, historical and political, of the
First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present
State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols.
8^ calf. London, 1760
7 S3 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Who is, or maybe a
Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these
Times to benefit their countrey and eternize their Names by
like Noble Attempts. Being a summary and true relation
of foure several! voyages made by the said Sir Francis
Drake to the West Indies, viz : His dangerous adventuring
for Gold and Silver with the gaining thereof His
Encompassing the World, etc. Portrait. 4 tracts, each
paged separately, pp. S7, loS, 41, 60. Small 4'' russia.
London, 1653
754 Drake, Nathan. Essays, biographical, critical and historical,
illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator and Guardian. Portrait.
5 vols. 16° full russia, gilt. London, 1805
755 Drake, S. A. Making of the Great \\'est, 1512-1SS3, Maps
and illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1887
756 Drake, Samuel G. Biography and History of the Indians in
North America. Third edition. With large additions and
corrections, and numerous engravings. 8*^ sheep.
Boston, 1834
757 Drake. Aboriginal Races of North America : comprising
biographical sketches of eminent individuals, and an his-
torical account of the different tribes, from the first dis-
covery of the continent to the present period. 8° cloth.
New York.
788 Drake. Indian Biography, containing the Lives of more than
Two Hundred Indian Chiefs. Plates. 12" sheep.
Boston, 1832
7S9 Drake. Result of some Researclies among the BriUsh
Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New
England, made in the Years 1858-60. Map and plates.
Small 4° cloth. Boston, i860
790 Dreuillettes, Rev. P. Gabrielis. Epistola ad Dominum
lllustrissinium, Dominum Joannem W'introp, 1651. S"^
sheets. Neo Eboraci, 1S64
791 Drujon, Fernand. Lcs Livres a Clef, Etude de Bibliogra-
phic critique et analytique, pour servir a I'histoire litteraire.
2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Rouveyre : Paris, 1888
Only 650 copies printed,
792 Dru:\iont, Edouard. La France Juive ; Essai d'liistoire
Contemporaine. 2 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Paris.
793 Drummond, Henry. Tropical Africa. 6 maps. la"^ cloth.
New York, 18S8
791 DRUsrus, L (^uacsti onum ac Responsionum Liber. 12° vel-
lum. Lugduni, 1583
795 DuROCCAOE, ALidamc. La Colombiade, ou la Foi portee au
Nouveau Monde, Pocme en dix chants. F'ine portrait and
copperplates. 8° old calf. Londres, 1758
796 DuBOURG, George. The Violin ; being an Account of that
leading instrument and its most eminent professors, from
its earliest date to the present time. 16° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S36
797 DuBREUiL, J. F. Iveference Book, being a detailed index to
the Statutes affecting the Province of (Quebec, from the
consolidated statutes of Canada and Lower Canada down to
confederation, and of all acts passed since confederation, by
the Parliament of the Dominion and by the legislature of the
Province of Quebec. Royal 8° half sheep. IMontreal, 1879
798 DuBUissoN, M. Armorial des principales Maisons et F'amil-
les du Royaume, particulierment de celles de Paris et de
ITsle de F'rance. F'ine frontispiece by Le Mire, and
upwards of 4000 coats of arms. 2 vols, in i, 12° sumptu-
ously bound by Petit, in full crimson crushed levant mor.,
back richly tooled, wide dentelle borders on the panels,
inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1757
A standard and scarce work on French heraldry.
799 l^uciiESSE (La) de Medo. Nouvelle historique et galanfe.
Dedie' a son altesse Madame la Princesse de Conty, fille du
roy. Elegant copy. 2 vols. 16° full green levant morocco
extra, gilt edges, inside borders, by DuRU et Chamboli.e.
Paris, I Go.'
800 DucLOS, M. Memoires Secrets sur les regnes de Louis
XIV et de Louis XV. 2 vols, small 8° half roan. Paris, 187 i
801 DuGAST, M. Legcndcs du Nord-Oucst. 8'^ paper, uncut.
Montreal, 18S4
Soj DuGDALE, William, Aiitient Usage in bearing of such en-
signs of Honour as are commonly called Arms, with a cat-
alogue of the present nobility of England, Scotland and Ire-
land. First edition, 12^ old calf. Oxford, 1682
Soj DucjuET. Lettre d'une religieuse Carmelite a une personne
engagc'e dans rhcrc'sie, touchant la communion sous Ics
deux especes, avec les motifs de la conversion de Madame
la duchesse d'Yorck, Elegant copy. 16° full brown
polished crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, inside
borders, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1749
S04 Du Lac, Perrin. Voyage dans les Deux Louisianes, et chez
les Nations Sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis,
rOhio, et les Provinces qui le bordent, en 1801-3 ; avec un
aperru des Mceurs, des Usages, du Caracte're et des cou-
tumes Religieuses et civiles des Peuples de ces diverses
contrees. Map. 8'^ mottled calf. j Paris, 1S05
805 DuLANEY, Considerations on the I'ropriety of imposing
'J'axes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raisnig a
Revenue, by Act of Parliament, 8° stitched, uncut.
London, 1766
Su6 Dumas, Alexandre, ('rimes Cele'bres. Plates. 4 vols,
royal 8° half morocco. Paris, 1840
807 DuMONT, AL Me'moires Historiques sur la Louisiane, conte-
nant ce qui y est arrive de plus memorable depuis I'annee
1687, jusqu' a pre'sent, aves I'etablissement de la colonic
Francois dans cette Province, etc. ALips and plates. 2
vols. i2°calf. Paris, 1753
So3 DuiMONT. Another copy. Maps and plates. 2 \-ols. in i.
12° vellum. Paris, 1753
" The author has treated niir.utely the subject of the customs and
ceremonies of tlie aborigines of the province." — Field.
S09 DuNLOP, John. History of Paction : being a critical account
of the most celebrated prose works of fiction from the ear-
liest Greek romances to the novels of the present age. 8°
cloth, uncut. London, 1845
Sio Duncan, J. W. Travels -through part of the United States
and Canada in 1818 and 18 19. 2 vols, small 8° calf
(rubbed). Glasgow, 1823
Si I Dunn, Oscar. Dix Ans de Journalisme, melanges. 8° paper,
uncut. Montreal, 1S7G
Si 2 DuPUY, Paul. Petites Fleurs Religieuses du Vieux Montreal.
Avec une introduction par H. A. Verreau. 8° cloth.
Montreal, 1885
S13 (Du Puv, Pierre.) Histoire des plus Illustres Favoris ancienes
et modernes, recueillie par feu Monsieur P. D. P. Auec un
Journal de ce qui s'est passe a la mort du Mareschal d'Ancre.
First edition. 4^^ vellum. Jean Elsevier, Leide, 1659
S14 DubSiEux, L. Le Canada, sous la domination Franf^aise
d'apres les archives de la marine ec de la guerre. 12'' paper,
uncut. Paris.
P)t5 Dutch Voyages. A collection of 300 scarce maps and views,
taken from old books of Travels in America and other
parts of the World. In Scrap Book, large 4° half roan.
Si6 Dur^H.-xM. Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham,
Her Majesty's High Commissioner and Governor-General
of British North America, S'^ cloth, uucut. London, 1839
817 Du Bois, IL P. Historical Essay on the Art of Bookbind-
ing. 8° paper, uncut, vellum wrapper. New York, 18S3
SiS DuRuv, Victor. History of Rome, and of the Roman Peo-
ple, from its origin to the invasion of the barbarians and
fall of the Empire. Translated by M. IM. Ripley and W.
j. Clarke. Edited by Rev. J. P. Mahaffy. Illustrated with
over three thousand engravings, one hundred maps and
plans, and numerous chromolithographs. 16 vols, impe-
rial 8^ hoards, uncut. noston.
Edition de Luxe. Only 750 copies printed.
S19 DVotiviLLE. Vie de Mme. D'Youville, Fondatrice des Soeurs
la Charitd de Villemarie dans ITle de Montreal, en Can-
ada. Plates. 8' roan. (Shaken.) ^'illemarie, 1S52
ACHARD, LAUREN'Cfc:. The Gazeteer, or Newsman's
Interpreter ; being a geographical index of all the con-
siderable cities, Patriarchships, Bishoprics, Universities,
Dukedoms, Earldoms, and such like. Imperial and Hanse-
Towns, Ports, Forts, Castles, etc., in Europe. 2 vols, in i.
12" sheep. London, 1724
821 E.ADiE, John. Biblical Cyclopaedia, cr Dictionary of Eastern
Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, Sacred Annals
and Biography, Theology, and Biblical Literature, illustra-
tive of the New and Old Testaments. Afaps and illustra-
tions. Thick 8° cloth, London, 1872
822 Early Mexican Imprint. Jntroductio in Dialecticam Aris-
totelis, per Magistruni Fracisum Tolerum. 12'' sheeji.
(Wormed.) In Collegio Sanctorum
Petri et Pauli, apud Antonium Ricardum : INIexici, 1578
823 I'Iastmax, Mrs. Mary H. Chicdra and other regions of tlie
Conquerors and the Conquered. 21 large plates illustra-
ting Indian customs. Imperial 8° cloth. I'hila., 1S54
S24 ]v\STMAX. American Alioriginal Portfolio. 26 plates.
Small folio, cloth. Phila,
S25 EccLESiASTiCAi,. Lc Rougisme en Canada; — La France
Canadienne, — Ce're'monies de la Conse'cration d'un
f'vcqup ; — Le petit Arsenal Catholique ; — Pays caiho-
lique et pays protestants compares, etc. 12 pamphlets.
826 Eden, Richard. The first Three English Books on America.
(?iSii)-i555 A. D. Being chiefly translations, compila-
tions, etc., by Richard Eden, from the writings, maps, etc.,
of Pietro Martire, Sebastian Miinster and Sebastian Cabot.
With extracts, etc.. from the works of other Spanish, Ital-
ian and Cerman Writers of the Time. Edited by Edward
Arber. Royal 4" cloth, uncut. Birmingham, 1885
827 Edkrsheim, Alfred. History of the Jewish Nation, after the
destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. 12° half dark calf.
Edinburgh, 1857
S2S Educational Pamphlets. (12)
S29 Edwards, A. M. Life beneath the Waters, or the aquarium
in America. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1858
830 Edwards, Bryan. History, civil and commercial, of the
British Colonies in the West Indies. l*ortraits and num-
erous folding plates and maps. 3 vols, large 8° sheep.
(Broken.) Eondon, i8oi
53 1 Edwards. Atlas to the History of the British West Indies.
Maps and tuie plates by Bartolozzi. 4° boards, uncut.
London, iSiS
532 Edwards, Eliezer. Words, Eacts, and Phrases. A dictionary
of curious, quaint, and out-of-the-way matters. 8'"" half
morocco. Phi la.
833 Edwards, Richard. " The Book ; " or, the proceedings and
correspondence upon the subject of the inquiry into the
conduct of her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales,
under a commission appointed by the King in 1806. 8'^
boards, uncut. London, 1S13
834 Ecan. Tom and Jerry. Life in London ; or, the day and
night scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant
friend Corinthian Tom, in their rambles and sprees through
the metropolis. By Pierce Egan. With numerous colored
illustrations from real life designed by J. R. and G. Cruik-
shank. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London.
835 Egede, Hans. Description of Greenland, shew ing the Nat-
ural Histor}'', Situation, Boundaries, and Face of the Coun-
try, etc. Map and plates. 8° calf. London, 1845
S36 I'lc.cr.EsruN, Edward, and L. E. Seel\e. Tecumseh and the
Shawnee Prophet. 12° cloth. New York.
837 Egnatius, J. U, Suiimiairc des chroniques contenant les vies,
gestes et cas fortuits de tous les empereurs d'Europe, depuis
Jules Cesar jusques a Maximilian, dernier decedc, faict
))remierement en langue latine par lehan Baptiste ICgnace,
Venicien, et translate de la' dicie lantjue latine en langiie
fran^oys, par maistre Geofroy Tory de Bourges. On les
vend a Paris a lenseigne du Pot casse. (At end :) " Ce
present liure fust acheue dimprimier a Paris le XIII jour
dapvril M.D.XXIX, pour maistre Geofroy Tory de Pourges,
qui les vend au dit Paris a lenseigne du Pot casse." Fine
cop)'. i?"" full olive crushed levant morocco, by R.
Thompson. Paris, 1539
S38 EiGiiTV Years' Progress of British North America, showing
the wonderful development of its natural resources, by the
unbounded energy and enterprise of its inhabitajits. 'I'hick
8° half calf. ' Toronto, 1863
839 F.ijnr, Andrew. Tnanksgiving Sermon for the Reduction of
(Hiebec, Boston, Oct. 25;, 1759. 8" half morocco, gilt top.
Boston, 1759
8|0 Ki.izAiiETii. IhmiMc IV'lilion of the Conununallie to their
gracious Soveraigne, tlie Ladie I'',lizal)eth, Queen of l'!ng-
land, etc. 16'" calf extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. S. L. et A.
A petition to "enjoye tlie romfoit of the preacliing of the <;o^^pe]l."
Tl is extremely rave, ;uicl liie only copy liiiow 11 to Lowndes is in t'lo
(irenville J .ibiai v.
8.11 I'j.ior, John. Indian Primer ; or, the way training up of our
Indian youth in the good knowledge of God. With intro-
duction by John Small. 12" boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1S77
8.1? IClliott, C. W. Pottery and Porcelain, from early Times
down to the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876. Illustrations.
4'^ half blue levant morocco, extra, gilt edges.
" New York, 1S7S
8.13 Ei.i.iorr, Robert. Yiews in India, China, and the shores of
the Red Sea. Drawn by Prout, Stanfield, Catterniole,
Purser, Cox, Austen, etc., from original sketches by Com-
mander Robert l^lliott. With descriptions by Emma Rob-
erts, Steel plates. 2 vols. 4° cloth. London.
8.44 I'^i.i.is, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, bv the Dobbs Gal
ley and California, in the years 17.16 and 1747, for discover-
ing a North West Passage. Map and copper-plates. 8"
calf. London, 1718
S.'}5 Ellis. Yoyage a la Baye de Hudson, fait en 1746 et 17^7,
par les Navires la Dobbs-Galley et la California, pour la
dccouverte d'un Passage au Nord-Ouest. Map and copper-
plates. 8° calf. Leide, 1750
S.16 Elphtnston, James. CoUerti.in of Poems from the best
authors, i:;-" sheep, London, 1764
847 Elzevir. Testamentum Noviam, Graece (edente Dan. Heine-
sio). 18° old calf. Best Elzevir edition.
Elzevir: Lugd., Bat., 1633
With autograph of Lord Fairfax (Croniwells general), " Fare-fac."
8|S I''lzevir. Sulpitii Severi. Opera omnia quoe e.xtant. Ex
optimis Editionibus accurate recognita. 18° red morocco,
gilt edges, by Roger Payne.
Ex Oflicina Elzeviriana Lugd. Batavorum, 1635
From the Siston Park Library.
S 19 Elzevir, L. Annceus Florus. CI. Salmasius addidit Luciuni
Amphelium. 24° old calf.
Apud Elzevirios : Lugd., Batav., 163S
850 Elzevir. Institutiones D. Justiniani S. S. Princ. Typis
varia? ; rubris nucleum exhibentibus. Printed in red and
black throughout. 24'^ vellum.
Ludovicum Elzevirium : Amstelodami, 1654
851 Elzevir. A. Gislenii Busbequii Omnia quae extant. 24*^
calf. Ex Oflicina Elzeviriana : Amstelodami, 1G60
Sf;2 Elzevir. C. Julii Cicsaris qure extant. Ex. Emendationr'
Jos. Scaligeri. Engraved title and map. 18° half vellum.
Apud Abrahamum Wolfgang: Amstelodami, i6Sl>
Sf,3 Encvcloivkdia Dritannica: a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences.
and general Literature. Ninth edition, with Index. 25
vols. Edinburgh, 1878-79 ; — Supplement to the Encj'clo-
p:fdia Britannica, 3 vols. Phila,, 1S85-86. Together 28
vols. 4° sheep. Edinburgh and Phila.
854 Encvclopedie Canadienne. Journal litte'raire et scientifique.
M. Bibaud, editeur. Vol" i. (All published.) 8° half
sheep. Montreal, 1842-43
855 English History by Contemporary Writers. Misrule of Henrv
III, 1236-1248, edited by Rev. W. IL Hutton ; — Edward
III and his Wars, 1327-1360, edited by W. J. Ashley.
Illustrations. 2 vols. 16° cloth. London, 1887
8q6 ENfiCK, Rev. John. General History of the Late War, con-
taining its rise, progress, and events in Europe, Asia, Africa,
and America. Numerous maps and scarce portraits of
oflicers in the American War. 5 vols. 8"^ calf and half calf.
London, 1763-4
S57 EruEMERES, or the Dayes of the Yeare, 1883. Compiled by
ICdward Walford. Printed and illustrated in imitation of
the ancient Annualles. Imperial 8° paper, uncut.
London, 1883
S5S 1u'k:tetus. ALanucl. Traduit par M. N(aigeon). 18" half
morocco, uncut. Paris, 1790
859 Epictetus. Manuel d'Epictete et Tableau de C^b^s, en
Grec. Par L. Villebrune. 2 vols. 18° sheep. Paris, 1795
860 Erasmus. Opusculum, cui Tilulus est Moria. id est Stultiti;i,
qure pro concione loquitur. 16" green morocco extra, gilt
back, sides, and edges, silk lining.
Philippi Junlx', Florenlioi, 1518
I'inc copy of the JiuUa edition, bound by Bradcl-Dcromc.
SGi Erasmus. Detectio praestigiarum euiusdam libclli gcnnai.iici
scripti, ficto authoris titulo, cum hac inscri])tione, I'^rasmi il
Luthcri opinioncs dc Coena domini. 12"^ boards.
Apud Joan. Pctrcium : Norembcrg;c, 15JO
SGz Erasmus. Moriae Encomium. Stultitia: Laus. Cum Coni-
mcntario Ger. Listrii et figuris Jo. Ilolbenii, c codice Ac;v-
(lemiie Basiliensis accedunt. Fine copy of this scarce edi-
tion, with Holbein's cuts and the 2 portraits of Holbein so
often missing. 8° vellum. Lasilcae, 1676
S63 Erasmus. Moriic Encomium : or, the Praise of Folly. Made
English by W. Kennct. Portrait and ciuious plates. 12''
calf. London, 1735
SG4 EscoLE, L' d'Amour, ou les Heros Docteurs. Par M. 1).
L. C. 16° elegantly bound in full blue crushed levant
morocco, an exquisite wreath of Mowers on the sides, gilt
edges, inside borders, by Thibarox. Grenoble, 1665
A beautiful copy of this rare book comprising talcs, sonnets, madri-
gals, followed by lessons in love, etc.
565 EsQUEMELiNG, John. Bucauiers of America ; or, a true Ac-
count of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late
years upon the coast of the West Indies, by the Bucaniers
of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. Second
edition, enlarged with two additional relations, viz: the one
of Capt. Cook, and the other of Capt. Sharp. Tlic 4 parts
complete, with the portraits, maps and plates. 4° calf.
For William Crooke : London, 1681
566 EsQUEMKLiNC. Histoirc des Avanturiers Flibustiers, qui sc
sont signalez dans les Indes, contenantce qu'ills ontfnit do
remarquable depuis vingt anne'es. Nouvellc edition.
Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols. 12° old calf, gilt.
Paris, 1699
8G7 EsQUEMELiNG. Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sont signalez
dans les Lides, contenant ce qu'ils ont fait de plus remar-
quable depuis vingt annecs. ISLips and plates. 2 vols, in
I, 12° calf. Paris, 16SS
SOS ESQUISSE de la Vie et des Travaux apostoliques de Mgr. dc
Laval-Montmorency, premier Eveque de Quebec ; — Estat
present de TEglise et de la Colonic Frangaise dans la Nou-
velle France ; — filoge historique du Marquis de Montcalm ;
— Journal de I'Expedition sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent, 1759
and other Canadian pamphlets. Bound in i vol. 8^ half
SGy EiirAT picseuL dc I'Eglise et tie hi Colonic Eranraise dans la
Nouvelle Erance. Portrait. 8" paper. Quebec, 1856
S70 ErvMOLOfiv. Dictionnairc des Locutions Vicicuses du
Canada, par Manseau ; — Anglicisnies et Canadianismes,
()ar Buies ; — Memorial des Vicissitudes et dcs Progrcs de
♦ la Langue Eranraise en Canada; — Petit- Vocabulaire a
I'usagc des Canadiens-Eranrais ; — Alanuel des Expres-
sions Vicieuses, par Gingras. 5 pamphlets.
8/1 livANTUKi'.L, Eudore. Premieres Poe'sies 1876-1878. Avec
une prcfiice tic Joseiih Marnielle. 16' half calf, imcut, red
lo[i. (Quebec, 1878
87 J EvEiA N, jolin. Diary and Correspon|)ence of, to which is
subioined the private correspondence. Edited from the
original IMSS. at Wotton, by Uilliam I'.ray. Portraits. 4
\ols. 12° cloth, uncut. Pohn : l,ondon, 1863
S73 Ex Lir.Kis. William Smith, Historian of New A'ork ; — Judge
John Stewart, (Quebec; — Sir James Stuart, Chief Justice of
Jjower Canada, etc. All rare. (6)
87! Ex Li LK IS. Inicium Sapienti;r3 Timor Domini. Sibi et Ami-
cis. Liber Bilibaldi Pirckheimer.
A line sijccimen of the fust book plate known (size, 6}.{ x ^^4)1 sup-
])oscd to be engraved by Albeit Durer, about 15:4 ; re|)roduced in fac-
simile in Warren's Guide to tiie Study of Book I'lates.
87':; l']x,^^n^'AI'U)N of the Rights of the Colonics upon Princi|>les
of I->aw. V<y a Cenlleman (jf llie It.ir. 8" piipcr.
Londun, i 7G6
87O TJ^AC.AN, ]>()Uis. Collector's Marks. ICtchetl portrait of
J^ the A.uthor, and plates. Small 4" vellum.
London, 18S3
877 [ Failiox', Abbe.] llistoive de la Colonic Eranraise en
Canada. Willi plans. 3 vols, imiicrial 8" jiaper, uncut.
Villemarie, 1865
877 'l'"An,i.<tN. The Same. Without plans, i vol. half morocco
and :: vols, paper, uncut. 'Pogether 3 vols, imperial 8''.
A'illemarie, 1865
878 Eamiliae Romanac quae in Antiquis Numismatib. Reperiun-
tur. With 220 plates of coins. Eolio, old calf. Roma3, 1577
S79 Eannv Lear, Le Roman d'une Americaine en Russie. 12°
boards, uncut. Bruxelles, 1875
8S0 Eakidault, G. B. Catalogue d'Ouvrages stir ITIistoire de
I'Amerique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la
Louisiane, de I'Acatlie, et Autres Lieux, ci-devant connus
sous le nom de Nouvelle France ; avec des Notes Biblio-
graphiques. Critiques, et Littcraires. S" half morocco, un-
cut, gilt top. Quebec, 1837
83 1 Faribault. Another cop)-. Interleaved. 8"^ half morocco,
uncut, gilt top. Quebec, 1837
8S2 Farnham, Luther. Glance at Private Libraries. 8° paper.
Boston, 1853
883 Faughnan, Thomas. Stirring Incidents in the I^ife of a
British Soldier. An Autobiograpliy. Portrait and illustra-
tions. 12° cloth. Pictou, Onl., 18S8
S84 Feillet, a. Cent Dates D'Histoire Universelle. ij° half
morocco. Paris.
885 F"eller, F. X. de. Dictionnaire Historiquc, ou Ilistorique
abregd des hommes qui se sont fait un nom par leur gc'nie,
leurs talens, leurs vertus, leurs erreurs ou leurs crimes, de-
puis le commencement du nionde jusqu'a nos jours. 1 t,
vols. 8° half calf. Paris, 1832
885 Fenelon. Les Avantures de Telemaque, Fils d' Ulysses.
Nouvelle c'dition. Portrait and fine copper plates. 12°
sheep. Londres, 1745
S87 Fergusson, Adam. Practical Notes made during a tour in
Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831. iC"
half calf. Edinburgh, 1834
888 Fergusson's Tree and Serpent Worship. Atlas of 46 plates.
Folio, cloth, London,
889 Ferland, J. A. B. Observations sur uu Ouvrage intitule
Histoire du Canada, etc., par M, L'Abbe Brasseur de Bour-
bourg, Quebec, 1853; — The same, Paris, 1854. 2 pam-
890 Fertiault, F. Les Amoureux du Livre, Sonnets d'un Bibli-
ophile, Fantasies, Commandements du Bibliophile, Biblio-
philiana. Notes et Anecdotes, par F. Fertiault, Preface du
]5ibliophi!e Jacob. Illustrated with 16 etchings by Jules
Chevrier. 8° half crimson morocco, gilt top, Paris, 1877
Limited edition on "jjapier verge."
89 1 Feuillee, Louis. Journal des Observations physiques, math-
ematiques et botaniques, faites par I'ordre du Roy sur les
cotes Orientales de I'Amerique Meridionale et dans les In-
des Occidentales, depuis I'annee 1707, jusques en 1712.
Numerous plates, 2 vols, in i, 4° vellum, Paris, 1714
592 FiET.D, Thomas W. Essay towards an Indian Bibliography.
8" cloth, uncut. New York, 18 73
593 Field. Catalogue of the Library (American Indians) belong-
ing to T. W. Field, sold by auction May 24, 1875, ^^''l''
printed prices. 8° half roan. New York, 1875
S91 Fielding, Henry. History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Vol.
I, Second edition, Vols. 2, 3, and 4, First editions. 4 vols.
12° half roan. London, 1749-50
595 FiGARoSalon. Numerous full pa^c illustralious. Folio,
half morocco, Paris.
596 Finden's Porls, Harbours, Watering-Places and picturesque
scenery of Great Britain. Illustrated by views taken on
the spot, by W. H. Bartlett, J. D. Harding, T, Creswick,
and others. Numerous fine plates. 2 vols, in i, 4'^ half
morocco, London.
89; FiNLEY, Samuel. (Minister of the Gospel, in Nottingham,
Pcnn.) The Curse of Meroz ; or, the Danger of Neutral-
ity, in the Cause of God and our Country. A sermon
preached Oct. 2, 1757. (Title-page mended.) Small 4°
half morocco, uncut, gilt top. James Chattin : Phila., 1757
SgS I^iTZGERALD, Pcrcy. The Book Fancier, or the Romance of
Book Collecting. 16° cloth, uncut, gilt top. London, 188G
S99 FiTZGiBBON. Canadian Wild Flowers. Painted and litho-
graphed, by Agnes Fitzgibbon, with botanical descriptions
by C. P, Traill. 10 colored plates. P'olio, cloth.
Montreal, t86S
goo Fitzgibbon, H, M. Early English and Scottish Poetry,
1 250-1600, — selected and edited, with a critical introduc-
tion and notes. Small 8° half blue crushed levant mo-
rocco, uncut edges, gilt top, London, 18S8
901 Fi.AxivtAN, John. Plates to Homer's Iliad and Odyssee, He-
siod, Dante, etc. Upwards of 200 tine outline plates, en-
graved by Reveil from designs by Flaxman. Thick ob-
long 8° morocco. (A few plates loose.) Paris, 1856
902 Flechier, E. Flistoire du Cardinal Ximenes. Vol. 2. 12'^
sheep. Paris, 1693
With Book-plate of I''. Noiseux, Vicaiie-Generale.
903 [Fleming, John.] Political Annals of Lower Canada, being
a Review of the political and legislative history of that
province. 8 portraits and 8 autograph letters and documents
inserted. 8° half calf, gilt top. Montreal, 182S
904 Fluckiger and Ilanbury. Pharmacographia. History of
the principal drugs of vegetable origin met with in Great
Britain and British India. 8° cloth, London, 1874
905 Florian, Estelle. Beautifully printed in clear brilliant type,
illustrated with plates, 64° full crimson crushed levant
morocco, gilt edges. Paris.
Fine copy and a curiosity of book-making.
go6 P'oNBLANguE, E. B. de. Political and Military Episodes in
the latter half of the eighteenth century, derived from the
Life and correspondence of the Right Hon. John Burgoyne,
• general, statesman, dramatist. Portrait. 8° cloth.
London, 1876
907 FoNTENELLF,, M. de. Entreticns sur la Pluralitc des Mondes.
Plates. 16° sheep. With autograph of F. X. Garneau,
Historian of Canada. La Haye, 1745
908 FoxTPKRTius, A. F. de. Le Canada. 12° paper, uncut.
Paris, 1867
909 Forbes, Archibald. William of Germany, a succinct bio-
graphy of William I, German Emperor and King of
Prussia. 12° cloth. New York.
910 FoRSTER, John. Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England ;
with a treatise on the popular progress in English History.
Edited by J. (). Choules. Portraits. 8*^ sheep.
New York, 1S46
911 FoRSTER, John R. Catalogue of the Animals of North
America, containing an enumeration of the known quadru-
peds, birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, crustaceous and testa-
ceous animals, many of which are new and never described
before. Plate. 12° paper. London, 177 1
912 FoRSTER. Flora Americas Septentrionalis ; or, a catalogue of
the plants of North America. Small 8° half roan.
London, 177 i
913 [FoRSVTH, J. B.] A Few Months in the East ; or, a Glimpse
of the Red, the Dead and the Black Seas. By a Canadian.
Plates. 8^^ cloth. Quebec, 186 r
9r4 Foyer Canadien, Recueil litte'raire et historique, 1863-66,
with premiums for 1863 and 1864. 6 vols. 8° paper (all
published). Quebec.
915 Franqais (Les) sous Louis XIV et Louis XV. Numerous
illustrations by Johannot, Fragonard, Gavarni, Jacques and
others. Imperial 8° half morocco. Paris.
916 France, Judson. Muse Whangs. (Poems, amorous, baccha-
nalian, political, memorial, humorous and miscellaneous.)
12° cloth. 'I'oronto, 1887
917 Fran'CHERe, G. Relation d'un Voyage a la cote du N'ord-
ouest de I'Ame'rique Septentionale, dans les annees, iSio-
1814. Portrait. 8" mottled sheep. (Binding broken.)
Montreal, 1820
A fine copy of the scarce original edition, edited by M. Bibaud.
918 Franciiere. Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest coast
of America in 1S11-14, or the first American settlement on
the Pacific. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New \'ork, 1S54
Presentation copy from tlie" author.
919 [Franklin, Benjamin,] The Interest of Great Britain con-
sidered, with regard to her Colonies, and the acquisition of
Canada and Guadaloupe. 8° calf. London, 1760
g?n Franklin. The Same. Second edition. 8" paper.
London, 1761
921 [Franklin.] Letter to the Inhabitants of the Province of
Quebec. S° half morocco, gilt top.
William and Thomas Bradford : Phila., 1774
922 Franklin. Memoirs of, with a review of his pamphlet en-
titled " Information to those who would wish to remove to
America." Portrait, Small 8° half sheep. (Broken.)
London, 1790
9?3 Franklin, John, Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of
the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-22. Maps and numerous
plates, some colored, 4° half russia. (Binding cracked,)
London, 1823
9-:;4 Franklin. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores
of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826 and 1827. Maps.
8° boards, uncut, Phila., 1828
925 Fraser, J. B. Views in the Himalaya Mountains. 20 finely
colored plates. Elephant folio, boards, London, 1820
926 Fri^chette, Louis, the Laureat of Canada, crowned by the
French Academy of Paris, Poesies Canadiennes. La
Legende d'un Peuple, 8° paper, uncut. Paris.
937 French Lyrics, selected and arranged by George Saintsbury.
16° vellum, uncut, London, 188S
92S French and Indian War, Memorial of John, Earl of ^igmont,
8° half roan. (London, 1764)
929 French Policy defeated. Being an Account of all the hostile
proceedings of the French, against the inhabitants of the
British Colonies in North America, for the last seven years.
2 maps, 8° stitched. London, 1755
930 French War, Account of the Society for the Encouragement
of the British Troops in Germany and North America, 8"^
boards, London, 1750
931 French War, The Mystery Reveal'd ; or. Truth brought to
Light : being a Discovery of some Facts, in relation to the
Conduct of the late M y, which, however extraordinary
they may appear, are yet supported by such Testimony of
Authentic Papers and Memoirs, as neither Confidence can
out-brave, nor Cunning invalidate. By a Patriot. 8° half
russia. London, 1759
Rare. "The above title," says Stevens, conveys no adequate idea
of the contents of this very interesting book. The first part is a state-
ment of affairs, and an analysis of them, from the Peace of Utrecht,
till some months after Braddock's Defeat. The second part contains
ilie ( )rigiiuil Documents or Vouchers for the Narratives. These com-
prise the memorials and letters that passed between the English and
J'"rench officers in Canada and Nova Scotia, and other English colo-
nies, especially on the Ohio, from 1751 to 1755, including the chief
papers that fell into the hands of the French after Braddock's Defeat,
such as Washington's Journal and Letters, Stobo's Letter to Wash-
ington, Braddock's Letters, etc., etc."
932 French War. Letter to an Honourable Brigadier-General,
Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada
(Lord Townsend) ; — Refutation of the Letter to an Hon.
Brigadier General, By an Oriicer. 2 vols. S° mottled calf,
gilt. London, 1760
933 French War, Almanack Royal, Annee, 1765. 8^ old red
morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1755
Contains a list of army and navy ofilcers at the opening of this war.
With the arms of the Earl of Albemarle (Admiral Keppel) surrounded
by a very rich and elaborate fanfar pattern, the back finely tooled in a
geometrical design.
93-1 French War. Annual Register, or a View of History,
Politicks and Literature. Vols. 1-3 1, 1758-89, with Inde.x
from 175S to 17S0 inclusive. 32 vols. 8° calf.
London, 1768-92
Covering the period of the French War and the Anierirnn Kevoln-
tion. <
935 French War. Adams, W. Thanksgiving Sermon for the
Reduction of Montreal and the Conquest of Canada, New
London, Oct. 23, 1760. 12'^ stitched, uncut.
New London, 186 1
936 French War. Appleton, N. Thank.sgiving Sermon for the
Surrender of Montreal, Cambridge, Sept. 8, 1760. 8° half
morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1760
937 French War. Cooper, Samuel. Thanksgiving Sermon for
the Reduction of (Quebec, Boston, Oct. 16, 1759. 8° stitched,
uncut. Boston.
938 French War. Dawson, Eli. Discourse delivered at Quebec,
in the Chapel belonging to the Convent of the Ursulins,
Sept. 27, 1759, occasioned by the success of our arms in the
reduction of that capital, at the request of Brigadier General
Monckton and by order of Vice-Admiral Saunders. 4° half
morocco. London, 1760
A most important historical sermon and very scarce.
939 French War. P'.liot, Andrew. Thanksgiving Sermon for the
Reduction of Quebec, Boston, Oct. 25, 1759. 8° half mor.,
gilt top. Boston, 1759
940 French War. Foxcroft, Thomas, "^fhanksgiving Sermon for
the Surrender of IVfontreal, Boston, Oct. 9, 1760. 8"" half
russia. Boston, 1760
941 French War. Mayhew, Jonathan. Thanksgiving Discourses
for the Reduction of Quebec, Oct. 25, 1759. 8" half
morocco. Boston, 1759
942 French War. I'rince, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon for
the Taking of Louisburg, Bo.ston, July 18, 1745. 8^^ half
morocco, gilt top. Boston, printed ; London, reprinted, 1746
French War.
French War.
French War.
French War.
the Taking
French War.
Prince. The same.
Prince. The same.
Prince. The same.
Second edition. 8°
London, 1746
S'' half morocco.
Edinburgh, 174^)
Fifth edition. 8" half
Boston, 1746
Townle}', James. Thanksgiving Sermon for
of Quebec, London, Nov. 29, 1759. 4° half
London, 1759
Jugement Impartial sur les Operations mili-
taires de la campagne en Canada en 1759 ; — Relation du
Siege de Quebec en 1759; — Siege de Quebec en 1759,
copie d'un manuscript depose a la Bibliotheque de Hart-
well ; — Eloge historique de Montreal, 4 pamphlets,
French War. Letter addressed to Great IMen, on the Pros-
pect of Peace, and oti the Terms necessary to be insisted
upon in the negociation ; — Remarks on the Letter address'd
to two Great Men, in a Letter to the Author of that Piece.
S^ stitched together. London, 1760
French War, L'Observateur Hollandois, ou Lettres de M.
Van, A, M. H, de la Playe (J. C. Moreau), 2 vols, 12"
calf. La Have, i755-5f>
Letters on the 7 years' war and tlie operations in Canada.
French War, Relation de la prise du Fort Georges, ou
Guillaume Henry, situe sur le lac Saint-Sacrement, et de ce
qui s'est passe cette anne'e en Canada, (Supple'ment u la
Gazette du 15 Octobre, 1757.) 4
Stobo, Major Robert.
boards, uncut,
Paris, 1757
French War. Stobo, Major Robert. Memoirs of. Map.
18° cloth, ' Pittsburgh, 1854
French War, The Test ; or, Constitutional Journal, London,
June 5, 1756, Containing important articles relating to the
French War, Small folio, half roan. London, 1756
French War, Siege of Quebec and Conquest of Canada in
1759, By a Nun of the General Hospital ; — Gov, Murray's
Journal of the Siege of Quebec; — Memoire du Sieur de
Ramezay, Commandant a Quebec, au sujet de la reddition
de cette ville, 3 pamphlets,
954 Frezier, M. Relation du \^oyage de la Mer du Sud au cotes
du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, fait pendant les ann^es
1712, '13, '14, Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols. 12°
half calf. Amsterdam, 17 1 7
Autograph of Sir R. II. Eoniiycaslk^, military commander in the
Cunadian Kebellion of iS^7.
955 -f roissoi't, Gir Jol)n. The Cronyclcs of Englande, Fraunce,
Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretaine, Flaunders, and
other places adjoynynge, translated cute of Frenche into oure
Mater all Englyshe Tongue by John Bouchier, Knight, Lord
Berners ; at the Commandement of our most hyghc redoubted
Soveraygne Lord King Henryc the VIII; Kynge of Englande,
Fraunce, and Ireland, Dcfendor of the Faith ; and of the
Church of England, and also of Irelande in earth the
supreme head. Vol. i. Imprinted at London by llicl)arb
Pinsoit, iS-3- Vol. 2. Imprinted at London in Flete-
^lcte by Uicl)avb Piusou, 1525. i31ack £cttcv, printed in
double columns, initial letters throughout the text. 2 vols,
(olio, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, with book-plate of
Lord Hardwicke. London, 1523-25
The two title pages are wanting, otherwise the above is a vcrj' fine
copy, with large margins, and not doctored, and of excessive rarity,
both volumes being First Editions, printed by Pynson and not
made up of the Middlcton and Pynson cditioiis as usually found. Per-
fect copies are quoted at ;^ioo.
956 Froissart, Jehan. Le Premier (et le second, tiers et quart).
Volume de I'Histoire et Chroniques de jMessire Jehan
Froissart. Reueu et corrige' sus diuers Exemplaires, ct
suyant les bons auteurs, par Denis Savvage de Fontenailles
en Brie. 4 vols, in 2, folio, bound by Hayday in full sprinkled
calf extra, carmine edges. Jan de Tournes : Lyon, 1559
957 Froissart. Illuminations from the MS. Froissart in the Bib-
liotheque Royal, Paris, and other sources. 50 beautiful
miniatures, tinished by hand. 4° half morocco.
95S Froude, J. A. Historical and other Sketches ; — Science in
Short Chapters, by W. M. \\'illiams. 2 vols. 12° paper.
New York.
959 FuENTES, Manuel A. Lima, or sketches of the capital of
Peru, historical, statistical, administrative, commercial and
moral. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8^ boards.
London, 1S66
960 FuLGEXTiU-M. riaciades in Mythologiis. Hoc in vol-
umine infra scripta continentus: F. Fulg. Mytholo-
giarum libri tres. scholia paraphrasticae a Philomuso (J.
Locher) addita sunt. Epistola dedicatoria cum aliis
appendicibus. Small folio, full crushed levant morocco
extra, inside borders, gilt edges by Lortic. Expen-
sis Joannis Grunerii Ulmani, in Ofificina Sigismundi
Grym. Medici Augustoe Vindelicorum, 1521
A beautiful book from the library of Gomez de la Cortina, with
his arms on the sides, and monogram and crown in the corners.
g6i /'"^AGE, TiioiAiAS. Nieurve ende seer naeuwkeurige Reyse
V T door de Spaensche West Indien. Folding plates and
maps. 4° vellum. Utrecht, 1692
9G2 Gagnon, C. O. Lettre de M. L'Abbe Le Guerne, Missionaire
de I'Acadic, trouvce rc'ceminent dans Ics Archives de la
Cure N. D. de Quebeck. 8° paper uncut. Quebec, 1889
963 Gagnon, Ernest. Chansons Populaires du Canada, recueillies
et publie'es avec Annotations, etc. S'^ half roan.
Quebec, 1865
964 ^nilus, QlbluiS (EistCVCicUSiG. Dialogus Malogranatum
dictus. Compilatus a quoduin Abbate ordine's Cistercien-
sis monaslerii Aulac Regiaj in Bohemia. Black £ctlci*,
Printed in double columns, of 54 lines, on 215 leaves,
rubricated throughout, (First leaf wanting) very fine
copy. Large folio in a 16th century stamped calf bind-
ing. (S. Argent, H. Egglesteun), cir. 1470
EuiTio Tkincki'S. Very rait;. Eggestcyn was an a])prcntice of
965 Galt, John. Autobiography of. 2 vols, 12° cloth.
Phila., 1833
9G6 Gakneau, F. L. Ilistoire du Canada depuis sa de'couverte
jusqu'a nos jours. Fine uncut copy of the first edition, in-
cluding the very rare fourth volume, which has been rigidly
suppressed. 4 vols. 8" paper uncut. Quebec 1845-48
967 Garneau. Another cop}-, of the first edilion. 4 vols. 8° half
roan. Quebec, 1845-48
96S Garneau. Hisloire du Canada. Second edition. 3 vols. 8°
half roan. (Quebec, 1852
969 Garneau, Ilistoire du Canada. First edition. 3 vols. 8'^
half sheep. (Quebec, 1845-48
970 Garneau. Abrcgc de L'llistoire du Canada depuis sa de-
couverte jusqu'a 1840. 12° boards. Montreal, 1858
971 Garneau, History of Canada, from the time of its discovery
till the union year 1840-1. Translated by Andrew Pell.
Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Montreal, 1862
972 Garneau. Sa Vie et ses Qiuvres, par AL Chauveau. Portrait.
8° paper, uncut. Montreal, 1883
973 Garnet d'un Mondain. Gazette Parisienne Anecdotique et
Curieuse, par Etincelle. With 5 colored plates and 100
piquant illustrations in the text by A. Ferdinandus. 2 vols,
small 8° ornamented paper wrapper, uncut edges. Lim-
ited edition. Paris, 188 1
974 Gaspi, Phillippe de. Les Ancicns Canadiens. Portrait.
Royal 8° paper, uncut. Montreal, 1886
975 Gaspi. Canadians of Old, 8" cloth. Quebec, 1864
976 Gasfi. Les Anciens Canadiens. 8^ half crimson calf.
Quebec, 1863
977 Gavarni. Pictures of the French. A series of literary and
graphic delineations of French Character. By Jules Janin,
Balzac, Cormenin, and other celebrated authors. 230 il-
lustrations drawn on wood by Gavarni, iMonnier and Meis-
sonier, and engraved by Lavielle. Royal 8° cloth, (Shak-
en). London, 1840
978 Gatschkt, a. S. Classification into Seven Linguistic Stocks
of Western Indian Dialects contained in Forty Vocabular-
ies. 4° paper, uncut. Washington, 1878
979 Gay, John. Fables. With numerous fine vignettes by
Vander Gucht, after designs by Woolton, 2 vols. 8° old calf,
gilt. London, 1737
980 Gay, John. Fables. With a life of the author. With 70 fine
plates by Blake, Stothard, Wilson, Audinet, etc. 2 vols, in
I. Royal 8° russia, (covers broken). London, 179 1
Large Paper copy of Stockdale's fine edition.
981 Gavarre, Charles. History of Louisiana. Maps. 4 vols. 8°
cloth. New Orleans, 1835
982 Gems. Canini, J. A,. Images des He'ros et des Grands
Hommes de I'Antiquite', dessin^es sur des me'dailles, des
pierres antiques, etc. Grave'es par Picart le Romain. With
115 beautiful full-page plates. 4° full red levant morocco
extra, Jansen finish, inside borders, marbled under gilt
edges, by DuRU.
Chez B. Picart and J. F. Bernard : Amsterdam, 1731
953 Gems of English Poetry. With beautiful illustrations by
great artists. Small 4° cloth. London, 1865
954 Genebrard, Gilb. Traicte' de La Liturgie ou saincte messc,
selon I'usage et forme des Apostres, et de leur disciple
sainct Denys, apostre des Francois. 2 vols, in i, 18° vellum.
Paris, 1602
955 Gentleman's Magazine Library : being a classified collection
of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from
1 731 to 1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. With Literary
Curiosities and Notes, edited by A. B. G. 8° white cloth,
uncut. London, 18S8
986 Genty, Abbe. L'Intluence de la Decouverte de I'Amcrique
sur le bonheur de genre humaine. Map and plate. 8° iialf
calf. Paris, 17S8
987 Gesner, Abraham. New Brunswick, with notes for Emigrants ;
comprehending the early history. An account of tlic In-
dians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Manufactures,
Commerce, etc. Illustrations. 8° cloth. London, 18.^7
988 Gesxer. Industrial Resourceb of Nova Scotia. Map and
plates. 8° cloth. Halifax, 1849
989 Gesta Romanoruin; or Entertaining Moral Stories. Invented
by the Monks as a tireside recreation, and translated from
the Latin by the Rev. Chas. Swan. New edition, with an
Introduction, etc., by Thos. Wright. Handsomely printed
from large, clear type. 2 vols, imperial 8'^ vellum cloth,
uncut. New York, 187 I
Large I-'ai'Iir. One of 25 copies, printed throughout on
Whatman's hand-made paper of extra size.
990 Gillies, John. Historical Collections relating to remarkable
periods of the success of the Gospel. 8"^ half dark calf,
gilt. Kelso, 1845
991 GiLLRA\, James. Caricatures, comprising the best Political
and Humorous Satires of the Reign of George HI, 1779-
1810. With the extra volume and octave volume of des-
criptive letter press, by T. \\'right and R. H. Evans. Up-
wards of Coo highly spirited engravings from the original
jilates. 2 vols, atlas folio and i vol. 8° together 3 vols,
half morocco extra. London, 1851
992 GiLiix. Essay on Prints. Containing remarks upon the
Principles of Picturesque Beauty, different kinds of Prints,
etc. 12° half sheep. London, 176S
993 GiSBORNE, Thomas. Walks in a I'orcst ; or, poems descrip-
tive of scenery and incidents characteristic of a forest at
different seasons of the year. I'rontispicce and vignette
liilc. iG*^ boards, uncut. London, 1814
994 Gluirk, (La.) de S. Vrsule, Diviscc en deux parties. La
premiere contient I'histoire & Martyre des onze mille Vier-
ges, avec quelqucs considerations la dessux, etc. Recucillie
par un Pcre de la Comp. de Jesus. Small 4° vellum.
Valentiennes, 1G56
J-e.s Uisuliiies de Cianada. pp. 2 2fj-p,i y
995 GoLDSMiiH, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. With prefatory
memoir by George Saintsbury, and one hundred and four-
teen colored illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, gilt edges.
London, 1886
996 GuMAKA, Lopez de. Histoire Generalle des Indes Occiden-
tales et Terres Neuves, qui jusqu'a present ont estc descou-
vcrtes. Traduite en Franrois par M. Fumee, Sieur de
Marly de Chastel. 12° calf, (cover broken). I^aris, 1580
997 GoNcouR r, Edmond et Jules de. Les Maitresscs de Louis
XV. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. J'aris, i860
998 GoocH, John. Manual or l'',xplanatory Development of the
act for the union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Bruns-
wick in one dominion under the name of Canada, 8° cloth.
Ottawa, 1867
999 Goodrich, C. A. History of the United States of America
from the First Discovery to March 4, 1825. Illustrations.
12° sheep. New York, 1825
1000 Goodrich, S. C. Tales about Canada. By Peter Parley.
Map and woodcuts. Square 16° cloth. London.
1 00 1 Goodrich, S. G. Manners, Customs and Antiquities of the
Indians of North and South America. Illustrations. 16°
cloth. Boston, 1844
ino2 Gordon, Rev. J. E. Historical and Geographical Memoir
of the North American Continent, its Nations and Tribes.
With a summary account of the Life of the Author, his
Writings and Opinions. Portrait. 4^ half calf.
Dublin, 1820
1003 GouRL.w, Robert. Statistical Account of Upper Canad.T,
compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration in
connection with a reform of the poor laws, with a general
introduction. Maps. 3 vols. 8^ half calf. London, 1S22
1004 (J3vafton, Uicl)avb. A Chronicle at Large and Meere Histoiy
of the Affayres of England and Kinges of the Same, deduced
from the Creation of the World unto the First Vere of tlu'
lleigne of our Most Deere Sovereigne Lady Queen Eliza-
lielh. First edition. Wood-cuts and f^ne initial letters.
iJlack £ettcr. 2 \ols. in i. Folio old calf. (Title and i
leaf of preface in vol. 1. and last leaf of index in vol. 2
missing.) London, 1569
1005 Graxdville. Un autre Monde, Transformations, visions,
incarnations, ascensions, cosmogonies, fantasmagories,
metamorphoses, etc. Numerous fine illustrations by Grand-
ville. 4° half morocco e.xtra, gilt edges. Paris, 1844
roo6 Grant, Mrs. Precipitaine : a Highland Tale. 2 vols. 12"^
calf. Edinburgh, 1823
Presentation copy to Lady Arbuthunot, from the author.
1007 Grant. Memoirs of an American Lady ; — Essays on the
Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland; — Letters
from the mountains. 8 vols. 12° half calf.
London and New York.
1008 Gravier, Gabriel. Decouverte de rAmerique par des nor-
mands au Xe. siecle. Maps. 4^" paper, uncut. Paris, 1871
1009 Gravier. Cavalier De La Salle de Rouen. Royal 8° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1874
loio Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada, written during a resi-
dence there in the years 1806-8. Map. S° half russia.
London, 1809
loii Gkay, Thomas. An Elegy written in a Country Church-
yard. The fourth edition, corrected. Royal 4° full crushed
l«vant morocco, uncut edges, gilt top, inside gilt border, by
Kivifere. R. Dodley, 1751
An elegant copy of this rare edition, published in the same year as
the first, and the last before the division of the book in chapters.
1 01 2 Gray. Odes by Mr. Gray. 4° original calf, gilt.
Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757
First edition of Gray's Pindaric Odes, and the first book printed at
Strawberry Hill, contains also: Poems by Anna Chamber, Countess
■I'tniple, Strawberry Hill, 1764. Only 100 copies printed.
1013 [Graydon, Alexander.] Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed
in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years. 8° half calf.
Edinburgh, 1822
1014 Green, Benjamin R. Lecture on the Study of Ancient
Coins, in connection with history, as delivered, Feb. 6, 1829,
in the theatre of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.
Royal S° paper, uncut. London. 1829
1 01 5 Green, B. R. Atlas Numismatique de I'Histoire ancienne.
21 plates. Large folio, paper. Paris, 1829
xoi6 Green, Henry, Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers;' —
an Exposition of their similarities of thought and expres-
sion, preceded by a view of emblem literature down to A.
IJ. 1616. With numerous illustrative devices from the orig-
inal authors. Small folio, cloth. London, 1870
1017 Greenhow, Robert. Memoir, historical and political on
the northwest coast of North America and the adjacent
territories. Maps. 8° boards. Washington, 1S40
1018 Greg, W. R. Essays on Political and Social Science, con-
tributed chiefly to the Edinburgh Review. 2 vols. 8° full
calf, gilt. London, 1853
1019 Grolier. Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa vie et sa Bib-
liotheque, suivies d'un catalogue des livres qui lui ont ap-
partenue. Par M. Le Roux de Lincy. Thick 8° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1866
1020 (}rolier Club. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astrono-
mer Poet of Persia, rendered into English verse by Edward
Fitzgerald. (Reprinted from the edition of Bernard Quar-
itch : London, 1879.) Illuminated device of the Grolier
(.:iub, in colors on the title — and illuminated head-bands
from examples in Owen Jones's ''Grammar of Ornament."
8° paper, cover illuminated after an example in Auds-
ley's Outlines of Ornament," totally uncut.
The Grolier Club: New York, 1885
Only 150 copies printed.
1021 (Grynaeus). Novus Orbis Regionum aci nsularum veteribus
incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica, et aliquot
alijs consimilis argument! llbellis, quorum omnium catalogue
sequenti patebit pagina. Coed copy in the original binding,
but without the map, which is very seldom found in copies.
Folio, stamped calf. Basileae, 1537
This edition contains an additional piece : Maximilian's Letter
describing tlie voyage of Magellan, not found in the earlier edition.
1022 GuEROULT, G. Premier tomme (et second) des chroniques
et gestes admirables des enipereurs, avec les effigies d'iceu.v
(en prose et en vers). With numerous portraits engraved
on wood. 2 vols, in i, small 4° vellum. , Lyon, 1552
1073 Guest, Moses. Poems on several Occasions, to which are
annexed extracts from a journal kept by the author while
he followed the sea, and during a journey from New Bruns-
wick, in New Jersey, to Montreal and Quebec. 18° sheep.
(Broken.) Cincinnati, 1824
1024 Guov, Col, Letters origiiKilIy published in the "Quebec
Gazette " addressed to His Excellency, Sir K. W. Head,
Governor General of B. N. America. 8'^ half morocco.
Quebec, 1S51;
1075 GuiBORD Case. History of the Guibord Case: Ultramon-
tanism versus Law and Human Rights. Illustrations. 8"*
paper. Montreal, 1875
1026 GuicciARDiNi. Aphorismes Civill and Militarie ; amplified
with authorities, and exemplified with Historic, out of the
first Quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine. Folio, old calf.
London, 1629
1027 Guide Books. Picture of Quebec, 1829; — Falls of Niag-
ara ; — Peck's l"ourist companion ; — Fashionable Tour to
Niagara and Quebec ; — Hand Book of Toronto : — The
Adirondacks ; — Northern Traveller ; — Canadian Tourist ;
— Canada as it is ; — Gold Fields of Nova Scotia ; liunter's
Guide from Niagara to Quebec ; — Hand Book of Canada ;
i'emale Emigrant's (iuide ; — Industries of Canada, etc.
26 vols.
1028 GuiGAKD, Joannis. Armorial dti Bibliophile, avec Illustra-
tions dans le texte. With several hundred illustrations of
coats of arms. 2 vols, in i, royal 8" half calf, uncut.
Paris, 1870-73
1029 GuizoT, M. de. History of France, from the earliest times to
1848. Translated by Robert Black. Numerous illustrations,
8 vols. 12" cloth. New York, 1885
1030 Gunpowder Plot. His Maiesties Speach in this last session
of Parliament, as neare his very words as could be gathered
at the instant. Small 4° half morocco, uncut.
London, 1605
1 03 1 GiusTiNiANi, Agostino. Psalterium, hebreum, grecu, ara-
bicu., et chaldeu., cu. tribus latinis iterpratatoibus, Et glos-
sis. Finely engraved and rubricated title. Folio, half
sheep. Peter Paul Porrus : Genoa, 15 16
Excessively rare. A good copy of the celebrated Psalter of Agostino
Giiistiniani, Bishop of Nebbio, in Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and Chal-
dean. It is one of the earliest polyglots ever printed, and is especially
valuable as being the first book with a life of Columbus. This is to be
found on the first page of the twenty-sixth leaf. The first lines of the
life have been translated as follows, viz. : — "Then it was that Christo
pher named Columbus, a Genoese by birth, of low family, who, in our
times, by his energy, explored in a few months a greater extent of land
and of sea than almost all the rest of mankind ever did in all i)ast
ages, etc,, etc."
The volume was condemned to be burned by the common hangman
as it contained statements injurious to Columbus, and thus indirectly
attacked Pope Alexander the Sixth's deeding the Continent of America
to Spain, on the assertions of the discoverer. Fernando Columbus, in
his — " Historia del Amirante " and refutation of " The twelve lies of
(iiustiniani," says: — We will only add that considering the many
mistakes and falsehoods found in the said Giustiniani's History and
Psalter, the Senate of Genoa has laid a penalty upon any person thai
sliall read or keep it ; and has caused it to be carefully sought out in
all places it has been sent to, that it may, by public decree, be destroyed
and utterly extinguished."
1033 Gunpowder Plot. True Relations of the whole Proceedings
against the late most Barbarous Traitors, Garnet, a Jesuiie,
and his Confederates (Guy Fawkes, Rookwood, Bate.s,
Catesby, Tresham, Sir Everard Digby, etc.), and all that
passed at Garnet's execution. With live rare portraits of
the Conspirators inserted. Small 4° old calf.
London, 1606
1033 Gunpowder Plot. Rhodes, J. A Briefe Summe of the
Treason intended against the King and State, when they
should have been assembled in Parliament, Nov. 5, 1605.
(In verse) with certaine songs and ditties. Small 4° calf
e.xtra, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 1606
1034 Guy Genealogy. Notice sur La Famille Guy et sur quelques
Autres Families. Portraits. 8° cloth. Montreal, 1867
1035 T TADDEN'S Journal and Orderly Book. Journal kept
|~J^ in Canada and upon Burgoyne's Campaign in
1776-7, by Lieut. James M. Hadden, also orders by him
and issued by Sir Guy Carleton, Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne and
rvIajor-General William Phillips in 1776-7-8, with an ex-
planatory chapter and notes by Horatio Rogers. Map.
Thick square 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1884
1036 IIaig, a. H. Impressions of Westminster Abbey, an illus-
trated text to accompanv seven etchings by A. H. Haig.
S'' boards. ' London, 1885
1037 IIaight, CamiilT. Country Life in Canada, fifty years ago;
personal recollections and reminiscences of a sexagenarian.
Illustrations. 8° cloth. Toronto, 1SS5
103S Hakluvt Society Publications. The World Encompassed
by Sir Francis Drake. Being his next voyage to that to
Nombre de Dios, Collated, with an unpublished manu-
script of P'rancis Fletcher, Chaplain to the Expedition.
With appendices illustrative of the same voyage, and intro-
duction, by W'. S. W, Vaux. S° cloth, uncut. London, 185G
1039 Hakluyt. The Travels of Girolamo Benzoni in America,
in 1542-56. Translated and edited by Admiral W, H.
Smith. S'^ cloth, uncut. London, 1858
1040 Hakluvt. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons,
during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ; containing
the journey of Gonzalo Pizarro, from the Royal Commen-
taries of Garcilasso Inca de la Vega; the voyage of f>an-
cisco de Orellano, from the general history of Herrera, and
the voyage of Cristovalde Acuma from an exceedingly
scarce narrative written by himself in 1641. Edited and
translated by Clements R. Markham. S° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S60
1041 IIAKLU^T. The Life and Acts of Don Alonzo Enriqucz do
Guzman. Translated from a manuscript in the National
Library at Madrid, and edited with notes and an introduc-
tion, by Clements R. Markham. 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S62
1042 Hakluvt. The ]*ifth Letter of Hernan Cortez to the
Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his Expedi-
tion to Honduras in 1525-6. Translated from the Spanish
by Don Pascual de Gayonogos. 8° cloth, uncut.
London, iS63
IU43 Hakluvt. The Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. By the
Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated and edited with
notes and introduction by Clements R. Markham. Vol. i.
8° cloth, uncut. London, 1S69
1044 FL\kluvt. Select Letters of Cluistophcr Columbus, with
other original documents, relating to his four voyages to the
New \\'orld. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8°
cloth, uncut. London, 1870
1045 Hakluvt. Three \'oyages to tlie Northeast. Second edi-
tion of Garrit de Veer's Three Voyages to the Nortli-east,
by Barents. Edited, with an introduction, by Lieut. Koolc-
nians Beyren of the Royal Dutch Navy. 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1876
1046 Hakluvt. The Voyages and Works of John Davis, the
navigator. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by
Captain A. H. Markham. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1880
1047 Hakluyt. The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster. With
abstracts of Journal of Voyages preserved in the India
Office, and the Voyage of Capt. John Knight to seek the
N. W. Passage. Edited by C. R. Markham. S° cloth,
uncut. London, 1877
10 \S Hakluvi". Tiic Expedition of Ursua and Aguirre in search
of El'Dorado and Omagua, 1560-61. Translated from the
" Sesta Noticia Ilistoriale " of Eray Pedro vSimon, by W.
Bollaert, with an introduction by Clements R. Markhani.
8° cloth, uncut. London, 1862
1049 Hakluyt. Asher, G. ^L Henry Hudson, the Navigator.
The original documents in which his career is recorded,
partly translated, and annotated. Map. S'^ cloth, uncut.
London, i860
1050 Hakluvi. Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of
America and the Islands adjacent. Collected and pub-
lished by Richard Hakluyt, 15S2. lidited with notes and
introduction by John Winter Jones. Maps. 2 vols. 8°
cloth, uncut. London, 1850
1051 Hakluyt. Voyages of the Zeni to the Northern Seas in the
Eourteenth Century. Translated and edited by R. H.
Major, 8° cloth, uncut. London 1873
1052 Hale, Horatio. 'I'he Iroquois Book of Rites. 8° paper,
uncut. Phila., 18S3
1053 Halfburion, T. C. Historical and Statistical Account of
Nova Scotia. Maps and plates. 2 vols. S"' boards.
Halifax, 1829
1054 HALHiURTON. Bubblcs of Canada. With 10 portraits and
autographs inserted. 8'^ boards, uncut. London, 1839
1055 Haliburtun'. Bubbles of Canada. (Corner of title torn
off) ; — The Clockniakcr ; — Letter Bag of the Great West-
ern ; — Nature and Human Nature ; — Old Judge. 6 vols.
12° boards. IMiila. and New York,
1056 Halkett, John. Historical Notes respecting the Indians
of North America, with remarks on the attempts made to
convert and civilize them. 8^ half crimson morocco.
London, 1825
1057 Hall, Basil. Eorty Etchings from sketches made with the
Camera Lucida in North America, in 1827 and 1828. Small
folio, boards, uncut. London, 1S29
1058 Hall, Francis, Travels in Canada and the United States
in 1S16-17. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 181S
1059 Hall. Travels in Canada and the United States in 1816-17.
Map. 8° sheep. London, 1819
1060 Hall, Frederic T. Pedigree of the Devil. Illustrations.
S° cloth. London, 18S3
1061 Hall, S. C. Baronial Halls, Picturesque Edifices, and
ancient Churches of England, from drawings by Harding,
Cattermole, Prout and other eminent artists. 72 lithogra-
phic plates and many woodcuts in the text. 2 vols. foHn,
cloth. London, 1S81
1063 Hall. Book of British Ballads. Numerous illustrations
after designs by Creswick, Gilbert and others. Square 16°
cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1888
1063 Hall. Trial of Sir Jasper; a Temperance Tale in Verse.
Illustrations. 12° cloth. (Presentation copy from the
author.) London.
1064 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish Character. Second
edition. 2 vols, small 8° boards, uncut. With an auto-
graph letter by S. C. Hall relating to this book, inserted.
London, iS^r
1065 Hallam, Henry. View of the State of Europe during the
Middle Ages. 3 vols. 8° half roan, uncut, gilt tops.
Large paper. Only 100 copies printed. Boston, 1865
1066 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Selections from the British Poets.
2 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1840
1067 Hallock, Charles. Fishing Tourist, Angler's Guide and
Reference Book. Frontispiece. 12" cloth.
New York, 1873
1068 Hamerton, Philip G. Chapters on Animals. With eight
etchings by J. Vej^assat and Karl Bodmer. 12° cloth, un-
cut. Boston.
1069 Hamilton, Antoine. Me'moires de la vie du Con)te de
Grammont, contenant particuherement I'histoire amoureuse
de la cour d'Angleterre, sous le rcgne de Charles II. Small
8° original calf. Cologne, 17 13
Original edition.
1070 Hamilton. Me'moires du Comte de Grammont. Illus-
trated with 80 original portraits, engraved after the original
paintings by the great masters of the period of Charles
II. Thick 4° superbly bound by Petit in crushed red
levant morocco extra, broad inside gold borders, edges
gilt on marble. Edwards : London, 1793
Fare and beautiful edition, with the Notes et Eclaircissemenlb,
usually missing.
10; I Hamilton. Memoirs of the Life of Count de Grammont ;
containing in particular the amorous intrigues of the Court
of England in the reign of King Charles II. Translated
from the French by Mr. Bo\er. Small S'' full light polislied
calf extra, yellow edges. London, 1714
First English edition. Very rare. Fine copy, with autograph of 1'.
W. Proctor (Barry Cornwall.)
1072 IIamiltox, Sir Charles. Report of tlic Trial of an action
brought by Mr. William Dawe against Vice-Admiral Sir
Charles Hamilton, Governor of Newfoundland, before Mr.
fustice Burrough and a special jury. 8° half roan.
London, 18:4
1073 Hamilton, J. C. Prairie Province. Sketches of travel from
Lake Ontario to Lake Winnipeg. Maps. 12° cloth.
Toronto, 1876
1074 Hamilton, William. Observations on the Preparation, Util-
ity and Administration of the Digitalis Purpurea, or Fox-
glove, in Dropsy of the Chest, Consumption, Scarlet Fever,
Measles, etc. 8° sheep. London, 1807
107^ Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of the Beckford
Library removed from Hamilton Palace. With prices and
purchasers' names to the 2d, 3d and 4th portions. 4 vols,
royal 8° paper. London, 1882-S3
1076 Hannav, James. History of Acadia from its first discovery
to its surrender to England by the treaty of Paris. 8°
cloth. ' St. John, N. B., 1S79
1077 Hardv, Campbell. Forest Life in Acadie. Sketches of
Sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of the
Canadian Dominion. Illustrations. 8^ cloth, uncut.
London, 1S69
1075 Hargrave, J. J. Red River. 8' cloth. Montreal, 1S7 1
1079 Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana ; being a description
of the Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America.
8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1825
loSo Harmon, Daniel Williams. A Journal of Voyages and
Travels in the Interior of North America, etc. Map and
portrait. 8" sheep. Andover, 1820
loSi Harper's Family Library: — History of the Jews; — His-
tory of Louisiana; — Discovery of the Northern Coast of
America ; — Modern History ; — History of Persia ; — Alex-
ander the Great; — History of Charlemagne; — Ancient
Philosophers ; — Hand-Book for Readers ; — Roman Re-
public ; — History of Palestine ; — Advantages of Science ;
— Tytler's Universal History ; — History of the Bible ; —
American Biography ; — Mesopotamia and Assyria ; — Moors
of Spain; — Trades and Professions. 29 vols. 16° cloth
and boards. New York,
10S2 Harriott, John. Struggles through Life exemplified in
various travels and adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and
America, Portrait. 2 vols. 16° mottled sheep.
London, i3oS
10S3 Harris, John. Navigantium atque Itinerantium, or a Com-
pleat Collection of Voyages and Travels : consisting of
above Four Hundred of the most Authentic Writers ;
beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, etc., in English ; Ramu-
sio in Italian ; Thevenot, etc., in French ; De Bry, and
Gryn;£i Novus Orbis in Latin ; the Dutch East India Com-
pany in Dutch ; and continued, with others of Note, that
iiave publish'd Histories, Voyages, Travels, or Discoveries
in the English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
German, or Dutch Tongues, relating to any part of Asia,
Africa, America, Europe, or the Lslands thereof, to this
Present rime. With the Heads of Several of our most
Considerable Sea Commanders, and a great number of E.v-
rellent Maps of all parts of the World, and Cuts of most
(furious Things in all the Voyages : also, an Appendi.x of
Fellow of the Royal Society. Fine impressions of the por-
traits, maps and plates, engraved by \'ander Gucht, etc., 2
vols, folio, calf. Binding damaged.) l^ondon, 1705
Original edition of this esteemed collection.
10.S4 H.\RRissE, Henry. Bibliotheca Americana Vetutissima, a
Description of Works relating to America, published be-
tween the years 1492 and 1551. with the additions. 2 vols,
royal 4° sheets folded. New York, 1866-72
Large paper. Only 99 copies printed.
J085 Harrisse. Recueil de Voyages et de Documents. Jean et
Sebastien Cabot, leur origine et leurs voyages, ^tude
d'histoire critique suivie d'une Cartographie, d'une Bibliog-
raphie, et d'une chronologie des voyages au Nord-Ouest de
1.497 a 1550. Imperial S° paper, uncut. Paris, 1882
1086 Harrisse. Recueil de Voyages. Les Corte-Real et leurs
\'oyages au Nouveau blonde d'apres des documents
nouveau.x ou peu connus, tire's des archives de Lisbonne et
de Moddne, avec le Post-Scriptum. 2 vols, imperial 8"
paper, uncut. * Paris, 18S3
10S7 Harrisse. Bibliotheca Americana Vetutissima; a Descrip-
tion of Works relating to America, published between
the years 1493 and 1551. Imperial 8° full antique morocco,
red edges. Only 400 copies printed. New York, 1S66
loSS Harrisse. Les Colombo de France et d'ltalie, fameu.v
Marins du xve si^cle, 1461-1493. 4° paper, uncut. Only
17s copies printed. Paris, 1874
10S9 Harrisse. Notes pour servir a I'Histoire, a la Bibliographie
et a la Cartographie de la Nouvelle- France et des pays
adjacents 1545-1700. 8^ paper, uncut. Paris, 187:!
1090 Harrisse. Cartographie de la Nouvelle-France, Supplement
a I'ouvrage de M, Harrisse. Par Gabriel Marcel. 8""
paper, uncut. Paris, 1885
1091 IIarkisse. L'Histoire de Christoplic Colomb, atlribue a
son fils Fernand ; — Rapport sur les Deux ouvrages de M.
Henri Harrisse, par E. liesjardins. 2 pamphlets.
Paris, 1867-75
1092 Hart, Adolphus M. History of the Discovery of the Valley
of the Mississippi. 12° paper. St. Louis, 1852
1093 Hart, Gerald E. The Fall of New France, 1755-1760.
With numerous portraits and views in artotype. Small 4^"
paper, uncut. Montreal, 1888
1094 Hatin, Eugbne. Eibliographie Historique et critique de
la presse periodique Fran^ais, ou catalogue systematique et
raisonne de tous les ecrits de quelque valeur publics ou
ayant circuit en France depuis I'origine du journal jusqu'a
nos jours, avec extraits, notes historiques, critiques et
inorals, indication des prix que les principaux journeaux
ont atteints dans les ventes publiques, etc., prdc^dd d'un
cssai historique et statistique sur la naissance et les progres
de la presse pdriodique dans les deux mondes. Portrait.
Thick 8° paper, uncut. Paris.
1095 Hawkins, Ernest. Annals of the Diocese of Toronto.
Map. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1848
1096 Hawkins' Picture of Quebec, with historical Recol-
lections. Beautiful copy, large margins and with extra
plates and maps, and original plan of the Plains of Abra-
liam by Colonel Durnford. Large 12° full blue calf extra,
gilt edges. (Quebec, 1834
An inserted catalogue slip says: Unique, probably the finest copy
procurable. $25.00. The following copy, however, is better in many
respects and in uncut condition.
1097 Hawkins. Picture of Quebec. With extra illustrations.
Large 12° half crimson morocco, uncut edges, gilt top,
very rare in such condition. (Quebec, 1834
1098 Hawkins. Picture of Quebec. With 12 photographic
views, 12° half antique calf, red edges, and 9 leaves at
the end in manuscript. Quebec, 1834
1099 Hawley, VV. F. Quebec. The Harp and other poems.
16° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Montreal, 1829
1 1 00 Havlev, William. Triumphs of Temper, a Poem. With
fine plates by W. Blake, from designs by Maria Flaxman,
16° full light polished calf extra, gilt edges.
Chichester, 1803
iioi Heaphv, Thomas. Likeness of Christ: being an inquiry
into the Verisimilitude of the received likeness of Our
Blessed Lord. Edited by Wyke Bayliss. 12 illuminated
plates, with numerous illustrations in the text. Royal 8'^
half morocco. London, 1SS6
1 102 Hennlpin, L. a New Discovery of a Vast Country in Amer-
ica, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New
France and New Mexico; With Description of the Great
Eakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals. Also the
Manners, Customs, and Languages of the several Native
Indians; With a Continuation Giving an Account of the
Attempt of the Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of St.
Uarbe, etc. The taking of Quebec by the English, etc.
iMontispiece and 5 plates. 2 vols, in 1,8° calf. London, 169S
Good copy, wjih the book-plate of Dean Stanley of Westminster
A bhey.
1 103 Hennepin. Nou\elle Decouverte d'un tres grand Pays situ(5
dans I'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer
glaciale. Engraved title, 2 maps and 2 plates. 12° call.
G. Erodelet : LUrecht, 1697
'I'lie first edition of the second part.
1104 1Ien.\epin\ Nouveau Voyage d'un Pais plus grand que
TEurope, aves les reflections des enterprises du Sieur de la
Salle, sur le mines de St. Barbe, etc., dedi^ a sa Majeste
Guillaum II L Enrichi de la carte, de figures expressives
des moeurs et manieres de vlvre des salvages, de la prise
de Quebec, etc. Map and 4 plates.
A. Schouten : Utrecht, 169S
'J'liis forms the third series of Hennepin's Travels.
1105 Hennepin. Another copy. 12° calf. Utrecht, 169S
Presentation copy to William III, with his arms stamped in gold oi\
the sides.
1 106 Hennepin. \"oyage ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand
Pais, dans I'Amerique entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer
glaciale. Augmente avec un voyage qui contient une relation
exacte de I'origine, etc. des Caraibes. Faite par le Sieur de
la Borde. Frontispiece, map and plates. 12° calf.
J. Desbordes : Amsterdam, 1712
1107 Hennepin. Description of Louisiana. Translated from the
edition of 1683, and compared with the Nouvelle Decou-
verte, the La Salle Documents and other contemporaneous
papers. By John G. Shea. Map. Royal 8° paper, uncut
Limited Edition. New Vork, 18S0.
1 108 Head, Barclay V. Department of coins and medals, a
guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients.
Photographs. 8^ cloth, uncut. London, 1881
1109 Head, Sir Francis B. The Emigrant. Small 8° boards,
uncut. (Broken.) London, 1S47
1 1 10 Hearne, Samuel, Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort in
Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, in the years 1769,
J770, 1771, and 1772. Map and plates, 4° calf (covers
broken.) London, 1795
1 1 1 1 Heckewelder, John. Narrative of the Mission of the Uni-
ted Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians,
from 1740 to 1 80S. Portrait. 8"" boards, uncut.
Phila., 1820
1 1 12 Henry, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada
and the Indian Territories, between tlie years 1760 and
1776. 8*^ sheep. (Portrait missing.) New York, 1809
1 1 13 IIenrv, J. J. Account of Arnold's Campaign against Que-
bec, and of the hardships and sufferings of that band of
Heroes, who traversed the wildness of Maine, from Cam-
bridge to the St. Lawrence in 1775. iNlnp. 12° cloth, un-
cut. Albany, 1877
Mi4 Henri IV. Historic prodigievse d'vn detestable parricide
entrepris en la personne du roy par Pierre Barriere dit la
Barre, et comme Sa Majeste en fut miraculeusement gu^rie.
Avec I'extraict du proces criminel faict audict Barriere. i6^
red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, inside border, by
DuRU. S. L., 1594
1115 Henri IV. Verone, Francois de . Apologie pour Jehan
Chastel parlsien, ex^cut^ i mort, et pour les p^res et eschol-
llers de la socidt^ de gesvs, bannis du royaume de France.
Contre I'arrest du Parlement, donn^ centre eux d Paris, le
dccembre 29, 1594, par Fran(^ois de Verone. 12''
full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, inside borders,
gilt edges, by Duru. Paris, 1595
A beautiful copy of a scarce, historical tract, relating to the excom-
munication of Henry de Navarre and Henry de Valois.
1116 Henri IV. Valois. La vie et Faites notables de Henry
de Valois. Maintenant toute au long sans rien requerir ;
ou sont contenues les trahisons, perfidies, sacrileges, exac-
tions, cruautdz et hontes de cds Hypocrite ennemy de la
Religion Catholique. Edition seconde. Several leaves in
manuscript. 12° calf, gilt edges.
Chez Didier Millot : Paris, 1689
1 1 17 Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. 8 original
etchings by Leopold Flameng. 12° cloth, uncut. Phila.
iitS Herbert's Guide to London. A complete Guide to the
leading hotels, places of amusement, etc. ; — Hotels of Eu-
rope. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth,
London, 1885
1119 Herezky, Charles. Canada on the Pacific: being an ac-
count of a Journey from Edmonton to the Pacific by the
Peace River Valley ; and of a Winter Voyage along the
Western Coast of the Dominion. Maps, 12° cloth.
Montreal, 1874
ii:o IIeriot, George. Travels through the Canadas, containuig
a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the
Rivers and Lakes ; with a comparative View of the Man-
ners and customs of several of the Indian Nations of North
and South America. Fine clean copy, with colored folding
plates. Royal 4° boards, uncut. London, 1807
1 121 Heriot. Same. Untinted plates. 4° half morocco.
London, 1S07
1 122 He She It. Egyptian Court Chronicle B. C. 1302, a vera-
cious and truthful version, preserved and translated for
general use by the peerless Poet Laureate, of his late Maj-
esty Rhampsinnitt III. Imitation sack-cloth cover, Icathcr-
thong clasp, corroded seal, ragged edge, etc.
11:3 i5cu:^*^6 a rUsaige du Mans. (Mark and name of Philippe
Pigouchet.) Ces presentes heures a lusaige du Mans an
long sas riens require ; furet acheuees Lan Mil. cincq ces Ic
XXV. jour Dapuril pour Symon Vostre : Libraire demourat
a Paris ; a la rue neufue nostre dame, a lenseigne sainct
lehan leuangeliste. On vellum, lacking i leaf, gothic
letter, with 17 large full-page cuts and several hundred
vignettes in the borders, including a superb series of the
Dance of Death, in 1^9 cuts (several times repeated). 12^
russia. Paris, 1500
A very nice example of the Press of Philippe Pigouchet, with cxcrp-
tionally bright, clean impressions of the ornamental borders and wood-
cuts, and uncolored, witli seven leaves of MS. in a contemporary
It 24 ^curcs a rUsage de Reims. Colophon of Guillaumc God-
ard, and border : Heures a lusaige de Reims tout du long
sans riens requerir. Imprimees a Paris par Guillaume
Anabat demourant en la rue Sainct Jehan de Beaunais pres
les escoles de decrct en lenseigne des conis. With wood-
cuts (uncolored) and above 200 beautiful woodcut borders.
12° vellum. (Paris, 1520)
Very rare Book of Hours, printed entirely on Vellu.nj.
1 125 Hevlv.v, Peter. Mikrocosmus. A Little Description of the
Great World. Fifth edition. Thick small 4° old calf.
O.xford, 1631
1 126 Hevwood, Thomas. The Hierarchic of the blessed Angells.
their names, orders and offices, etc. Engraved title and
plates. (Contains reference to Shakespeare.) Folio, old
calf. London, 1635
1127 Heywood. Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius ; his Pro-
phecies and Predictions interpreted, and the Truth made
good by our English Annalls. Being a Chronologicall His-
tory of all the Kings, and memorable Passages of this
Kingdome. The scarce first edition, with a portrait of
Merlin by Hollar. Small 4° half calf. London, 1641
1 123 l^moik^, ^kxavibtinm. In Auteos versus Pbythagorae.
Ad Nicolaum Pontificem V Aurispae in Hieroclem prae-
fatio . * . Ilieroclis philosopbi Stoici et sanctissimi in
aureos versus Pythagorae opusculum praestantissimum et
religioni Chiistianae consentaneurn incipit. Small 4° calf.
BartholomcEUS de Val de Zoccho : Patavii, 1474
T.ptrio Pkinceps, A beautiful copv, with the signatures, which are
printed so low that they are usually cut oil. From the libiary of the
Duke of Sussex, with his book plate.
11^9 ^icronnmus, S. Liber Vitas Patru Sancti Hieronynii s'ln
alphab'eti ordinc bene registratus. Slack £fUcr, printed
in single columns on 375 leaves. Thick folio, in the ori-
ginal oak covers, edges entirely unttimmed.
I mpressus per Johanne Zainer in Opido Ulm, s. d.(^Circa, 1474)
A beautiful example from Zainer's press in an excellent state of
preservation, with full margins, rubricated in red and blue throughout,
with a beautifully executed ornamental capital and large floriated bol-
der on the first leaf of the text, and several smaller ornamental borders
and initials throughout the work.
1130 lIiND, Henry Youle. North West Territory. Report of
Progress, together with a preliminary and general report on
the Assinnibone and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition,
niade under instructions from the provincial secretary.
Maps. Imperial 8° half russia. 'J'oronto, 1859
1131 Hind. I^ssay on the Insects and Diseases injurious to the
Wheat Crop. Illustrations. 8'^ cloth. Toronto, 1857
1 13-' lliNSDALK, B. A. The Old Northw-est, with a view of the
thirteen colonics as constituted by tlie Royal Charters.
Map. 8° cloth. New York, 1888
1133 lliPPOCRATis Coi. De Natunv, 'Pemporum anni, et aeris
irregulariun\ constilutionum proprijs, hominis omnium
letatum morbis 'Pheoria. 12" old calf. (Covers broken.)
Francofurti, 1569
1 134 MisToiKE des Grandes Families I'ranraises du Canada, ou
Aperru sur le Chevalier Benoist et quelques families con-
temporaines. Maps and numerous portraits, some inserted,
I'v Father Daniel, with description of the plates in his
writing. 8° half morocco. Montreal, 1S67
1135 IIisToiRE des Moeurs et du Costume des Franrais dans le
dixhuitieme siccle. Texte par Restif de la Bretonne, revu
et corrige par Charles Brunet, Preface par Anatole de
Montaiglon. 14 fine large plates from designs by Freude-
berg. Atlas folio, paper. Paris, 1876
1 136 PIiSTOiRE de la Navigation, son commencement, son progre's,
et ses decouvertes jusqu'a present. Avec Catalogue des
meilleurs Livres de Voyages, et le caractcre de leurs
.\nteurs. 2 vols. 12'^ calf, Paris, 1722
1IJ7 Historical Collections of the most memorable Accidents,
and tragicall Massacres of France, under the reij^^ns of
Henry I, Francis H, Charles IX, Henrj' HI, Henry IVnow
living. Containing all the troubles therein happened, durin;^
the said Kings times, untill this present yeare, 159S.
Translated out of French into English. Folio, old calf.
Imprinted by Thomas Creede : London, 1598
Contains an original and full account of the Massacre of St. Bartho-
113S History of the Five Wise Philosophers; or, the wonderful
Relation of the Life of Jehosaphat, the Hermit. 24° half
calf. Printed on Old London Bridge : London, 1704
1 139 History of the Hebrew Monarchy, from the Administration
of Samuel to the Babylonish Captivity. 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1847
J 140 History of the Late War; or, Annual Register of its rise,
progress and events in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.
Portraits and maps. 8" sheep. London, 1764
1141 HocHELAGA Depicta. The early History and present State
of the City and Island of Montreal. By Newton Bosworth.
Numerous maps and engravings. F"ine copy of the rare
lirst edition. 12^ cloth, uncut. Montreal, 1839
1 142 HocHELAGA Dcpicta. Fine copy of the second edition, with
33 extra illustrations laid in. 12'' cloth. Montreal, 1846
1143 HocHELAGA Depicta. Another copy. 3 plates missing. 12'
cloth. Montreal, 1846
1144 HoDGiNS, J. G. (Geography and History of British America,
and of the other colonies of the empire. Illustrations.
Square 16° cloth. ' Toronto, 1S57
1145 Holbein, Hans. The Dances of Death through the various
Stages of Human Life. Exhibited in 46 copper plates done
from the original designs. Etched by D. Deuchar. With
text in French and English. Small 4^. London, 1803
A line copy bound in old blue morocco extra, tooled sides and back, with
the Royal Crest and Arms of George J II.
1 1 46 Holbein. LeTriomphedelamort, grave'e d'apre's lesdesseins
originaux de Holbein, par Chre'tien de Mechel. 48 fine
copper plates. Square i6'' sumptuously bound by Cape in
full crimson crushed levant morocco, with a fine medallion
on the sides, gilt edges. Basle, 1780
1147 Holbein. L' Alphabet de la Mort de Hans Holbein. En-
ture de bordures du XVIe si^cle et suivic d'anciennc.
jioemes franrdis sur le sujet des trois mors et des trois vis
publics par Anafole de Montaiglon. Illustrated borders.
8° paper, uncut. J'aris, 1856
1 1 13 Holbp:in. La Danse des Morts dessignce par Hans Holbein,
^rave'e sur picne par Joseph Schlotthaucr, explique'e par H.
Fortoul. 53 plates, India proofs. Square iG^ paper, un-
cut. Paris.
I ! ]<) HoLGAi i;, J. B. Atlas of American History on a novel plan,
]ircsenting at one view, the most important events in the
lii story of the country, from its discovery by Columbus
down to the present time, 18-12. Atlas 4" half roan.
Philadelphia, 1S.1.2
1 150 [HoLi-ixGswoKTH, S.] Present State of Nova Scotia, with a
Brief Account of Canada, and the British Islands on the
Coast of North America. Map. I'ine uncut copy. 8"
boards, uncut, (cover broken). Edinburgh, 17S7
1151 Holmes, Abiel. American Annals; or a clironological His-
tory of America, from its Discovery in 1492 to 1S06. With
additions and corrections by the Author. Maps. 2 vols.
S° sheep. London, 1813
1152 Home Book of Poetry. A compilation of Poetry from the
best English and American Poets. Compiled by Dana
Estcs. With 22 illustrations on steel. Small 4° elegantly
bound in full olive polished levant morocco super-extra,
back and sides richly tooleil, broad gilt morocco inside bor-
ders, gilt edges. Boston, 1S81
1153 Homer. Iliad; — Odyssey. With the Hynms, Epigrams,
and Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Literally translated,
with explanatory Notes, by T. A. Buckley. Portrait. 2
vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1876-78
I 154 HoiNiER. Odyssey. Translated by Alexander Pope. Frontis-
pieces. 2 vols. 18° cloth. Philadelphia, 1S45
1155 Homes of American Authors: comprising anecdotal, person-
al and descriptive sketches by various writers. Steel
plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1S57
1156 Hone, William. I'opular \\'orks ; Every-Day Book ; Tablc-
liook, and Vear-Book. With 500 woodcuts of old buildings,
customs, remarkable characters, curiosities, etc. 4 vols. 8*^
half calf, gilt. London.
1157 Hoxe. Three trials of William Hone, for publishing three
parodies, viz.: "The late John Wilkes' Catechism,'' the
" Political Litany," and the " Sinecurist's Creed ; " on three
ex-oihcio informations at Guildhall, London, on December
1S-19-20, 1817. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1S18
115S Horace, the Immaculate Horace. Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
12° very tine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by Rivie're.
R. Foulis : Glasguae, 1744
The celebrated immaculate eduion. The sheets, as they were printed
were hung up in the College of Glasgow, and a reward offered to any
who should discover an inaccuracy.
1 1 59 Horace. Works of. Translated literally into English prose,
by C. Smart, and revised with notes by T. A. Buckley. Por-
trait. 12° cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1872
1160 HoPF, Thomas. Costume of the Ancients. New edition,
with 32 1 plates. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1875
1 101 HoRNius, Georgius. De Originibus Americanis, libri
quatuor. Fine copy. 16° full morocco e.xtra, gilt edges, by
Hayday. Hague Comitis, 1652
1 162 [FIoRNor, Ant.] Anecdotes Ame'ricaines, ou Histoire
abrege'e des principau.\ evenements arrive's dans le nouveau
monde, depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a I'epogue pre'senle.
.Small 8^ calf. ' Paris, 1771)
1163 HoTTEN, J. C. 'I'he Original Lists of Persons who went
from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1 600-1 700.
4° cloth, uncut. London, 1S74
1164 HoTTEX. Abyssinia and its People; or Life in the Land of
Prester John. Map and colored illustrations. 8^ cloth.
London, 1S6S
1 165 HovEv, C. ^\. Fruits of America, containing richly colored
.figures, and full descriptions of all the choicest varieties
cultivated in the United States. 84 richly colored plates.
Imperial 8° full morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1853
iiC)C) HowLAND, Edward. Annals of North America, being a
concise account of the important events in the United
States, and the British Province, and Mexico, from their
discovery down to the present time, 1492-1876. Illustra-
tions. S° half morocco. Hartford, 1877
1 167 HovM. Vie de Charles-Henry Comte de Hoym, ambassadeur
de Saxe-Pologne en France et ce'lebre amateur de livres,
1694-1736. Publie'e par la Societe des Bibliophiles P'ran-
(^■ois. Illustrated with a line portrait, etched fronttispiece,
vignettes and illuminated plates of bindings. Large paper.
2 vols. 4° paper, uncut. Techener : Paris, 1880
Only a limited number oi copies printed for members of the Societe
des l-Jibliophiles.
1168 HovM. Encore deux Cartons du Comte de Hoym. Lettre
a Monsieur le Baron Je'rome Vichon, president de l.i
Socie'td B. F. par C. S. de Sahr. Large 4*^ paper.
Dresde, 1S70
iifq HovM. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae illustrissimi viii
Carol! Henrici, Comitis Hoym, Digestus et descriptus a
Gabriele ^fartin, Bibliopala Parisiensi. Priced in ink. S'""
calf. i'arisiis, 173.S
1170 Hudson's Bay Company. Notices on the Claims of the
Hudson's B.ay Company, and the Conduct of its adversa-
ries, 8° boards. Montreal, 18 17
1172 llfJDSON's Bay Company, British and American Joint. Com-
mission for the settlement of the claims of the Hudson's
Buy and Piiget's Sound Agricultural Companies. Memorial
arid Argument, Claiment's Evidence. 2 vols. 8'^ half mo-
rocco. Montreal, 186S
1173 Hudson's Bay. Returns to Parliament, 16 March, 1857,
giving copies of Charters, Leases or other documents under
which Hudson's Bay Company claim title to the Hudson's
Bay Territory, or any maps relating thereto in the possession
of the Government. (Historical Treatise written by
Da\v£>on.) 8° paper. Ottawa.
1 1 74 Hudson's Bay. Jordon's Report of the Hudson's Bay Expe-
dition of 1886; — British North America, Hudson's Bay
and Manitoba Acts, 1867, etc, 4 pamphlets.
1 175 Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. Original edition. Num-
erous illustrations. 5 vols, imperial 8° half crimson
morocco. Paris.
1 176 HuLME, F. E, A Series of Sketches from Nature of Plant
Form. 66 finely colored plates. Small folio, cloth.
London, 1868
1177 Humboldt, Alexander de. Examen Critique de I'Histoire
de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent, et des progres
de I'Astronomie Nautique aux quinzieme et siezieme siccles.
Maps. 5 vols. 8° half morocco. Paris, 1839
117S Humphreys, Noel. Masterpieces of the Medieval Printers
and Engravers ; a Series of 72 plates of absolue l'\icsimiles
from Rare and Curious Books ; Consisting of Illustrative
Devices, Beautiful Borders, Decorative Initials, Printers'
Marks, Elaborate Title-Pages, etc., each subject accom-
panied by a full description. Folio, cloth. London, 1870
Comprised with others in the above work will be found a great
variety of remarkable deigns by Wohlgemuth, Durer, Eurgmair,
Cranach, Jerome, Kesch, Hans Schaeufelein of Nordlingen, Josse de
Negkher, and others.
1 179 Hunt, Leigh. The Liberal: Verse and Prose from the
South. First edition. 2 vols, in 1, 8" half calf. (Cover
broken.) London, 1822-23
1 180 Hunter, W. S. Ottawa Scenery. Map and 14 lithographic
plates, with descriptions. Small folio, cloth.
Ottawa City, 1855
1181 [IIuske, John.] Present State of North America : I, 'I'he Dis-
coveries, Rights and Possessions of Great Britain ; II, The
Discoveries, Rights and Possessions of France; III, En-
croachments and Depredations of the French upon his
Majesty's M'erritories in North America, in Times when
I'eace subsisted in Europe between the Two Crowns, etc.
Small S° half morocco extra, uncut, gilt top, London, 1755
11S2 Houston, J. Repertoire National, ou recucil de littt'rature
Canadienne. 4 vols. 8° mottled sheep. Montreal, 1848-50
1183 Hunter, John D. Memoirs of a Captivity among the Ind-
ians of North America from childhood to the age of nine-
teen, with anecdoties descripti\'e of their manners and
customs. Portrait. 8>° boards, uncut. ]-ondon, i8?3
1184 Hunter. Another copy. l*ortrait. 8° boards, uncut.
London, iS.'4
1185 Hutchinson, 'I'homas. History of Massachusetts, from the
Settlement thereof in 1628 to 1774. Vols. 1 and 2, thir.l
edition, Salem, 1795; vol. 3, with preface, London, 1828.
With index to Persons and Places mentioned in Hutchin-
son's History, by J. W. Thornton, laid in. 3 vols. 8*^ sheep
and half morocco.
1156 Hutton, Rev. U. H. Simon de Montfort and his Cause,
1 251-1266. I'A'tracts from the writings of Robert of Glou-
cester, Matthew Paris, William Rishanger, Thomas of
Wykes, etc, etc. fllustrations. 12" cloth, uncut.
New York, 18SS
1 157 TEKRVlLLi;. VoVACE D'lberville ;— Les Exploits D'iber-
J^ ville, par Edmond Rousseau; — DTberville, ou le Jean-
liart Canadien et la P.aie D'Hudson. 3 pamphlets,
Montreal and Quebec, 1868-SS
I iSS Imi'artiai. History of the T^ate Glorious War, from its Com-
mencement to its Conclusion ; containing an exact Account
of the Battles and Sea Engagements, together witli other
remarkable transactions, in Europe, Asia, Africa and Amei-
ica. 8'^ old calf. Manchester, 176:1
11S9 Impartial History of the War in America between Great
Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to the
end of the year 1779. .Map. (Plates missing.) 8° sheep,
(i cover missing.) London, 1780
1 190 Independent Reflector; or Weekly Essays on sundry im-
portant subjects; many particularly adapted to the Province
of New York. Nos. i to 51, Dec. 1752, to Nov. 22, 1753;
— Occasional Reverberator, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, Sept. -Oct.,
1753. Folio, sheep.
Printed (until tyrannically suppressed), New York, 17 '■,3
Written by William Smith, Chief Justice of New York, and William
J.ivingston, (iovernor of New Jersey. With autograph and book-plate
of William Smith.
1 191 Indians. Rapport des Missions dans le diocese de Quebec,
de 1839 a 1874. Complete series. 21 vols. 12° paper.
Contains valualilr- inforuiation on ;he customs, language, etc., of the
1192 Indians. French and Indian Cruelty exemplified in the
Life and various Viscissitudes of Fortune of Peter William-
son ; containing a particular Account of the Manners,
Customs and Dress of the Savages : of their scalpings,_
burnings, and other barbarities, committed on the English
in North America, during his residence among them. Being
at 8 years of age, stolen from his parents, and sent to Penn-
sylvania, where he was sold as a slave, etc. Written b\'
himself. Contains an original account of the battle and
capture of Oswego. Small 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top.
London, 1759
1 1 9-; Indians. Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who
was taken by the Indians, in 1775, when only twelve years
of age, and has continued to live amongst them to the
present time. Containing account of the iNIurder of her
J'ather and his Family. Ey ]. E. Seaver. 16° boards,
uncut. London, iS2(y
1191 Indians. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson ; con-
taining an account of her sufferings, during four years, with
the Indians and French. 12'' sheep. \Vindsor, Vt., 1814
T195 Indians. Mission de la Colombie ; Lcttre et Journal de
M. J. B. Z. Bolduc. 8° paper. Quebec, 1843
Willi an appendix on the tchinouc and sneeomus languages.
1 196 Indians. Remarks concerning the Ojibway Indians, by one
of themselves called Maungwudas, who has been travelling
in England, France, Belgium, Ireland and Scotland. 8^
half roan. Leeds, 1847
1 197 Indians. Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues
Sauvages de I'Ame'rique, par N. O. ; — Jugement errone de
M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages. 2 pamphlets.
Montreal, 1870
1 19S Indians. Sketches of the past and present condition of the
Indians of Canada; — Jugement errone de M, Ernest
Renan sur les Langues Sauvages ; — Language and Con-
quest. 4 pamphlets.
1199 Indians. Sabbath among the Tuscarora Indians. Frontis-
piece. 16° boards. (ilasgow, 1819
1200 Indians. Tliird Annual Report of the Regents of tlie
[Tniversity on the condition of the historical and antiqua^
rian Collection connected with the State Cabinet of Nat-
ural History. Plates. S cloth. Albany, 1850
1201 Indians. The Christian Indian ; or, Times of the first set-
tlers, is" lialf morocco. New York, 1825
1202 Indians. Crce Hymn Book for the use of Chjistian
Indians in the ^lissions of liie Wesleyan Missionary
Society in N. W. America. 16° roan. London.
1203 Indians. Crce. D. L. Moody. Os Kukaswawina. (his Ser-
mons.) Translated into the Language of the Crec Indians
by O. German. 12^ paper. Toronto.
1J04 Indians. jNIohawk. The Gospel according to St. John in the
Mohawk and English Languages. 16° sheep. London.
1:05 Indians. The same. iG'' sheep. New 'N'ork, iSu
1^06 Indians. ISIunccy. Collection of Hymns in Muncey and
English, translated by Charles Ilalfnioon. j6° cloth.
'J'oronto, iS;4
1J07 Indians. Onedia. Collection of Hynnis in the Onedia Lan-
guage for the Use of Native Christians, translated by
kev. A. W. Sickles. 16° sheep. Toronto, 1S55
i:o3 Indians. Sauteux. Principes de la Langue des Sauvages
appeles Sauteux. 12° cloth. Quebec, 1839
1J09 Indians. Ojibway, Oodahnuhmcah'.vinc Nuhguhmoowinun.
8^ sheep. Toronto, 1S56
1210 Indians. Algonquin. Aiamie Tipadjimosin !Masinaigan.
2 vols, in I, 16° half morocco. Montreal, 1859
1211 Indians. Chinook. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or
Indian Trade Language of the North Pacific Coast. 8'^
1212 Indians. Vakama Cathecism. 16^ paper.
1213 Indians. Ojibway. Collection of Ojibway and I>nglish
Hymns. Translated by Rev. Peter Jones. 16^^ cloth.
Toronto, 1077
1214 Indians. Iroquois. Kaiatonsera lonteienstrakwa Kaiaton-
serase. Illustrations. 8° boards. Montreal, 1873
1215 Indians. Micmac. First Reading Book in the English
Language, 16° boards. Halifax, 1S75
12 16 Indians, Cree Testament ; — Chimin de la Croix ; — Fir^t
Reading Book, Micmac I^anguage, etc. 4 vols.
1217 Indians. Mohawk. Oo Meyoo Achemowin S.Matthew;
— Meyoo-Achemowin niena Numoweya Pa-Petossayimowuk:
— Series of Catechisms, etc. 6 vols, 12°.
12 18 Indians. Mohawk. MesahOowh Menwahyemoowin Kahe-
nahjenood owh St. Matthew, 8° boards, York, U. C, 183 1
1 2 19 Indians, Otchipwe, Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language
explained in English, Part II, Otchipwe English. By
Bishop Baraga. 8° paper, uncut, Montreal, iSSi
1220 [Ingersol, C. J.] Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters, during a
late residence in the United States of America. 8^ cloth.
New York, 1810
I2JI Invasion dii Canada. Collection de Memoires recueillies et
an note's, par TAbbc Vcrrcau. 2 vols. S'^ paper, uncut.
Montreal, 1873
izz2 Invasion du Canada et Siege de Quebec en 1775-76, par L.
P. Turcotte ; — Centennaire de I'Assaut de Quebec, par les
Americaius, 31 Dc'cenibie, 1775. 2 pamphlets, uncut.
(Quebec, 1S76
1223 Invasion of Canada, 1775. Journal of Isaac Senter, Sur-
■ geon to the troops on a secret expedition against Quebec ;
— Le Siege du Fort dc St. Jean en 1775. par Huot ; — Nar-
ration de I'Exchange des Prisonniers faits au Cedres pen-
dant le guerre Anie'ricaine de 1775 ; — Journal des Opera-
lions, de rArmc'e Americaine lors de I'invasion du Canada
en 1775, par Badeaux, etc. 5 paniphleis.
1224 Invkntairl: de la Bibliothcque du Roi Charles VI, fait au
Louvre en 1423, par odre du Regent, Due de Bedford.
'I'hick royal 8" beautifully bound by Lorfic in full crimson
crushed levant morocco, lillets on back and sides, inside
Ijordcrs, gilt edges, arms of the Comtc de Ris, in centre.
Pour la Socicte' des Bibliophiles: Paris, 1S67
(iKANi) Paf-ikr ok HoiJ.ANiii;. Only 25 copies printed for
the members of the Society.
1225 Ireland, Alexander. The Ilouk Lover's Enchiridon ;
Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books, and
t<')pics incidental thereto. Third edition, with large addi-
tions and 3 illustrations. Larce paper. Thick 8° full
crushed levant morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. T-ond., 1883
1226 Ireland. Another copy, for Illustration, with three titles.
Large J'Aper. Thick small 4° paper, uncut. London, 188S
1227 Ireland, Samuel. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instru-
ments under the Hand and Sea! of William Shakespeare,
including the tragedy of King Lear, and a small fragment
of Hamlet, from original MSS. Plate. 8" boards, uncut.
London, 1796
122S [Ireland, W. II.] Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc, surnamed la
Pucelle d'Orleans, with the History of her times. Portrait
on India paper, colored frontispiece and 2 plans. 2 vols,
roval 8° half polished levant morocco extra, uncut edges,
giit tops, by Riviere. London, 1S24
Large paper. Very tine copy.
1229 Irish New Testament. 12° sheep. London, 1830
1230 Italian Scenery. 43 large and fine litho2;raphic views, by
Wenzel. India proofs. No text. Atlas folio, half morocco.
1331 JACKSON and Chatto. Treatise on Wood-Engraving,
J Historical and Practical, Second edition, with a New
Chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, by H. (I.
Bohn. 445 wood-engravings. Royal 8° half morocco, gilt
top. London.
1333 Jackson, J. C. How to treat the Sick without Medicine.
Portrait. 12" cloth. Dansville, N. Y., 1874
1333 James, Charles. New and Enlarged Military Dictionary, or
Alphabetical Explanation of Technical Terms. S° calf.
London, 1S05
1334 James, Edwin. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburg to
the Rocky Mountains, performed in 1819-20. By J. C.
Calhoun, under the command of Major S. IL Long. Com-
piled from the notes of Major Long. Map and plates,
some colored. 3 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1833
1235 James, Thomas. Dangerous Voyage of Capt. Thomas
James, in his intended discovery of a North West Passage
into the South Sea. Second edition. JNLtp. Eine copy.
8° full sprinkled calf, gilt edges. London, 1740
1336 James, William. Full and Correct Account of the Military
Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the
United States of America. With an Appendix. Maps. 2
vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1818
1237 Janson, C. W. The Stranger in America, containing obser-
vations made during a long residence in that country, on
the genius, manners, and customs of the people of the
United States. With scarce colored plates. 4° calf.
London, 1807
123S Janzi5, a. de. Les Financiers D'Autrefois. Fermiers Gen-
eraux. 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1886
1239 [Jenks, William.] Memoir of the Northern Kingdom, writ-
ten in six letters to his son. By Williamson Jahnsenykes.
8° half roan. Quebeck, 1901 (1808)
1240 Jefkerys, Thomas. Voyages from Asia to America for
completing the discoveries of the North-west coast of Amer-
ica, to which is prefixed a summary of the Voyages made
by the Russians on the Frozen Sea, in search of the North-
east Passage, serving as an explanation of a map of the
Russian Discoveries, published by the Academy of Science
at Petersburgh. Second edition. Also Map inserted show-ing
the track of Capt. Daring. 4° mottled calf. London, 1764
1241 Jefp'ervs. Voyages from Asia to America, for completing
the Discoveries of the North-west coast of America, to
Vvhich is prefixed a summary of the Voyages made by the
Russians on the Frozen Sea, in search of the North-east
Passage. 4'^ calf. London, 1764
1243 Jeffervs. History of Kamtschatka, by James Grieve,
Gloucester, 1764; — The Great Probability of a North-west
Passage, by Thomas Jefifery, London, 176S. Bound to-
gether. Maps and plates. 4° calf. London, 1764-68
1J43 JcFFERYs. Natural and Civil History of the French Domin-
ions in North and South America, together with the relig-
ion, government, genius, character, manners and customs of
the Indians and other inhabitants. Fine cop)', with 18
maps and plans. Folio, calf. London, 1760
iJ-H Jkffervs. History of the British Dominions in North
America; from the first discovery of that vast continent by
Sebastian Cabot, 1497, to its present glorious establishment
as confirmed by the late treaty of Peace. 1763. 4° old
calf. London, 1773
1JI5 JEXXiXG.s, David. Jewish Antiquities. 8" half morocco,,
red edges. London, 1825'
i..'.|6 Jesse, Capt. Life of Cieorge J]runiuiell, Esq., commonly
called Beau Brummell. Frontispiece. 2 vols. S° cloth,
uncut. London, 1844
Original edilioii, wilh tlie set ofjci)lored plates from the new edition
of Beau Liiuramel, laid in for insertion.
1J47 Jesuits, Contract D'Association des Jesvites au trafique
de Canada. Pour apprendre a Paul de Gimont, Tun des
donneurs d'adius pour les Jesvites contre le Recteur et
Uninversite de Paris, et ses seinblables, pourquoy les Jcs-
uites sontdepuis pcu arrivez en Canada, 1613. Small 4° ele-
gantly bound by W. Pratt in full crushed levant morocco,
gilt edges, gilt medallions on sides. Reprint : Paris, 1868
One of 12 copies printed entirely on vellum, only 16 copies were
printed in all.
1248 Jesuits. \'imont, Barthelemy. Relation de ce qui sest
passe' en la Nouvelle France en Tannce 1640. Part i.
J 2° half morocco. Paris, 164 1
i:^\<) Jcsuirs. Dablon Claude. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de
plus remarquable au.\ missions des Peres de la Compagnie
de Jesu, en la Nouvelle France, les anne'es 167 1 et 1672.
( Fac-simile map.) 12° vellum. Paris, 1673
I. -50 Jesuhs. Rageunau, Paul. Relation do ce qui s'est
passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de
Jesu aux Hurons, pays de la Nouvelle France, esanncs 1648
ct 164S. First edition, 12° vellum. Paris, 1650
1251 Jesuits. Pinette, Jean. Relation de ce qui s'est passd de
plus remarquable au.x Missions des Peres de la Compagnie
de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annces 1670 et 1671.
12° vellum. Paris, 1672
1253 Jesuits. Relation de ce "qui s'est passe en la Xouvelle
J'rance ou Canada (1632-33) ; — Autre Relation du Voyage
du sieur de Champlain en la Nouuelle France ou Canada
I'an 1633. (Paris, 1636). Exxerpt from the '* Mercure
Fran(;ois." 12° half calf.
1253 Jesuits. Extraordinaire de 4 Novembre 1649. Contenant
Le Martyre de trois Peres Jesuites au pais des Hurons
clans le Canada. Small 4" paper. Paris, 1649
1254 Jesuits. Relations des Jesuites. Contenant ce qui s'est
passe' de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Fe'res de
la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Xouvelle France. 3 vols,
royal S' half roan. Quebec, 1S5S
1255 Jesuits. Same. 3 vols, royal 8° half calf. Que'bec, 1S5S'
1256 Jesuits. Relation de ia Mission du Mississippi du
Seminaire de Quebec en 1700. Par M. M. de Montign\.
de St. Cosme, et Thaumus de la Source. Royal S° cloth,
A la Presse Cramoisy de J. M. Shea : Nouvelle N'ork, iSoi
L.\RGE Paper. Only 100 copies printed.
.1237 Jesuits, Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et \'oyage
de Mathieu Sageau. 8'^ paper, uncut.
A la Presse Cramoisy de J. M. Shea: Nouvelle York, 1863
1258 Jesuits. Les Jesuites Marchands L^suriers, Usurpateurs, et
leur cruautes dans I'ancien et le nouveau continent. 12"^
old calf, gilt. La Haye, ijy)
1259 Jesuits. P'actum du Proces entre Jean de liiencourt, Sr.
de Poutrincourt et les Peres Biard et Masse, Jesuites. Pub-
lie avec une introduction par Gabriel Marcel. Small 4^^
paper, uncut. Paris, 1887
OxLV 80 copies printed.
1260 Jesuits. Le Journal des Jesuites, publie d'apres le manu-
scrit original conserve aux archives du Seminair de Quebec,
par les abb^s Laverdiere et Casgrain. Small folio, half
antique calf, red edges. Fine copy, broad margins. \'er)-
rare, all but a few copies having been destroyed by fire.
Quebec, 1S71
1 261 Jesuits. Notice Histotique sur la Compagnie de Jesus an
Canada. 8^ paper. r\Iontreal, iSSo
1262 Jesuits. Memoire sur les I^)iens des Jesuites en Canada, par
un Jesuite. 12° paper. Montreal, 1874
1263 Jesuits. Lettres a un Ami, sur la Destruction des Jesuites.
1774; — Recueil de Pieces concernant I'extinction de la
Societe des Jesuites, Bruxelles, 1773. Authenticity des
pieces du pro^es-criminel contre les Jesuites, 1760; — Note
sur les Biens que les Jesuites possedaint en Canada, etc.
7 pamphleiS:
1264 Jesuits. Notes on the two Jesuit Manuscripts belonging
to the estate of the late John Neilson of Quebec. By
I'Abbe Sasseville and J. G. Shea. Edited by G. M. Fair-
child. S'^ paper. Privately Printed : New York, 1887
1265 Jksuits. Collection of official pamphlets bearing on the Jesuit
question in France and the Colonies containing " Edit du
Roi pour le Pannissement des Jesuites ; — Extraits du Reg-
istre du Parliament de Rouen 1586-1609; — Extraits des
Registres du Parlement 1733, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763,
1764-1777. In all 31 pieces.
1266 Jkwish and Eastern Customs, or an illustration of the sacred
scriptures, by an explanatory application of the customs and
manners of the Plastern nations. 8° boards. Dundee, 1825
1267 Jkwitt, Llewellynn. Ceramic Art of Great Britain. Illus-
trated with nearly two thousand engravings. Royal 8° cloth,
uncut. London.
1268 Jewett. Half-Hours among some English Antiquities.
300 illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1877
1269 JoDoiN and Vincent. Histoire de Longueuil, et de b
Famille de Longueuil. Map. 8° paper, uncut.
Montreal, 1889
i?7o Johnson, Charles. General History of the Pirates, from
their first Rise and Settlement in the Island of Provi-
dence, to the present time. With the remarkable Actions
and Adventures of two Female Pyrates, M ary Read and
Annie Bonny. Fourth edition. Map. 2 vols. 8° calf,
(cover broken.) London, 1726
127 I Johnson, John. Typographia ; or, the Printer's Instructor,
including an account of the Origin of Printing, with Bio-
graphical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton
to the close of the Sixteenth Century, a series of Ancient
and Modern Alphabets and Domesday Characters, etc.
Portrait of Caxton, vignettes and ornamental borders.
2 vols. 18° cloth, uncut. London, 1824
1272 Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language
in which the words are deduced from their original and
illustrated in their dilTerent significations by examples from
the best writers, etc. 2 vols, folio, old calf. (Covers
broken.) London, 1755
The rare original edition wliich contains some curious explanations
suppressed by subsequent editors.
1273 Johnson. Life of, by James Boswell, with the Journal to
the Hebrides. Edited by Henry Morle}-. Illustrated with
portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds. 5 vols, imperial 8°
boards, uncut. London, 1885
The Sir Joshua Reynolds' Edition. Only 500 copies printed.
1274 Johnson, Life of, comprehending an account of his studies
and numerous works in chronological order. By James
Bosvvell. Illustrations, 4 vols, 12° cloth. London.
1275 Johnson, W, W, Sketches of the Late Depression ; its
cause, effect and lessons. With a Synoptical Keview of
Leading Trades during the Past Decade. 8" cloth.
Montreal, 1862
1276 Johnstone, Walter. Travels in Prince Edward's Isla;id,
Gulf of St. Lawrence, N, A., in the years 1820-21, Map,
16° cloth. Edinburgh, 1823
1277 JoiNViLLE, Jean de. LTIistoire et Cronique du tres Chres-
Roy S. Loys, IX du Noni, et XLIIII., Roy de France, Es-
critte par feu Jan Sire seigneur de Jonvill (sic). Small 4"
elegantly bound by 'I'hiharon Echaubard in the Du Seuil
style, in full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind fillets,
fleur de lis on back and corners, with the arms of France, in-
side gilt border, gilt edges, De I'lmprim-
erie d'Enguilbert de Marnef : Poitiers, n. d, (1561)
Very fine copy of llie rare second edition, willi two scarce old prints
1278 Joinville, llistoire de S. Loys IX du nom, roi de France,
par messire Jean sire de Joinville, Seneschal de Champagne
avec observ. hist, par CI. Menard. Portraits of S. Louys
and Louis XIII by Leon Gaultier. 4^ vellum, Paris, 161 7
1279 Jones, C. H. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of
Canada in 1776, from the death of Montgomery to the re-
treat of the British Army under Sir Guy Carleton. Por-
traits. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1882
1280 Jones, George. Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West, an
original historical Israel-Indian Tragedy in five acts, with
historical notes, original letters, etc. 8" cloth.
London, 1S4.1
1 28 1 Jones, J. B. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confeder-
ate States Capital. 2 vols. 8^" cloth. ' Phila., 1866
12S2 Jones, Owen. Grammar of Ornament. 112 large and ex-
quisitely colored plates, executed in chromo-lithography,
comprising 3000 examples of the decorations of all ages
and nations, with descriptive letter-press. Folio, cloth,
gilt edges. London, 186S
A splendid book of designs, selected from the liest works of all styles.
1283 Jones, William. Crowns and Coronations; a History of
Regalia. 91 illustrations, 8"^ cloth, uncut. I-ondon, 1883
1284 Josephus, Flavius, Works of. With an introduction by
Rev. Henry Stebbing. Numerous steel plates. 2 vols, royal
S"* full dark calf. London.
1285 JossELYN, John. New England's Rarities discovered in
Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of the Country.
With an Introduction and Notes, by E. Tuckerman, Small
4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1S63
Only 250 copies printed.
12S6 JossKLYN. Account of Two \'oyages to New England, mnde
during the Years 1658, 1663. Small 4° cloth, uncut.
Only 250 copies printed. Boston, 1S65
1287 Journal of the Bishop of Montreal during a Visit to tiic
Church Missionary Society's, North-west America Mission.
Frontispiece. 12° eloth, uncut. London, 1S45
12SS Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a visit to the
church missionary society's, North-west America Mission.
Map. 16" cloth. London, 1S49
12S9 Journal of the Journey of His Excellency the Governor-
General of Canada from Government House, Ottawa, to
British Columbia and back. Interleaved. 12° cloth.
London, 1S77
1290 JuGEMF.NTS ct Deliberations du Conseil Souverain de la
Nouvelle-France. Complete set. 5 vols, thick 4'^ paper,
uncut. Quebec, 18S5-89
1291 JussRRAND, J. J, English Wayfaring Life in the Middle
Ages (14th Century.) Translated from the French by Lucy
T. Smith. Illustrations. S° cloth, uncut, gilt top.
London, 1SS9
1292 JuSTiNUS. De historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi origini-
bus, interpr. et notis illustr. P. Cantel. 4° full old red
morocco extra, back gilt tooled "a I'oiseau," gilt edges.
Parisiis, 1677
Fine copy of the Delphine edition, boimd by Derome.
1293 T/^ALM, Peter. Travels into North America; contain-
|\^ ing its Natural History, and a Circumstantial Ac-
count of its Plantations, the Manners of the Inhabitants,
etc. Translated by J. R. Forster. Map and plates. 3
vols. 8° calf. London, 1789-1771
i?94 Kalm. Voyage dans I'Amerique du Nord. Analyst et tra-
duit par L. V. Marchand. 2 vols. 8° paper.
Montreal, iSSo
1295 KAL.\f. 'J'ravels into North America. 8^ half slieep.
(Broken and half of title-page missing.)
1296 Kent, Samuel. Grammar of Heraldry, Rules of Blazoning,
etc. Numerous coats of arms, colored. 8° old calf.
London, 17 16
1^9/ Karr, Alphonse. Ce qu'il y a dans unc Bouteille d'cticic,
Clotide. 2 vols. 8°, magnificently bound by Emile Rous-
SELLE in dark blue crushed levant morocco, most elegantly
tooled on the back and sides, with red mosaic leathers laid
in, inside gold borders, rounded corners, uncut edges, gilt
tops. Paris, 1839
From the library of King T.ouis F'liilippc. on tlic half titles being the
j^tamp with cornet and monogram of " IJibliotheque cle S. A. K. Mgr.
le Ducd'Orleans."
i2(jS Ke.ming, William H. Narrative of an Expedition to the
Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winncpeek, Lake of the
Woods in 1823, under the command of S. IE Long. Illus-
trations and map. 8° boards. London, 182^
I. '99 KiDD, Adam. The Huron Chief and other Poems. Fron-
tispiece. 12° boards, uncut. Montreal, 1830
1300 KiXG, W. Ross. Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada ; or.
Notes on the Natural History of the game, game birds and
fish of that country. Colored full-page plates and wood-
cuts. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. (Shaken.) London, 1S6G
1301 KiNGSFORD, William. History of Canada, 160S-1756. 4
vols. 8° cloth, uncut. (Vol. 4 not yet published.)
Toronto, iSS/
Autograph letter of the author inserted.
1302 KiNGsruRD. Canadian Archaeology, an essay. 16^ cloth.
'Montreal, 18S6
1303 Kip, W. L Early Jesuit Missions in North America. Map.
2 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1847
1304 KiRKE, Henry. I'^irst English Conquest of Canada, witli
some account of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and
Newfoundland. Map. 8"^ cloth. London, 187 1
1305 KiTCHiN, Thomas. General Atlas describing the whole
Universe, being a complete Collection of the most approved
maps e.xtant. 37 large folded maps. Atlas folio, boards.
(Covers broken.) London, 1795
1306 Knapp, Moses L. Lectures on the Science of Life Lisur-
ance. 8° cloth. Phila., 1S53
1307 Knight, H. P. Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of
Ancient Art and IMythology. 8° half roan. London, 1S36
130S Knight, Anne C. A '\'ear in Canada and other Poems.
Small 8° boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1816
1309 Knox, John. Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North
America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760; contain-
ing the most remarkable occurrences of that period, parti-
cularly the Two Sieges of Quebec, etc. Map and portrait
of Wolfe (portrait of Amherst wanting). 2 vols. 4*^ calf.
London, 1769
1310 Koch, William. History of the Revolutions in Europe.
Illustrations. 2 vols, in 1,8° sheep. Kingston, 1842
131 1 KuGLEK, Francis. Pictorial History of Germany, during the
reign of Frederick the Great ; comprehending a complete
history of the Silesian Campaigns and the seven years' war.
Portrait and 500 original designs by Alfred Menzel. Royal
8° half calf. " London, 1845
APA'J', Peke. Voyage aux Isles de rAmc'riquc, cunte-
^ nant I'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays, I'Origine, les
Mccurs, la Religion ct le Gouvernment des Habitants
anciens et modernes. Maps and numerous illustrations of
plants, beasts, costumes, etc. 2 vols. 4" old calf.
A La Haye, 1724
1313 Labap. Nouveau Voyage aux Jsles de I'Ame'rique, conteu-
ant I'histoire naturelle de ces pays, I'origine, les mceurs, la
religion, et le Gouvernment des Habitane, anciens et
modernes. Les Guerres et les Evenemens singuliers qui
y sont arrive/, pendant le sejour que I'auteur y a fait. Por-
trait, maps and plates. 8 vols. 16' calf. Paris, 1743
1314 Labat, p. Les Voyageurs Canadiens a I'Expedition du Sou-
dan, ou (^>uattre-vignt-dix jours avec les Crocodiles. 12*^
paper. Quebec, 1886
1315 Lacroix, Henry. Man of Faith : L'Honuneet sa Chute; —
Le Present et I'avenir du Canada; — The Present and
I'uture of Canada ; — Excursion to the Holy Land of
Thought. 3 vols. New York and Montreal.
1316 Lacroix, Paul. Science and Literature in the Middle Ages,
and at the period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 13
chromo-lithographic prints by Kellerhoven and 400 engrav-
ings on wood. Imperial S'' half morocco, uncut.
New York, 1878
1317 Lacroix. Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle
Century, and during the Renaissance Period. Illustrated
with 19 chromo-lithographic prints by Kellerhoven, and up-
wards of 400 engravings on wood. Imperial 8° half mor.,
uncut. London.
1318 Lacroix. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages
and at the Period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 14
chromo-lithographic prints by Kellerhoven, Re'gamy and
Allard, and upwards of 400 engravings on wood. Imperial
8° full morocco extra, gilt edges. London.
1319 Lacroix. The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period
of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 19 chromo-lithographic
prints by Kellerhoven, and upwards of 400 engravings on
wood. Imperial 8'^ half morocco, uncut. London.
1320 Lacroix. The Eighteenth Century: Us Institutions, Cus-
toms and Costumes; France, 1700-1789. Illustrated with
21 richly colored chromolithographs find 351 highly finished
wood-engravings, after Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher,
Lancret, J. Veriiet, Chardin, Saint Aubin, Kisen, (iravclot,
Moreau, Cochin, Wille, etc. Imperial 8° half morocco, un-
cut, London.
1321 Lacrofx. XVIl'"^ Siccle, Institutions, Usages et Costumes ;
France, 1590-1700. Illustrated with 16 chromolithographic
plates and 300 wood engravings. Imperial 8° half crimson
morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1880
1322 Lacroix. Louis XII et Anne de Bretagne, Chronique de
I'histoire de France. Illustrated with 14 fine chromo-
lithographs, 15 full page and upwards of 200 smaller wood
engravings from old manuscripts, old prints, etc. Imperial
S"' half morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1882
1323 Lacroix. Soire'es de Walter Scott a Paris. With a rare
and curious portrait of Lacroix. 2 vols. 8° calf super
extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1829
An interesting specimen of painted binding. (Mosaic pattern.)
132.1 Lacroix. Curiosite's de I'histoire de France, par P. L.
Jacob. 12° half calf, gilt, uncut edges. Paris, 1858
1325 Lacroix. Curiosite's de L'Histoire des Arts.' 12° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1858
1326 Lacroix. Assassinat d'un Roi, roman historique, 16° half
calf. Paris, 1825
1327 Lacroix, Fournier et Sere, llistoire de I'lmprimerie, et des
arts et professions qui se rattachent a la typographic. Nu-
merous plates, illuminated and plain. Imperial 8'' half
roan, uncut. Paris.
1328 L/ET, Joannis de. Novus Orbis sen Descriptionis Indiae
Occidentalis Libri XVIII. Authore Joanne de Lat, An-
werp. Novis tabulis geographicis et variis animantium,
plantarum, f ructuumque iconibus illustrati. Very good copy,
with 14 maps and illustrations of American Natural His-
tory. Folio, calf. Lugduni Batav, 1633
Best edition.
1329 LiCT. L'Histoire du Nouveau Monde ou Description des
Indes Occidentales. Contenant dix-huict Liures, Par le
Sieur lean de Lat, d'Anuers ; Enrichi de nouuelles Tables
(Jeographiques & Figures des Animaux, Plantes iS: Fruicts.
Maps and plates. Folio, old calf.
Chez B. & Abraham Elseviers : A Leyde, 1640
1330 La FizELiERE, Albert de. Rymaille sur les plus ccltbres
Bibliotieres de Paris, en 1649. Avecdes Notes et un Essai
sur les Autres Bibliothcques particulieres du temps. 8^
paper, uncut, limited edition. Paris, 18G9
1331 La Fontaine, Jean de. Contes et Nouvellcs en Verbc. An
elegant copy, illustrated with a portrait of La Fontaine, and
80 exquisite plates by Eisen, and 57 beautiful culs-de-lamp
by ChofTard, beautiful impressions, 2 vols. 8° sumptuously
bound by Petit-Sim ier, in full crimson crushed levant
morocco super extra, broad dentelle borders, mosaic cor-
ners, backs richly tooled and inlaid with green morocco,
watered silk lining, inside borders, gilt edges. (Paris), 1777
1332 La Fontaine. Contes et Nouvelles en Verse. Nouvellc
edition, enrichie de tailles-douces. With numerous plates,
by Romain de Hooge. Fine impressions. 2 vols, in i, 12°
calf. Amsterdam, 1695
1333 La Fontaine. Les Amours de Psyche et de Cupidon. With
4 large and very beautiful colored plates by Uemouchy and
CoUibert, after the designs of Schall. Fine copy. Royal 4"
mottled calf super extra, gilt edges. Didot : Paris, 1791
"Perhaps the most lieautiful edition yet publijihed, whether for text
or illustrations."
1334 La Fontaine, Fables. Translated from the J''rench. With
25 original etchings by A, Debcre, imperial 8*^ half vellum,
uncut, gilt top. London, 1884
1335 La Fontaine, Suite d'Estampes d'apres Lancret, Pater,
Eisen, Boucher, etc., pour illustrer les Contes de La Fon-
taine. 38 tine plates engraved by Depollier. In a portfolio.
Folio, cloth. Paris, 1885
1336 Lahontan, Baron de. Nouveaux Voyages dans I'Amerique
Septentrionale, qui contiennent une Relation des differens
Peuples qui y habitent, la nature de leur government, etc.
The genuine first edition. Maps and plates, 2 vols, in i,
12° old calf. La Have, 1703
1337 Lahontan. Nouveaux Voyages. I'he spurious first edition,
1703, with the rare first edition of the " Suite de Voyage de
I'Amerique. Maps and plates. 3 vols, in 2, 12° calf.
I-'ine copy. La Have and Amsterdam, 1703-4
133S Lahontan. Nouveaux Voyages. Another copy of the
spurious first edition, with the " Petit Dictionnaire de la
Langue des Sauvages. Maps and plates, 2 vols, in i, 12°
vellum. La Haye, 1703
1339 Lahontan, Voyages et Suite des Voyages dans I'Amerique
Septentrionale. Second edition. Maps and plates. 2 vols.
12° calf. Amsterdam, 1741
1340 Lahontan. New \'oyagcs to North America, containing an
Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent, a
Dictionarv of the Algonkine Language, etc. Second edition.
17 maps and plates (should have 23). 2 vols. 8° boards,
(iiroken covers and last leaf of Vol. i missing.)
London, 1703-35
1 34 1 Lalande, H. de. Traite, theorique et pratique, du Contrat
d'Assurance Centre I'lncendie, d'apres la Doctrine et la
Jurisprudence. 8^ half morocco. Paris, 1886
1342 Lalanne, L. Eibliotheque do Peche. 12° paper, uncut.
Paris, 1857
13^3 Lamb, R. Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences
during the late American War, from its commencement to
17S3, 8° half sheep. Dublin, 1809
r3i4 Lampert, John. Travels tiirough Canada and the United
States of North America, in the years 1806, 1807 and 1808,
to which are added biographical notices and anecdotes of
some of the leading characters in the United States. Map
and colored plates. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, iSs6
13 J5 La Marche, A. L. de. Les Manuscrits et la Miniature.
Illustrations. Small 8° cloth. Paris.
1316 Lampman, Archibald. Among the Millet and other Poems.
With inserted photo of author. 8° cloth. Ottawa, 188S
1347 Landmann, Colonel. Adventures and Recollections. 2 vols.
12° cloth, uncut. London, 1852
13^8 Landseer. Pictures by Sir Edwin Landseer, with descrip-
tions and a biographical sketch of the painter by James
Dafforne. 20 plates. Folio, cloth. London.
1319 Lang, Andrew. Books and Bookmen. Plates. 8° boards,
uncut. New York, 1886
1<ARGE PAPER. Only 100 copies printed.
1350 Lang. The Library. With a chapter on modern English
illustrated books by Austin Dobson. Illustrations. 12°
cloth. London, 188 1
135 1 Lang. Ballades and \'erses Vain. 12° cloth, uncut, gilt
top. New York, 1884
1352 Langelier, J. C. Esquisse sur la Caspesie; — Notes on
Gaspesia. Map. 2 vols. 16° paper. Quebec, 18S4-5
1353 Langelti.r. Esquisse sur la Gaspesie. 8^ paper.
Le'vis, 1S84
1354 Lanjuere, p. A. de. \"\e de Monsieur Olier, P^ondateur du
Seminaire Saint-Sulpice, et de la Colonie de Montreal.
Portrait. 8° paper, uncut. Montreal, 1884
1355 Lanman, J. IL History of Michigan, civil and topographi-
cal, in a compendious form. ALap. S'' half morocco.
New York, 1S39
1356 Lanman'. Another copy. 8° cloth. (Title-page missing.)
1357 La Peltrie, INLadame de. Foundress of the Ursuline Con-
vent, Quebec. Life of. 18° cloth. New York, 1859
1358 Larchev, L. Plistory of Bayard, the good Chevalier sans
Peur et sans Reproche, compiled by the Loyal Serviteur.
Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 18S3
1359 Lareau, Edmond. Histoire du Droit Canadien depuis les
origines de la Colonic jusqu'a nos jour. 2 vols, royal 8°
half inorccco, uncut. Montreal, 18S8
1360 Lareau. Le Code Civil du Bas-Canada. 12° half sheep.
Montreal, 1885
1361 Larf.au. Histoire de la Litterature Canadienne. 8° paper.
Montreal, 1874
1362 Lareau. Melanges Historiques et Ivitteraires. 12° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1877
1363 Laroche-H£,ron, C. de. Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada,
1853. 8° paper. Montreal, 1855
1364 La Rochefoucauld. Reflexions ou Sentences et ]\Iaximes
Morales. Troisieme (edition. Reveue, corrig^e et aug-
mente'e. A Paris, Chez Claude Barbin, au Palais, sur le Per-
ron de la Sainte Chapelle, 1671, avec privilege du Roy; —
Nouvelles Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales.
Seconde partie. A Paris, Chez Claude Barbin, sur le sec-
ond Perron de la Saincte Chappelle, 1678. Frontispieces.
2 vols, in I. 18° full crimson crushed levant morocco, in-
side borders, gilt edges, Jansen finish, by Duru.
Paris, 167 1 -78
First edition of the second part. A heaiitiful copy from the Firmln
Didot collection, with bookplate.
1365 La Rochefoucalt, Liancourt. Travels through the Uniteil
States of North America, the Country of Iroquois, and Upper
Canada, 1795, '96 and '97. Map. 2 vols. 4° calf.
London, 1799
1366 La Rue, Herbert. Histoire Populaire du Canada. 12° cloth.
Quebec, 1875
1367 La Rue. Voyage Sentimental sur la Rue Saint-Jean, depart
en i860, retour en 1880. 12" paper, uncut. Quebec, 1879
1368 Latour, Tennant de. Memoires d'un Bibliophile. 12^ half
morocco. Paris, 186 1
1369 La Salle. An account of Monsieur de la Salle's last Ex-
pedition and Discoveries in North America. Presented to
the French King, and published by the Chevalier Tonti,
(lovernour of Fort St. Louis, in the Province of the Illinois.
Also, the Adventures of the Sieur de Montauban Captain
of the French Buccaneers on the Coast of Guinea, in the
year 1665. 12° old calf, gilt. London, 1698
1370 La Salle. Decouvertes et Etablissements de Cavelier de
la Salle de Rouen, dans I'Amerique du Nord (Lacs Ontario,
Erie, Huron, Michigan, Vallees de I'Ohio et du Mississippi
et Texas.) Par Gabriel Gravier. With portrait, illuminated
coat of arms and maps. Imperial 8° half morocco, extra, un-
cut edges, gilt top. Rouen, 1870
Large Paper.
137 1 Lander, Sir Thomas Dick. Memorial of the Royal Progress
in Scotland. With numerous steel plates and wood en-
gravings. Royal 4° cloth, uncut, gilt top. Edinburgh, 1843
1372 Laval. Notice Biographique sur Eranq;ois de Laval de
Montmorency, ler itvtrque de Quebec, suivie de 41 lettrcs
et de notes historiques sur le chapitre de la Cath(?drale.
I'ortrait. &° cloth. Montreal, 187^
1373 [Laval.] Le Premier Cardinal Canndien. Souvenir de
1S86. 8° cloth. Quebec, 18S6
1374 La Valliere Library. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothc-
que de feu 1\L le Due de La Valliere, Contenant les manu-
scrits, les premiers editions, les livres imprimis sur ve'lin,
etc. 7 vols. 8" paper, uncut, Paris, 17S8
1375 La Valliere. Catalogue des Livres de la liibliotheque de
feu le Due de la Valliere. J'ar Giullaume de T'.ure. Por-
trait. 3 vols. S'^ mottled calf. Paris, 1783
1376 La Vicomterie, Louis. Les Crimes des Rois de France,
depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis Seize. With 5 illustrations. 8'^
boards, uncut. Paris.
1377 Law. Pike's Reports (with MS. Index added), iSro; —
Montreal Condensed Reports, i854, including The Law
Reporter and Lecture on Roman Law, by F'. W. Tourance,
1854 (fine copy of this scarce publication, from which the
second edition by Judge Ramsay was recently copied); —
Notes sur la Coutume de i\aris, par T. K. Ramsay, Mon-
treal, 1S63, and second edition, 1864; — Rules of Practice,
Quebec, 1809, and Montreal, 181 1, with interleaved reports
of early trials, by Chief Justice Reid (his copy, with book
plate) ; — Lewis' Youth's Guard against Crime, Kingston,
1844; — Taylor's Magistrates' Manual, 1S43; — Rules Su-
l)reme Court of Canada ; — Bellefeuilles Marriages Clandes-
t ines and Bibaud's Logique Judiciare ; — Lafontaine's Bureaux
d'Hypotheques ; — Beaubien's Trait<5 Sur les Lois Civiles. 3
vols. Montreal, 1832. Together, 14 vols.
1378 Law. The Justice of Peace, by Samuel Blackerly, Savo)-,
1 7 1 1 ; — Bibaud's Logique Judiciare, 1 2 ° half calf ; — Manuel
Electoral, par N. A. Achintre ; — William's Criminal Law ; —
Taylor's Magistrate's ^Lanual, Montreal, 1843 ; — Rules of
J'ractice, Quebec, 1809, Montreal, 18 ri, both with AfS. ad-
ditions;— Lafontaine's Bureaux d'Hypotht^ques. 9 vols.
1379 Law. Parliamentary. Standing Rules and Regulations of
the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, 16° calf, Quebec,
1830 ; — Wurtele's Manual, Assemblce Le'gislative, Quebec
(French and English text); — Manual of Parliamentary
Practice, etc., H. C. Thomsen, Kingston, 1828 (with MS.
notes, interleaved) ; — Lex Parliamentaria, by Perreault,
Quebec, iSoi (title missing). 4 vols.
1 3S0 Law Reports, Copies of Letters by IL Ryland, 1845; —
Factum Lemeoin versus Lionais ; — Board of Works, Mon-
treal, 1846; — J. B. Meilleur on School Law, Montreal,
1846; — Inspector of Registry Offices, Districts Montreal,
'lliree Rivers and St. Francis, Montreal, 1846 ; — Explora-
tion of the Saint Marie and Ottawa River territory, Que-
bec, 1830. 6 vols.
1 38 1 Law. Provincial Statutes of Canada, 17 various (some im-
perfect), including the reserved act of 1S47 to Re-unite the
Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada and for the Gov-
ernment of Canada. (French and English text.) 17 pieces,
13S2 Lawrence, J. W. Foot-Prints ; or, incidents in early history
of New Brunswick, 1783-18S3. Illustrations. 12° cloth.
St. John, N. B,, 1883
1383 Lawson, John. (Gent. Surveyor-General of North Carolina).
A New Voyage to Carolina ; containing the Exact Descrip-
tion and Natural History of that Country; together with the
Present State thereof and a Journal of a Thousand Miles,
travel'd thro' several Nations of Indians. Giving a Par-
ticular Account of their Customs, Manners, etc. l''ac-
simile map. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. London, 1709
Al the end of Uiis volume is a document signed " Peter Force."
138^ Lawson. History of Carolina; containing the Exact Dis-
cription and Natural History of that Country. Together
with the Present State thereof, and a Journal of a Thousand
miles, traveled thro' several Nations of Indians, giving a
particular account of their Customs, Manners, etc. Map.
Small 4° half morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top. London, 1718
1385 Leaves from the Poets' Laurels; — Irving's Alhambra ; —
Classical Collector's Vade Mecum ; — Keighley's Mytho-
logy ; — Mother Goose, etc. 7 vols.
1386 Le Blanc, II. Art of Tying the Cravat. Plates. 18°
l)oards, uncut. (Broken.) New York, 1829
13S7 Le Beau, C. Aventures, ou Voyage Curieux et Nouveau,
parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans
lecjuel on trouvera une Description du Canada, etc. Maps
and plates. 2 vols. 12° calf. Amsterdam, 1738
1388 Le Ber, L. Heroine Chrctienne du Canada, ou Vie de
Mile. Le Ber. Map and plate. 8° morocco.
Villemarie, 1860
1389 Le Ceerq, Christien. Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie,
qui contient les Mceurs et la Religion des Sauvages
Gaspesiens, Porte-Croix, adorateurs du Soleil, et d' autres
Peuples de 1' Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada.
12'' calf. Paris, 1691
Important for its information relating to North Western Canada
and the Provuice of New Brunswick.
1390 Le Clerq. First Establishment of the Faith in New
Fiance. Now first translated, with notes, by John G. Shea.
Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols, royal paper, uncut.
Limited Edition. New York, 1881
1391 Leclerc. Bibliothcca Americana: Catalogue Raisonne'
d'une tres-prc'cieusc Collection de Livres Anciens et Mod-
ernes, sur L'Amcrique et les Phillippines. classe par ordrc
alphabetique de noins d' Auteurs. Triced in ink. Royal
8° paper, uncut. Paris 1S67
1393 Leclerc. Bibliotheca Americana, histoire, geographic, voy
ages, archeologie et linguistique des deux Ameriques et
des lies Phillipines. 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1S79
1393 Lefevre, G. S. Photographic Views of Scbastapol, taken
immediately after the retreat of the Russians, Sept. 8,
1855. 12 views. Large folio, paper. London, 1856
1394 Le Gallois. Traite des Plus Pelles Bibliotheques de
I'Europc. 12° calf. Paris, 1680
1395 Leggo, William. History of the Administration of the
Right Flon. Frederick Temple, Earl of DulTerin, late Go\-
ernor General of Canada. 8° cloth. Montreal, 1878
1396 Leighton, a. Appeal to Parliament, or Sion's Pica against
the Prelacic, whereoff the bishops arc proved to be In-
truders upon the Privileges of Christ, of the King, and of
the Common-weal, and thereupon she heartelic desiretl)
Judgment and Execution. 2 curious plates, 4° motilcd
calf extra. London, 1628
For writing this book the author was twice publicly whipped and
pilloried in Cheapside, his ears cut off, his nose twice slit, and his
clieeks branded with a red-hot iron with the letters S. S. (Sower of
Sedition), and he was eleven years imprisoned in the Fleet.
1397 Leighton, John. The Life of Man symbolized in the
Months of the Year ; in a series of illustrations, pourtrayed
in their seasons and phases, with passages selected from
Ancient and Modern Authors. Ey Richard Pigot. Hand-
somely printed on a thick toned paper, with 25 full-page,
and several hundred marginal wood-cuts, besides tail
pieces, ornate initials and other embellishments. 4° half
russia. London, 1866
139S Le Keux, J. Memorials of Cambridge ; a Series of Views
of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings, engraved by
J. Le Keux ; with historical and descriptive accounts by
'I'homas Wright and Rev. H. L. Jones. 160 fine plates,
also many inserted plates. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut
edges, gilt tops. Fine copy. London, 1847
1399 Leland, Charles G. Algonquin Legends of New England,
or myths and folk lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy
and Penobscot Tribes. Illustrations. Small 8° cloth,
uncut. Boston, 1884
1400 Lelewel, Joachim. Geographic du Moyen Age, with the
atlas. 4 vols. 8'""' and i vol. oblong folio, together, 5 vols.
paper, uncut. Lruxelles, 1852
An important work relating to the liibtory of discovery of America,
containing reproductions of many early and scarce maps.
T 401 Lei\jau De I.a Jaissc. Plans des principales places do
guerre et villes maritimes ct fronticres de France avec les
officiers ge'ne'raux et principaux qui y commandent en chef,
ct dans la Nouvelle France ou Amerique. Numerous
plans. 12° paper, uncut. (Library stamp.) Paris, 1736
1402 Le May, L. P. Catalogue de le Bibliotheriue de la Legisla-
ture de Quebec. Thick 8° half morocco. Levis, 1873
1403 LeMav. Fables Canadiennes. 1 2"^ paper, uncut. Quebec, 1882
1404 Lf, ]\I'N\'. Les Vengeances : Pocme C>inadien. 8'^ paper,
uncut. Quebec, 1875
1405 Le Mav. Essais I^octiqucs. 8" paper, uncut. Quebec, 1S65
1 406 Le May. L'Affaire Sougraine ; — Fables Canadiennes ; —
Petits Pocmes. 3 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Quebec, 1882-84
1407 [Le MoiN, George L.] Les Ursulines de Quebec, depuis
leur Ftablisscinent jusqu' a nos jours. 4 vols. 8'^ paper,
uncut. Quebec, 1864-66
140S Le MoiNE, J. M. Maple Leaves; a Budget of Legendary,
Historical, Critical, and Sporting Intelligence. Complete
set. 4 vols. 8" paper. Quebec, 1S63-73
1 V-'9 Le MoiNE. INIaple Leaves: Canadian History; — Litera-
ture ; — Sport. New Series. 8"" half roan. (Quebec, 1873
1410 Le Moine. Quebec, past and present ; a history of Quebec,
1608-1876. Illustrations. 8" cloth. (J^uebec, 1876
1411 Le Moine. Picturesque (Quebec ; a Sequel to Quebec, past
and present. JNlap. 8" cloth. Montreal, 18S2
1412 I,eMotne. Quebec; its Gates and I'^nvirons, etc.; — The
Scot in New France ; — Edinburgh — Rouen — York ;
glimpses, impressions, contrasts. Bound in i vol. 8^ half
roan. Quebec, iSSo-81
1413 Le Moine. Les Pcclicries du Canada. 12° paper.
Quebec, 1863
1414 Le Moine. Birds of Canada. 8" paper. Quebec, 1866
1415 Le Moine. Ornithologie du Canada. 2 vols. 12*^ paper.
Quebec, 1860-1
1416 Le MoiNK. L'Album du Touriste. Illustrations. 8° paper.
Quebec, 1872
1417 Le MoiNK. Memoire de Montcalm Vengee, ou Le Massa-
cre au Fort George, 1864; — Album Canadien : Histoire ;
— Archeologie — Ornithologie, 1870; — Histoire des For
titications et des Rues de Quebec, 1875. 3 pamphlets.
1418 Le Moine. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence. S" pai)cr.
Montreal, iSSo
1 419 Le Moine. Explorations of Jonathan Uldbuck, V. G. S. Q ,
in Eastern Latitudes. 8° paper. Quebec, 1869
1420 Le Moine. The Scot in New P>ance : an Ethnological
Study. 8° paper. Montreal, i88i
1421 Le Moine. Tourist's Note Book of Quebec, 1876; —
Chateau Bigot: history and romance, 1874; — Address be-
fore the Historical Society of Quebec, 1882. 3 pamphlets.
1422 Le Moine. Maple Leaves, tiiird series. 1863; — Quebec.
its Gates and Environs, 18S0; — Edinburgh — Rouen —
York: glimpses, impressions, contrasts. 3 pamphlets.
1423 Le Moine. Massacre au Fort George ; — Histoire du Forti-
fications et des Rues de Quebec. 3 pamphlets. Quebec.
1424 Le INIoine. Last Decade of French Rule, 1749-1759; —
Nos Quatre Historiens Modernes — Nos Archives — Les
Aborigenes D'Amerique — Les Pages Sombres de L'His-
toire, 2 vols, folio, paper. Quebec, 1882-S4
1425 Lempriere, J. Classical Dictionary; containing a copious
account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient
authors. 8^ half russia. (Broken.) London, 1809
1426 Le Noir. The Democrat; or Intrigues and Adventures of
Jean Lenoir, from his Flnlistment as Drummer in Gen.
Rochambeau's Army, and arrival in Boston, to his being
driven from England in 1795, after having borne a con-
spicuous part in the P'rench Revolution, and after a great
variety of Enterprizes, Hazards, and Escapes during his
stay in England, where he was sent in quality of Demo-
cratic Iilissionary. 2 vols, in i, 12° sheep. New York, 1796
1427 Lenclos. Memoires sur la vie de Mademoiselle de Lenclos.
Par M. B. I'ortrait. 18° calf. Amsterdam, 1751
142S Lenclos. Lettres au Marquis de Se'vigne, avec sa vie.
Portrait. 2 vols. 18° calf. (Broken.) Londres, 1782
1429 Le Page du Pratz. History of Louisiana, or of the Western
Parts of Yirginia and Carolina, containing a description of
the countries that lie on both sides of the river Mississippi.
Map. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1763
From the library Gov. De \Vilt Clinton, with his book-plate.
1430 Le Petit, Jules. L'xA.rt d'Aimer les Livres et de les con-
naitre, Lettres a un jeune Bibliophile. Etchings by Ger-
ardin. Small 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1884
1 43 1 Leprohon, Mrs. ('Miss R. K. Afullins.) Poetical Works.
12" cloth. Montreal, iSSi
1432 Leprohon. Antoinette de Mirecourt ; or Secret marrying
and secret sorrowing. First edition, 12° cloth.
Montreal, 1S64
1-133 Leprohon. Armand Duvand ; or a Promise Fulfilled., 8"
paper. Montreal, 1S6S
1434 Le Roux, J. Atlas Numismatiquc du Canada. Illustrations.
8° paper. Montreal.
1435 Le Sage, A. Atlas Historiquc. Chronologique ct Genealo-
giquc. Atlas folio, boards, uncut. (Stained.) Florence, 1807
1436 Le Sage. The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillanc. Ren-
dered into English by Henri Van Laun. With an intro-
ductory Notice, treating of the ve.xed question of Author-
ship, etc. Life of Le Sage, and numerous illustrative notes,
etc., etc. The text superbly printed from large bold type,
AX)d illustrated with 26 highly finished etchings, executed
specially for this edition by M. Ad. Lalauze, also new por-
trait of Le Sage. 3 vols, imperial S° cloth, uncut.
Edinburgh, 18SG
Large Paper. India Proofs before letters. Only 125
copies printed.
1437 Le Sage. Lcs Avanturcs dc Monsieur Robert Chevalier
dit dc Beauchc'ne, Capitaine de Flibustiors dans la Nouvelle
France. Plates. 2 vols, 12° calf. Good copy. Paris, 1732
143S Le Sage, 'i'he Same. Plates. 2 vols, in 1,12° calf, (i
cover missing.) Amsterdam, 1733
1.139 Le Sage. Le Diable Boiteux. Illustrations by Tony Johan-
not. Royal 8° half roan. Paris, 1840
i.l.jo Lescarhot, Marc. Histoire de la Xovvelle France, con-
tenant les navigations, decouvertes, et habitations faites par
lcs Fran<jois 6s Indes Occidentales &: Nouvelle France souz
I'avoeu & I'authorite' de noz Rois Tres Chrc'tiens, et les diver-
scs fortunes d'iceux en I'execution de ces choses, depuis
cent ans jusques a hui. En quoy est comprise I'Histoire
Morale, Naturelle &: Geographique de la dite province.
;\vec les Tables & Figures d'icelle. Small 8° calf. Good
copy. Paris, 1612
1441 Lescarbot. Ilistoire de la Nouuclle France, contenant lcs
Navigations, decouvertes et habitations faites par les
I'rancois cs Moles Occidentales et Nouuel'.e France. 4
maps. 3 vols, small 8^ paper, uncut. Paris, iS6(S
1442 Lescarbot. Les Muses de la Nouvelle France. A Mon-
seigneur le Chancellier. Paris, 1612. Small 8° paper, un-
cut. (Reprint) Paris.
1443 Lesperance, John. 'Ihe Bastonnais, A tale of the Ameri-
can Invasion of Canada in 1775-6. 12° paper.
Toronto, 1877
CAT A LOG up:. 139
1444 Le Tac, Sixte. Histoire Chronologique de la Nouvelle
France ou Canada, depuis sa d^couverte (rail cinq cents
quatre) juques en I'an mil six cents trente deux. Publi^e
pour la premiere fois d'apres le manuscrit original de 1689,
et accompagne'e de Xotes, et d'un appendice tout compose
de documents originaux et inedits, par E. R^veillard. 8'^
paper, uncut. Only 300 copies printed. Paris, 1888
1445 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions
etrangers par quelques Missionnaires de la Compagnie de
Jesus. Recueils X etXlIe. 2 vols. 12° calf. Paris, 1732-41
Contains Relation of Iberville's conquest at Hudson's Bay, missions
to the American Indians, and the rare Fonrait of Catharuie Tekgii-
witha, the Indian Saint.
1446 LiGHTALL, W. D. Songs of the Great Dominion; Voices
from the Forests and Waters, tlie Settlements and Cities of
Canada. 12'' cloth. London, 1889
1447 LiGON, Richard. True and Exact History of the Island of
Barbadoes, illustrated with a map of the island, as also thf
principal trees and plants there, set forth in their due pro-
portions and shapes ; drawn out by their several and re-
spective scales. Plates. I'olio, half sheep. London, 1673
141S LiLLV, William. Royal Grammar. Frontispiece. 18° sheep.
London, 1685
1449 LiLLVWHiTE, Fred. The English Cricketers' Trip to Canada
and the U. S., 1859. Illustrations, i2°cloth. London, i860
1450 Lindsay, Charles. Rome in Canada; the Ultramontane
Struggle for Supremacy over Civil Authority. 8° cloth.
Toronto, 1877
1 t^i Ijxdsav, Lord. Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy
Land. Frontispiece. 2 vols in i. 12'^ half crimson mo-
rocco. London, 1839
1452 LiNGUET. Memoirs of the Bastille ; containing a full expo-
sition of the Mysterious Policy and Despotic Oppression
of the French Government, in the interior administration of
that Stale Prison. Interspersed with a variety of curious
anecdotes. 12° calf, Dublin, 17S3
1453 LiNScnoTEN, Jan Huygen van. Histoire de la navigation
. de J. H. de L. et de son voyage es Indes Orient, etc. Aver
annotations de B. Paludanus, special, sur les planles, etc.
et div. figures, Adjoust. autres descriptions, tant de Gui-
nee, etc. que des navigations des Holland, vers le Nord, on
X'aygat et en la nouv. Zembla. Xouv. trad, en Franc. 6
maps and 58 plates. Folio, stamped pigskin, with a clasp.
Theodore Pierre : Amsterdamo, 16 lo
Tins edition was probably printed at Frankfort by de Bry. The
navigation of the Dutch to VVaygat, though mentioned on the title, are
omitted. Nearly all is an e.xtract from the first Dutch edition. Some
rare copies of this edition bear the name:Theod. Pierre at .Amster-
dam as publisher on the title, — /■. MuUtr.
1454 LiNScno'iEN. Histoire de la Navigation. Deuxiesme edition,
augmentt^e. Maps and plates. (View of Goa and map of
the world missing.) Folio, old calf. Amsterdam, 1619
With the Router de la Mer, and Description de I'Amerique, net in
the previous edition.
1455 LiNsciiOTEN. Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orlentalsm sive
Lusitanorum Indiam Descriptiones eiusdem terrse, etc. J.
Walschaert, Amst., 1614 ; — Descriptio Totius Guineae
Tractus, Congi, etc. Haga; Comitis, 1599. 2 parts in 1
vol. Folio, paper.
Exceedingly rare edition. — MulUr.
1456 Lipp:.i.\nn, Friedrich. The Art of Wood-Engraving in Italy
in the fifteenth century. English edition, with extensive
corrections and additions by the author, which have not
appeared in the German Original. With 62 illustrations,
reproduced from old woodcuts. Imperial 8*^ Roxburgh
binding, uncut edges. London, i88Ji
1 457 Literary Garland ; a Canadian Magazine of Tales, Sketches,
Poetry, Music, Engravings. New series. Vols. 3, 6. 2 vols.
half roan. Montreal, 1845-8
145S Livius. Titi Livii, I'atavini Historiarum Libri. iS" old
calf. (i. Blaen : Amsterdam-, 1633
1459 Llorente, 1). J. A. History of the Inquisition of Spain,
from the time of its establisliment to the reign of Ferdinand
VI 1. 8° calf. London, 1S27
1460 LoFTiE, W. J. Plea for Art in the House. 16'^ cloth.
London, 1879
1461 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and
Trader, describing the manners and customs of the North
American Indians, with an account of the posts situated on
the river St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, to which is added a
vocabulary of the Chippeway language. Map, 4^ mottled
sheep. London, 1791
1462 Long. Voyages chez differentes Nations Sauvages de
I'Amerique Septentrionale. Map. 8° sheep. Paris (1791)
1463 Longfellow, H. W. Complete Poetical and Prose Works,
With a biographical Sketch by O. B, Frothingham, finely
illustrated with upwards of 500 wood engravings by A. V.
S. Anthony, W. J. Linton, after paintings and drawings by
the best American Artists. 3 vols, small folio, half crim-
son morocco, gilt edges. Eoston.
1464 Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn. \A'ith illustrations
by John Gilbert. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1866
1465 Longfellow. Nuremberg. Illuminated and arranged by
Mary E. and Amy Comegvs. With 28 photogravures.
Small folio, cloth. ' Philadelphia, 188S
1466 Longfellow. Courtship of Miles Standvsh, and other
Poems, First edition. 12° cloth, Boston, 1858
1467 LoNCUS, Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloc-,
Double Traduction du Grt'c en l''ran<;ois de IM Amiot el
d'un Anonyme, mises en parallele, et ornees des estampes
originales du fameux 13. Audran, gravees aux ddpens du feu
Due d'Orleans, Regent de France, The text encadre, with
frontispiece by Cochin, 29 beautiful plates from the cele-
brated designs of the Regent Philip, with borders by Fokke,
.ind 17 vignettes and culs-de-lampe, by Eisen, Cochin, and
Fokke, also one inserted photogravure plate. Small 4° fine
ropy in the original red morocco extra, gilt edges. Pound
hy Dk.romb: I'aini':.
A Paris, ImprimtVs pour les Curieux, 1757
InchidJiig tlie rare plate of " I.es refits Pieds."
1468 LoNGUS, Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloc.
With plates and vignettes by Scotin. 12° calf,
J. a Ilaye, 176-i
1469 LoRRAiN, Leon, Code des Locateurs et Locataires ou tralte
complet du bail a loyer, du bail a ferme, du bail de
meubles, du bail a cheptel et du bail emphyteotique. Small
8*^ half morocco. Montreal, 18S5
1470 LosKiEL, G. IL History of tiie Mission of the United
Brethren among the Indians in North America, 8° half
russla, London, 1794
1471 LossiNG, B. J, Pictorial iMeld-Book of the Revolution.
With HOC engravings on wood. 2 vols, royal 8° embossed
morocco. New York, 1855
1472 Loudon, Archibald. Selection of some of the most inter-
esting narratives of Outrages, committed by the Indians in
their Wars, with the White I'eople, Carlisle, i8o8, 3 vols.
8^ half roan, uncut, gilt tops, 1808; Only one hundred
copies reprinted, Harrisburg, 188S
1473 Louis XIV". Ses Gi^uvres. Portrait and fac-similes of let-
ters. 6 vols. 8° French mottled calf, gilt, red edges.
Paris, rSoA
With autograph of J. If. Iliiiton, author of tl>e " Dook Hunter."
1474 Louis XVL Le Roi Guiot, llistoire Nouvelle, Tire'e d'un
vieux manuscrit, poudreux et vermoulu. Fine uncut copy,
iC^ mottled calf extra, top edges gilt, in the French style,
by Riviere. S. L., 1791
A free and witty critic on the last years of the reign of Louis XVi.
1475 LouvKT de Couvray. Amours of the Chevalier de Faublas.
4 vols. 12° boards, uncut. London, 1822
1476 Lovell's Gazetteer of British North .Xmevica. Edited by P.
A. Crossby. 12^^ antique calf. Montreal, 1873
1477 Lower Canada Watchman. (By David Chisholm.) 16°
boards, uncut. Kingston, U. C, 1829
1478 Lowndes, \V. T. Bibliographer's Manuel of English Litera-
ture, containing an Account of rare, curious and useful
Books, published in, or relating to Great Britain and Ireland,
from the Invention of Printing. New edition, revised, cor-
rected and enlarged by Henry G. Bohn. 11 vols. 12*^
cloth, uncut. London, 1865-75
M79 Cutljer, illartiir. Ausslegung der Euangelien von Aduent
biss auft" Osteren, sampt vil andern Predigen. 4° stamped
pig skin. N. P. 152S
1480 Luther. Colloquia, oder Tischreden. Doctor Martin Lu-
theri, so er in vielen Jaren die Zeyt seines Lebens, gegeu
Gelehrten Leuthen. Auch hin und wider bey frembden
(lesten und seinen Tischgesellen gefuhret, etc, Durch
llerrn Johann Auripaher. Title in red and black. Folio, in
the original stamped pig skin, with clasps (one missing.)
Frankfurt, 1567
A lengtliy and very interesting account of this rare book, and the
wonderful manner in which the copy was discovered, from which the
Knglish translation was made, will be found in the Retrospective
Review, vol. 5.
14S1 LvELL, Charles. Travels in North America; with geological
observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova
Scotia. IMaps and plates. 2 vols. S° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S45
1482 LvELL. Second Visit to the United States of North America.
2 vols, in 1,12° half calf. New York, 1849
1483 LvTTLETON. Speech of Lord Lyttleton, on a motion made
in the House of Lords for a repeal of the Canada Bill,
May 17, 1775. 4° half roan. London, 1775
1484 T\ /TABERLV, J. The Print Collector. An Introduction
J_Vx to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection
of Ancient Prints; containing Suggestions as to the Mode
of commencing Collections, selection of Specimens, Prices
and Care of Prints, and Notices of the Marks of Proprie-
torship, used by Collectors. First edition. Small 4° boards,
uncut, (i cover missing.) London, 184^
1485 Macaulav, Lord. Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and
the Armada. Illustrations. Square 12° cloth. London, 1S84
i486 Macaulav. Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. By his
Nephew, G. Otto Trevelyan. 2 vols. 8° half crimson mor.,
uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1876
F.XTRA illustratpd, with 73 portraits and views.
14S7 ^^cCAR^^v, Justin. Dictionnaire cic TAncien Droit du
Canada, ou compilation des edits declarations royaux, ct
arrets du Conseil d'etat des Roix de France concernat le
Canada, etc. 12° half roan. Quebec, 1S09
148S McCarthy, Justin. History of Our Own Times, from the
accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. 2
vols. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1S79
14S9 McCoRD, F. A. Hand-Bookof Canadian Dates. i2°c]olIi.
Montreal, 18SS
1490 Macdonald, James S. Annals of the North British Society
of Halifax, N. S., from its foundation, in 1768, to its cen-
tenary celebration, March 26, 186S. 12 ' cloth.
Halifax, 186S
1491 Macfie, Matthew. Vancouver Island and I^ritish Columbia,
their history, resources and prospects. Maps and illustra-
tions. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1865
i,j92 McGee, Thomas d'Arcy. Canadian Ballads and Occasional
Verses. 16° cloth. Montreal, 1S58
I 193 McGee. Popular History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period
to the Emancipation of the Catholics. Frontispiece. 2
vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1863
1494 McGee. Poems of, with copious Notes. Also, an Introduc-
tion and Biographical Sketch, by Mrs. J. Sadlier. Portrait.
S° cloth, uncut. New York, 1869
1495 Mackav, J. Quebec Hill; or Canadian .Scenery. A Poem.
4° half calf. London, 1797
1496 M'Keevor, Thomas. \'oyage to Hudson's Ray, during the
Summer of 1812. 8° cloth. London, 1S19
1497 McKennev and Hall. History of the Indian Tribes of North
America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the
Principal Chiefs. Vols, i and 2 only. 72 portraits, colored,
from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War. 2 vols,
folio, half calf. l^hila., 183 7 -38
This Gallery is a series of Actual I'ortiails of distinguished native
Americans who have visited Washington on subjects connected with
their own interests, and is, in fact, the only authentic series of I'ortiaits
of the North American Indians.
149S Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the
River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America
to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793 ; with
a preliminary account of the rise, progress and present
state of the Fur Trade of that country. Portrait and maps.
4° calf. London, 180 1
1499 Mackenzie. Another copy. 4^ calf extra. London, 1801
Presentation copy from the author to Lady Johnson, wife of Sir
William Johnson. Inscription in author's handwriting on title.
1500 Mackenzie, A. Speeches of, during his recent Visit to Scot-
land, with his principal speeches in Canada since the Session
of 1875. Portrait. 8° paper. 'J'oronto, 1876
1 501 Mackenzie, 1'>. Historical, Topographical and Descriptive
View of the United States of America and of Upper and
I-oucr Canada. Map and illustrations. S" mottled sheep.
1502 Mackintusii, J. Discovery of America, by Christopher
Columbus, and the Origin of the North American Indians.
8° boards. Toronto, 1836
1503 Maci.eui), Donald. Memoirs of Lite Life and Gallant Ex-
ploits of the Old Highlander, Sergeant Donald Macleod,
who, having returned wounded, with the corpse of General
Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted as an out-pensioner of
Chelsea Hospital, 1759. Portrait mounted. Small 8° half
morocco. London, 1791
1504 McLeod, John. Voyage of his Majesty's ship, Alceste, along
the coast of Corea to the island of Lewchevv, with an
account of her subsequent shipwreck. J*ortrait and colored
illustrations. 8'^ full green calf. London, 1818
1505 ^^AcMuLLEN, John. History of (Canada, from its First Dis-
covery to the Present Time. 8'^ cloth, uncut.
Jkockvillc, 1868
T506 MAGKAni, T. W. Authentic Letters from I'pper Canada ;
with an account of Canadian Field Sports. Ktchings by
Samuel Lover. 8° stitched, uncut. Dublin; 1833
1507 Mahon, Lord, History of England, from the Peace of
Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 17 13-1783. 7 vols. 12°
cloth, uncut. London, 1S58
150S Mair, Charles. Tccumseh, a Drama, u" cloth.
'Pcronto, 18S6
1509 Major, Alfred P>. Legal Sketches. 8'' cloth.
Montreal, 1SS7
1510 Mai, DON AM, Joannis. Counnentarii in quatuor Evangelistas.
h'olio, old calf. Lutetiffi Parisoruin, 1629
From the library of tlic old Jesuit College in Quebec, prior to th^
Conquest. Inscription dated 1745.
151 1 Malijav, Paul dc. Saint Jean-Baptiste I'evangile et !c
Canada. Royal 8° paper. Montreal, 1874
15 12 Mallett, Gilles. Inventaire ou Catalogue des livres de
I'ancienne bibliotheque du Louvre fait en I'anne'e 1373. 8 "
boards, uncut. Paris, 1S36
1 5 13 Manuel Lexique, ou Dictionnaire Portratif des mots Fran-
(;ois, dont la signification n'est pas familiere a tout le monde.
2 vols. 12° calf. Paris, 1755
1514 Man'ESSon-Mallet, a. Description de I'Univers, contenant
les diffdrents systbmes du inonde, les cartes gdncfrales et
particuliferes de la gc'ographie ancienne et nioderne : Les
plans et les profils des principales villes et des autres lieux
plus considerables de la terre, avec les portraits des sou-
verains qui y commandent, leurs blassons, titres et livrees ;
et les mceurs, religions, gouvernements et divers habille-
mens de chaque nation. 5 vols, royal 8° old calf, gilt.
Paris, J683-S5
A valuable work, containing 680 curious portraits, views, plan?, cos-
tumes, and including 65 plates relating to America, views of Qucbtf,
Virginia, Plorida, etc.
15 15 iHannscript onl^cllnm. Heures de la Reine Marguerite de
Navarre. A beautifully executed Latin Book of Hours,
written on 125 leaves of fine vellum, v/itli 12 large and 5
small miniatures, of v.hich, 13 to the Offices of the Virgm,
Penitential Psalms and Vigil of the Dead, and 4 to the
selections from the Evangelists, also 17 exquisitely finished
illuminated borders, and several hundred beautiful illumi-
nated initials, heightened with gold. In a rich 16th century
binding. 8° morocco, covered with golden daisies.
Saec. XVI
Margaret ok NA^■ARR'r.'s Prayer Book in a sumptuous " Keine
Margot " binding by Clovis Lvk. Executed for Queen MasgJirctby
" Gilles Debreene " in an exquisite manner, with her motto and legenrl,
" Spes mea Deus " and " Suffixe Toi,"and her favorite tlov^■ers sevtral
times introduced in the ornamental borders.
This is a Manuscript of exceptional value, of great artistic and hi.>-
torical interest and in a marvelously fine preservation. The large
miniatures are generally painted with architectural and landscape back
ground, and finished in an excellent manner of gilding a.nd coloring,
they represent : St. John at Fatlimos, I'entecost, Annunciation to the
Virgin, Visitation of Elizabeth, Adoration '.)f Joseph and Mary, Amiuju-
ciation to the Shepherds, Adoration of the Maggi, Presentation in t!-":
Temple, Slaughter of the Innocents, Assumption of the Virgin, David,
and another; the small miniatures are St. Tuke, St. Matthc\\, St.
Mark, The Virgin, and Descent from the Cross.
The borders are very brilliant and beautifully painted on gold ground
in a great variety combining the conventional geometrical designs, with
elegant ornamentation of flowers and foliage ; the animals, birds and
butterflies in the borders are especially well executed. A unique
feature of the borders is Queen Marguerite's motto, sfveral times inirr-
duced in the design, as also the occurence of the fleur de lys and t!-,e
Valuable as this gem is in itself, an additional value is added by the
p/.quisite binding by Clovis Eve, in which it is encased. .
The binding which is in m.arvelously fine preservation, was evidently
done for '* Reine Margot" Margaret of Valois; the toohng covering
the entire panels, is " a petits fers " consisting of a wide and a narrower
border of branches, divided by gold fillets, the inner compartment
filled in with small medallions formed by branches, daisies and other
/lowers, filling all the empty spacts.
ijiO fHttltOStript on Urllnm. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis,
cum Calendarium. A French manuscript of the fourteenth
century, executed on 70 leaves of fine vellum, with 13 large
full page and 5 small miniatures, exquisitely illuminated
borders to every page and hundreds of illuminated letter?,
all heightened with gold ox a purple ground. 8° in
contemporary stamped calf. Sa^c, XH'
A remarkable and very valuable I'-uok o( Hours, by an artist of great
merit and many resources, judging from tlie great variety of design and
the artistic finish of the miniatures and the borders.
The large miniatures being of unusual size, covering almost the entire
page, arc of the highest style of art and are true pictures of the cos-
tumes and architecture of the period. At the bottom of every minia-
ture is a large head with extended wings and under the Crucifixion is
ihc .-\rms defaced of the original proprietor having two large animals
(wolves) as supporters.
The delineation of the faces especially is the work of a master and
these as well as the costumes are of e.xctptional Lilliancy and finished
\\ iiU attention to the minutest details.
T he borders are of an elaborate and rich guomelrical design on gold
5;round, some blended with a floriated pattern and scroll work, and
>onie worked up in geometrical squares, triangles, etc., blended with
foliage and flowers.
The large miniatures are : The Annunciation, Mary and Elizabeth,
.Adoration of Joseph and Mary, Annunciation to th« Shepherds,
Adoration of the .^fagi, Circumcision, Slaughter of the Innocents,
Assumptior. of Mary, David sending the letter, Christ carrying the
Cross, Descent of the Holy Ghost. Lazarus, Crucifixion. The small
miniatures represent St. Mary, Magdalene, .St. Katherine, St. Margueitr,
St. Barbara and St. Lawrence M-ith his typical gridiron.
1517 illnttttscript on Indium. Hora; Bcatas Marine Virginia, cum
Calendario. A finely written manuscript on 107 leaves, of
(lie fourteenth century, with miniatures and numerous illu-
minated borders, heightened with gold. 4° in old stamped
calf. Saec, XIV
This manuscript is of early Englisli or Norman execution, as i>^
fvidenced by the presence in the calendar of the names of Edward,
King of England, St. Aithelertia, St. Dustan, St. Etheldred, St.
Armulph, St. Osibald, St. Wilfride and other distinctively English
Saints. The calendar is unfortunately lacking one leaf. On the recto
f( i. 6, at the commencement of the vol., is a very large initial letter
D, within which is the Virgin and Child seated, the back-ground being
of carmine with gold tracery. This initial is continued in a bordcv
surrounding the entire page, beautifully ornamented and heightened
with burnished gold, and within which are full-length figures of angels
with harps and cymbals; at bottom an escutcheon, which is blank.
Un recto of f. 34 is a similar initial with the Virgin and Child, but of
different treatment in the border, etc. In addition to these there arc
seme fourteen other pages, ornamented with borders of colors and
gold of the most tasteful and intricate design, besides several hundred
initials in gold, some of which have spraying branches in red, purple,
etc., covering the side margin.
The text is most beauii fully written and is almost free from the
contractions usually found in MS. of this and subsequent periods, and
would indicate even an earlier period than that of the 14th century.
The volume has had hard usage, and nianv of the pages arc unfortu-
natclv disfigured bv stains and diri,
1518 illauUSCri^Jt on Utllmu. Hora; Beata.- Maiiai Virginis.
MS. on vellum. Yery uniformly written in large letters on
164 leaves of vellum of exceptional purity, with twelvj.
LARGE MiN'i.\TURES of superb execution, each surrounded
with a broad border of tracery with flowers and scroll orna-
ments, heightened with burnished gold, with hundreds ot
illuminated initial letters, etc., with nine additional leaves
of prayers in script. Thick 4° old contemporary leather,
stamped sides, gilt edges. Saec, XIV-X\
A very choice example, remarkable for the purity of its condition
and the beauty of the miniatures, of which there are twelve, occupyini^
nearly half the page, and surrounded with richly floriated and gold
The calendar i^ on two leaves, in red and black, wiih names in
The miniatures are: i. Annunciation; 2. Elizabeth and Mary; 3.
Adoration by Joseph and Mary ; 4. Annunciation to the Shepherds.;
^. Adoration of the Magi; 6. Presentation in ihe Temple ; 7. Flight
into Egypt; 8. Assumption of the Virgin; 9. David (pretixed u>
Psalms 'and Litany); 10. Crucifixion ; "11. Pentecost; 12. Burial
Service; 13. Madonna and Child, after which follows a series oi
prayers to the Virgin in French, on S leaves; also several other jeaves
of prayers in a later hand. At commencement are several entries ot
births and deaths, with signatures .Segault, Arthault, etc.
1.519 iHanttScript onUcUum. Mores Beats Marice Virginis. .A.
French manuscript, executed about 1350, written in an
artistic manner on 240 leaves of ver}' tine vellum, exqui-
sitely illuminated throughout with 21 miniatures, sui-
rounded by page floriated borders, upwards of 100 illumi-
nated borders and capitals and hundreds of smalkr
illuminated initials and linial bars, all richly heightened wiiii
burnished gold. Thick 12° in a contemporary calf bindiui^
covered with tooling in the Maioli manner. Sxc, X\'
This is a valuable and rare example of the best French school of
illumination, the 21 miniatures (all very bright and in perfect condition)
are very carefully fmished and of great delicacy of execution, on a back
ground of landscape, and blue firmament, in the early style; the pa^c
borders around the miniatures are of a pronounced but very ntui.
floriated pattern, with insects, birds and animals ; the numerous smaller
l>orders are a combination of a floriated arabesque and filligrec
pattern, richly dotted with burnished gold, and are remarkable for th=
variety and excellence of design.
The miniatures represent: i. St. John with Eagle ; 2. .Annunciation ;
3. Mary and Elizabeth ; 4. Betrayal ; 5. Pentecost ; 6. Adoration by
Joseph and Mary; 7. Christ Scourged; S. Annunciation to Shepherd>;
9. Christ bearing the Cro<s; 10. Adoration of the Magi; xi. Chri>i
nailed to the Cross ; 12. Slaughter of the Innocents ; 13. Crucifixion;
14. Presentation in Temple; 15. Descent from the Crosi ; lO.
Assumption of the Virgin; 17. Entombment; iS. David slaying
Goliath; 19. Christ raising Lazarus ; 20. Priest adoring Christ from
whose side blood is spounng; 21. St. \'(rronica with face of Chri-t.
1530 iHiinuScripl on Ddlum. Hora;, Beauliiully wrilteii by a
French artist on 148 leaves of vellum, with several hundred
of illuminated initials and elaborate fioriated borders on
every page, heightened with gold. Small 4° old russia.
Sffic, XV
T'.vc leaves of ttie calendar and the first leaves of each of the four
g>..speli are rulssing, but the Missal is nevertheless very valuable on
uccauTU of the numerous illuniinated borders, which are of superior
execution and exceptional richness and in fine condition.
15:^1 itlanuscript on Ddlum. Biblia Latina. Written in an
almost microscopic, but wonderfully clear and distinct hand
oil 376 leaves of the finest vellum, and ornamented with 75
rninrarures, 64 illuminated and gilt capitals, and ornamental
borders of an elegant and delicate tracery in red and blue,
ua almost ever)' page. Small 4° in a seventeenth century
I nlf binding, enclosed in a red morocco case. Sasc, XIII
" Written in England in the reign of Edward I (about a. d. 1290), and
oilwinsr an unusually tine example of the art of illuminatioH. The
siuali miniatnres are drawn with singular skill and delicacy, the colour-
ing is richly harmonious, the gold in the ground-work is very pure and
Itiighi, anci the whole effect extremely elegant. It has been supposed
itiat the bonk was written at Canterbury, as it is closely akin in its
cylligraphy and ornamentation to the style of a similar MS. now in the
Hntish Museum, which is said to bear the date of the cathedral city
ahnut A. D. 1250-60."
There are some notes in a e-ixteenih or early seventeenth-century
hand; one of them, at the end, being a copy of Henri II's epitapli,
with variants.
1522 illanUBCript on t)£Uum. iMissall. A manuscript on upwards
of 200 leaves ot vellum, in large gothic characters, with
music noted, with rubrics and initial letters ; also many
large and elaborately ornamented initials. Royal 4° full
embossed morocco, inside vellum covers, leather binders.
A valuable and beautifully executed MS. in large characters. The
manuscript, which is in the same hand throughout, is in exceptionally
tine state of preservation, if we except the defects in the parchment,
which, owing to the large size of the sheets, it seems to have been
diflicult to obtain in absolute perfect state ; these imperfections have
in each instance been carefully mended by sewing, and have been
avoided by the scribe.
Lesser capitals are employed as the initials of phrases: There are
but few abbreviations : u and v are both employed to express the
suund of the latter letter. The illuminated initials are of peculiar
interest, being entirely of the style pertaining to the Irish and Anglo-
.Saxon MSS., brilliant in color, and composed of minute and delicate
interlacings, " a style of art, originated, cultivated and brought to a
n-.ost marvellous state of perfection, absolutely distinct from that of
any other part of the civilized world, and which, having been carried
a'^road by numerous Irish and Anglo-Saxon missionaries, was adopted
and imitated in the Schools or Monasteries established or visited by
the former, many of which, in after ages, became the most famous
srats of learning." On this subject Mr. Digby Wyatt observes " that
in delicacy of handling, and minute but faultless execution, the whole
range of i'alaeography offers nothing comparable to the early Irish and
Anglo-Saxon MSS.
From the Blenheim Palace Collection.
1523 illaiiustvi^l on helium. Horae. A Flemish Missal written
on 170 leaves of vellum, with 34 large illuminated capitals
and as many ornamental borders, all heightened with bur-
nished gold. (One leaf of the calendar missing.) Square
16* calf, gilt leaves. Sac, X\
1524 iJlannscript on Xidinxn. Psalmorum Liber Horce Diurnuin.
Written by an English artist on 300 leaves of fine vellum,
with 5 beautiful illuminated letters and lioriated borders,
heightened with burnished gold, and several hundred
initials, ornamented with fine diaper tracery, the flourishe:^
of which are drawn the full length of the columns. Square
1 8 '^ calf. (Covers loose.) Ssc, XV'
iS-5 .filannscript on "Udlum. Manual Diurnum cum Calendario,
Written on 165 leaves of vellum, with numerous rubricated
initials. Thick iS° old calf, with brass bosses on the
sides. Saec, XV
1526 iUantJgrtipt on DfcUnm. Hypognoslicon Laurentii Dunel-
mensis, etc. Original manuscript written on vellum abour
the year 1150, by Lawrence of Durham, and consisting ot
206 pages of Gotho-Norman script in black and red with
occasional illuminated letters at the commencement of the
heads of the different divisions of the poem. 8° rough
calf in leather case, Sjbc, XII
" This remarkable manuscript and precious relic of tha literature ot
our forefathers, written over 300 years before the invention of printing,
antedates the " Romance of the Rose "of Guillaume de Lorris and
Jean de Meung by more than a centur)'.
The above consists of two pa<ts, the first a Latin Poem in hexameter
verse, taking in towards the close rhythmical descriptions of ecclesiai-
lical history and composed by the scribe Lawrence, Frior of the Abbey
of Durham, England. The second part comprises translations from
St. John Chn,'sostom, passages from St. Augustine and other Fathers
of the Churcfi. It is textually in splendid condition with the exception
of a few marginalia in the second part, of which portions have been in
places cut off by the binder's plow. There are altogether 206 pages,
of which the " Hypognosticon," including three pages of prologue,
makes 103 pages."
From the Lenox-Kennedy Collection.
1527 illanusctipt on Dcilntn. Origenes, lucip' pfatio Rufmi in
expositione originis sup eplam pauli ad Romanos translate
ab eode de greco in latinum. MS. on vellum in semi-Caro-
line minuscules, with 10 painted initials formed by inter-
lacements of green, yellow, red, blue and white, some of
them containing figures of Chimera^. Small folio, Erench
red morocco extra, gilt edges. About a, d. iico
'•This was apparently executed in Normandy or somewhere in
North-east France in a monastry where the traditions of Irish or
Anglo-Saxon art-decoration still survived. In the numerous dotted
edge lines that appear in the initial* or on the figures within them, we
obser/e this particularly. The figure of St. Paul (with others) in the
first initiil U is strikingly like the earlier Anglo-Saxon work"
15 28 iUauustrii)! on Vidlnm- Colonna, Egidio. De Kegimine
Principum, Folio i : A son especial seigneur ne de lignie
roial & sainte mon seigneur phelippe ains ne fiz & oir mo
seigneur phelippe tres noble roi de france par la grace de
deu, frere Gile de Rome son clerc. . . . At end: Ci fine
11 liures du gounement des rois & des princes q'fere Gires
de Rome de lordre de saint Aug'tin a fet. Le ql liure
rnestre Henri de Gauchi par le comandemSnt le noble roi
Phelipe de france a tnslate de latin en franceis. itlantl'
snriipt on t)cUnm; with border, in which are displayed dog
and rabbit fighting with swords, nondescripts and grotes-
ques ; and a large initial letter historiated with the author
presenting his book to tlje king; many smaller initial
letters finely illuminated in gold and colors. Folio, bound
in violet velvet, gilt edges, with ornamental brass corner.>>.
(he arms of Clermont on sides. About a, d. 1300
V'.gidio Colonna, better known as i-Egidius lionianus, was a Pupil of
Thomas Aquinas, and was surnamed the profound scholar. He died
at Avignon in 1316, having been Archbishop of Bourges since 129J.
This work was written before 12S5, as shown by its dedication 10
I'hifippe le Bel before his accession 10 the throne. The date ol
(.iaudii's translation is not ascertained, but the present MS. proves that
it was anterior to 1300, probably almost contemporary with the Latin
original. Althongli the above MS. (probably written at Bourges) is
said to have been in Claude D'Lirfi.''s possession (middle of the
i.i,xteenth century) it had been in English hands at a still earlier date.
Several minute glosses in English, in a liandwriting of Henry VH's
time, are visible on tlie margins. Amongst these we find boorderesses
='.angelars (i. e. idle gossipers),enclume=anefeld (anvil), euuref= ledis
or actis, aenutz=:^5ig-carde, forslignent = jolh ayenst kind, ramenei =
broght ayen, etc.
The above is a copy of Quaritch's description of the book.
1529 itlanuscript on tJcIlnm. Augustini (Beaii) Tractatus in
Psalmos Canticum Graduum et Enchiridion. Written by a
Spanish scribe on iSo leaves of vellum. Small folio, in the
original oak boards, with leather covering (petrified).
Saec, XII
.\l the end is a notice that the scribe's name was DIdacus, and an
inscription claims the MS. as " Liber Sancta; Mari:e de Beneviere :
qui abslulent Analhena sit."
Benevivere was the ancient name of the Cistercian .Abbey of
Valverde in old Castile founded in 1169.
1530 illatmsctipt Olt tJiUnm. Lactantius Flrmianus De Divinis
Institutionibus adversus Gentes. P'olio, vellum. Ssec, XV
A superb specimen, and in irreprochable condition, of a manuscript
executed in Italy at the highest period of the renaissance of the art.
Written in the highest art of caligraphy on 245 leaves of pure vellum
\>i tine quality; decorated with a large number of painted initials vvjih
ornamental tracery reaching almost the whole length of the page.
Each of the seven books commences with a large illuminated ctpitai.
richly decorated with colored ornaments in the renaissance style; and
heightened with burnished gold.
1531 /ttattttStript on t)dllim. Lettered: Libellas Augustatis, but
consisting of two separate Treatises, the first giving a. siiort
;^ccount of the Roman Emperors, the second (by Petrus
Lomer) is a Treatise on Renunciation of the World.
Written by different hands on about too leaves of fine
vellum, in the early Roman or the 14th or 15th century,
v.hich bears a strong resemblance to the Caroline Minus-
cule, with numerous fine illuminated initials and borders of
\cry fine diaper tracery. Both the treatises arc apparently
incomplete. 4° half vellum. Saec, XV
153; illannscript on DcUttm. Origincs super Epistolam Pauli
ad Romanes. Norman manuscript on vellum, written on
133 leaves in semi-Caroline Minuscules, with painted inter-
lacing initials containing figures. Small folio, full red
morocco, red edges. Sxc, XI-XIl
" The illustrative portion resembles the work of .Anglo-Saxon scribes,
but seems ascribable to Xormaii hands."
t533 iHannscvipt on t)cllum. Maimonidcs. Millos hor lligg^-
jom. A Treatise of the celebrated Hebrew Commentator
of the 12th century, written on vellum. Square 18'^ old red
morocco e.xtra, broad dcntcllc border on the sides, gilt
edges. iScec, XA'
'534 ittunnscripl. Chromclls of St Denis. Cy Commence
leffort et la substance du fait des Roy de France selon
les Chroniqnes de Saint Denys en France. Thick folio,
half morocco. Sacc, XIV
A valuable Manuscript Clironiclc, in fine condition, ending with the
death and buiial of Louis VIII. (A. D. 1220).
^535 ii^annscript. Brute's Chronicles of Englandc. English
Manuscript on Paper, closely written, with initials, rubrics,
and marginal references and notes, by a more modern
hand. On recto of loaf 135 is the following colophon :
" Here endethe A bokc callid Brute of the Chroniculis of
Englound made and compiled by notabill clerkis of all the
actis of all ye Kyngis that evir was in this londe sithend
Brute first conquerid it." Wanting first leaf, containing a
part of the prologue, otherwise perfect and in fine con-
dition. A very interesting and valuable manuscript, written
some sixty years previous to the first edition printed bv
Caxton, to which it corresponds with tolerable accuracy,
except in orthography and occasional turns of phrase,
which Caxton modernized in his book. 135 leaves.
Small folio, full bound in olive, antique morocco, gilt edges.
1536 Manuscript, Eurghley Mildred, (Daughter of Sir Anthony
Cooke, Wife of Lord Burghley and Aunt of Lord Bacon)
Sermon Isaias primo and Prayer, very neatly written auto-
graph manuscript, ruled with red ink throughout, and con-
taining the writer's autograph in full, and a MS Pedigree of
her family. Small 4° vellum, with silk ribbons. About 1550
Mildred, eldest daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, married at the agp.
of 20, Sir W. Cecil, afterwards created Lord Burghley. She was on<^
of the most learned women of her Age, and nujro pariicularly excelled
in her knowledge of the Greek Language.
T537 lttanU6£ri|Jt. Early Italian School. Two Miniatures.
T. Scene in the Life of a Saint, introducing eight figures,
apparently the foundation of a Monastery or some religious
edifice by a Pope, who wears a single-crowned mitre. 6 1-2
in. by 5 in. IL Christ's commission to St. Peter, beautifully
finished. 4 inches square, both from a large choral book, by
an Italian artist, probably of the School of Pisa. Srcc. XIII
Two high cla.ss Miniatures and desirable specimens o£ early art.
153S Manuscript. Les Lettres Canadienes. 1700-1725. A
Series of 257 unpublished letters in French written by and
to persons in Canada, covering the events happening in
the principal Capitals of Europe and a Voyage through
Canada, with a curious Dissertation on the Savages, their
Country, Manner of Life, Religion, and other curious
things. Legibly and uniformly written on folio paper,
titled, numbered and indexed. 2 vols, folio, full calf, let-
tered. Curious, unique, and exceedingly valuable.
r539 Manuscript. Relatione di Spagna fatta dall' excmo Signorc
Leonardo Moro Ambassiadore Veneto presso il Re Cat-
tolico dell 1629. Italian Manuscript neatly written on 102
leaves. 4^ vellum. From the Sunderland Library. 1630
1540 Manuscript. Instruction relative au Service des Husards
en Campagne. Manuscript, with 2 drawings. The dedi-
cation to the Czar, signed by Due Louis dc Wirttenberg,
J^eterhoff, 1805. 4"^ red morocco.
T541 Manuscript. Vie de Deny, Marquis de Vitre Capitaine de
Vaisseau (Partrice impendere vitam). 116 pp. 4° calf.
Vitre was taken Prisoner in 1757 and was placed in Town^hend's
division to pilot Wolff's fleet to Quebec. He refused to do it and was
sent to England after first having been threatened with the Yard
.'\nn. P'rench Historians picture him as a traitor, believing that he
piloted the vessels up the St. Lawrence. This unpublished MS. dis-
proves it.
1542 ^^ANUSCRIf T. Remarques sur le regne de Louis Le Grand
depuis Pan 1643, jusqu' en 1689. ^S' PP- ^^ PP- Index.
16" old red morocco extra, tooling on sides and back.
1543 Manuscript. Medical and Astrological MS. of 1473-
76 by Franciscus de Valentia. A closely written treatise,
on paper dated in several places. 228 pp. 42° vellum.
1544 Manuscript. Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland and Breeden
Raedt, etc. Translated from the Dutch by Henry C. Mur-
phy, New York, 1S54, in his ov.-n autograph writing
throughout. 92 pp. Unbound, 4°.
1545 Manuscript. Incipit Breviarum Cosmographiae Ptolemei*
Toannis Bonfons, 1504. A fine MS. in perfect condition)
with title and marginal references in red, and colophon at
end. 188 pp. Small 4° unbound.
1546 Manuscript. Voyages du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, Recol-
let, dans le Canada. 90 pp. 16° calf.
Believed to be in the Author's Ilandwiitiiig from which the printed
version was made.
1547 Manuscript. Report of Cases xA.rgued and determined in
the Court of King's Bench for the district of Quebec in the
Province of Lower Canada, by George Pyke, Esquire, of
Quebec, Barrister of Law. 148 pp. Small 4° boards.
Apparently the original from which printed version was made.
1548 Manuscript. Bibaud. Dictionnaire des Homines Ilkistrcs
du Canada et de L'Amerique, par Maximilien Bibaud L. L.
D. (Pour Deuxieme edition). 2 vols. 4°. Montreal, 1877
Deux Pages de I'Histoire D'Amerique par M. Bibaud L. L.
D. Montreal, 1852 ; — Manuel Biographique du Canad.i
par M. Bibaud L. L. D. 24°. Montreal, 1883 ; — Man-
uel de Biographic Canadienne par M. Bibaud L. L. D. iG '.
Montreal, 1882; — Le Champ de Mars, Dictionnaire des
Battailles, etc. Montreal, i'6o\.
6 vols, in Bibaud's handwriting, chiefly upon Canadian topics, and all
unpublished, with rights of publication from liibaud's Heir at Law, in
writing to purchaser. Several are revised editions of his published
1549 Manuscript. Commonplace J'>ook. Quotations from va-
rious Authors. 1831. 'I'hick 8° vellum.
1550 Manuscript. Journal d'un voyage, sur la Cote du Nord
Quest de I'Amerique Septentrionale, pendant les Anne'e-;
tSii-12-13 et 14. 220 pp. 4°. This MS. is the origin. il
in the handwriting of Gabriel Franchere from which Bibaiul
published an altered version in 1820, in Montreal, tran.s-
lated by Redfield in 1854. It bears P'ranche're's signature
en page 9 and, is certilied to, by his Son, on fly leaf. A
portrait of Franchere has been added. At the end are 3 ;
pages of poetry from the hand of M. Bibaud, Sr. — A vci\
valuable and desirable I\LS. in perfect condition.
1551 Manuscript. Old Montreal Directory 1812-14. The Fall
of Quebec, 1759. 2 ^LSS. 4°.
1553 Manuscripi. Eight Songs of Horace. Edited by George
E. Vincent, with Translation in English. Printed on parch-
ment paper, in imitation of an old Roman MS. in the shape
of a scroll, of several feet length, and wound about a wooden
cylinder, with a knob at each end. New York, 1888
1554 Manuscript. Winnepeg. "Minutes of a Council held at
York Factory, Northern Department of Rupert's Land,
this I oth day of July, 1S24, for the purpose of establishing
such Rules and Regulations as may be considered expe-
dient for conducting the business of the said Dept., etc.
A Manuscript Vol. of 51 pages, 4to, and of much interest in rela-
tion to the early condition of Manitoba. Speaks of Fort Garry
(now Winnipeg) and other places.
1555 Maplk Leaf (The). A Canadian Annual, a literary Souvenir
for 1S47 and 1849. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 morocco.
Toronto, 1847-g
1556 Marck\', Pierre. Mcmoires et Documents pour servir a
riiistoire des Origines Fran(;aises des pays d'outre-mer ;
l>c'couverles et ittablissements des Francais dans I'oucst
ct dans le sud de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1614-1754.
Maps and portraits. 6 vols, thick royal 8° paper, uncut.
Jouast : Paris, 1879-88
A very inipuMant collection, published for the first time, from origi-
nal documents.
Vol. I. Voyages des Francais sur le.s grand lacs, Decouvcrtc dc
ruhio et di Mississippi, 1614.
Vol. 2. Lettres de Cavelier de la Salle, 167S-16S5.
Vol. 3. Recherches des Bouches du Mississippi et \'oyagc dc
I'abbe Jean Cavelier.
Vol. 4. Dccouverte par Mer des Bouches du Mississippi ct Elab-
lissements de Lemoyne D'Iberbille, 1694-1703.
Vol. 5. Premiere p'ormation d'une Chaine de I'ostes entre le flcu\ c
Saivit-Laurentet le Golfe du Me.vique, 1683-1724.
Vol. 6. Exploration des Affluents du Mississippi et Dccouverte des
Montagnes Rocheuses, 1679-1754.
1558 Margrv, Les Navigations Fram^ais et la Revolution
Maritime du XIV 'au XVI' sibcle, d'apres Ics docu-
ments ine'dits tires de France, d'Angleterre, d'Espagne ct
d'ltalie. Small 8° half morocco. Paris, 1867
1559 Marie dc ITncarnation. Lettres de la venerable Merc
Marie de rincarnation, premiere superieure des Ursulincs
de la Nouvelle France. Scarce portrait by Edelinck. 4°
old calf, gilt. Fine copy. Paris, 168 1
An exceedingly scarce book, containing valuable original informa-
tion on the early history of Canada.
1560 }\Iarie de rincarnation. Retraites de la Venerable Mere
Mane de I'lncarnation religieuse Ursuline, avec une exposi-
tion succinte du Cantique des Cantiques. 13" calf.
Paris, 1682
Very rare. I'ublished by Dom Claude Martin, sun of Marie Guyart,
known as ^^arie de I'lncarnation.
1561 Marie de I'lncarnation. La Vie cle la Mere Marie de
rincarnation, Institutrice et premiere Superieure des Ursu-
lines de la Nouvelle France. Scarce portrait. 12° sheep.
Paris, 1724
Very valual:ile cnrrespondenre relating to the early history of
1562 Marie de I'lncarnation. llistoire de la mere Marie i\r
rincarnation premibre superieure des Ursulines de hi
Nouvelle France prdc^dde d'une esquisse sur I'histoirc
religieuse des premiers temps de cette colonic. Par I'Abbc
Casgrain. Portrait. S"" half morocco. Quebec, iS6-^|
1563 Marie de I'lncarnation. Histoire de la Mere Marie de
rincarnation, Premiere Supdrieure des Ursulines di' lu
Nouvelle France. Par I'Abbe Casgrain. S° cloth.
Quebec, 1S73
1 564 ALarot, Cle'ment. Les Oeuvres de Cldment Marot de Cahors.
valet de chambre du Roy. Augmentdes d'ung grand
iiombre de ses compositions nouvelles, par cy deuant non
imprimdes, Le tout songneusement par luy mesmes reueu
ft mieul.x ordonnd, comme Ion uoyrra cy apres. 16° full
crushed levant morocco extra, blind fillets, with a beau-
tiful gilt wreath on the sides, gilt back and edges, by
Chez Etienne Dolet : Lyon, 15^2
An elegant copy of a ver}' rare and valuable book, according lu
r>runei the best edition and the most sought for by collectors ; in an
exceptional fine condition, large margins (measuring 14S mil), one ot
the very few publications by the celebrated Dolet, with a perfect
specimen of his colophon, and in a rich binding. (Xot in the Koti.s-
ciiild collection of Maroi editions.)
1565 Marot et Beze. Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime
par Fran(;^oise Clement Marot, et Theodore de Eeze. With
the music. 16° full old red morocco, back and sides tooled,
gilt edges. Nyort, 167^
Tor this translation of the Psalms, Marot was declared a Heretic.
1566 AL^ROT. Les Guivres de Clement Marot de Cahors, valet
de chambre du Roy. 2 vols. iS° calf.
Adrian Moetjens : La Haye, 1700
Cienuine edition of tliis riate. ^\'ith the fleurons on frontispiece
15^)7 AL\ROT, Jean. Recueil des teuvres de Jehan rvlarot, illuslre
poete franc^oys contenant, Rondeaul.v, e'pistres, vers dpars,
chantz rouaul.v. 18" beautifully bound in garnet colored
levant morocco, blind compartments, gilt ornaments in
centre and corners, gilt edges, by Cap^-Masson-Debon-
XELLE, Paris, 1538
T568 ATarottes a vendre, ou Triboulet tabletier, dont la gibe-
ciere, apros avoir cte egarce pendant plusieurs sic;cles, nous
est enfin heureusement parveniie, munie d'un rare assem-
blage de Ilochets, P.reloques, Collfichets et Babioles de
toutes espcces. . . . Au Parnasse burlesque, ex-officine de
la Banque du Bel esprit. 16'' full blue straight grained
morocco e.\tra, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Purgold.
London, 18 12
I'ajiier velliii copy. From llie library of Count de La liedojere,
with his book-jilatf.
1569 Marmctte, Joseph. Les Machabdes de la Nouvelle-France ;
histoire d'une I'amille Canadienne, 1641-1768. 12° cloth.
Quebec, 1867
1570 AlARRYAr, ]'"rank .S. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago.
With drawings of costume and scenery. Colored plates
atid wood engravings. Small folio, calf extra, gilt edges.
London, 1848
157 r Marryat, Frank. Moimtains and Molehills, or recollections
of a burnt journal. Numerous colored illustrations. 8°
half morocco, London, 1855
1572 iUilVtial be Pavio. Sensuyl les Vigilles du Roy Charles ou
I'st contenu comment il conquist France sur Jes Anglois.
Jnfme: Cy iinisset les vigilles d' la mort du roy charles
septiesme . . . composees par maistre Marcial de Paris dit
(lauuergne. Imprime a paris par la veufue Jehan trepperel.
i31nck £ettcv. With two large woodcuts. Title in red and
black. A beautiful copy. Small 4'' full green levant mo-
rocco, gilt edges, by DuRU. Paris, n. d. (about 1520)
With temoins. 191 mil.
1573 AIartial, Epigrams of, translated into English Prose. 12°
cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1885
1574 Martigny, Abbe. Dictionnaire des Antiquit^s Chretiennes,
contenant le re'sume' de tout ce qu'il est essentiell de con-
naitre sur les origines chretiennes jusqu' au moyen age ex-
clusivement. L Etude des moeurs et contumes des premier
Chretiens; IL Etude des Monuments Figures ; III. Vete-
ments et Meubles. 675 illustrations. Koyal 8° half mo-
rocco. Paris, 1877
1575 Martin, Charles. Civil Costume of England, from the
Conquest to the present time, drawn from tapestries, monu-
mental effigies, illuminated manuscripts, etc. 61 colored
plates. Royal 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt top, uniform
with Strutt's works of costumes. London, 1842
1576 [Martin, Rev. Felix.] De Montcalm en Canada, ou les
dernieres ann<;es de la Colonic Franraise, 1756-60. Por-
trait. 8° cloth. ' ' Paris, 1867
1577 [Martin, Felix.] Les Jesuites-Martyrs du Canada, Map
and illustrations. 8° paper. Montreal, 1877
1578 Martin, George. Marguerite, or the Isle of Demons, and
other Poems. 12° cloth. Montreal, 1887
1579 Martin, P. F. Le R. P. Isaac Jogues de la Compagnie de
Jesus, Premier Apotre des Iroquois. Portrait and illustra-
tions. 12° half roan. Paris, 1873
1580 Martin, R. M. British Possessions in North America; or
Upper and Lower Canada. i\Iaps. Small folio, cloth.
(Worn.) London.
1 58 1 Martyr, Oviedo et Xeres. Libro Primo della Historia dt»
rindie Occidentali (by Peter Martyr of Angleria), 79 leaves,
the 80th blank. Libro Secondo delle Indie Occidentali,
Venezia, 1534 (by Oviedo), 64 leaves, the 65th containing
the table, and the 66th the explanation of the maps. Libro
vltimo del somario dell Indie Occidentali, 1534 (by Xeres).
Colophon, In Venezia, Del Mese d'Ottobre, 1534. i6 un-
numbered leaves, the i6th blank, fine large copy, of the
highest rarity, 3 vols. 4° boards, uncut. Vinegia, 1534
Tins copy has the original woodcut map of Isola Spagnvola filling
the space of two leaves, the earliest map of St. Domingo, or Ilayti.
and of the very highest rarity and historical interest.
1582 Martyr. De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, Decades ties,
Item eivsdem, de Pabylonica legatione, libri III. Small S"*
calf. Colonic, 1574
15S3 Maseres, Francis. Canadian Freeholder; in Two Dia-
logues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, set-
tled in Canada, shewing the Sentiments of the Bulk of the
Freeholders of Canada concerning the late Quebeck Act ;
with some Remarks on the Boston Charter Act; and an at-
tempt to shew the great expediency of immediately repeal-
ing both these Acts of Parliament, and making some other
useful Regulations and Concessions to his Majesty's Amer-
ican subjects, as a Ground for a Reconciliation with the
LTnited Colonies of America. 3 vols. 8° half calf.
London, 1776-79
1584 Maseres. Reponse et Observations faites par Mr. Fran-
cis Joseph Cugnet, sur le Plan d'Acte de Parlem.ent pour
I'Etablissement des Loix de la dite Province, dresse par
Mr. Franrais INIaseres. iS9 PP- Folio, unbound.
London, 1773
1585 Maseres. Account of the Proceedings of the British and
other Protestant inhabitants of the Province of Quebec in
North America, in order to obtain an House of Assembly
in that Province, 8'' boards, uncut, (pp. 25-32 missing.)
(Broken.) "London, 1775
1586 Maseres. Additional Papers concerning the Province of
Quebeck ; being an Appendix to the Book entitled, " An
Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Pro-
testant Inhabitants of Quebeck in North America in order
to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province. 8° half
roan (cover loose), London, 1776
1587 Maseres. Answer to an Introduction to the Observations
made by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for tlie
District of Quebec. S° half roan, uncut, gilt top.
London, 1790
15SS MasIlRES. Occasional Essays on Various Subjects, chiefly
political and historical extracted partly from the public
newspapers during the present reign, and partly from tracts
published in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles
J„ King Charles II., and from Bishop Burnett's Histoiy of
His Own Times. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1809
Containing a good deal of Canadian matters not obtainable else-
1589 Masonic. Calcote, \V. A Candid Disquisition of the Prin-
ciples and Practices of the Ancient and Honorable Society
of Free and .'\ccepted Masons. 12"^ sheep. (Fine clean
copy.) Boston, 1772
1590 Masselin, Baron le Metayer. Collection de Dalles Tumu-
laires de la Normandie. Numerous photographic plates.
Presentation copy, with autograph letter of the author.
Small folio, paper, uncut. Paris, 1861
1591 Masselin. L'Egypt et I'lndustrie Rubanicre. Plates.
Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1870
1592 Massev, yV. Remarks upon Milton's Paradise Lost, Histor-
ical, Geographical, Philological, Critical and Explanatory.
iS*^ sheep. (Broken.) London, 1761
1593 Masterpieces* of the Centennial International Exhibition.
Illustrated with upwards of 50 steel engravings and sev-
eral hundred wood engravings of the finest paintings, mas-
terpieces of industrial art, etc. 3 vols, small folio, in parts.
1 c;9j| Masterpieces of European Art, Parts i to 20. With 60
fine steel plates and numerous wood engravings. 20 parts,
folio. Phila.
I ^95 Mathews, George D. Coinage of the World, Ancient and
Modern. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1876
1596 (Maubert, M.) Lettres Iroquoises. 3 vols, in i. 16°
calf. A Trocopolis, 1753
1597 Maurault, J. A. Ilistoire dn Ahnakis, depuis 1605 jusqu'a
nos jours. 8° paper, uncut. Quebec, 1866
1593 May, Thomas E. Constitutional History of England, since
the accession of George III, 1760-1S60. 3 vols. 16°
cloth. London, 1873
1599 Mayer, Brantz. Observations of Mexican History and
Archaeology, with a special notice of Zapotec remains, as
delineated in Mr, J. G. Sawkin's drawings of Mitta. 4°
paper. Washington, 1856
1600 Mayer, Luigi. Views in the Ottoman Empire, chielly in
Caraniania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored, witii
some curious selections from the Islands of Rhodes and
Cyprus, and the celebrated cities of Corinth, Carthage, and
Tripoli, with descriptions in English and French. Beauti-
fully colored plates, (3 missing.) Atlas folio, half calf.
London, 1803-10
iGoi Mavkr. \'ic\vs in Egypt, from tiic Original Drawings in
the possession of Sir Robert Ainslce, taken during his em-
bassy to Constantinople, with historical observations, and
incidental illustrations of the manners and customs of the
natives of that country. 48 beautifully colored plates. At-
las folio, half roan. London, 1801
iGu^ Maviiew, Henry. London Labour and the London Poor;
tlie condition and earnings of those that will work, cannot
work, and will not work ; with the scarce extra volume
itcating of prostitution. Illustrations. 4 vols. 8° cloth.
1603 Mayiikw, Jonathan. Occasional Sermons. 3 vols. S" sheep.
Boston, 1749-66
Contents: I. Sevenat Uoston Lecture, 1749 : Unlimited Submission
and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers: on Anniversary of Dealh
of CharJes I., 1750: on Death of Prince of Wales, 1731 : Election, 17^4 :
on Earthauakes, I7=;5: Thanksgiving for Reduction of Quebec, 1759 —
U. On tne Great fire in Boston, 1760: on Death of lion. Stephen
Sewall, 1760: on Reduction of Canada, 1760: ©n Death of George II :
and accession of George III, 1761 : Two Sermons on Luke XIII, 24,
r 761 : two Thanksgiving, 1763 — III. Eight, on Christian Sobriety,
1763, on Popish Idolatry, delivered at Harvard College, 17(36: The
Snare Broken : Thanksgiving for Repeal of Stamp Act, 176').
1604 Mayhew. Two discourses delivered Oct. 9, 1760, being the
day appointed to be observed as a day of Public Thanks-
giving, for the success of His Majesty's Arms, more espec-
ially in the entire reduction of Canada. 12° half morocco.
(Title page neatly mended.) Boston, 1760
1605 Mayhew. Seven sermons upon various subjects, 8° paper,
uncut. Reprinted, London, 1750
1606 Mayhew. Election Sermon, 1754; — Thanksgiving Sermon,
1762 ; — Dudley Lecture, 1765. 3 pamphlets. Boston.
i6oS Meares, John. Voyages made in 1788-89, from China to
the North-west coast of America, to which is prefixed an
introductory narrative of a voyage performed in 1786, from
TJengal, in the ship Kootka ; observations on the probable
existence of a north-west passage, l^ortrait and numerous
folding plates. 4° full russia. London, 1790
1609 ISIeares'. Voyages made in the years 178S-89, from China
to the N. W. Coast of America; with an introductory narra-
tive of a voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, with ob-
servations on the probable existence of a N. W. Passage.
Portrait and map. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1791
1 610 Medallfs surles Princij^auxEvencmcnts du Regnede Louis
Ic Grand, avec des explications historiques. Par I'Aca-
de'mie Royale des Mcdailles et des Inscriptions. Frontis-
piece by Guypel and numerous plates of medals. 4° half
morocco, Paris, 1702
1611 Mediterranean (The) Illustrated. Picturesque views and
descriptions of its cities, shores and islands. Folio, cloth.
London, 18S0
161J Meilleur, J. 1). Memorial dc rF'ducation du Bas-Canada.
Portrait. 8° half morocco. Quebec, 1876
161J MEiELEt'K. Memorial de rKducation du Bas-Canada. 12'^
paper. Montreal, i860
1614 Meu-eei;r. Cours Abrc'ge de Lemons de Chymie. S°boards.
L. Duvernay: Montreal, 1833
The liist medical wtirk printed in Canada.
1615 Mellen, John. Sermon delivered June 16, 1756, at the
second parish in Lancaster, occasioned by the General
^[ustcr and Inspection of Arms on that day. 12" stitched.
Boston, 1756
1616 Memoires des Commissaires dc sa Majeslc tres-chretienne
ct de ceuxde sa Majeste' Britannique, sur les possessions et
les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amerique, avec
les actes publics et pieces justificatives. 3 vols, square 16"
vellum. Amsterdam, 1755
Comprises : JNIenioires sur 1" Acadia ct sur I'lsle de Sainte Lucie, etc.
Written by M. de Silhouette, de la Galissoniere, and the Abbe dc la
" The most perfect work of the kind ever published, an invaluable col-
lection of Oiiicial pa])ers and documents." — Holincs' Annals.
161 7 Memoires Historiques et Secrets, concernant les Amours
des Rois de France. Avec quelques autres pieces. 16°
old calf, with coat of arms on the sides. Paris, 1739
161S Memoires et Documents relatifs a I'Histoire du Canada,
publics par la Societe historique de Montreal. Livraisons
1-9. 9 parts royal 8°. Montreal, 1859-80
1619 Ms':moires sur Canada, dcpuis 1749, jusqu'a 1760. First
edition. Maps. 8° half calf. (Quebec, iSjS
1620 Memoires de la Ro}yie Marguerite. 12' old calf, gilt edges,
with coat of arms on the sides. Paris, 1628
1621 Memoires du Comte de Comminge. 16° half calf.
La Have, 1 735
1622 Memorials of the English and French Commissaries con-
cerning the limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia ; — Memorials
of the English and French Commisaries concerning the St.
Lucia. Map. 2 vols. 4° boards, uncut. London, 1754-55
1623 Mentelle et Chanlaire. Atlas Universel, 125 niaiis.
Thick folio, sheep. (Covers broken.) Paris, 1806
1624 Mercure, Francois. Tom. i. (Title page and 2 leaves of
preface damaged). Thick 8° old calf. Paris, 161 1
Contains : Voyages faites en Nouvelle- France ou Canada du sieur
des Monts 1604. Maladies incognues suuenues aux Fran9oi,s habitants
a, risle Ste.-Croix. Voyage du sieur du Pont graue 1605. l.es Fr;i)i-
Vais changent d'habitation et vont loger au Port- Royal. Voyage du
feieur Poitrincourt 1606, son retour J607, et le voyage dessieur.s t.'hanip-
dore et Champlein 1608. — Le sieur de Poitrincourt fait baptiser le
Sagamo du Canada. Des colonies que le anglais ont mene en la Vir-
ginie cette annce, etc.
1625 Mercure. Tome quartorze (1627-28) at Tome dix-huictiesnie
(1632-33). 2 vols. Thick small 8° vellum. Paris, 1627-33
Very important publication, containing the following articles relating
to the early history of Canada.
Nouvelle compagnie pour le commerce de Canada. — Le peu du soin
qu'ont eu ceux qut y auoient ce deyant le commerce. — Articles ac-
cordes a la nouuelle Copagnie de Canada. — Les associez pourrant
crigcr seigneuries en Canada. — L'Intendantdesalfairesde la Nouuelle
France. Kcglemens entre les Roys de France et d'Angleterre pour la
restitution des choses prises et usurpces par leurs sujets les vns sur les
Hutres ct pour le restablissement du commerce entre leurs dits sujet.^.
Restitution de tons les lieux occupe-? en la Nouvelle France, la
Cadie en Canada; — Fort de Quebec, et cap Breton ; les armes et
munitions contenues en la disposition du sieur de Champlain ; seront
restitutees au general de Caen des barriques de gallettes, fort du
Quebek, etc., etc.
1626 Merritt, J. P. Biography of the Hon. W. H, Merritt, M.
P., of Lincoln, District of Niagara, including an Account
of the origin, progress, and completion of some of the most
important works in Canada. Portrait. 8'^ boards.
St. Catherines, 1S75
1627 Mes Livres. 1864-18S1. S' paper, uncut. Only 200
copies printed. Paris, 1881
A valuable catalogue of precious books.
1628 Mesplet. Le Juge a Paix et Officier de Paroisse par la
Province de Quebec, Extrait de Richard Burn traduit par
J. F. Perrault. 261 pp. and table 15 pp. A very line
clean copy. S° half sheep. Fleury Mesplet : "Montreal, 1798
i6j9 XlttStllinot, 3cl]an. Les Lunettes des Princes avec aul-
cunes balades et additions nouvellement composdes par no-
ble home Jehan Meschinot, escuycr. Slack better. Small
S° full violet levant morocco extra, fillets on sides, gilt
l)i^ck and edges, inside borders, by Trautz-Banzonxet.
par Philippe Pigouchet, pour Simon Vostrc : Paris, 1499
Elegant copy of a very rare edition of tlic celebrated " IvUnnetlcs,"
l>cauliiully printed by Pigouchet, witli a fine impression of his colo-
phon, and a full pa^e woodcut of the calvary. The Ycmenez copy
with his bookmark.
1630 Mevrick, Sir S. R. Critical Inquiry into Anticnt Armour.
as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from
the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles 11.
Illustrated by a series of illuminated engravings, with a
glossary of military terms of the middle ages. Second edi-
tion, corrected and enlarged. 3 vols, folio, half crimson
morocco, gilt edges. London, 1842
An excellent copy of the best edition, 71 of the 100 plates splendidly
illuminated, mostly in gold and silver, e.xhibitmg some of the finest
specimens e.xisting in England. Uniform with the following:
1631 Mevrick. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Ak-
mour from the Collection at Goodrich Court, Hereford-
shire ; after the Drawings, and with the Descriptions of
Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. By Joseph Skelton. Portrait
of Meyrick, engraved titles, and 154 plates of arms and
armour in detail. 2 vols, imperial 4° half crimson mo-
rocco, extra, gilt edges. London, 1854
1632 MiCHAUD, J. V- History of the Crusades. 3 vols. 12° half
morocco. New York, 18S2
1633 MiCHELOT, J. A. La Canadienne Roman Americaine. 2 vols.
8° half roan. Paris, 1847
1634 MiGNAULT, P. B. Manuel de Droit Parlementaire, ou Cours
elementaire de Droit Constitutionnel. 12° cloth.
Montreal, 1S89
1635 Miles, H. H. History of Canada under F'rench Regime,
1535-1763. Maps and plans. Small 12° half morocco.
Montreal, 1872
1636 Military Dictionary; or the Field of War, containing a
particular and circumstantial account of the most remark-
able Battles, Sieges, Bombardments, and Expeditions, such
as relate to Great Britain. By a military gentleman. Illus-
trated with portraits of admirals and generals, maps, plans
of battles, including views of Quebec, Niagara Fort, siege
of Quebec, etc. Folio, half calf. London, 1760
1637 Mills, David. Report on the Boundaries of the Province
of Ontario. Map. 8" cloth. Toronto, 1873
1638 Miller, John. Description of the Province and City of
New York, with plans of the city and several forts as they
existed in the year 1695. Introduction by J. G. Shea. 8^
sheets, folded. New York, 1862
1639 Milton. Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano
Defensio, contra claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii Defensi-
oneni Regiam. First quarto edition. Small 4° old calf.
Londini, 165 r
1640 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. First edition (with the seventh
title-page). Small 4° morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges.
S. Simmons, London, 1669
if)\i Milton. Paradise Lost, the second edition. Revised and
Augmented by the same author. With the portrait by DoUe,
and commendatory verses by Barrow and Marvell, fnif
copy, with the blank leaf at end. Small 8' full morocco
extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London, 1674
The first edition in which the poem was divided into twelve books.
1642 Milton. Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve books, the fourth
edition, adorned with sculptures. Portrait by White and
numerous fine plates by Burg. Large paper. Folio, oKi
paneled calf, gilt back. London, 168S
The first edition in folio. From the .Sunderland Library.
1613 Milton. Paradise Lost, a poem in twelve books. Portrait
and plates. 18° old paneled calf. London, 17 11
1644 Milton. Poems of, with the Author's Life. 16° half sheep,
London, iSoo
1645 Milton. L'Allegro and II Penseroso. Illustrated with 30
line etchings on steel, by Birket Foster. Imperial 8'^ full
crimson morocco, extra, gilt edges. London, 1859
1646 Miniatures du Moyen Age. A series of nearly fifty superb
reproductions in chromo lithography of notable miniatures
from ancient MSS. Small 4° full morocco extra, gilt edges,
16.47 MiNOT, G. R. Continuation of the History of the Proxince
of Massachusetts Bay from 1748, with an introductory
sketch of events from its original settlement, 2 vols. 8^
cloth. Boston, 179S
164S Miscellanea Aurea ; or the Golden Medley : consisting of J,
A Voyage to the Mountains of the Moon under the Equator,
or Parnassus reformed, II, The Fortunate Shipwreck, or a
Description of New Athens, being an Account of the Laws,
Manners, Religion, and Customs of the Country; by .Morris
Williams, Gent., who resided there above twenty years. 8^
sheep. London, 1720
1649 Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a Colleclion of some of
the principal phenomena in Nature, accounted for by the
greatest Philosphers of this Age. Maps and plates. 3
vols. 8" old calf. London, 1726-27
Vol. HI. contains extracts from voyages and travels in various parts of
the world. Also, John Clayton's Letters, giving an account of obser-
vations in Virginia, and of his voyage thither, etc.
1650 Miscellaneous. Fearon's America; — Fidler's Notes of
a Traveller ; — Gotham and the Gothamites by Judah. New
York, 1823, (for which he and his publisher were imprisoned.
Contains many additional notes, names of people, etc.) ; —
Steele's Niagara Falls. Buffalo, 1841 ; — Letters from New-
York 1828 ; — Life of David Haggard; — Tom Shuffleton's
Amatory Poem^. Dublin, 1815; — Picture of Balti-
more, 1832, with plates; — Mapleton (with letter inscription
from Richard Cobden dated Manchester November 5,
1853); — Don Juan. Cantos 6 to 14. London, 1823 (22)
1651 iUissalc Uomamim Vetus, OrdoMissalis Secundum Consue-
tudinem Romance Curiae. Printed in red and black inks in
(?>Otl)ic type, the intonings of the Psalms are in 4-line mu-
sical notes, written by hand upon red lines ; various deco-
rated initials in azure and red, with numerous others of quaint
design, painted by hand; marginal MS. notes, and an
additamentum entitled " Benedictio Amoris Johannis," in
the Middle Latin of the period. Thick small 4° bound in
the original hogskin with brass mounted corners, tooled ;
the interior and exterior of the work are in faultless preser-
vation, the margin being broad, and free from damage,
while the binding is original and in sound fme order, very
rare. Nicholai de Frankfordia : Venetis, 1487
1652 Mitchell, J. The Asylum ; or Alonzo and Melissa. An
American Tale founded on Fart. Frontispiece. 2 vols.
12° boards uncut. Poughkeepsie, 181 1
Original edition.
1653 MoLiERE, J. B. P. Complete Dramatic Works of, rendered
into English by Henri Van Laun, translator of Taine's His-
tory of English Literature, with a Prefatory Memoir, Intro-
ductory Notices, Appendices and Notes, including the pas-
sages borrowed from Molicre by f^nglish Dramatists, with
a portrait and 33 beautiful etchings executed specially for
this edition by Lalauze. 6 vols, imperial 8° boards, uncut.
Large paper. India proofs. Edinburgh, 1875
1654 Moll, Herman. The World described, or a New and Cor-
rect Sett of Maps. 30 scarce maps, including 7 maps of
America, 1719-20. together with 7 inserted maps by Jefferys
and others. Large atlas folio, old calf. (Covers broken.)
1655 lUouavbcss, NicljOlas. Joyfull Newes out of the newe-
founde Worlde. Engleshedby Jhon Frampton. Imperfect
title pages and several leaves missing. Small 4"^ half
sheep. (London, 1580)
1656 Molina, Alonso de. Vocabulario en Lengu.i Castellana y
Mexicana, compuesto por el Reverendo Padre Fray Antonio
de Molina de la Orden del bienaventurado nuestro Padre
sunt Francisco, 'i'he first title and 3 leaves mended, other-
wise a good copy of this important and excessively rare
l>ook. 2 vols, in i, small folio, red Spanish calf.
Fn casa de Antonio de .Splnosa: Mexico, 1571.
1657 MoNDEi.Kr. Les Deux Ciironettesou I'lTypocrisie Demasquc^.
8* paper. Montreal, 183^
1G5S ^^ONDOT, Armand. lllstoire des Indiens des Ftats Unis.
Frontispiece. S^ pnpfr, uncut. Montpelier, 1858
i6r,9 MoNis, Judah. Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue, being an
Essay to bring the Hebrew grammar into English, to facili-
tate the Instruction of all those desirous of acquiring a
clear Idea of this Primitive Tongue. 4° stitched. (Stained.)
Boston, 1735
1660 MoNSTREi.ET. Clirouicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet ;
containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the
Houses of Orleans and Burgundy. Translated by Thomas
Johnes. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth. London, i860
1661 MoNTAioxK, Michel de. Les Essais. Nouvelle edition
enrichie et augmentee aux marges du nom des Autheurs
qui y sont citez, avec les versions des passages Grecs,
Latins, and Italiens. Portraits on titles, 3 vols. 18"^ mot-
tled calf. Paris, 1659
1662 MoNTAiGXE. Essais, publics d'apres I'ediiion de 1588,
avec les variantes de 1595, et une notice, des notes, un
glossaire et un index, par H. Afatteau and D. Jouaust. 7
vols. 12° paper, uncut. Jouaust: Paris, j886
China Paper Copv. Only 30 copies printed, only 560
issued in all.
1663 Montague. Letters of the Right Honorable Lady M y
\V y M e ; written during her Travels in Europe,
Asia and Africa. 8° unbound. New York, 1766
1664 AfoNTCALM et Le Canada Franrais, par Charles Bonnechose.
Portrait and illustrations. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 188 1
1665 Montcalm. De Montcalm en Canada; ou les dernieres
ann^es de la Colonic Fran<;^aise, 1 736-1 760. Portrait. 8""
cloth. Paris, 1867
1666 Montesquieu. De I'Esprit des Loix. 2 vols. 8° vellum.
Geneve, N. D.
The Poet Gray's copty. with his autograph on the title page, and
tn<inuscript notes.
1667 MoNTEZ, Lola. Anecdotes of Love : being a true Recount
of the most remarkable events connected with the history
of Love, in all Ages, and among all nations. 12° cloth,
uncut. New York.
1 668 MoNTPETiT, A. N. Nos Hommes Forts : Souvenir du 50th
Anniversaire de la St.-Jean-13apliste a Montreal. Portraits.
2 vols. 16° paper. Quebec.
1669 Montreal. Directory for 1819. 12° morocco.
Montreal, 1819
The excessively scarce P^irst Directory of Montreal, with about
iSo autographs of prominent persons mentioned therein for insertion.
Hut five copies of this Directory known to exist.
1670 Montreal. Reglement de la Confrerie de I'Adoration
I'erpetuelle du S. Sacrement et de la Bonne Mort. Erigee
(Inns I'Eglise Paroissiale de Ville-Marie, en I'lsle de Mon-
treal, en Canada. 40 pp. 24° sheep. n. p. n, d.
The original edition of which the following is the second edition,
and the first work printed in Montreal. This copy is believed to he
1671 Montreal. The same title as preceding with " Nouvelle
edition revue, corrigce and augmentee," added. 40 pp. 24'^'
original cover,
A Montreal : Chez F. Mesplet & C. Eerger, 1776
A fine superior copy of the first book printed in Montreal, and of
extreme rarity.
1672 Montreal. Motives for a subscription towards the relief
of the sufiferers at Montreal in Canada, by a dreadful fire
on the i8th of May, 1765. 8° half calf, gilt edges.
n. p. (1765)
1673 Montreal. Officium in honorem Domini Nostri J. C
summis sacerdotis et omnium sanctorum sacerdotum ac
J.evitarum. 12° stitched. Mesplet: Monti- Regali, 1777
One of the earliest typographical productions of Montreal.
1671 Montreal. P.seautier de David Avec les Cantiques a
I'usage des l^coles. 304 pp. 24°.
A Montreal: Chez Fleury Mesplet, 17S2
Contains tlie first wood cuts made in Montreal (p. 299), and is the
first school book issued in Canada. Of extreme rarity if not unique.
1675 Montreal. Le Vieux Montreal, 161 r-i 803. Dessins de P.
L. Morin, public par II. lieaugrand. 13 plates. Oblong
alias folio, cloth. Montreal, 1884
Only few copies printed.
1676 Montreal. Memoire pour le Seminaire de Montreal. S''
half roan, uncut, gilt top, Montreal, 1812
1677 Montreal. Cours Abr^ge de Rhetorique, a I'usage du
College du Montreal. 12" calf. Montreal, 1835
i6;3 Montreal. Annuaiie dc Ville-Marie. Origine, Utililc ct
progrbs des Institutions Catholiques de JSIontreal. Com-
plete set, with all the supplements. Very rare, and histori-
cally valuable. Sold as one lot. Montreal, 1S63-67
1G79 Montreal. Picturesque INIontrcal ; — Historical and de-
scriptive notice on the church of Notre-Dame ; — By-Laws
I'f the General Hospital, iS::S; — Origin of the Victoria
Ikidge, etc. 8 pamphlets.
1650 Montreal. Valentine ou la Nina Canadicunc, Montreal,
1836; — Les Deux Girouettes, Montreal, 1834; — L'lle Stc.
Hclenc (Achintre and Crevier), 1876 ; — Manuel de Temper-
ance (Chiniquy), Montreal, 18.^7; — AVylie's Recollections
of a Convict, Montreal, 1847; — Whist, Montreal, 1842;
— Wadsworth's Temperance Manual, Montreal, 1847; —
McGill College Medals (Sir G. L Gibbs' autograph) ; —
Rules of Tolice, I^Iontreal, 1817-1821. 15 vols.
1651 Montreal. Les premiers Cinietieres Catholiques de Mon-
treal ; — Histoire du Montreal, i64o-t672 ; — Journaux et
Revues de Montreal ; — Notice N. D. dc Lourdcs, etc.
6 pamphlets,
1GS2 Montreal. Memoirc ctablissant Tlnjusticc ct rilcgaliic
du maintien de TUniversite' l^aval ; — Questions sur la
succursale de I'Universitc Laval, etc. 6 pampiilcts.
1653 Montreal. Lettre a l' Hon. E. Lowen, 1825 ; — AddilioiLii
Rules, Police, 1826; — Montreal General Hospital, By-
Laws, 1822-1823; — Analyse d'un Entrelicn en la con-
servation des Establissements du Bas Canada, par un
Canadien (D. B. Viger), 1826. (Valuable early discussion
on the Rights of the French Canadians to their language,
law and customs.) Riots at Bristol, 1832; — By-Laws
Trinity House of IMontreal, 1832; — Les premiers Rudi-
ments de la Constitution Britannique par Jacques Labric,
1827 ; — Narrative of the St. Andrew's Society (by Sir Hugh
Allan), 1855 ; — Le Manuscript Venn de Ste. Helcne d'une
manniere inconnue, 1818; — The Christian Religion, by
Rev, John Strachan, 1807; — Considerations sur les effets
qu'ont produit en Canada la conservation des c'lablissc-
ments du Pays, les T^Ioeurs, I'Education, etc., de ses Habit-
ants par un Canadien (D. B. Viger), 1809. (With auto-
graph signature on title of Archbishop Signay.) 12 pam-
1654 Montreal. Directories for the years 18^3 (fragment), 1847,
1S4S, 1849, 1855. 5 vols.
1655 Montreal. Daily Star, Carnival number, 1888; — Globe
extra, Board of Trade Edition, 1889. Numerous illustra-
tions. 2 numbers.
1686 Moore, Thomas. Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance.
Elegantly illustrated with photogravures in various tints.
Fine designs by eminent artists, and printed on Imperial
Japanese paper. Small folio j>apcr, uncut, in a satin port-
folio. Boston, 1887
Only 500 copies printed.
1687 Mookp:. Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress. By one of the
Fancy. 16'^ boards, uncut. New York, 18 19
16SS Moore. Poetical Works of. Willi memoir by David Her-
bert. Portrait and illustrations. 8^ half calf, gilt.
Edinburgh, 1S73
16S9 Moorson, \y. Letters from Nova Scotia: sketches of a
young country. Map. Small S" boards, uncut.
London, 1S30
1690 MoRALiTE nouvcUc trcs fruclueuse, de I'enfant de perdi-
tion, qui pendit son pcre, ct tua sa mere ; ct conmient-il sc
dc'sespdra ; k sept personnages. Le contenu se voit a la
page suyvant. A Lyon, par Pierre Rigaud, en rue Mer-
cicre, 1608. Small 8*^ full citron levant morocco, gilt back,
lilets on the sides, gilt edges, gilt inside borders, by Bau-
zonnef-Trautz. Only 43 copies reprinted. Paris, 1833
1691 MoRAN, Charles. Money. 12° cloth, uncut.
New York, 1S63
1693 Moravians in Labrador. iS° cloth, uncut.
Edinl)urgh, 1S33
1G93 M(^R(;ax, ill Bibliothcca Canadiensis ; or, a Manual of
Canadian Literature. Royal 8° cloth. Ottawa, 1867
1O91 MoKGAX. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, and Per-
sons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in
tlie history of the Province, down to the present time. 8^
half morocco. Quebec, 1862
1695 Morgan. Dominion Annual Register and Review, from
1879-83, 'S4-S6. 6 vols. S° cloth. Ottawa, iSSo-86
1696 Mcjrgand et Fatout. Bulletin de la Librairie Morgand et
Fatout. Vols. 1 and 2 [Nos. 1-7880]. Illustrated with
numerous fac-similes of bindings, title pages, types, etc,
some colored, also portrait of 'J'rautz-Bauzonnet. 2
vols, thick 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1876-81
1697 Morgand. Repertoire de la Libraiiie Morgand et I'^atout,
1S78, 18S2. Portrait of Baron Rothschild. 2 vols. 8"
paper, uncut. Paris, 1878-82
169S Morgand. Librarie Damascene Morgand. Bulletin men-
suel. Nos. 14, 16, 17, 18. Facsimiles of binding. 4 vols.
8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1883-85
1699 MoRLEV, Henry. Mediaeval Tales. 8'' cloth. London, 1886
1700 MoRNAY, Phillippe de. De la Ve'rite de !;i Religion chres-
tienne par Phillippes de Mornay sieur du Plessis Marlv.
Seconde edition, revue par I'aiUeur, Small 8° calf, n;ilt.
Jean Richer,
rue St. Jean de Latran, a I'Arbe Verdoyant, Paris, 15S3
(Jood copy of this scaixc book by De Morney, called llie Iluguuii'jt
1701 Morris, Alexander. Nova Briltania; or, Our new Cana-
dian Dominion P'oreshadowed. 8° cloth, uncut.
Toronto, 1SS4
1702 Morris, Rev. F. O. History of British Butterflies. Third
edition. 72 colored plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1S70
1703 Morse, Jedidiah. American Gazetteer. Maps. 8° calf.
London, 1798
1704 Mountain, George J. Songs of the Wilderness ; being a
collection of Poems, written in different parts of the Terri-
tory of Hudson's Bay Company, and in the Wilds of Can-
ada, in 1844, with illustrative notes. Plates. 12 ° cloth,
uncut. London, 184G
1705 Mousseau, J. O. Un Page D'Histoire. 16° paper (2 cop-
ies). Montreal, 1S87
1706 MoussAC, M. E. de. Histoire de France raconte'e a mes
Enfants. Avec preface de M. Le Marquis A. De Segur.
Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Paris.
1707 MovEN, J. Cours Elementaire de Botanique et Flore du
Canada. 12° boards. Montreal, 187 1
1708 MoYSE. Incipiunt Aphorism! excellentissinii Raby Moyses
secundum doctrinam galieni medicorum principes. Printed
in round characters. Small 4° calf. Impressi Impensa
Benedictf Hectoris librarii, cura uero Platonis de Bene-
dictes A stampatoris acuratissimi. Bononie (circa 1478).
1709 Muller, G. p. Voyages et decouvertes, failes par les Russes
le long des cotes de la Mer (ilaciale et sur I'Ocean oriental
tant vers le Japon que vers I'Ame'riquc avec I'histoire du
lieuve Amur et des pays adjacens. 2 vols. 12° half calf.
Amsterdam, 17G6
1710 MuRDocK, Beamish. History of Nova Scotia or Acadie. 3
vols. 8° cloth. Halifax, N. S., 1S65
17 1 1 Murphy, PL C. Jacob Steendam. A memoir of the first
poet in New Netherland, with his poems descriptive of the
Colony. Portrait. 8° paper, 'J'he Hague, 1861
1712 Murray, E. C. G. Side-Ligiits on English Society, or
Sketches from Life, social and satirical. 300 illustrations.
2 vols. 8^ cloth, uncut. London, iSSi
1 7 13 Murray, Hugh. Historical and Descriptive Account of
British America ; comprising Canada, Upper and Lower,
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Ed-
ward Island, Bermuda, and the Fur Country. With illus-
trations of the Natural History by Wilson, Greville, and
Traill. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut.
Edinburgh, 1839
1714 MuRRA\, Rev. John. (Minister in Newburyport.) Funeral
Sermon on Rev. J. Prince, 1791, with portrait ; — Funeral
Sermon on Mrs. Lane, 1781 ; — Thanksgiving Sermon, 1783 ;
— Sermon in Boston, 1768. 4 pamphlets.
Newburyport and Boston.
1715 MusARUM l)elici;ij ; or the Muses' Recreation, 1656; — Wit
Restored in several Poems, 1658; — Wits' Recreations,
1640. New edition, with additional Notes, and a portrait of
Sir John Mennis. 2 vols. 12° boards, uncut. London.
1716 MvRAXD, Ernest. Une Fete Not'I sous Jacques Cartier. 8°
paper, uncut. Quebec, 1888
1717 "X TADAiLLAC, j\L\R(juis de. L'Amerique Prehistorique.
j^^ Illustrations. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1883
1718 Nakatenus, W. Coeleste Palmetum, variis officiis, litaniis,
precibus, nee non Orationibus Sanctorum per annum. iS"
red morocco. Antverpia^, n. d.
1719 Napoleon Gallery ; or Illustrations of the Life and Times of
the Emperor of France. L^pwards of 125 outline plates by
Reveil, original impressions. 12° wrinkled calf, gilt edges.
London, 1837
1720 Napoleon. IVLirtial Achievements of Great Britain and
her Allies from 1799 to 18 15. Vignette titles and 52 fine
fine plates engraved in Aquatint by Sutherland, Clark, Du-
bourg and others from designs by W. Heath. Large 4^
old half morocco, totally uncut. J. Jenkins : London, 18 14
17J1 Napoleon. Triumphs of Europe, in the Campaigns of the
years 1812, '13, '14, commemorated in a series of twelve
views of Moscow, the Kremlin, Leipsic, Dresden, Berlin.
Frankfort on the Maine, fete, with a concise history of
those important events. Imperial folio, half morocco.
London, 181 4
1722 Napoleon. History of. Edited by R. H. Home. Illus-
trated with many hundred engravings on wood from de-
signs by Raffet and Horace Vernet. Royal 8° cloth.
London, 1840
1723 Napoleon. Table Talk and Opinions of ; — The Words of
Wellington. 2 vols. 18° cloth. London, 1869-79
1724 Narrative of the Early Days and Remembrances of Oceola
Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti, a young Seminole In-
dian ; son of Econchatti — Mico, King of the Red Hills, in
Florida ; with a brief history of his nation, and his re-
nowned uncle Oceola, and his parents. Plates. 8° cloth.
London, 1841
1725 Neander, Michael. Orbis Terrcee Partium succinta expli-
catu, seu Simplex Enumeratio distributa in singularum par-
tium regiones. 12° calf. Abraham Lambergi, Lipsiae, 1589
" In the prologomena of this book is a long and most interesting
list of authors consulted in the compilation, among whom are fifty
works pertaining to Geography and America, some of which are
hardly known." — SUveus.
1726 Nelson, Horatio, Life of Lord Viscount Nelson, By T. O.
Churchill. Illustrated by engravings of the most striking
and memorable incidents, to which is added a description
of the monument erected to his memory in Guild Hall, with
the inscription by the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan. Impe-
rial 8° half roan. London, 181 r
1727 Nelsont. Narrative of the Proceedings of His Majesty's
Squadron under the command of Rear- Admiral Sir II. Nel-
son, K. B., from its sailing from Gibraltar to the conclusion
of the glorious Victory of the Nile. Quebec, 1799 ; — Life
of Lord Nelson, by Robert Southey. First Canada edition.
Niagara, 183 1. Bound together. %" half morocco extm,
gilt top.
1728 Nelson's Oil Colour Views. Montreal, Quebec, Scenery of
the St. Lawrence. 30 plates, with letter-press. 3 vols. 12"
paper. London.
1729 Nettle, Richard. Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence
and its tributaries. 12° cloth. Montreal, 1857
1730 New Comic Annual. Illustrated with one hundred highly
humorous woodcuts. 12° half roan. London.
1 73 1 News from New England, London, 1G76. Small 4° cloth.
Boston, 1850
1732 Newspapers. London Chronicle. Vols. 8, 10, ir, 13, 14.
(7 nos. missing.) 5 vols, in numbers. London, 1760-63
Contains original account of the French and Indian war.
1733 Newspapers. Montreal Morning Chronicle. Vol. 2 (Nos.
9r-io8, 1837); ^"ol- 3 (Nos. 5-S2, 1837-8); Vol. 4 (Nos.
1-53, 1838); Vol. 6 (Nos. 128-236, 1841); Vol. 13 (Nos.
1-135. 1848) ; Vol. 13 (Nos. 136, 235, 1848) ; Vol. 15 (Nos.
1-172, 1849); Vol. 15 New Series (Nos. 1-64, 1850). 6
vols, folio, half sheep. Montreal, 1837-50
1734 Newspapers. Montreal Herald, Vol. 2, 1813; Vol.6, 1817.
(3 Nos. wanting.) 2 vols, folio, half sheep. Montreal, 1813-17
1735 Newspapers. Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser
Newspaper. June 28, 1773, containing General Gage's Proc-
lamation as Gov. of Boston, dated June 12, 1775, and Post-
script to Dunlap's Pa. Packet," Sept. 1776, containing the
Constitution of Pennsylvania. (2)
1736 Newspapers. Pennsylvania, 1878. The Gazeteer of July 4,
24, and Oct. 25 — The Journal of Oct. 3 ; — The Mercury
of Oct. 12 ; — The Freeman's Journal of Oct. 31, and Uni-
versal Advertiser cf 18 April, 1800. (7)
1737 Newspapers. Thompson's Mirror of Parliament; being a
Mirror of Debate in both Houses of the Canadian Legisla-
ture, 3d Session, 6th Parliament, 1859-60. Royal 8° half
roan. Montreal.
i7^j8 Newspapers. Pennsylvania Gazette, April 27, May 4, 11,
June 1,8, 1774. (5) Phila.
1739 Newspapers. Boston Gazette and Weekly Journal, Sept.
24, 175 1 ; — Boston Gazette and Country Journal, Dec. 5,
1868. (Imperfect.) 2 pieces. Boston.
1740 Newspapers. Rivington's New York Gazetteer or the
Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey, and Quebec
Advertiser, Dec. 23, 1773; — May 26, June 16, July 21,
1744, New York.
1741 Newspapers. Russell's Gazette; — Spooner's Vermont
Journal ; — Farmer's Weekly Museum and New Hamp-
shire and Vermont Journal; — Providence Gazette, etc.
18 odd numbers ; 1776-1809.
1742 Nfc-Wsr'APERS. Ijoston Evening Post, Dec. 30, 1754 ; March
22, 1756 (both imperfect), Feb. 10, 1855. (3) Boston.
1743 Newspapers. New England Weekly Journal, Feb. 12 (im-
perfect) and Dec. 3, 1733. (2) Boston.
1744 Newspapers. Boston Evening Post for May 7, 1764.
1745 Newspapers. Mirror of Parliament of the Province of Can-
ada. From March 20, to June 9, 1846. 4° half roan.
Montreal, 1846
1746 New Testament. Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur
Jesus Christ, traduit en fran^ois avec le Commentaire Lit-
teral du Pere de Carrieres dans le texte et des notes ex-
plicatives, morales et dogmatiques, pour en faciliter I'in-
telligence. Public avec I'approbation de Monseigneur
I'Archeveque de Quebec. 8° calf.
J. B. Frechette: a Quebec, 1846
A fine copy of the rare first New Testament printed in Canada.
1747 Newton, Isaac. Tables for renewing and purchasing the
Leases of Cathedral Clmrches and Colleges, according to
the several rates of interest. 18" sheep. London, 1742
748 New York. Documentary History of the State of New
York. By E. B. O'Callaghan. Maps. 4 vols. 8° cloth.
Albany, 1849
749 New Y^ork. Calendar of New York Colonial manuscripts,
indorsed land papers ; in the oftice of the Secretary of
State of New ^'ork. Thick 8° sheep. Albany, 1864
750 New York. Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses
were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York,
previous to 1774. By Gideon J. Tucker. 8° cloth.
Albanj', i86o
751 New York City. History of. By David T. Valentine. Maps
and plates. 8'^ cloth. New Y'ork, 1853
752 New York City during the American Revolution, being a
collection of original papers, now first published from the
manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library As-
sociation of New York City. Large Paper. Map. Im-
perial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, i86t
753 New York. Constitution and Nominations of the Subscri-
bers to the Tontine Coffee-House. 4° boards.
New York, 1796
754 New Y'ork. Olden Time in New York. Frontispiece. Royal
8° cloth. New York, 1872
755 New Y'^ork in Slices, by an experienced carver, being the
original slices published in the New Y^ork Tribune. Illus-
trations. 8° stitched. New York, 1849
756 New Y'^ork. Account of the Terrific and Fatal Riot at the
New Y^ork Astor Place Opera House, on the Night of May
10, 1849. Frontispiece. 8° paper. New York, 1849
757 Noah, M. M. Discourse on the Evidences of the American
Indians being the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel.
8° half roan. New York, 1837
758 Noah. She would be a Soldier, or the Plains of Chip-
wa ; an historical drama. First edition. 16° bound
up with other plays, half sheep. New Y'ork, 1819
759 NoDiER, Ch. Bibliograghie des Fous : de quelques livres
e.xcentriques. 8° paper. Paris, 1835
760 NoDiER. Des Artifices que certains auteurs ont employes
pour deguiser leurs noms. 8'^ paper. Paris, 1835
761 NoDiER. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du feu M. Charles
Nodier. 8° boards. Paris, 1S44
762 North American and the West Indian Gazetteer, containing
an authentic description of the colonies and Islands in that
part of the globe. Maps. 12° sheep. London, 1776
763 NoRTHCOTE, James. One Hundred Fables, original and se-
lected. Portrait and 280 illustrations on wood. 8° cloth,
uncut. London, 1829
1764 North West, La Premiere Canadienne du Nord-Ouest. —
Dix ans sur la cote du Pacifique. — Notre Nord-Ouest
provincial ; — La Vallee de I'Ontaouois. — Le Lac St, Jean,
etc, 7 pamphlets.
1765 Norton and Habberton, Canoeing in Kanuckia, or haps
and mishaps afloat and ashore of the statesman, the editor,
the artist, the scribbler. Illustrations. 12° boards.
New York, 1878
1766 NouvELLES de I'Amerique, ou le Mercure Ameriquain. Oii
sont contenues trois Histoires veritables arrivees de notre
Temps. 18° old calf. Cologne, 1778
Very rare. Not mentioned by Terneaux,
1767 Nova Britannia, Offering most excellent fruits by Planting
in Virginia, Exciting all such as be well affected to furth
er the same, London, 1609. Sabin's Reprint. Large Pa-
I'KU. 4° boards, uncut. Only 50 copies printed.
New York, 1867
176S Nova Scotia. Ilistoire Geographique de la Nouvelle ficosse,
contenant le detail de sa situation, de son etendu et de ses
limites ; ainse I'Angleterre et la France. 12° half morocco,
gilt. Londres, 1755
1769 Nova Scotia. La Conduite des Francjois, justifiee, ou ob-
servations sur un ecrit Anglois, intitule : Conduite des Fran-
cois a regard de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, depuis son premier
Ktablissement jusqua nos jours. Par le Sieur D. L. G. 1).
C. Avocat en Parlement, 18" boards, Paris, 1756
1770 Nova Scotia Magazine and Comprehensive Review of Liter-
ature, Politics, and News, Vol. i, July to December, 1789,
8° half sheep, Halifax, 1789
177 1 Nova Scotia, Sermon, by Charles Bishop of Nova Scotia.
Preached before the Legislature-Parish Church of St. Paul
at Halifax, 7 April, 1793. 8° half roan. London.
1772 Nova Scotia. Selections from the Public Documents of the
Province of Nova Scotia. Edited by Thomas B. Atkins.
8° cloth, Halifax, 1869
1773 Nova Scotia Historical Society, Report and Collections of.
Vols, I, 3 and 5, 1878-87. 3 vols. 8° boards.
Halifax, 1879-87
1774 Nugent, E. C. Country-House Charades for Acting.
Illustrations. 12° cloth. London.
1775 Numismatic. Canadian Political Coin; — Numismatic
Atlas of Canada ; — Historic Medals of Canada ; — Cur-
rency of Canada after the Capitulation ; — Montreal Trade
Tokens, etc. 9 pamphlets.
1776 JCnrcmbcrg Cijroniclc. Schedel (Hartmann) Chronicarum
Liber, cu. figuris et ymaginibus (with the German text).
With fine impressions of all the large wood-cuts of towns,
historical events, portraits, etc. Royal folio, in the original
oak boards, covered with stamped pigskin, with clasps.
Fine copy, with the scarce map at the end.
01. Kobcrgcr: Nurembergas, 1493
The great picture book of the middle ages. It contains 2,250 wood-
cuts of the principal events, characters and cities, descrilaed in the
work, executed in a masterly and spirited style by Michael Wolgemuth
and William Pleydenwurff.
1777 i^^'CALLAGHAN, E. B. List of Editions of the Holy
V^ Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America pre-
vious to i860, with introduction and bibliographical notes.
Imperial 8° full morocco extra, uncut edges, gilt top. Fine
copy. Only 150 copies printed. Albany, 186 1
1778 O'Callaghan. Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other
Occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western
States of the Union, 1632-1672. 8° paper. New York, 1847
1779 OccoM, Samson. Sermon preached at the Execution of
Moses Paul, an Indian, who was executed at New Haven,
on Sept. 2, 1772, for the murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late
of Waterbury, on Dec. 7, 1771. 12° paper. Boston, 1773
1750 [Ogden, Rev. John Cosens.] Tour through Upper and
Lower Canada, by a Citizen of the United States. 16°
sheep. Litchfield, Conn., 1790
The author was son-in-law of Gen. David Wooster, and resided in
New Haven, 1771-17^5; afterwards (Episcopal) minister in Torts-
mouth, X. II.
1751 Oldcastle, John. Journals and Journalism, with a guide to
literary beginners. Square 16" vellum. London.
1782 Oldmixon, John. The British Empire in America, contain-
ing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and
State of the Ikitish Colonies on the Continent and Islands
of America. First edition. Maps. 2 vols. 8° calf.
London, 1708
17S3 Oldmixon. The Same. 2 vols. S° calf. London, 1741
1784 Old Sermons by Thomas Paine (Boston, 1732) ; E. Adams
(N. London, 1730 and 1726); J. Nash ; B. Osborne ; J. Morse;
D. Osgood, etc. 13 pamphlets.
1785 [Oldvs, W.] The British Librarian ; a compendious Review
of our most scarce, useful and valuable books. With all the
six original title-pages. 8° old calf. London, 1737
17S6 Olier. La Vie de M.Jean Jacques Olier, pre'tre cure du
F"auxbourg de S. Germain a Paris. Instituteur, Fondateur
et Premier Superieur du Seminaire de Saint Sulpice. Por-
trait inserted. i6° sheep. Paris, 1687
1787 Olmsted, F, 1>. Mount Royal: Montreal. Map. 8''
boards, uncut. New York, 1881
1788 Oliphant, Laurence. Minnesota and the Far West. Map
and illustrations. 8" half morocco, uncut. Edinburgh, 1855
1789 Oliphant. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to
China and Japan, in the years 1857, 1858 and 1859. Maps
and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Edinburgh, 1859
1790 Olivier, D. Views in the French Pyrenees. 16 finely
colored plates in a portfolio. Atlas folio, half morocco.
(Stained.) London.
1791 O'Neill, Charles Z. Tables of Products for simple and
compound Equation of Accounts. 12° cloth. Boston.
1792 Opsopoeus, Johannes. Sibyllina Oracula et vet. codd. aucta,
renouata et notis illustrata. 8° old calf. Parisiis, 1607
•793 Oratio Dominica, C.L Linguis versa, et proprius cujusque
linguae characteribus plerumque expressa. Edente J. J.
Marcel. Holland paper coi'V. Large 4° full morocco
super extra, gilt edges. Parisiis, 1805
The Lord's Prayer in 150 different languages, beautifully printed.
From the library of Count I'ortalis, with his book-plate and the letter
P. stamped on the side.
1794 Orienial Annual ; or. Scenes in India, 1834-3S. Numer-
ous fine steel plates from original designs by William
Daniell, and descriptive account by Rev. Hobart Caunter.
5 vols. 8° morocco, gilt edges. London.
•795 Orme, William. Bibliotheca Biblica : a select list of Books
on Sacred Literature, with Notices, biographical, critical
and bibliographical. 8° boards, uncut. (Covers broken.)
London, 1824
1796 Ortelius, Abraham. Theatvrm orbis terrarvm. (Colophon:)
Auctoris are & cura impressum absolutuin apud yEgid.
Coppenium Diesth. Engraved title. 53 copper-plate maps
engraved by Hogenberg. Folio, sheep. Antverpiae, 1570
" The first edition of one of the most celebrated geographical works of
the sixteenth century.
Among the maps are one of the whole world, another of America,
with Terra del P'uego extending east and west, forming a great south-
ern continent. The map entitled " Scptcnlrionalium /Ce;;ionuin"
contains Greenland, with numerous rivers, and upon the southern side
the towns of Aiba and St. Thomas. West of Greenland, correspond-
ing to the western shore of Davis' Strait of our day, is Estotiland,
South of this is the island of Drogeo, and east of this towards Iceland
is the larger island of Frisland, upon which several towns, capes and
gulfs are laid down. These three latter named places are lands
claimed to have been discovered by the brothers Zeni.
Mr. Muller in his Catalogue of books on America, No. 1856, p. 123,
says that a copy of this edition was exhibited at the exhibition for
Geographical Sciences at Antwerp in 1S71, and supiiosed lo be unique.
It wanted map No. 46." — Murpliy Cutaloi^ne.
1797 O'Reilly, Bernard. Vie cle Le'on XIII, son Siecie, s(jn
Pontificat, son Influence, compose'e d'aprbs des documents
authentiques. Edition Erangaise entiercnient refondue et
annotde avec soin par P. M. Lrin. lUustr.Tted with r.
photogravures, 8 chromo-Iithographs and 300 Mood engrav-
ings. Imperial 8° half crimson morocco extra, gilt edges.
Paris, 1SS7
1798 OsMONT, J. B. L. Diction naire Typographiquc,- Iiistoriqnc
et Critique des livres rares. singuliers, estime's et rechercliais
en tous genres. Thick 12° boards. I'aris, 176S
1799 OssiAN. Poems. Translated by James Macpherson. Por-
trait and plates. 2 vols, small 8° calf, London, 1806
1800 Ovid. iSIetamorphoseon. Libri XV. Small 8° vellum.
Apud Simonem Colinaeum, 1537
180 i Ovid. La Metamorphose d'Ovide figuree. A beautiful
copy of the celebrated Lyon edition. With 17S fine vignettes
and ornamental borders by Petit Bern.ard. 12° full levant
morocco extra, gilt back, sides and edges, inside borders,
by Thompson. Jean de Tournes: Lyon, 15S3
1503 OviD. Les Epistres d'Ovide, traduites en vers frangais avec
les commentaires fort curieu.x, par Gasp. Bachet de Mezi-
riac. 3 vols, small 8° old green morocco, gilt backs and
sides, Bourg en Bresse, 1626
Fro;Ti the library of the Marquis d'Eutragues, with his monogram
stamped on the back. The tirst book printed in Bourg en Bres.st.
1803 OviD. Les Elegies Choisies des Amours d'Ovide. Par Ic
Marquis de Villennes. First edition. Fine copy. 16'^
full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, inside borders, by
Cape. Paris, 1668
1504 Ovid's Art of Love ; together VNiih his Remedy of Love.
Translated into English Verse by Several Eminent Hands.
To which are added, The Court of Love, a Tale from
Chaucer, and the History of Love. Plates. 12° old calf.
London, 1747
1805 OviD. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halie-
ucton. Literally translated by H. T. Riley. 1 z'^ cloth, un-
cut. Bohn : l,ondon, iSSi
1806 "r),-\GAN, CoMTE. Relation historique et geugraphiquc.
Jl^ de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans PAmerique.
Second edition. (Map missing.) Small S'^ velluni.
Paris, i6ui
1807 Pages, Alphonse. Les grands Poetes Frangais, Portraits
authentiques, autographes, fac-simile des dditions originates,
notices et extraits. Imperial 8° half morocco. (Stained.)
I\iris, 1874
iSoS Pagneulo, S. Etudes Historiqucs ct Lc'gales sur la Liberie
Religieuse en Canada. 8° clotli. Montreal, 1872
1S09 Palairet, J. Description Abrdge'e des Posessions Angloises
et Francoises du Continent Septentrionale de L'Amerique.
S° paper, uncut. (Imperfect, but portion relating to Canada
complete.) Londres, 1755
iSio Paine, Thomas. Works of. Vols. 1-3, including The
Crisis, Rights of I\Ian, Common Sense, Political and Moral
Ma.xims, etc. Portrait. 3 vols. 8" sheep. London, 1793
iSfi Painf. Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of
America; — Letters addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the
Affairs of North America; — Letter to the Earl of Shcl-
Inirne, now Marquis of Landsdowne, on his Speech respect-
ing the acknowledgment of American Independence; —
Rights of Man ; — An Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the
I'Vench Revolution; — Two Letters to Lord Onslow, and
One to Henry Dundas, on the Subject of a Proclamation
in the Argus. 8° stitched. London, 1791-92
jSi2 Pamphlets. Gatschet's Linguistic and Ethnographic Notes ;
— Vindication of Thomas Paine ; — History of New York ;
— History of the United States Mint at Philadelphia; —
IMea for tlie Old Faith and the Old Times of Merrie Eng-
land ; — Life and Miracles of Saint Nicholas; — Wealthy
Citizens of the City of New York. etc. 30 pamphlets.
1S13 Paxcirollus, Guido. Rerum Memorabilium sive Deperdil-
arum. Commenlarus illustrata, et locis prop^ innumcris
postremum aucta, ab Henrico Salmuth. Engraved title.
4° vellum. Francofurti, 1560
1814 Papiers et Lettres sur L'Agriculturc, recommandt^s al'Atten-
tion des Cultivateurs Canadiens, par la Soci^te' d'Agricul-
ture en Canada. 8° boards. Quebec, 1790
18 1 5 Parables of Our Lord. Illustrated and illuminated with
12 colored illustrations to the parables. With illuminated
texts and borders. Royal 4^ cloth. London.
iSr6 Paradlse of Daintie Devices : a Collection of Poems, Songs
and Ballads. By various hands. . Small 4" paper, uncut.
New York, 18S3
1S17 Paris and its Environs, displayed in a Series of Picturesque
Views. The Drawings made under the direction of Mr.
Pugin, and engraved under the superintendence of C.
Heath. Whh topographical and historical descriptions.
Numerous fine steel plates. 2 vols, in 1,4° cloth, uncut.
London, 1830
1818 Pakkkr, Rev. Samuel. Journal of an Exploring Tour be-
yond the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1835,
'36 and '37. Mnp and plate, 12" cloth. Ithaca. 1838
1819 Park.max, Francis. California and Oregon Trail, being
sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. 12" cloth.
New York, 1849
1S20 Parkinson, Richard. Tour in America, iu 1798, 1799, ami
1800, exhibiting sketches of Society and Manners, and a
particular account of the American System of Agriculture,
with its recent improvements. 2 \ol.s. 8^ boards, uncut.
London, 183 3
iSji Parry, William E. Journal of a Second Voyage for the dis-
covery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, in 1821-23, i" ^^s majesty's ships Fury and Flecla.
Numerous plates and maps. 4° cloth. London, 1824
1522 Parry. North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle, 21
nos. in i vol., 4° boards. 1S21
A weekly newspaper esiablished by Parry'a crew in 1819-20, " to en-
liven the tedious and inactive months of winter " in the Arctic rej^ion.
1523 Pascal, Blaise. Thoughts of. Translated from the text of iSL
Auguste Moliniere. Ey C. Kegan Paul. Finely primed
from type, on hand made paper. Portrait on Japan paper.
8° full vellum, uncut edges, gilt top. London, 18S5
1524 Pasquier, Estienne. Le Monophile, par Estienne Pasquier,
Parisien, avec privilege du Roy. Small 8° sumptuously
bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, three gold
lillets on the sides, tooled back, doubl(f, with olive levant
morocco, with a beautiful large iSth century dentelle bor-
der, gilt edges, by Thicaron-Jolv
Pour Estienne Groulleau : Paris, 1555
.\ superior copy, elegantly bound, of a very rare and curious work,
a dissertation on love, by tlie wittiest contributor to " La I'uce de
Mme. des Roches."
1525 I'atheliv. La Farce de Maistre Pierre Pathelin, avec son
Testament a quatre personnages. 16° calf, gilt, with the
arms of the Comtesse de Verrue. Paris, 1723
1526 Patten, Edmund. Glimpse at the United States and the
Northern States of America, with the Canadas, comprising
tiieir Rivers, Lakes, and Falls, during the Autumn of 1852.
Plates. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1853
iS-"; Paulli, Simon. Commentarius de Abusu Tabaci .Vmerica-
norum veteri, et Herbae Thee Asiaticorum in F.uropa
novo. Portrait and plates. Small 4° stitched.
Argentorati, 1665
1S2S Peign'OT, G. Manuel du Bibliophile, ouTraite' du Choix des
Livres, contenant des Developpemens sur les plus proprcs
i former une Collection prcfcieuse, et partieulierement sin-
ies chefs-d'ceuvre de la Litt^rature Sacre'e, Grecque, Latine,
Fran^aise, Etrangc:re ; avec les Jugemens qu'en ont port^s
les plus cd^lbbres Critiques, etc. 2 vols. 8"^ half calf gilt.
Dijon, 1823
i3-'9 Peigxot, G. Dictionnaire Critique, Litteraire et Biblio-
praphique des Principaux Livres Condamn^s au Feu,
Supprimds ou Censures : Prtfcddt? d'un Discours sur ces
Sortes d'Ouvrages par G. Peignot, liibliothecaire de la
llaute-Saune, Membre de I'Acad^mie Celtique de Paris, et
de i'hisieurs Soci^tes Littdraires. 2 vols. 8° calf.
Renouard : Paris, 1806
Rare an. I limiieil edition of ihls bibliography of books burnt by the
coiumon hangman, censured or suppressed.
1S30 Peignot, Predicatoriana, au Reve'lations singullbres et
amusantes sur les Prcdicateurs ; entremSMes d'extraits
piquants, des sermons bizarres, burlesgues et facetieux. Par
G. P. Philoinneste. 8° half morocco extra, uncut edges,
gilt top. Dijon, 1841
1S3; Peign'ot. Catalogue d'une panic des livres composant
la bibliotht;que des dues de Bourgogne, au XV * sifecle.
.Seconde edition revue et augmentee du catalogue de la
hiblioth^que des dominicains de Dijon, redigee en 1307. S''
paper, uncut. Dijon, 1841
1S32 Pfnksvlvania Historical .Society. Memoirs, Vol. VI. Royal
8° cloth, uncut. ' Philadelphia, 1858
1833 Percv. Anecdotes, original and selected. By Sholto and
Reuben Percy. Portraits. Bound in 11 vols. 18" half
calf. » London, 1822
1834 Permission (La) aux Servantes de Coucher avec leurs
inaistres, ensemble I'Arrest intervenue de la part de leurs
maistresses. 12° red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rividre.
Very rare. s. 1. et a. Paris, vers 1620
.A. very large copy, some of ihe edges being uncut. The last leaf is
1835 Pkrrault, J, F. Lex Parliainentaria : ou Traits de la Loi et
Coutume des Parliaments, montrant leur antiquity, noms,
especes et qualitds, etc. 8" boards, uncut. Quebec, 1803
1836 1'errault. Extraits des Arrests tires des Registres du
Conseil Superieur de Quebec; — Extraits du Precedents,
etc. 2 vols. 8° boards. Quebec, 1824
1837 Perrault. Abreg^ de rnistoire du Canada. 4 vols. 24°
boards and calf. Quebec, 1831-33
Presentation copy of the rare fust edition with inscription by Author.
1 8 38 Perrot, Nicolas. Les Apophtegmes, ou Bons Mots, des
Anciens, tirez de Plutarque, de Diogenes, et de quelques
autres. iG*^ old red morocco extra, gilt edges, Derome
style. Amsterdam, 1695
1S39 Perrot. Memoire sur les Mceurs, Costumes et Religion des
Savages de L'Amerique Septentrionale. Publid pour la
premiere feis, par le R. P. J. Tailhan. 8° cloth, uncut.
Leipzig, 1864
1S40 Perky, M. C. Narrative of the American Squadron to the
China Seas and Japan in 1852-4, under the command of M.
C. Perry. Compiled by Francis L. Hawks. Numerous
tinted illustrations and maps. 4° half morocco, gilt.
New York, 1857
1841 Perry, O. L. Rank and Ead<;es, dates of Information,
naval and military distinctions, precedence, salutes, colours,
and small arms in her Majesty's Army and Navy, and auxil-
iary forces. 12" cloth. London, 1888
1842 Pettitot, Cmile. Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-
Ouest. 12° cloth, uncut. Paris, i8S6
1S43 Pettitot. En Route pour la mer Glaciale. 12° paper, un-
cut. Paris.
1844 Pettigrew, T. J. Bibliotheca Sussexiana; a Descriptive
Catalogue of the MS. and Printed Books in the Library of
the Duke of Sussex, with Historical and Biographical No-
tices. Portraits. 3 vols, imperial 8° boards, uncut.
London, 1827-39
This valuable work is uniform with Dibdin's Bib. Spenceriana. It
includes an account of a magnificent collection of Eibles, Testaments,
MS. in various languages.
1845 Ph;edri. Fabuls Publii Syri Sententice, Large Paper.
With frontispiece. iS° olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by
Padeloup. Paris, 1729
Fine copy, beautifully printed in diamond type, and the binding in
very fine condition. From the Hamilton Palace library.
1846 Phipps, Constanline John. Voyage towards the North Pole
undertaken by his ^lajesty's Command in 1773. Maps, 4*^
half sheep. London, 1774
1S47 Phipps and Lutwidge. Journal of a Voyage undertaken by
order of his present majesty for making discoveries towarda
the North Pole, by the Hon. Commodore Phipps and Capt.
Lutwidge in his majesty's sloops Racehorse and Carcase ; to
which is prefixed an account of the several voyages under-
taken for the discovery of a north-east Passage to China
and Japan, Maps. 8° stitched, London, 1774
184S Picart, The Temple of the Muses ; or, the principal His-
tories of fabulous Antiquity, represented in sixty sculptures,
designed and engraved by Bernard Picart le Romain, and
other celebrated masters, with explications. Fine copv,
with bright, early impressions of the plates. Atlas folio, old
calf, Amsterdam, 1733
1849 [Pichot, Th.] Lettres et Memoires pour servire a I'His-
toire naturelle, civile et politique du Cap Breton, depuis
son etablissement jusqu' a la reprise de cette Isle par les
Anglois en 1758. 12° calf. La Haye, 1760
Contains valuable and authentic information of the French War,
1550 PicKEN, Andrew. 71ie Canadas, as they at present com-
mend themselves to the enterprize of emigrants, colonists
and capitalists, comprehending a variety of tj'pographical
reports. (Map missing') and library stamp. 16° half
sheep. London, 1832
1551 Pictorial Table-Book. Comprising Picturesque Scenery,
views of historical and romantic ruins, portraits of eminent
persons, etc.,the descriptive letter press by James Dafforne.
With 160 steel engravings. 4° cloth. London.
1552 Piers Ploughman. Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman,
edited from a contemporary manuscript, with an historical
introduction, notes, and a glossary, by Thomas Wright.
I'rontispiece. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1S87
1853 Pike, Z. M. Explanatory Travels through the Western
territories of North America, comprising a voyage from
St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the source of that river
and a journey through the interior of Louisiana and North-
eastern provinces of New Spain, in 1805-7. Map. 4° half
sheep. London, 1811
1854 Pilling, J. C. Bibliography of the Siouan Languages; —
The Eskimo Language; — The Iroquoian Language. 3
vols, 8^ paper, uncut. Washington, 1887-88
1555 PiNKERTON, John. Essay on Medals ; or, an introduction to
the knowledge of ancient and modern Coins and Medals,
especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. Plates. 2
vols. 8^ half russia. (Binding broken), London, 1S08
1556 PiRON, Alexis, La l\I(5tromanie, ou le Poele. Comddie en
vers et en cinq actes. Par M. Piron. Representee
pour la premier fois sur le Theatre Francois, le 10
Janvier, 1738. 8° richly bound in full crimson crushed
levant morocco extra, back and sides gilt, inside borders,
gilt marbled edges, by Lortic. Original edition.
Paris, 173S
1557 Pitt. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.
edited by the executors of his son, John, Earl of Chatham,
and published from the original manuscripts in their poses-
sion. 4 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1838
1 858 Planche's Cyclopaedia of Costume, or a Dictionary of Dress,
Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military, from the earliest
Period in England to the Reign of George III. ; including
Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent,
and a general History of the Costumes of the principal
Countries of Europe, by J. R. Planche, Somerset Herald ;
profusely illustrated with coloured and plain plates, and
tine wood engravings. 2 vols. 4° half morocco, uncut
edgeSj gilt tops. London, 1876
1559 Plaisantes (Les) Journec's du Sr. Favotal. Ou sont plu-
sieurs rencontres subtiles pour rire en toules compagnies.
Fine copy, 18° elegantly bound in full blue levant moroc-
co, three gold fillets on the sides, tooled back, gilt edge::,
inside borders, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1637
1560 JJlatca iTranciscns. Tabula Restitutionum Usurarum Ex-
communicationum, edita per vcnerabilum Dominum Fratrem
Franciscum de Platea ordinis niinorum. 4° vellum.
Nicolao Truno Duce Vcndtiarum rcgnante impressuin fuit.
(Venetiis), 147^
A rare Icunabula, prmtcd in Roman characters, with rubrications.
1561 Platonis. Georgias Incipit per Leonardum Aretinum e?
gre'co in latinum interpretatus. Printed in Rom.an charac-
ters. Small 4° half calf. S. L. a A. (Ssec. XV).
1562 Platt, I. Library of Wonders and Curiosities found in
nature and art, science and Literature. Illustrations.
Thick 8° cloth. New York, i8?4
1563 Plessis, Joseph-Octave. IVishop of Quebec. Biographical
Notice. Portrait. 8"" cloth. Quebec, 1S64
1564 Plinius. C. Plini Cyec. Sec. F.pist. Lib. L\. Fiusdcm
ct Traiani imp. Epist. amoeba;. Thick iS° calf.
Ex Typographia Jacobi Steer, 1620
1565 Plumier, Carolus. No\a Plantarum Amcricanarum Gen-
era. 40 plates. 4" calf, gilt. Pnrisiis, 1703
Fme copy, bound by Pasdcloup.
tS66 Plutarchus, Chaeronei. ProblemUta emendatissiina. La-
tine interprete Joanne Lucensi sed a Calphurnio iuxta
Graecum exemplar emendata, exceptis tribus vel ad sum-
mum quatuor locis ubi, Grsecum exemplar mancum erai.
Small 4° old red morocco.
S. L. a. A. (Dom. Silliprandos : Veneliis, 1477).
1567 I'LUTARCiiE. Epitome ou Abre'ge' des vies de cinquante
et quatre notables et excellens personnages tant
grecs que remains, mises au parangon I'une de I'autre
cxtraict du grec de Plutarque de Chaeronee. 12''
bound by Hardy, in blue levant morocco, inside borders,
gilt edges. ' Paris, 15 58
(A small piece of leather peeled oiT in one corner). Printed in "Civi-
lete" or cursive characters.
1568 Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Mtn. Translated from the
original Greek with notes, critical and historical and a life
of Plutarch. By J. and \V. Langhorne. Numerous illustra-
tions. Portraits. 2 vols. 8" cloth, uncut. London, 1866
1569 Political Magazine and Parliamentary Naval, Military, and
Literary Journal, for 1786. Vol. to. 8^ half sheep. (A few-
leaves missing at the end.) London, 17S6
t54 catalogue,
1S70 Poetry, 1765-1S44.. Oppression; a Poem by an American,
with Notes by a North Briton, Boston, (reprint), 1765; —
Jacob's Poetical Essay delivered at Bennington on the first
anniversary of the Battle, Hartford, 1779; — Porteus',
Death, a Poem; reprint, Phila., 1773 ; — Ililliard's Short
Poetical History of Fragments, Danbury, 1808; — Arm-
strong's Art of Preserving Health, Boston, reprinted 1757 ;
Sargent's CkIU Symposii Aenigmata, Boston, 1807 ; —
Church's, The Choice, Worcester, 1802; — Connecticut
Emigrant, Hartford, 1822; — 1 he Breechiad ; a Poem, by
Theresa, Boston, 1807 ; — Malhison's Sacred Ode on the
Late Successes of the British Arms, Edinburgh, 1760; —
Thomas's Miscellaneous Poems, Rutland, 1S31 ; — Porter's
Poems, Hartford, iSiS; — La Napole'onide, Pceme en
douze chants, avec des notes historiques. Tome i., N. V.
iSig ; — Young's Poem on the Last Day, Boston, 1752 ; —
Parnel, The Hermit, New Haven, 1734; — All the World's
a Stage, New Haven, 1796 ; — Hillhouse, The Judgment, a
Vision, N. Y., 1821 ; — Waterston, The Widow's Son, Bos-
ton, 1843; — Benjamin, Infatuation, Boston, 1844. 17
pamphlets bound in i vol. 8° half blue morocco, uncut.
187 1 PoLAXO, H. Talmud. Selections from the contents of that
ancient book, its commentaries, teachings, poetry and le-
gends. 12° cloth. London.
1S72 Political. The De Boucherville Government and the
causes which led to their dismissal ; — Catechisme politique ;
— Memoires sur la coalition ; — La Crise du Regime Par-
lementaire, 1887; — Etude sur un I'union projecte'e des
Provinces Britanniques; — Passe, present et avenir du
Canada; — Commentaire sur la Constitution du Bas-Cana-
da; — La Crise Ministerielle, 1844, etc. 14 pamphlets.
1873 Political. Galile'e par L. A. Dessantes ; — Hincks' Polit-
ical History of Canada ; — Masdres' Settlement of the
Province of Quebec; — La Pleiade Rouge; — Jenkins'
Great Dominion ; — Le Pays, le Parti et le Grand
Homme ; — Ginks' Colonial Question ; — Annexation by L.
A. Dessantes, 185 1 ; — Annexation Manifesto of 1849 ; — Two
Lectures on Canada by Rollo Campbell ; — Patronage is
Power; — Si les Canadiennes le voulaient ; — McGee's
Speeches on the Union ; — Viger's Considerations, Mon-
treal, 1809 ; — Riel Rebellion. 18 pamphlets.
1874 Pollard, E. A. Southern History of the War, First, Sec-
ond, and Third Years. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. (Vol.
I slightly stained by water.) New York, 1864-65
1875 Pompadour. Secret Memoirs of Madame La Marquise de
Pompadour, collorted and arranged by Jules Beaujoint. 8°
cloth, uncut. London, 1S85
1S76 Pompadour. Catalogue des Livres de la Eibliotliequc do
feu Madame La Marquise De Pompadour, Dame du Palais
de la Reine. 8° calf. Paris, 176',
1877 Pope, Alexander. Works, including his Letters, with por-
trait and 24 plates, fine impressions. 9 vols, small 8° cnlf.
London, 1757
David Garrick's copy, with his book plate. It afterwards formed
part of the Hamikon Palace Library.
187S Popz, Alexander, Jr. Celebrated Dogs of America, Im-
ported and Native. A series of portraits of well-known
and representative dogs of the various breeds, with their
pedigrees, prize winnings, etc., comprising 20 plates, exact
reproductions of the water-color paintings, mounted on
heavy cardboards. 10 parts, folio, paper. Boston.
1879 Pope, Joan. Erreur Populaire de la Papesse Jane, par Flor-
imund de Roemound, Conseiller du Roy au Parlement de
Bcurdeaux; — De la Couronne du Soldat, traduit du Latin.
In one volume. Elegant copy and very rare. 12° dark
brown levant morocco, Jansen finish, inside borders, mar-
bled gilt leaves, by David. Lyon, 1595
1S80 Pope, John. Tour through the southern and western terri-
tories of the LTnited States of North America, the Spanish
Dominions on the River Mississippi, and the Floridas : the
countries of the Creek Nations, and many uninhabited
parts. Richmond, 1792. 8° cloth, uncut.
Reprint, New York, iSSS
1881 Popish Cruelty displayed, being an account of the Massacre
of the Protestants in Ireland. Portsmouth, 1757 (Title
missing); — Awful Crimes of Popery; — Answer to Six
Months in a Convent. 4 pamphlets.
1882 PoRCACCHi, Thomaso, (da Castiglione) L'Isole piu famose
del Mundo, intagliate da Girolamo Porro. Engraved title
and all the Islands of the ^^■orld, engraved on the text.
Small folio, vellum. Venetia, 1576
The third part trtals upon the West Indies, and besides the special
maps of the American Islands, includes two mappemoiides as well as
a general map of the Western Continent. The Carta da Navegar on
page 198 contains a representation of the American Continent, whit h
is superior in accuracy to the Ortelius maps before the edition of 1592.
1883 Porter, James B. Laws of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident
and Guarantee. 8° cloth. London, 1S84
1884 Porter, Robert Ker. Travelling Sketches in Russia and
Sweden, during the years 1S05-1S0S. 40 finely colored
plates. 2 vols. 4"^ half calf. London, iSi.-',
1885 Portraits. Illastrium Imaginis. Upwards of 2co medallion
portraits, with ornamental borders. 16° calf.
In Acdibiis Antonii Planchardi : Lugduni, 1524
iSS6 PoRTLOCK, Nathaniel. Voyage round the World , but rnore.
particularly the North-West Coast of America, performed
in 17S5, '86, '87, and '88, in the King George and Queen
Charlotte, by Captains Portlock and Dixon. Portrait, maps,
and 20 copper plates on thick paper. 4° calf. London, 1789
Plates hand colored for presentation copy.
1S37 Portraits, Augustaruni Imagines aereis formis cxpressir. ;
VitfE quoque earundcm breuiter enarratae, Signorum etiam,
quffi in posteriori parte numismatu efficta sut, ratio explicaia
ab Acnea Vico Parmense. Numerous fine medallion por-
traits. 4° vellum. Venctiis, 155S
iSSS PoRTRAHS. Virorum Doctorum do Disciplinis Bene Mcren
tium Effigies XLIII a Philippo Galleo. Consisting of
engraved title and large half-length portraits, by P. Gallc,
and the extra 7 portraits, including Alciat, Plantinus, the
printer, Clement Marot, Erasmus, Savonarola, Bp, Usher,
Sir T. More, John Huss and Calvin. First impressions.
Small folio, vellum. Antverpioe, 1572
This set was reprinted in 15S1, wlien 7 move parlvails were engraved,
and to this set of the original impressions they have been added.
1SS9 Portraits. P^fifigies Regum Francorum Omnium, a Phara-
mundo, ad llenricum usque tertium. ad viuum, quantum
fieri potent, express^e. C^elatoribus Virgilio Solis Noribcr
et Justo Amman Tigurino. With engraved title and 62
finely engraved portraits. Small 4° full citron morocco,
blind tooling on sides and back, inside gilt borders, gilt
edges, by Hardy. Norimberga;, 1576
An elegant copy from the Didot collection, with book plate. Tlic
portraits are beautifully executed, within ornamental borders.
1590 Portraits. BuUart. Acaddmie des Sciences et des Arts,
contenant les Vies et les Elogies Historiques des Hommcs
Iliustres parmi diverses Nations de I'Europe. With several
hundred line portraits of the most distinguished men of all
, countries, including among the English : Cardinal Wolsey,
Sir T. More, Cardinal Pole, Cardinal Allen ; Vespucci, Col-
umbus, Drake and others, among the Americans, etc. 2
vols, folio, dark olive levant morocco super extra, gilt
edges, broad inside borders. D. Elzevir : Amsterdam, 16S2
A valuable collection of J74 beautiful portraits, including many
artists' proof impression.--.
1591 Pourtraicts de la Cour pour le I'resent, c'est a dire, du
Roy, des Princes, et de Ministres d'Etat et autres. 18° red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Mouillie (with his ticket).
Cologne (Hollande, Elzevier), 1667
Contents: Louis .\ 1 \' ; Prince de Conty ; Mademoiselle de Mont-
jiensier; Monsier de Ciuise; Cardinal de Reti^; Cardinal Barberini ;
Fouquet ; Colbert ; Due de Mazarin, etc.
{•"rom the Hamilton Palace library, with a MS. note bv Mr, Beckford.
1892 PoRTRAiis. Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs. Fine copy
of the original edition, with upwards of 150 portraits. 7
vols, imperial 8° full morocco extra, gilt edges.
Charles Knight : London, 1833
1893 Portraits. Three hundred French portraits by Clouet,
representing personages of the Courts of Francis L, lienr)'
J I, and Francis IL 300 plates auto-lithographed from the
originals at Castle Mo ward, by Lord Roland Gower. 2
vols, large folio, cloth. London, 1S75
1S9.1 Portraits. Canadian Portrait Gallery. Py J. C. Deni.
With upwards of 100 lithographic portraits of celebratetl
Canadians. 4 vols. 4'' in parts. Toronto, 1S81
1S95 Portraits of British Americans, by W. Not man. With bio-
graphical sketches by Fennings Taylor. Numerous photo-
graphic portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco.
A[ontreal, 1865-67
1896 Portraits. Eighty Portraits of Eminent Men, chiefly of the
first half of the nineteenth century ; also 20 steel engra\-
ings of celebrated landscapes, both admirably adapted for
the purpose of illustration. Small S'' cloth.
1S97 Portraits. Great Men and Great Women of Histor\-.
Their portraits from the rare and authentic collection in the
Munich Pinakothek, with biographical sketches. 50
process portraits. Folio, half morocco. New York.
1 898 Post, John J. Old Streets, Lanes, Piers and Wharves of
New York, showing the former and present names, with u
list of alterations of streets, either by extending, wideninjj;,
narrowing or closing. Map. Imperial 8"^ half morocco.
OxLV 300 copies printed. New York, i88i
1899 Postel, Guill. Les tres-merveilleiises victoires des femmes
du Nouveau-monde, suivi de la doctrine du siecle dort;, avec
line notice biographi<iue et bibliographique, par G. }Jrunet.
8'^ boards, uncut. 'I'urin, 1S69
Onlv 200 copies reprinted from the rare edition of 1553.
1900 Postlethwavt, Malachy. Pritain's Commercial Interest
Explained and Improved, in a series of dissertations on
several important branches of her trade and police ; con-
taining a candid enquiry into the secret causes of the pre-
sent misfortunes of the nation. Small 8^ half morocco.
London. 1757
i90[ PoucHOT, M. M^moire sur la derni^re guerre de I'Am^ri-
que Septentrionale, entre la France et I'Angleterre, Suivi
cl'observations, dont plusieurs sont relatif au thdatre actuel
de la guerre, etc. 3 vols. 12° boards, uncut. Iverdon, 1781
Relates to the French War, embracing an account of operations in
Canada, from 1754 to 1760. The author commanded the French torti
at Niagara and other place? in Canada.
190? PoTjcHOT. Memoir upon the late War in North America,
between tlie French and English, 1755-60; followed by
Observations upon the theatre of actual war, and by new
details concerning the manners and customs of the Indians.
Translated and edited by F. B. Hougli, Maps. 2 vols,
loyal 8° hah morocco extra, gilt tops. Koxbury, 1866
O.NLV 143 copies printed.
J 903 HoSTHUMES (Les) Lettres revues apres la mort du Mari, par
sa Fenmie, qui le croit a Florence. 4 vols. 12° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1802
1904 i*oiJLET-]MALASSis, A. Les E.v-Libris Francais, depuis leur
origine jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle Edition, revue, tr^s-
aiigmentee et ornt;e de vingt-quatre planches. With album
^^i plates. 2 vols, royal 8° boards. Paris, 1875
(^NLV 350 copies printed.
1905 I'owELL, J. W. Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
1879-82. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols, imperial 8°
cloth. Washington.
1906 Power, T) rone. Impressions of America, during the years
^^23^ '834 3"<J 'S35. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 8° half roan.
London, 1836
1907 PnwNAi.L, Thomas. Administration of the British Colonies,
wherein their rights and constitution are discussed and stated.
2 vols, in I, 8° half sheep. London, 1774
1908 PowNALL. The Same, 8° half morocco. T^ondon, 176S
1909 PowNAi.L. The Same. 8° half sheep. London, 1765
1910 PowNALL. An Antiquarian Romance, endeavoring to mark
a line by which the most ancient people and the processions
of the earliest inhabitancy of Europe may be investigated.
8° half calf. London, 1795
1911 Preston, T. R. Three Years Residence in Canada from
1837 to 1839, ^^'^h notes of a winter voyage to New York,
and journey thence to the British Possessions, to which is
added a review of the condition of the Canadian People.
2 vols, small S° boards. (Contains much valuable 1837
Rebellion matter.) London, 1840
1912 [Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine.] Suite des Wemoires et Avan-
tures d'un Homme de Qualite, qui s'est retire du monde.
12° old calf. Amsterdam, 1733
This is an early ant scarce edition of Manon Lescaut, the first edi-
tion was publishtd in 1731.
1913 Provost. History of Manon Lescaut and of the Cheva-
lier des Grieux. With a preface by Guy de Maupas-
sant. Elegantly illustrated with 12 full page designs, and
225 \igneties and ornaments by Maurice Leloir, the full
page plates etched by Louis Ruet. Small folio, paper,
uncut, in a cloth portfolio. London, 1886
1914 pREvosT. Manon Lescaut. iG° boards, uncut. London, 1S86
19 1 5 Price, Thomas. Life, Voyages and Adventures of Bamp-
fylde-jNIoore Carew, commonly called King of the Beggars ;
with a history of his travels twice through great part of
America. Portrait. 12° old calf. London, n, d.
1916 Prtchard, James C. Natural History of Man, comprising
inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral
agencies on the ditferent tribes of the Human Family.
Numerous colored and other illustrations. S"^ half calf,
gilt. London, 1S45
1917 Prieur, F. X. Notes d'un Condamne Politique de 1883.
8° paper, uncut. Montreal, 1884
19 iS Prince Edward Island ; Short Account of, designed chiefis
for the information of Agriculturist and other Emigrant:!
of small capital. ]\Iap. 8° paper. London, 1839
19 19 Prince, Thomas. Chronological History of New England
in the Form of Annals. Vol. i, pp. 104. 254. 12° calf.
Boston, 1736
1920 Prisse, E. Oriental Album : Characters, Costumes, and
Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile ; illustrated from
Designs taken on the Spot, with Descriptive Letter-Press,
by James Augustus St. John. Illuminated title, portrait of
George Lloyd (in Eastern costume), and 30 large colored
plates, finished in imitation of water colors, and mounted
on heavy card board, besides many fine wood cuts. Impe-
rial folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1848
192 1 Privv Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth, from
November, 1529, to December, 1532 ; with introductory
remarks and illustrative notes, by N. H. Nicolas; — Privy
Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York; Wardrobe accounts
of Edward ihe Fourth, with Memoir of Elizabeth of York,
and Notes, by N. H. Nicolas ; — Privy Purse Expenses of
the Princess Mary, Daughter of Henry the Eighth, after-
ward Queen Mary, with Memoir of the Princess, and
Notes, by Frederick Madden. 3 vols. 8° half morocco,
uncut, gilt top, Pickering: London, 1827-3 1
1922 Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society o(
Canada, from 1SS2 to 1S8S. 6 vols, roval 4° cloth.
' Montreal, 1S83-.89
1923 Proclamation, declaring when the Act of the 31st, George
III. shall have effect in the Provinces of tapper and Lower
Canada. 4° paper. Quebec, 1796
1924 Proctor, B. W. Dramatic Scenes, wiih other Poems, now
first printed. By Barry Cromwell. Numerous illustrations.
Fine copy. Small 8'^ full morocco super extra, gilt edges.
London, 1S57
1925 Proctor, I. J. Voices of the Night; and other Poems,
8° cloth. ' ' Montreal, 186 1
1926 Propertius, Elegies of Propertius, the Satyrlcon of
Petronius Arbiter and the Kisses of Johannes Secundus ;
literally translated, and accompanied by practical versions
from various sources. Edited by Walter K. Kelly. 12°
cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1854
1927 Proulx, J. L. La Bale D'Hudson, ou rdcit de la premiere
visite pastorale de Mgr. N. Z. Lorrain, Eveque de Cythere
et Vicaire Apotolique de Pontiac, dan ses Missions Sau-
vages de Temiscamingue, d'Abbitibi, de New-Port, de
Moose et d' Albany. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8°
paper, uncut. ' Montreal, 1886
1928 Provancher, Abbe L. Flore Canadienne, ou description
de toutes les plantes des forets, champs, jardines et eauxdn
Canada. Illustrations. 8° half sheep. Quebec, 1862
1929 Ptolemxus, Claudius. In hoc opere haec continentur
Ceographiaj CI. Ptolemcei a plurima uiris utriusque lingua'
doctiss. emendata : & cu archetype graeco ab ipsis collata.
Schemata cu demonstrationibus suis correcta a Marco
BeneuentanoMonachoccelestano, &: loanne Cotta Veronensi
vilris mathematicis consultissimis. Nova orbis descriptiu
uc nova Oceani navigatio qua Lisbona ad Indicupervenitur
pelagus Marco Eeneventano monachoccelestinoadia. Novii
et Universation cogniti tabula loa. Ruysch Germano
f laborata. Large folio, original stamped calf. (Covers
tiroken, but otherwise a very good copy.)
Anno Virginei Partus, MDVIII : Rome, i5oP>
" Valuable for the addition of the map of the world by Johan Ruyscii,
a German, which is the first printed map on which the discoveries in
America, are laid down, but without the name of America, and espec-
ially for its delineation of the coast of Brazil, which is evidently de-
rived from the voyages of Vespucius. Newfoundland is shown, not a^
.111 island, but as part of the Asiatic continent. The discoveries of Co
lumbus in the West Indies and on the northern coast of .South Ameri-
ca are represented very clearly, showing Cuba only in part, and as far
ysthe great discoverer himself had e.xplored it. With the e.xception of
the error in connecting the northern discoveries on the main land of
Asia, the prevailing idea of that day, this map is a correct representa-
tion of the state of American discovery at tiie time of its publication."
— Murphy Cat.
1930 Ptole\lt:i.ts. I^a Geograiia di Claudio Ptoloineo. Con
iilcuni comenti &: aggiunte fatteui da Sebastiano Munsteru,
con le tavole nou solamente antiche & moderne solite di
siaparsi, ma altre nuove aggiuentevi di Meser lacopo Gas-
taldo, ridotta in.volgare Italiano da IVL Pietro Andrea Mai-
liolo. Numerous maps. 8*^ in old morocco binding, tooled
liides, gilt edges.
Per Gioa Eaptista Pedrazano : Venetia, 154S
'93' ^ublitittS, JTacobus. Oratoriae artis ejntomata. Ars TuUiano
more epistolandi. Ars Memoriae. Clack £etter, printed in
single column, on 66 leaves, 31 lines in a page, with wood-
cuts. Small 4° full morocco, blind tooling, inside gold
borders, red edges, by Thomas.
Erhardus Ratdolt : Vcnctia, 14S3
Kditio Princeps of greal rarity and in excellent condition, vrifli
full margins. Very curious and interesting, with a treatise on mnem-
r'nics ; the woodcuts in the Ars Memoriae, consist of a grotesque al-
f'babet, 2 mnemonical plates, an ancient chess plate ; some of the let-
ters have been reproduced by Dibdin in the B'bl. Spenc. from a later
edition however. The above edition was doubted by Dibdin.
igj2 Puce, (La) de Madame des Roches, qui est un Recueil <lc
divers Poemes Grecs, Latins et Francois, composez par
plusieurs doctes pcrsonnages aux grans jours a Poitiers I'an
r579. Large 8° beautifully bound by ISauzonnet-Trauit:
in full crushed levant morocco, 3 gold fillets on the sides,
mosaic back, gilt marbled edges, inside borders.
Pour Abel TAngellier : Paris, 15S.7
An elegant and tall copy of the original edition of this ccluhratrd
book. The Didot Collection only had the issue of 15S3.
1933 PuCKLE, James. The Club; or, a Gray Cap for a (itecn
Mead. A Dialogue between Father and Son. Numerous
woodcuts. iG° cluth. Chiswick, 1824
1931 PuiGBLANXH, Antonio, 'ilie Juquisilion Unmasked: being
an historical and philosophical account of that Tremendous
Tribunal, founded on historical documents. 2 vols. S''
sheep. London, 1S16
'935 PuRCHAS, Samuel. Purchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of
the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places
discoursed, from the cueation unto this present. Thick
folio, old calf. Good copy. London, 1617
1936 PuRSH, Frederick. Flora Americie Septentrionalis ; or, a
Systematic Arrangement and Description of the Plants of
North America. Containing besides what have been des-
cribed by preceding authors, many new and rare Species,
collected during Twelve years Travels and Residence in
that country. 24 plates. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. (Cov-
ers broken). London, 1S14
'937 PuRSH. Another copy, interleaved. (Plates missing.) 2
vols. S"* calf. London, 1S14
1938 PvE, Thomas. Canadian Scenery ; District of Gaspe.
Beautifully illustrated with 19 tinted lithographs. Folio,
cloth. * Montreal, 1866
'939 QuARiTCH, Bernard. General Catalogue. Parts 8 and 10.
2 vols. 8' cloth. London, 18S1
1940 Quebec. Ilistoire de I'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec. 12'' old
calf gilt. Montauban, (1751)
A valuable anil rare book relating to the early hisloi7 of Quebec.
Fiiced by Maisoneuve at 200 tiatics.
19 41 Quebec. Catechisme du Diocese de Quebec. Par Mon-
seigneur riUustrissime et reverendissime Jean de la Croix
de saint Valier, Eve'que de Quebec. 12° half calf. (2
pages in manuscript and 15 leaves mended.) A'ery rare,
'riie Brinley copy sold for $4.0.
Chez Urbain Coustelier : Paris, 170:;
ig\i Quebec. Rituel du Diocese de Quebec, publie par I'Ordre
de Monseigneur rF-vt^que de Quebec. Fine copy, and ex-
tremely rare. Cliez Simon Langlois, Paris, 1703
1943 Quebec. Rituel. A iiMther copy, (a few leaves damaged in
the margins.) Paris, 1703
1944 Quebec. The Laws known as Kvtrait des >tEssiEURS.
An abstract of those parts of the Custom of the Viscounty
and Provostship of Paris, which were received and prac-
ticed in the Province of Quebec, in the time of the French
Government; — The sequel of the abstract, etc., containing
the thirteen latter titles of the said abstract; — An abstract
(\i the criminal laws that were in force in the Province of
Quebec in the time of the French Government; — An
abstract of the several Royal Edicts and Declaration and
Provincial Regulations and Ordinances, that were in force
in the Province of Quebec in the time of the Fretich
(Government; and of the Commissions of the several Gov-
ernors-General and Intendants of the said Province, during
the same period; — An abstract of the Loix de Police,
drawn up by a select committee of Canadian Gentlemen,
etc., calf. Fine copy. London, 1772-73
Volume of extreme rarity. The laws were drawn up by Cugnet,
tuchereau and Pressard for the Canadians and by Sir James Marriot,
i'hurlow and Wedderburne for England.
'9 45 Quebec. Additional Papers concerning the Province of
Quebeck ; being an appendix to the Book entitled, '*An
account of the Proceedings of the British and other Pro-
testant Inhabitants of the- Province of Quebeck in North
America, in order to obtain a House of Assembly in that
Province. S° stitched. London, 1776
1946 Quebec. Sentence of the Court-Martial, held at the Horse-
Guards, for the Trial of the Hon. Lt. Gen. James Murray,
late Governor of Minorca, in the Twenty-nine Articles
exhibited against him by Sir William Draper. 4° stitched.
London, 17S3
Murniv was al.'^o the first English Governor of Quebec.
1947 Quebec, An Act for making more effectual Provision for
the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North
America. French and English text. 4° paper.
Quebec, 1797
1948 Quebec. Picture of Quebec and its Vicinity, The first and
second editions, with the maps and plates. 2 vols. 16°
cloth. Quebec, 1829-31
Valuable for the excellent engraved steel plates of early Quebec, and
very rare maps.
'949 Quebec. Stadacona Depicta ; or Quebec and its Envirous,
historically, panoramically and locally exhibited. Plan.
18° half morocco. Quebec, (1845 ;
1950 Quebec. Stadacona Depicta : or Quebec and its Environs,
hisitorcally, panoramically and locally exhibited. Illustra-
tions. 16° half morocco. Quebec, 1857
195 1 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions, Vols.
I, 2, and 3. 3 vols. 8° boards. (Vol. 3 slightly imperfect.)
Quebec, 1839, 1830 and 1831
^952 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions, 1837
to 1878, irregular. 13 parts, 8° paper. Quebec, 1837-79
1953 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Publications : .^fe-
moire de Sieur de Ramezay, Commandant a Qudbec, 1759 ;
— Histoire du Montreal, 1640-1672 ; — Collection de Kld-
moires et de Relations sur I'histoire ancienne du Canada ;
— Voyages de Ddcouverte au Canada, 1534-154.!, 4 pam-
1954 Quebec Literary and Historic.d Society Transactions and
Publications. 9 pamphlets.
1955 Quebec, Invasion du Canada et Siege de Quebec, on
1775-76 — Centennaire de I'Assault dc Quebec par les
Americains. 2 pamphlets. Quebec.
T956 Quebec. L'Exemple de la P'rancc a vis a la Grand Bretagne,
Arthur Young, Quebec, 1794 ; — Journal de ce qui s'est passe'
a la Tour du Temple pendant lacaptivitd de Louis XVI, Que-
bec, 1799 ; — The same work with view of the Bnstile. No
title page. 3 vols.
1957 Quebec. Copy of the Letter of Bishop of Capsa, Coadjutor <'f
Quebec, to the President of the Comhiittee upon Education
(French and English) (Quebec, 1799); Lettre de L'Eveque
de Ldon, Quebec, 1793 ; — Regies et Reglemens pout la
Formation, I'exercice ct mouvements de la milicb du Ba.--
Canada (2 parts in i vol.), Quebec, 1804 ; — Sailing Direc
tions for the River St. Lawrence. 180S ; — Proceedings of
the House of Assembly upon Education by Joseph Lan-
caster, 1815 ; — Biographic de J. F. Perrault, 1834 ; — Mu-
sique Vocale per Molt, 1845. 7 pamphlets.
1958 Quebec. Le deuxieme Centennaire de I'erection du Diocese
de Quebec ; — Deux-Centieme anniversaire de I'arriv^e de
Mgr. de Montmorency ; — Laval en Canada, 1859 ; — An-
nuaire de I'lnstitute Canadien du Quebec, 1877-78 ;■ —
Translation desrestes de Mgr. de Laval a la chappelle du
Seminaire de Quebec, etc. 10 pamphlets.
1959 Quebec. Souvenir du Jubile Sacerdotal de Mgr. C. F. Ci-
zeau ; — Les deux cochers de Quebec ; — Notes sur Ics
Registres de Notre-Dame de Quebec, etc. 6 pamphlets.
ig6o Quebec as It was and as It is. The Quebec political crisis;
Reminiscences of Quebec; — Le Moine's Tourist's Note
Book ; — The Province of Quebec, etc. 10 pamphlets.
ig6i Queen's Jubilee. Extra Jubilee numbers. Art Journal,
Graphic; — Graphic Celebration Number ; — Montreal
Daily Star; — Quebec Jubilee Illustrated; — Queen's Tic-
ture Illustrating the chief events of Her Majesty's Life ; —
Realm of Victoria, 1837-S7. Numerous fine illustrations.
7 pieces.
196^ QuERAKD, L. M. Les Supcrcheries I>itteraires Dcvoilccs.
Galerie des Ecrivains Fran(;;ais de toute I'Europe qui se sont
(leguises sous Anagrammes, des Asteronymes, des Cripto-
nynics, des Initialismes, des Noms Litteraires, des Pseudo-
nynies Facetieux ou Bizarres, etc. Second edition, consid-
crablcmcnt augmentee par Gustavc Brauct ct Pierre Jan-
net. 3 vols, thick royal 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 18S.:
1963 Queries, devoted to Literature, Science, Art, and Educa-
tion. Conducted by C. W. Moulton. Vols. 2, 3, and a.
3 vols, royal 8° half morocco. Buffalo, 1886-SS
1964 Queries with Answers in Literature, Art, Science, and Ed-
ucation. First series. Edited by C. W. Moulton. Royal
S° cloth. Buffalo, 1SS8
1965 QuiR, Ferdinand de. Terra Australis Incognita; or a new
Southern Discovery, containing a fifth part of the World,
lately found out by Ferdinand de Quir, a Spanish Captain.
Printed in the year 161 7 and now reprinted, London.
1966 T~) ABELAIS, FRANr^ois. GEuvres contenant cinq liucrs dc
J[\^ la vie, faits et dits Heroiques de Gargantua, et de son
nis Pantagruel, etc. Fine large copy. Thick 16° beautifully
bound in full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges,
Jean Fust: Anvers, 1605
1967 R.\BELAis. Works fjf. Translated from the French,
with variorum note.^. Illustrations by Dore'. S° cloth,
uncut. London.
1968 Rabelais. Works of. I'ranslated from the French, by Sir
Thomas Urquhart and Motteux. Portraits. 2 vols. 12
cloth. Bohn : London, 1864
1969 Rabelais. Les CEuvres de Maistre Fran<^ois Rabelais, doc-
teur en me'decine, contenant cinq livres de la vie, faicts et
diets hdroiques de Gargantua et de son fils Pantagrudl, plus
la prognostication pantagrueline ou almanach pour I'an
perp^tuel imprimd suyvant ia prdmiere Edition censure en
I'annde 1552. 2 vols. 12° full crimson crushed levant
morocco, Jansen finish, inside borders, gilt edges.
N. P., 1626
Klegant copy of a very scarce edition, bound by Thibaron.
1970 Rabeleies. CEuvres de Maitre Francois Rabelais, avec
des critiques de M. Le Duchat. Nouvelle Edition augment^e
de quantity de nouvelles remarques de M. le Duchat
de celle de I'edition Angloise des Oeuvres de Rabelais,
ses lettres, etc. Best edition. With superb plates by
Tanje, Folkema, etc., and fine vignettes by Ficart. 3
\ols. 4° French calf super extra, backs tooled "a I'oiseau,"
gilt edges, by Dero.me. Amsterdam, 1741
A superior copy of this choice and rare edition quoted on Paris cat-
alogues from 5 to 6 thousand franc^^.
1971 Rabelais. Romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel, trans-
lated from the French, by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cro-
marty. Frontispiece. 4° tree calf extra, yellow edges.
Edinburgh, 1S3S
igji Racixe, Jean. Oeuvres de Racine. Suivant la copie im-
prim^e a Paris. 2 vols. iS° full blue crushed levant mor.
ucco, gill back and edges, three fillets on sides, by Erany
(Wolfgang, au Quserando, Amsterdam, 167S)."
A beautiful copy of the scarce Elsevir edition, measuring 122 mil.
1973 Racine. CEuvres. Xouvelle edition augmentee de di-
verses pieces et de remarques. Portrait. 3 vols. 12° old
calf. Amsterdam, 1743
1974 RaFinesque, C. S. American Nations ; or outlines of their
general historv, Generalities and Annals. 12*^ paper, uncut.
Phila., 1836
1975 Rafx, C. C. Anliquites Americains d'apres les Monu-
ments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves.
Folio, paper, uncut. Copenhague, 1845
1976 Railroads and Canals. Pamphlets relating to. (14).
1977 Ranisford, Marcus. Historical Account of the Black
Empire of Hayti ; comprehending a view of the principal
transactions in the revolution or St. Dominigo with ancient
and modern state. Plates. 4 boards, uncut.
London, 1S05
197S Raleigh, Sir Walter. Observations touching Trade and
commerce with the Hollander and other Nations, as it was
presented to King James, etc. With other Passages of
high Concernment. 24° full red morocco, gilt edges
(Roger Payne style). London, 1661
1979 Raleigh. Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh, viz : Maxims of
State, Advice to His Son, His Son's Advice to his Father,
His Sceptick, etc., etc. With portrait. 24° full red mor-
occo, gilt edges. (Roger Payne style). London, 1675
1980 Raleigh. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colony in America,
With historical illustrations and a Memoir by Rev. L N.
Tarbox. Small 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt top.
Prince Society, Boston, 18S4
Only 250 copies printed.
1 98 1 Raleigh, Thomas. Brief account, together with Observa-
lions made during a Visit to the West Indies, and a Tour
through the L^nited States of America, 1832-33 ; with a
statistical account of Upper Canada. 8'^ half morocco, un-
cut, gilt top. Dundas, U. C, 1836
1982 Rameau, E. La France aux Colonies, etudes sur le de-
velopment de la race Fran9oise hors de 1' Europe, 8°
paper. Paris, 1859.
1.^83 Ramsay, 'i'liomas K. Appeal Cases with notes and defini-
tions of the civil and criminal law of the Province of
Quebec, including a large number of decisions in appeal,
otherwise unreported and brought down to the beginning of
1887. 8° half calf. Montreal, 1887
1984 Ramsav. Collection of Reports of Important Cases by
Judge Ramsay. Newspaper cuttings in Scrap Book. 4''
• cloth.
1985 Ramsay, William. Roman Antiquities. Illustrations. 12°
cloth, uncut. London, i»5 1
1986 Ramusio, G. B. Navigationi et Viaggi. Numerous engrav-
ings and maps on wood, including Canada and other parts
of America. Vol. i, 1563; Vol. 2, 1574; Vol. 3, 1565. 3
vols, folio, vellum. Giunti : Venetia 1563-74
This important work, as is well known, contains many of the earliest
voyages relating to America, containing the original of Cartier's voy-
ages and the sketch of Hochelaga (double page wood-cut). It is
equally valuable for its relations and geographical treatises on Asia
and Africa.
1987 Raphael's Cartoon. With portrait and 7 fine plates. India
proofs. Folio, cloth. London, 1837
1988 Rasoir (Le) des Rasez. Recueil, auquel est traitd ample-
ment de la tonsure et rasure du Pape, et des Papelards.
12° citron morocco extra, gilt edges. (Suppressed.) 1562
1989 Raugour, Abb^. Le Catechisme de la penitence, qui con-
duit les pecheurs k une veritable conversion (traduit du
latin de I'abbe Raucour, par Dom. Gabriel Gerberon). 16"
old red morocco, tooling " a la Du Seuil," gilt edges.
Paris, 1677
1990 Kavnal, Abbe G. T. Histoire Philosophique et Tolitique
des etablissmens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les
deux Indes. Frontispieces and maps. 7 vols. 8° calf.
La Haye, 1774
1991 Ravnal. The Same. Willi volume of maps. Portrait and
fine copper plates. 5 vols. 4° mottled calf. Geneve, 1780
1992 Ravnal. Tlie Same. Portrait. 10 vols. 8° half roan. Paris.
1993 Rawlings, Thomas. Confederation of the British North
American Provinces ; their past history and future pros-
pects ; including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay
Territory. Maps and illustrations. 8° limp cloth,
London, 1865
1994 Rawlinson, George. Five Great Monarchies of the ancieni
Eastern World ; — Sixth Monarchy ; ■ — Seventh Monarchy.
Illustrations and map. 5 vols. 12 cloth. New York.
1995 Rebellion of 1S37. Antl-Gallis Letters, addressed to His'
Excellency the Earl of Gosford, Governor in Chief of the
Canadas, by Camillus (Adam Thorn). 16° half roan.
Montreal, 1836
1996 Rebellion. Canadian Controversy, its origin, nature and
merits. 8° half roan. London, 1838
1997 Rebellion. Canadian Portfolio. Containing Articles relat-
ing to the Causes which led to the Rebellion, S° stitched.
N. P.
1998 Rebellion. Carrier, L. N. Les l^venements de 1837-38 ;
esquisse historique de ITnsurrection du Bas-Canada. 8°
paper. Quebec, 1877
1999 Rebellion. Copies or E.xtracts of Correspondence relative
to the Affairs of British North America ordered by the
House of Commons (London), 11 Feb., 1839, (A very val-
uable and scarce report containing correspondence from
Lord Glenelg, Sir John Colburne, Earl of Durham, Sir
George Arthur, upon the Rebellion, also from Governors ol
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Lsland and
Newfoundland) ; — Return to Parliament of all Claims
made to the Commissioners for the Payment of the Rebel-
lion Losses in Lower Canada, Toronto, 1850; — Report of
the Select Committee concerning the Petition of Charles
Duncombe and other documents. 3 pieces, Toronto, 1837
2000 Rebellion. (Des^vre, M.) Journal Historique des Evene-
ments arriv^es h. Saint-Eustache pendant la rebellion du
Comt^ du Lac des Deux Montagnes depuis les soul^ve-
ments commences i la fin de novembre jusqu'au moment
ou h tranquilite fut parfaitement retabli, par un temoin
occulaire. 16° cloth. Montreal, 1838
Very rare. Only 5 copies are known to exist. The following is a
200I REBiiLLioN of 1837. Case of Baptiste Cadien, for murder ;
tried at Three Rivers, in the March Session, 1838. 8""
paper, uncut. Three Rivers, 1838
2003 Rebellion. David, L. O. Les Patriotes de 1837-38. 8"
paper, uncut. Montreal, 1874
2003 Rebellion. (Desbvre.) Journal Historique des ]£venemen3
arriv^es a Saint Eustache. 8° sheets. (Reprint.)
Montreal, 183S
5004 Rebellion'. Doctrine de I'Eglise Catholique d'Irlande et
de celle du Canada sur la Revoke. iS" paper.
Montreal, 1838
2005 Rebellion'. Fry, Alfred A. Report of the Case of the
Canadian Prisoners, with an introduction on the writ of
Habeas Corpus. 8° half roan. London, 1839
2006 Rebellion. Girod, Armurj'. Notes Di verses sur le Eas-
Canada. 2 vols. 4° paper, uncut. Debartch, 1835
2007 Rebellion. Globensky, Af. La Rebellion de 1837 a Saint
Eustache. Portrait and inserted portion of the manuscript.
S" paper, uncut. Quebec, 1883
200S Rebellion. Globensky. An Article in " La Minerve,"
Oct. 31, 18S4, on the Rebellion. Mounted in 4° blank book.
2009 Rebellion. Head, Sir Francis B. A Narrative. Second
edition. (Canadian Affairs, 1S39.) Small folio, half
morocco. Toronto, 1839
2010 Rebellion. Head. A Narrative. 8'- half russia.
London, 1839
201 1 Rebellion. Head's Flag of Truce ; — Rolph vs. Head ; —
Annals of Canada for 1837 and 1838, by David Chisholm.
Proof sheets, pp. 154 : — Souvenirs of a Canadian State
Prisoner in 1838 ; — The Cutting out of the Caroline and
other Reminiscences of 1837-38, etc. 6 pamphlets.
2C12 Rebellion. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper
Canada. Second session of the twelfth Provincial Parlia-
ment. Folio, boards. Toronto, 1836
2013 Rebellion. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper
Canada. First session of the thirteenth Provincial Parlia-
ment. Folio, boards. Toronto, 1837
A rare report on the Rebellion of 1S37.
201-] Keeellion. La Rebellion de 1S37 a Saint-Eustache ; — La
Rebellion de 1837-S, ou Reponse de C. A. Globensky u
A. O. David. 2 pamphlets.
2015 Rebellion. Le Li vie des Comptes-faits. 16" sheep.
Paris, n. d.
In use in Canada under the French regime, and a fly note states :
"Got after the Battle of St. Denis, while the Soldiers 32d and 24th
were burning and ransacking the village." An interesting rebellion
^oi6 Rebellion of 1S37. Mackenzie, W. L. Sketches of Canada
and the United States. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1833
By W. L. Mackenzie, the leader of the Canadian Rebellion of 1S37 ;
with 45 inserted portraits and autographs.
rot; Rebellion. Mackenzie. Seventh Report from the Se-
lect Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper
Canada, on Grievances; to whom were referred Lord Vis-
count Goderich's Despatch to Sir John Colborne, of the Sth
of November, 1832. 8^ boards (shaken.) Toronto, 1835
20 1 S Rebellion. Mackenzie's Carolina Almanac and Freeman's
Chronicle. (Title and i leaf wanting.) 12° paper, uncut.
2oig Rebellion. Mackenzie, Life and Times of, with an
Account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, and subse-
quent Frontier Disturbances, chiefly from unpublished doc-
uments. V>y Charles Lindsey. Portrait and illustrations.
S'' cloth. Philadelphia, 186.!
2oro Rebellion. Memoires relatifs a TEmprisonneraent de D.
B. Viger ; La Petite Clique devoilee, etc. 3 pamphlets.
2021 Rebellion. Proces de Francois, Talbert, accuse du JNIeurtrc
de George Weir, Lieutenent du 32e Regiment d'Tnfanterie
Britannique. 8° paper. Montreal.
20:2 Rebellion. Rapports et Temoignagcs du Comite' Special
de la Chambre D'Assemble' du Bas-Canada. Auquel onl
ete referees la Petition de Ilabitans du Comte de York,
celle des Habitans de la Cite de Montreal ct autres Peti-
tions se Plaignant de Griefs. 8° paper. 1829
20^3 Rebellion. Refutation de I'ecrit de Louis J. Papineau,
intitule Histoire de I'insurrcction du Canada. 8° -paper.
Montreal, 1839
2o.'4 Rebellion. Remarks on the Proceedings as to Canada, in
the present session of Parliament, London, 1S37 ; — The
question answered. Did the Ministry intend to pay Rebels ?
Celebrated Letter of Joseph Hume to W. L. Mackenzie;
Militia Laws, Toronto, 1S3S, etc., 5 pamphlets.
Toronto, 1831
2025 Rebellion. Report of Select Committee of the Legisla
tlve Council of Upper Canada, etc. 8° half roan,
Toronto, 1S36
2026 Rebellion. Report of a Select Committee of the House of
Assembly, on the Political State of the Provinces of Upper
and Lower Canada, 8° boards, Toronto, 183S
3027 Rebellion. Report of the State Trials before a General
Court Martial held at Montreal in 1838-9 : exhibiting a
complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada,
1837-3S. With Appendix. 2 vols, in i, S"^ half calf.
Montreal, 1839
202& Rebellion o£ 1S37. Report from the Select Committee on
the Civil Government of Canada. 8° half sheep.
Quebec, 1S29
^029 Rebellion. Report on the Affairs of British North America
from the Earl of Durham, Her Maiest)''s High Commis-
sioner. 8° paper. Montreal, 1839
2030 Rebellion. Return to an Address of the Legislative As-
sembly for a Statement of all Claims made to the Commis-
jTiissioners appointed under the Act for the Payment of the
Rebellion Losses in Lower Canada. Folio, paper.
Toronto, 1850
2031 Rebellion. Rolph, Dr. Review of Mackenzie's Publica-
tions on the Revolt before Toronto, in Upper Canada.
Folio, paper. n, p.
2032 P.ebellion. Trial of Alexander IMcLeod, for the murder of
Amos Durfee, and as an accomplice in the burning of the
steamer Carolina. 8° paper. New York, 1841
2033 Recherches Philsophiques sur lee Americains, ou Memoires
interessantes pour servir a I'histoire de I'espece humaine.
Par Mr. de P. 3 vols. 12° calf. Londres, 1774
to;!,.\ Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et I'Amerique,
qui n'ont point este encore publiez, contenant I'origine, les
moeurs, les coutumes et le commerce des habitants de ces
deux parties du mondc. Maps and plates. 4° vellum, un-
cut. Paris, 1674
The above includes : I-igon's Harbadoes ; De La Borde's Caribs and
Antilles Islands; Account of Guiana; Description of Jamaica; Rela-
tion of Barbadoes, English Colonies ; etc.
2035 Red River Settlement. Statement respecting the Earl of
Selkirk's Settlement upon the Red River. Map. 8° half
calf. London, 1817
2036 Red River Settlement. Debates in both Houses of Parlia-
ment, in April, 1812, on motions made by the Earl of Don-
oughmore, for a committee to inquire into the state of the
laws imposing civil disability on H. ^L Roman Catholic
subjects. 8° boards, uncut. London.
2037 Red River Settlement. Trials of the Earl of Selkirk versus
the North West Company in iSiS. 8° boards, uncut.
(Title missing.) Montreal, 18 19
2038 Red River Settlement. Papers relating to the Red River
Settlement, 1815-1S19. Folio, half morocco, uncut.
London, 1819
2039 Red River Settlement. Precis touchant la Colonie du Lord
Selkirk, sur la Riviere Rouge, sa destruction en 18 15 et
1816, et le massacre du Gouverneur du Semple et de son
parti. S" bonrds, uncut. Montreal, 18 18
2040 Red River Settlement. Recit dcs Evciicincns quit out eu
lieu sur le Territoire des Sauvages, dcpuis Ics liaisons du
Comle de Selkirk avec la Compagnic de la lilaie d' Hudson ;
— Precis touchant la Colonic du Lord Selkirk. 2 vols. 8"
boards, uncut. Montreal, 1S18
2041 Red River Settlement. Simpson, W. S. Report at large of
the Trial of Charles de Rheinhard, for murder (connnitted
in the Indian territories'), at the Court of Oyer and Terminer
held at Quebec, May, 1818. To which is annexed a Sum-
mary of Archibald M'Lellan's, indicted as an accessory.
S" boards, uncut. Montreal, 1S19
2042 Red River Settlement. Report of the Trials of Charles de
Rhinehard and Archibald M'Lellan, for murder, at a Court
of Oyer and Terminer held at Quebec. 8* half roan,
Montreal, iSiS
2043 Rekse, John. Poets of America, illustrated by one of
her Painters. Illustrations. 8° half morocco. London, 1840
2044 Rees, J, R. Pleasures of a Bookworm. 16° vellum paper
wrapper, uncut. London, 18S6
2045 Rees. Pleasures of a Bookworm ; — Diversions of a Book-
worm. 2 vols. 16° uncut. New York and London, 1886
2046 Reeves, John. History of the Government of the Island of
Newfoundland, with Appendix. S° boards, uncut.
London, 179:;
2047 Reklectu)\s on the Causes and Probable Consequences of
the late Revolution in France; with a view of the ecclesias-
tical and civil constitution of Scotland and of the progress
of its agriculture and commerce. 8"^ half calf.
Edinburgh, 1790
2048 Rlgxikk, Mathurin. Les Satyrcs et Autrcs Oiuvrcs folas-
tres du Sieur Regnier ; dernier edition augmentcc de
))Iusieurs pieces de pareille estoffe, tant des sieurs de
Sigognes, Motin, Touvant ct Berthelot qu'autrcs des plus
beau esprits de ce temps. 12° beautifully bound in full
crimson polished levant morocco, three gold fillets on sides,
gilt back and edges, inside borders, by Cape. Paris, 1616
2049 Regnier. CEuvres Completes. Accompagne'e d'une no-
tice biographique et bibliographique de variantes, de
notes, d'un glossaire et d'un index. 8° half crushed levant
morocco extra uncut edges, gilt top. Fine copy. Paris, 1875
China Paper copy. Only 30 printed.
2050 RKNAur. Lai d'Ignaures, en vers du Xlle siccle, les
I^ais de Mclion et du Trot, en vers du Xllle siccle. Pub-
lics pour hi premier fois d'aprcs deux manuscrits uniques,
par L. J. N. Monmerf|ue et Francisquc Michel. With a
fac-simile page from the original manuscript. 8" boards,
uncut. Only 150 copies printed. Paris, 1832
2051 Renan, Ernest. Viedejdsus. 8' paper, uncut. Paris, 1867
zo^z Renouard, a. a. Annales de rimprimerie des Aide, ou
Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Portrait.
2 vols. 8* half morocco. Paris, iSc^
2053 Retrospective Review, and Historical and Antiquarian
Magazine, consisting of Criticisms upon. Analysis of, and
Extracts from Curious, Valuable, and Scarce Old Books.
The three series complete. tS vols. 8' half morocco,
marbled edges. London, 1820-26, 1828, 1853-54
2054 Reumont, Alfred von. Lorenzo dc'Medici, the magniii-
cent. Translated by Robert Harrison. 2 vols. 8° cloth,
imcut. London, 1884
2055 RtiVEiLLAUP, Eug. Histoire du Canada ct des Canadiens
Franrais de la dccouverte jusqua nos jours. 8° paper,
uncut. Paris, 1884
2056 Revolutionary Views. Collection d'Estampes reprcsentant
Ics Evc'ncments de la guerre pour la liberte de 1' Aradri-
que septentrionalc. 16 beautifully engraved plates by
fauvcl, Lc Barbier, Marillcr, comprising Battle of Lexing-
ton, Defeat of Burgoync, Surrender of Cornwallis, etc. 4°
half roan. ' Paris, (17S0.)
2057 Review of the Government and of the Grievance of the
Province of Quebec, since the Conquest of it by British
Arms; to which is added an Appendix containing Extracts
from Authentic papers. 8' half roan, (Title page missing.)
London, 178S
205S Revue Canadienne. Vols 1-7. 7 vols. 8° half morocco.
Montreal, 1S64-70
205<) Ri.vuK de Montreal. Vols. i. 2, 3. and May to June of vol.
4. 1S78-S0. 4 vols. 8° half roan and numbers. Complete
set of a scarce magazine. Montreal.
20G0 Restif de la Bretonne. Lucile, ou les Progres de la Vertue.
The rare orginal edition, 16° half morocco, gilt edges.
Quebec, (Paris) 176S
2oOt Restif de la Bretonne. L'Annce des Dames Nationales, ou.
Histoire, Jour-par-jour, d'une Femme de France. Illus-
trated with charming engrav.ngs. 6 vols. 16° half calf.
Rare original edition. Geneve, 1791-94
2062 Rich, Obadiah. A Complete Colleclion of his Bibliogra-
phical Works, comprising: I. Catalogue of Books, re-
lating principally 10 America, 1500-1700, with the Supple-
ment, 1493-1700. London, 1832; II. Bibliotheca Ameri-
cana Nova, Vol. I. (1701-1800.) New York, 1S35 ; m^-
Bibliotheca Americana Nova, Vol. II. (1S01-1844.) Lon-
don. tS,}/'.. 3 vols. S- calf. (Binding worn.)
London and New York, 1S32-46
3063 KicHAKi), Jules. L'Art de Former une Libliotheque. Small
8° half morocco extra, uncut edges, gilt top, with the
covers bound in. Rouveyre et Blond : Paris, 1883
Limited Edition of 100 copies. With an inserted portrait of the
author, after Gavami — also a fac-siraile autograp!i.
2064 RicnARDERiE, G. E. de la. Bibliotheque Universelle des
Voyages. 6 vols. 8^ calf. Paris, i8c«
Contains valuable lengthy criticisms of early American and other
2065 Richardson, Sir John. Arctic Searching Expedition; a
journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land- and the
Arctic Sea, in search of the discovery ships under command
of Sir John Franklin. FYontispiece. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un-
cut. London, 1851
2066 Richardson, Major. Wacousta ; or tbe Prophecy, a Tale
of the Canadas. First edition. 3 vols, small 8" half roan.
London, 1S32
2067 Richardson. Wacousta; or the Prophecy, an Indian
Tale. 8° half morocco, gilt edges. Montreal, 1868
2068 Richardson. The Guards in Canada, or the Point of
Honor ; being a sequel to Major Richardson's Eight
Years in Canada. 12° paper. Montreal, 184S
2069 Richardson. IVfovements of the British Legion, with
Strictures on the Course of Conduct pursued by Lieut.-
Gen. Evans. Plates. Presentation copy from the author
to Lord Somerset. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1837
2070 Richardson. The Canadian Brothers ; or, the prophecy
fulfilled, a tale of the late American War, 2 vols, in
I. 1 6° cloth. (Broken.) -N[ontreai, 1S40
A seque) to Wacousta.
2071 Richardson, Major. Personal Memoirs. Montreal, 1838 ;
— Also Trifles from my Port Folio, by Staff Surgeofi,
Vol. 2. 2 vols. 8° boards. Quebec, 183^
This volume contains the Canadian Notes of Major Richardson upon
the Kebellion of 1S37.
2072 Richardson. Eight Years in Canada; embracing a Re-
view of the Administrations of Lords Durham and Syd-
enham, Sir Charles Bagot, and Lord ^fetcalf. 8° cloth.
^fontreal, 1S67
2073 I'liCHTER, Jean Paul. Leonardo Da Vinci. I'ortrait and
illustrations. 8° cloth. London, 18S0
2074 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of
America; being an answer to the Declaration of the Gen-
eral Congress. 8'^ stitched. London, 1776
2075 RiEL Rebellion. Report upon the Suppression of the Re-
bellion in the North-West Territories; and matters in con-
nection therewith, in 1885. 8° half calf. Ottawa- 1886
2076 RiEL Rebellion, Preliminary Investigation and Trial of
Ambrose D. Lepine for the murder of 'I'liomas Scott, heinp;
a full report of the proceedin<;s in this case before the
Magistrate's ('ourt, rro\ince of Manitoba. Illustrations.
S" paper. jWinnipej^, 1874
2077 Kiel Rebellion. The Queen vs. Louis Riel, accused and
convicted of the crime of Hic;h Treason; — Le veritable
Riel; — Trial of A. D. Lepine for the murder of Thomas
Scott (1874), 3 pamphlets.
2078 Ris, Clement de. Les Amateurs d'autrefois. 8 etched por-
traits. Royal 8° half morocco extra. Paris, 1877
2079 RoiiF.RTso.v, William, History of America. 2 vols. 4° calf.
London, 1777
?o8o RoRKRTSON. History of America, P>ooks IX and X : con-
laininsj the History of Virj^jinia to the year 1688, and }lis-
tory of New England, to 1653. 8° calf. London, 1796
205 1 R(»i:krtsont. History of Scotland, durin;:^ the reigns of Queen
Mary and King James VL, till his accession to the Crown
of England. 2 vols. 4° sheep. London, 1859
2052 Rop.iDA, A. Petits Mcmoires secrets du XlX'siecle. Le
Portefeuille d'un tres vieux Carron. Numerous facetious
illustrations. 12° cloth. Paris.
2083 Robin, Abbe. Nouveau Voyage dans Amerique Septen-
trionale, en I'annee 17S1 ; et campagne de I'armc'e de l\i. Le
Comte De Rochambeau. 8° half sheep. Phila., 1782
2084 Ronixsox, John IJ. Canada and the Canada l?ill : being
an examination of the proposed measure for the future gov-
ernment of Canada ; with an introductory chapter, contain-
ing some general views respecting the British Provinces in
North America. S° paper, uncut. London, 1840
20S5 Roi'.soN, George Fennell. Scenery of the Grampian Moun-
tains, illustrated by forty-one plates representing the princi-
]K\\ hills from such points as display iheir picturesque
ieatures; diversified by lakes and rivers : with an explana-
tory page atiixed to each plate, giving an account of those
objects of natural curiosity and historical interest, with
which the district abounds; the engravings executed by
Henry Morton, and colored from original drawings made on
the spot by the author. Imperial folio, half calf. (Binding
somewhat injured.) London, 1S19
2085 Rop.sox, Joseph. Account of Six Years' Residence in Hud-
son's Bay, from 1733 to 1736 and 1744 to 1747. Maps. 8*^
calf. London, 1752
2087 Rochester, N. Y. Directory for 1827 ; to which is added a
Sketch of the History of the \illage from i8j2 to 1827.
Map. 12° boards. Rochester, 1827
2058 Roger, Charles. Kise of Canada, from Barbarism to
Wealth and Civilization. Vol. i. (All published.) 8° half
roan. Quebec, 1856
2059 Rogers, Robert. Journals of Major Robert Rogers. Con-
taining an Account of several E.vcursions he made under
the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North
America, during the late war. From which may be col-
lected the most material Circumstances of every Campaign
upon the Continent, from the commencement to the conclu-
sion of the war. S° full calf extra, yellow edges.
Printed for the author : London, 1765
Mne copy of the first edition.
2090 Rogers. Concise Account of North America, containing a
Description of the several British Colonies on that Conti
nent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton,
etc., as to their situation, extent, climate, soil, produce,
rise, government, religion, present boundaries, and number
of inhabitants supposed to be in each ; also of the interior
or westerly parts of the country, upon the rivers St. Law-
rence, Mississippi, Christino and the Great Lakes. 12"
mottled calf. Dublin, 1770
2091 Rogers. Concise Historical Account of all the British
Colonies in North America, comprehending their rise, pro-
gress and modern state, particularly of the Massachusetts-
Bay (seat of the present Civil War), together with the other
Provinces of New England, Fine copy. 8^ half green
morocco, gilt top. London, 1775
2092 Rogers, Samuel. Ital}-, a Poem. Illustrated with the series
of exquisite illustrations by J. M. W. Turner and Thomas
Stothard. First edition. 8° full crimson crushed levant
morocco super extra, gilt edges, broad inside tooled
borders, watered silk lining. London, 1830
A sumptuous copy of the original edition, uiili an autograph signa-
ture of the author inserted. Tlie tooling on the sides covers the
entire panel and consists of a delicate pattern of flowers and wreaths,
•' 1 petiis fers," after a design by Le Gascon, by VV. Matthews.
2093 Roget, p. M. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.
8"^ morocco. (Binding loose.) London, 1855
2094 Roget. Thesaurus of English \\'ords and Phrases. Re-
vised and edited by Barnas Sears. 8" half morocco.
Phila., 1 883
2095 RoLPH, Thomas. Brief Account, together with Observations
made during a Visit in the West Indies, and a Tour through
tlie United States of America, in 1832-33 ; together with a
statistical account of Upper Canada. 8^ half morocco, un-
cut, gilt top. Dundas, U. C, 1S36
2096 Uoinain, i^enin. Compendium hystorial des polices des
Empires, Royaulmes et choses publicques. Nouvellement
translate de latin en fran^oys. jjlack jCettcr, with engraved
title and wood-cut in the text. Small folio, vellum.
Galliot du Prd: Paris, 1528
■•097 RoMANAK llistoriae Scriptores Graeci Minores ; qui partim
ab urbe condita, partim ab Augusto Imperio, Res Romanas
memorise prodiderunt. Opera et studio Friderici Sylburgii
Veterensis. Fine copy, thick folio, full marbled calf, gilt
edges, with the "toison " of the celebrated Longepierre
stamped in gold on the back and sides.
Andreas Wecheli heredes : Francofurdi, 1590
209S Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the First Settlers on the
Oregon, or Columbia River. Map. 8° half roan.
London, 1849
2099 Ross, A. M. Birds of Canada, with Descriptions of their
Plumage, Habits, Food, etc. ; — Butterflies and Moths of
Canada, illustrations. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Toronto, 1872-3
2 1 00 Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a
North-west Passage, during 1829-33. Maps and plates.
Large 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1835
2101 Ross. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-
west Passage, and of a residence in the Arctic Regions,
during 1829-33. With appendix, including the reports of
of Capt. James Clark Ross, and the discover)' of the
northern magnetic pole. Numerous maps and plates, some
colored. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut, London, 1835
2102 RoTiisciULi). Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliothe-
cjue de feu M. le Baron James de Rothschild. Illustrated
with a portrait of Baron Rothschild and numerous fac-similes
of title pages, plates of bindings, some in gold and colors,
etc. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols, thick royal 8'^ paper, uncut.
Morgand : Paris, 1884-87
.'V valualjle catalogue with numerous bibliographical dissertations of
one of the grandest and costliest libraries in l^urope. Only a very
limited number of copies were issued, the third volume is not yei
2103 Roussf.au, J. J. Julie, ou la Nouvelle Ileloise. Lettres de
deux Amans, habitans d'une petit ville au pied des Alpes.
Numerous fine plates by Gravelot. 6 vols, in 3, 12° calf,
Origin.m, kdition. Amsterdam, 1761
2104 Rousseau. Julie, ou la Nouvelle Ileloise. Second edition.
6 vols, in 3, 12*^ calf. Amsterdam, 1763
2io5 Rousseau. OCuvres Choisies. iS° old calf. Paris, 1744
2106 Rousseau, P. Histoire et Vie de M. Paul de Chomedy,
Sieur de Maisonneuve, P'ondateur et Premier Gom'erneur
de Villemaire, 1640-1676. Portrait and illustrations.
Royal 8" paper, uncut, I^IontreaL
2107 RouTHiER, A, B. En Canot; petit voyage au Lac St. Jean.
12° paper, uncut. Quebec, 188 1
^TcS RouvEYRE, Edouard. Connaissances Necessaires a un Bib-
liophile, ^lany en^avings, specimens of different papers
used, etc. 2 vols, small 8° vellum-paper wrapper, uncut
edges, Paris, 18S3
A capita! compilation for the guidance of book collectors, containinj:;
a great many interesting particulars about books, their collection,
binding, preservation, collation, means of cleaning, etc., etc.
2109 KowLANDSON. Twenty Caricature Plates to illustrate the
"Tour to the Hebrides," by James Boswell, designed by
Rowlandson, engraved 17S6. 20 plates in a portfolio.
Folio, cloth. London.
2110 Roy, J. E. L'Ordre dc Maltc on Aine'riquc. 8° paper, un-
cut. Quebec, 188S
:!fri RucuE Litte'raire (La) ct Politique. ^Lirch, 1S53, to Jan.,
1854 (wanting April and June), 9 parts royal 8° paper.
2!! 2 Rule, William Jl. History of the Inquisition, in every
country where its tribunals have been established from the
twelfth century to the present time, 8"^ cloth.
I/Ondon, i36S
2113 Rules and Articles for the Petler Government of the Militia
of the Province of Lower Canada, when embodied for Ser-
vice. In French and Fjiglish. 16° paper, Quebec, 1795
21 14 Rump: or, an exact Collection of the choicest Poems and
Songs relating to the late Times. By the most eminent
Wits, from 1639 '•'^ 16G1. 2 vols. S'' boards, uncut.
Large Paper. (Reprint.) London, 1662
21 15 [Rumsey, John.] Curia; Canadenses, or the Canadian Law
Courts. By Plinius Secundus. 8° cloth, Toronto, 1S.I3
2116 Russell, A. J. Red River Country, Hudson's Bay and
North-west Territories considered in relation to Canada,
8° paper. Montreal, 1870
21 r7 Russell, William, History of America from its Discovery
by Columbus to the conclusion of the late War, With an
appendi.v, containing an account of the use and progress of
tlie present unhappy contest between Great Britain and her
Colonies. Numerous maps and copper plates. 2 vols. 4°
half calf. London, 1778
2118 Russell. History of Modern Europe. Engraved titles. 3
vols. 8° sheep. New York, 1862
1 1 19 Russell's History of Modern Europe Epitomised. By
(George Towsend. iCi' cloth. London, jR5S
2 1 20 Russell. JNIemorial of the Maniage of H. R. H. Albert Ed-
ward, Prince of Wales, .ind H. R. H. Alexandra, Princess
of Denmark. Illuminated title-page and 41 chromo-litlio-
graphic plates by Robert Dudley, representing the various
events of the Wedding and the Bridal Gifts ; many of the
plates in gold and silver. I,arge folio, cloth, gilt edges.
3121 Russell. Canada; its defenses, condition and resources.
Map. Small 8° cloth. London, 1865
2122 RvERSOx, John. Hudson's Bay ; or a missionary tour in the
territory of the Hudson's Bay Company. J'ortrait and illus-
trations. 12° cloth. Toronto, 1S55
2123 OABIN, Joseph. Bibliography of Bibliography, or a
^^ handy book about books which relate to books. S"
half morocco. New York, 1877
2IJ4 Sauine, Lorenzo. Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the
American Revolution, with an historical essa}'. 2 vols. 8*^
cloth. Boston, 1S64
2i;?5 Sagard, Gabriel. Le Grand Voyage dv Pays des Hvrons,
situc en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, e's derniers confins
dc la nouueUe France ditc Canada. Ou il est amplement
Iraite de tout ce qui est du Pays, des maurs ^: du naturel
des Sauuages, de leurs gouvernement <\: fatuous de faire, tant
dedans leur pays qu'allants en voyages. Avec vn Diction-
naire de la langue Huronne. Engraved and printed titles.
Small 8" in contemporary binding, dark blue morocco, gilt
edges, line copy, very rare. Chez Denys jMoreau : Paris, 1632
2126 Sagard. Histoire dv Canada et Voyages qve les Freres
Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conuersion des In-
lidelles. Divisez en qvatre livres. Ou est amplement
traicte des choses principales arriuees dans le pays depuis
I'an 1615 iusques a la prise qui en a este' faicte par les An-
glois, etc. ^Vith the 3 leaves of nmsic. Small 8° russia.
Chez Claude Sonnius: Paris, 1636
" < >f llic excessive rarity of this book, an idea may be formed from
the fael that tlic late Mr. J'M\viuTro5>s souglil for many years before
lie could obtain a copy to reprint, as he had alreaily reprinted the
N'oyape. In tlie preface he states that " on a offert, durant des annccs,
I'Joo fr. d'un e.xemplaire de rilisloire. sans pouvoir s'en procurer un
heul.' This statement has reference to over twenty years ago, and as
valuable old books have since then increased remarkably in price as
well as in rarity, the cost of this last copy is relatively low.
Only two copies are known, besides this, containing the four pygcs
at the tnd, which give the native words and the music of a Huron SDiig
and an Iroquois hymn." — i^iiaritch Cat.
2137 St. Bris, Thomas dc. Discovery of the origin of the name
of America. Illustrations. 8° paper. New York, 18SS
2128 SAiNT-LA>fT!b-.RT, C. V. cle. I.cs Saisons, I'ocnic. I'-rontis-
piece by Dcscnne. Ro}aI S° richly bound by 'InuUNKMN,
in full blue straight grained morocco, super extra, back
richly tooled, blind and gold tooling on sides, gilt edges.
Large Paper. Paris, iS-'^
2129 SainT'Maurice, Fancher de. Relatiun de ce qui s'est passc
lors des Fouilles Faites par Ordre du (iouverneinent. dans
une partie des fondations du College des Jdsuits de Quebec.
4" paper, uncut. Quebec, 1S79
2130 Saint-Maurice. I )e Quebec a Mexico: — LaBrunante; —
Choses et autres. 4 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Montreal, 187 ^
2 13 1 Saint-ISIaurice. Le Canada et les Canadiens Franrais
pendant la guerre Frnnru-Prussienne. Koyal 8° paper, un-
cut. Quebec, iSSS
2132 Saint-Non, J. C. Voyage Pittoresquc, ou Description du
Royaume de Naples et de Sicile. Original edition. With
upwards of 400 plates of views, scenery, herculancan anti-
quities, etc. 5 vols, atlas folio, old calf. Paris, 1 781 -86
Original edition of this grand work, brilliant impression.s of the
plates, including the " Doubles Mcdaillc.'^," which are very seldom
2133 Saint Pierre, Bernardine de. Paul et Virginie, \\ iLh 4
plates by Moreau and Vernet. 18° full blue crushed levant
rnorocco extra, three gold fillets on the sides, back richly
tooled, gilt edges, inside borders, by Chambolle-Duru.
Original edition, an elegant copy. Paris, 17S9
2134 SAiNT-Pierre. Paul et Virginie. 4 plates by Moreau origi-
nalimpressions. 18° russia, gilt. Paris, 1789
2135 St. Pierre. Paul and Virginia; with an original memoir
of the author, and 330 illustrations, the full page illus-
trations on India paper. Royal 8° lialf morocco extra,
uncut edges, gilt top. London, 1S39
2136 St. Sauveur. Costumes des habitants dc IVAnicriquc ct dc
rOce'anie, par Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, nc k Montreal en
'757- With 88 finely colored plates of Indian costumes
and customs. 4° half calf, gilt. (Paris, 1796)
2137 Saintsbury, George. Specimens of English Prose Style
from Malory to Macaulay ; with an introductory cssh) .
Printed on hand made p;ipcr. S" full \cllum, uncut, gilt
top. London, i88_^
2t3S Salmon. New Geographical and Historical Grammar.
Numerous maps. 8'' old calf. Lon.don, 175 j.
2139 Sandham, Alfred. \'illcMatic, ot Sketches of Monttcal.
past and present. Numerous illustrations, also 55 portraits
and autographs laid in for extra illustrations. 8 cloth.
Montreal, 1870
2140 Sandham, Montreal and its Fortifications. Plans. 8'
cloth. Privately printed. Some plates colored.
Montreal, 1874
214T Sandham. Coins, Tokens, and Medals of the Dominion of
Canada, with supplementary pamphlet. Illustrations. S"
cloth. Montreal, i36g
2142 Salox dc 1SS7. Par G. OUendorf. With 100 elegant pho-
togravures by Goupil. 12 parts, small folio. Paris, 18S7
2145 Sangster, Charles. The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay,
and other Poems. 12° cloth. Kingston, 1856
2144 Sanson, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and
descriptive. Frontispiece. 8° boards, uncut. N. Y., 1817
2145 Sanson, N. L'Amcrique en plusieurs Cartes, et en divers
traittds do Geographic, et d'histoirc. La ou sont descripts
succinctement et avcc unc belle mcthodc et facile, ses em-
pires, scs pcuplcs, scs colonics, leurs mocurs, langues, etc.
15 maps. 4° old calf. Paris, 1657
Fine copy of the rsrc (ir?t edition of Saiison's .\tlas, unknown to
2)46 Sanson. L'Amcrique (ct L'Europe, L"Asic, L'Afriquc) en
plusieurs Cartes, nouvelles et cxactes, et en divers traittez
<le,Geographie et d'Hisloirc. Numerous colored maps, in-
cluding 15 maps of America. 4" half calf Paris, 1683
;i4; Sanson. Another copy. 4° vellum. Paris, 1683
-M4S Sanson. Introduction a la Geographic. With 130 largo
colored maps and plans. 2 vols, large atlas folio, half
calf. Paris and Amsterdam, I G86-90
2 1 .19 Santandkr dc la Scrra. Dictionnairc Bibliographiquc choisi
(lu quin/.icmc Siecle, ou Description par ordrc alphabetiquc
dcs Editions le plus rares et le plus rechcrchecs du quinzic-
me siecle. 3 vols. 8° half morocco. Pru.xelles, 1805
2150 Sarasin. Oeuvres Choisies. iO° calf. Paris, 1757
2151 Saulia', I'', de. Systeme Montiaire de la Re'publiquc
Romaine a I'epoque de Jules C(5sar. Plates. Small folio,
paper. Paris, 1873
215c Saunders. F. P. The Story of some Famous Books. 16°
cloth, uncut. New York, 1S87
2153 Savagt, James. ihc I>ii.>raiian. S"" half calf, gilt.
J^ondon, iSoS
6 Portrait:? Insei ti.d. Imt. lack- Xo. ty, which wcis issued as an e.vtra
2154 ScADDiNG, Jleni}-. lurouto of Old ; Culicclions and Recol-
lections illustrative of ihe Early Settlement and Social
Life of the Capital of Ontario. l!y Henry Scadding.
Portraits ;?nd iliiislratioiis. S^ clotii, Toronto, 1868
2155 ScAUDiNG. Canada and Oxford: i, Merlon College and
Canada ; 2, Canada in the Bodleian ; 3, On Museums, the
New Oxford Museum included. 8"* half morocco.
Toronto, 1873
212,0 ScALiGER.\N'A, Thuaua, Perroniana, Pithoeana, et Colomes-
iana; ou Remarques historiques, critiques, morales, ei
litt^raires de Jos. Scaliger, J. Aug. De Thou, le Cardinal da
J*erron, Fr. Pithou, et P. Colomies. Avec les Notes dr
plusieurs Savans. 3 vols. 13'^ half calf extra, gilt top.
Amsterdam, 1740
2157 ScHERER, J. B. Kecherclies historiques et geographiques sur
le nouveau-monde. 8° boards. Paris, 1777
2158 ScmxDLER, Solomon. Messianic Expectations and ^^oder;l
Judaism. With introduction bv M. J. Savage. i3° cloth.
Boston, 1886
2159 SciiMiTZ, Leonard. Manual of Ancient History, from the
remotest Times, to the overthrow of the Western Umpire,
A: D. 476. la"* half roan. New York.
3160 SciiONER. Johann Schoner, Professor of Mathematics at
Nurenberg. A Reproduction of his Globe of 1533 long
lost, his dedicatory letter to Reymer von Streytperck and ihs
'* De Moluccis " of Maximilianus Transylvanus ; with new
translations and notes on the globe, by Henry Steven^.
Edited with an introduction and bibliography, by C. H.
(Joote. Portrait and Fac-simile maps. Large Papek.
Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 18SS
2 16 J School for Satire, a volume of satirical Poems, addressed 1.)
the various commentators on Shakespeare, Capell's Ghost,
and others. 8° half morocco, gilt top. London, iSc
2162 School Books. Theses de ]\[athematiques et de Phys-
ique qui seront soutenues au Seminaire de- Quebec,
NIardi 5 October. Small 4° richly bound in full morocco,
mosaic binding, gilt edges, by Lemieux of Quebec.
Quebec, (circa, 1774)
2163 School Books. Thl-ses de Mathematique qui seront sou-
tenues au Semlnairie de Quebec. Vendredi, 26 ^^ai. Small
4" in full morocco, mosaic binding, gilt edges, by Lemieuv.
Quebec, 1775
The above two volumes are ihe result of a "supreme effort" bya
Canadian binder and are very interesting as such ; the ornamentaiibiu
consists of a very elaborate tooling on inlaid leather of various colors,
and is certainly very oiiginal, but the combination of colors is rather
The difficulty of getting early editions of School books is recognized
by all Book collectors and Librarians everywhere, the following series
tti-iuKt be iiio-t difficult to duplicate in the early dates.
:'i64 St:'iiooL and Religious liooks. 1797 to iSio. Ileures
Romaines en gros caractere etc. 12" call'. A Que-
bec; Jean Neilson, 1795. (Une copy veiy rare); —
Clraduel Remain a I'usage du diocese de Quebec,
wiiti nui!sic, 16° full calf, fine copy. A Quebec, n. d.
ciica, 1797); — Office de la Sainte Vierge a I'usage des
(.^ongreganistes, J. Lovell, Montreal, N. D. ; — Funeral
SprrnoM, Afonireal, l^enjamin Frobisher, 1787, by Rev. C.
I). Delible, MS. copy; — Instructions Chretiennes. 24°
hoards, Quebec, 1807; — Ileures Royales en gros carac-
teres. to*^ calf, Quebec, 1806 ; — (.loncise Introduction to
J'ractical Arithernetic, by Rev. John Strachan, 16° calf,
7 vols. Montreal, 1809
?i65 Sc:uooi, and Religious iJooks. 1810 to 1820. Catechisme
Historique par ^^. Fleury, 18° Quebec, 1810; — Grant's
Tables, i8'\ Quebec, 1810; — L'Ame eleve'e a Dieu 16"
(juebec, j8ii ; — Heures Romaines, 16°, Quebec, 1812; —
1 /Imitation de Jesus Christ (De Gonnelier) Oscar Dunn,
auto on title, 18°, Quebec, 1813: — Exercice tres devot
t-nvers St. Antoine (with an account of miracles). 32^
Montreal, 1813; — Two Sermons on Family Prayer by the
Hon. and Rev. Charles Stewart, 8°, Montreal, 1814; —
(the first Anglican Service Prayer Hook printed in Canada),
Ke Petit Manuel du Chretien, Quebec, 1814; — L'Office de
la Semaine Sainte, Quebec, 18 j 6. 10 vols.
?\C>0 School and Religious liooks. 1820 to 1840. L'Otfice de
I'Fglise, Quebec, 1820; — Instructions du Sainte Rosaire,
Quebec, 1821; — Society for Promoting Christian Knowl-
edge (subscription list 4 pp.) Niagara, 1826; — Chal-
loner's History, Montreal, 1828; — Le Grand Catechisme,
Cji'^'^'^c, 1829 ; — I'ormules Quebec Ritual, Quebec, 1830;
Devotion au.\ Saints Anges, Montreal, 1832; — Confrerie
de Notre Dame, Quebec, 1S34; — Le Petit Catechisme,
Quei)ec, 1835 ; — Compendium Historian Ecclesiae, Quebec,
1834; — Epitome Historiae Ecclesice, Quebec, 1834; —
Epitome Historiie Sacrae Village Debartch (J. P. Boucher-
Relleville'e), 1836; — Instructions Chretiennes Trois Riv-
c're.s, 1836; — Petit Manuel a I'usage de Quebec, 1832 ; —
Ciii iJlas, Quebec, 1837. M ^'oh.
21^,7 School and Religious Books. 1830 to 1840. English,
I'rench and Greek. 10 vols.
2if')S School and Religious Books. 1840 to 1850. Including
'• Shall and Will " by Sir Edward Head. Murray's Gram-
mar, Toronto, N. D., Murray's Grammar, Toronto, 1845 !
Kirkham's Grammar; Toronto, 1845; ^^^' '4 ^"^'°-
2169 School and Religious Books, 1850 to 1S70. Includes
Racine's Souvenirs Historiques du Canada ; — Garneau's
Abridged History ; — Roy's Canada, etc. 12 vols.
2170 School and Religious Books. Elemens de la Grammaire
Latine, h I'usage des Colleges, Far W, L'Homond, Pro-
fesseur-^mritc en 1' University de Paris, Syntaxe, a Mon-
treal. Louis Roy, 1796. 3 Parts, with titles to Syntax and
Method. The first title page is missing together with the
first page up to 5, otherwise perfect though first pages are
thumbed on the edges. 12° original paper cover,
2 171 School and Religious Books. F^lements de la Grammaire
Latine, Quebec, Imprimis i la Nouvelle Imprimerir
original paper. 12" 1799.
2172 School and Religious Books. Geographie h. I'ysage des
Ecoliers du Petit Seminaire de Quebec, Ji Quebec, J. Neil-
son 1804, 24° paper; — Traite d'Arithmetique pour I'usage
des Ecoles, par J. A, Bouthillier, i Quebec, J. Neilson 1809.
i6° boards; — Elemens de la Grammaire Fran^aise par
M. L'Homond. Deuxierne edition de Quebec, a Quebec, J.
Xeilson, iSio. 16'^ boards; — Syllabaire Fran<;aise, by
W. Borny, Montreal, N, Mower, iS 10. iTj*^ boards; —
IWrithmtrtique par M. Bibaud, Montreal, N. Mower, i8i6.
1 6*^ calf ; — Grammaire Latine, Montreal, J. Brown, 181 1 ; —
(Title page to the first part, Grammaire Fran^aise missing ;
extra tall copy.) 8° calf; — Grammaire Fran^aise, Mon-
treal, J. Brown. 8^ boards; — Grammaire of the French
Tongue, by John Perrin, Mower, Montreal 181?. 16" calf.
8 vols.
2173 School and Religious Books. Nouvelle Methode ^ bein
lire et orthographier par Gean Palairet, Quebec. 12° boards
1821 ; — Cours d'Education Elementaire, by J. F. Perrault,
Quebec. 12° boards, 1822 ; j— Fessenden's Tabids, Mon-
treal, N. Mower, 1822. 8° calf; — French Genders, 24"
full morocco, Quebec, 1827; — Grammaire Elementaire
J.equien. 16° calf, Montreal, 1828 ; — Geographie Elemen-
taire de Nicolet, 16", Montreal, 1828; — Traite d'Arithme-
tique, Boutillier, 16° calf, Quebec, 1S29 ; — English
Reader, Murray ^- Bartlett, iG'^ calf, Montreal, 1828. 8
2174 School and Religious Books. 1840 to 1S70, I'etit Recueil
de Cantiques. I'rois Rivieres, 1847 ; — Psalms and
Hymns. Trinity Church, Montreal, 1842 ; — Manual Par-
ochial Psalmody, Quebec, 1844; — Canadian Church Psal-
mody, with music. Toronto, 1845; — Book of Psalms.
Toronto, 1S51 ; — Rev. Robert McGill's Discourses, Mon-
treal, 1S53, (contains Sermons on the Rebellion 1837, the
Great Fire of Montreal, 1852 and 4.) and others, 10 vols.
2175 School and Religious Books. A Selection from the Psalms
of David with music. 4'^ boards. Montreal, 1S21 ; — Root
and Offspring of David, by Rev. W. McGilvray, 1848; —
Grammaire Fran^oise k I'usage du Petit Seminaire de Mon-
treal, 181 1 ; — The Catholic School Book, Montreal, 1817 ;
Manuel du Peleriu, 1848, with view of old Eonsecours
Church. 5 rare volumes.
2176 School and Religious Books, Instructions Sur le Jttbil^,
Quebec, 1S27 ; — Pratique des Seminaristes, Quebec, 1838 ;
— La Terre^Sainte, N. D. (1841) ; — L'Instruction Primarie
Jean Juneau, 1847 ; — Bibaud's Cat^chisme de I'Histoire du
Canada, 1853 (rare), and twelve others. iS pamphlets
2177 School and Religious Books. Letter from Dr. Strachan to
Dr^ Lee, Kingston, L, C, 1829; — Abridgment of Christian
Doctrine, Montreal, 1812; — Dr. Milne's Catechism; —
James 1'homson's Family Prayers, Montreal, 1839 ; — Bish-
op Oxenden's Family Prayers, London, Ont., 1870 ; — Roe's
Purgatory ; — Bishop of Ontario on Agnosticism ; — Dr.
iieecher's New treasures, New York, 1828 ; — Swear not at
all, by Dr. Bentham, iSiy. and others on the Jesuits, etc.
2 1 pamphlets.
2i;S School and Religious Books. Early miscellaneous. Se-
lections from the Psalms, etc. 16° cloth. St. John, N. B.,
1844 ; — Manuel Abr^g<^ de Contro verse ou Contro verse des
Pauvres, Quebec, 1S06; — Heures Romaines (title missing),
Quebec, 1812 ; — Borny's Sylabaire Francois, Montreal,
iSio; — Bibaud's Arithimetique, Montreal, 1S16. 5 vol.'j.
2179 School and Religious Books. Miscellaneous. Grammaire
Grecque, Montreal, 1837 ; — Institutiones Philosophicae,
Quebec, 1835 ; — Choix de Cantiques (Presbyterian), Que-
bec, 1844; — Lalleche, La Soci^tc Civile, Montreal, 1866;
Quebec Classical School J'rize Book. Full calf, with stamp
on sides, 1836 ; — Tctu's Droits du Clerge du Canada, Mon-
treal, 1842 ; — Glimpses of the Monastery, Quebec, 1875,
and others. 16 vols.
2180 School and Religious Books. Formulaire de Pricres,
Quebec, 18 11 ; — ^ Quebec Directories for the years 1847-8 ;
(the second Hawkins Directory very rare)-— 1 850-1 -—
1S52-3; — Standing Orders, 79th Highlanders, 1S35 ; —
(Quebec Guide, with map, 1S51; — Municipal Code Prov-
ince of Quebec, 1875; — Sermon du Pere Bourdalour.
Qubec, 1S27, 9 vols.
21S1 School and Religious Books. Souvenir de St. Jean Bap-
tiste, 1874, with portraits ;•=- La Teue Saint (1841) ; —
Manuel de Controverse (1841.) 12 vols. Montreal:
2 182, School and Religious Books. Williams' Alexander the
Great and Life of INIoharnmed, Niagara, U. C, 1831 ; —
Upper Canada Stewart Travelling T^Iission Fund, Spring-
field, U. C„ 1836 ; — Ten letters on the Church and Churcli
Establishments, addressed to the Hon. V, H, Draper by
an Anglo-Canadian, Toronto, 1839 ; — Taylor's Globe,
1S36 ; — Quebec Directory, 1847-8 ; — Selection of Psalmr-,
etc., Toronto, 184:;. 7 vols.
21S3 Schoolcraft, II. R. Onedta, or Cliaracteiistics of the Red
Race of America ; from original notes and manuscripts.
Illustrations. S"" half roan. New York, 1845
;iS4 Schramm, J. C. De Philosophia Canadensium Populi in
America septentrionale Balbutientc dissertatis. Small 4"
half calf. Helmcstadi, 1707
2185 Scotland. Regiam Majestatem Scoti^e Veteris Leges et
constitutiones, et Archivis publicis, et antiquis libris maii-
iiscriptis collecta?, etc. Small folio, half sheep.
'I'homas Finlason : Ediiiburgi, 1609
An early and rare imprint.
21S6 ScoTJ', Sir Walter. Tales of my Landlord, 4 vols. ; — 'I'he
Antiquar}', 3 vols. Plates by Stothard. Together 7 vols.
t2^ calf. From the Pcckford library, with MS. notes by
Beckford, Edinburgh, 1816
2187 Scull, S. A. Greek Mythology Systematized. Illustrations.
8° cloth. ' ' ' Philadelphia.
21SS Sears, Robert. Scenes and Sketches in Continental Europe.
Illustrations. 8" cloth. Xew York, 18 48
21S9 [Seguenot (Father) of Montreal.] Letter from a Romish
I'riest in Canada to one (Mrs. Christiana Baker) who was
taken captive in her infancy, and instructed in the Romi5<h
Faith, but some time ago returned to this her native coun-
try. With an answer thereto by . . . Gov. William Burnett.
S° half green morocco. Boston, 1729
J 190 Slionories. Dunkin, Christopher. Case of the Seigniors of
Lower Canada, submitted to the judges of the Court of
Queen's Bench and of the Superior Court for Lower Cana-
da in reference to the questions and counter-questions
before them, under the Seigniorial act of 1854. Royal
paper, uncut. Montreal, 1S55
2191 Seigxories. Henriquez, Henri. Code dcs Seigneurs Hauts-
Justiciers, et P'e'odau.x:. 12° calf. Paris, 1780
2192 Seigniories. Report of the Commissioners Seigniorial
Jenure in Lov.er Canada and Appendix. Kingston, 1S4 ^
2193 Seigkorial. Bills relating to Seignoral Rights. Bound in
I vol. folio, half calf
2T94 Seigxoral. Titles and Docunienls relating to the Seigno-
ral Tenure ; — Edicts, Ordnances, Declarations and De-
crees relative to the Seignorial Tenure. Bound together.
Thick royal 8° half sheep. Quebec, 1852
2195 Seigniores. Tenure Seigneuriale. De I'Abolition des
droits fdodaux et seigneuriaux en Canada, par Dumesnil,
1849; — Pieces et Documents relatifs a la Tenure Seign-
euriale, 1852 ; — Refutation du rapport souini? a la Con-
vention Anti-Seigneuriale, 1855, etc. 5 pamphlets.
2ir)6 Seigniories. Report of Government upon all Grants made
of Seigniories and Lands under the French Re'gime, 1623 to
1760, with Index. Gives Date, Reference to title. Name
of Grantor and Grantee, and full specification of grant,
boundaries, etc. A very valuable and rare Report, issued
about 1840-, — also Parochial and Townships Subdivision
of Lower Canada ; — Return to the Legislative Assembly,
1S53. Quebec, 1S53. 2 vols.
2197 Sellar, Robert. History of the County of Huntingdon,
and of the seigniories of Chateaugay and Beauharnois from
their first settlement to the year 1838. Frontispieces. 8^
cloth. Huntingdon, 1888
219S Sermons. Barnard, John. Convention Sermon, 1738; —
Appleton, N. Convention Sermon, 1743; — Exposition of
Rom. 3, 20-23, 1749 ; — Ordination of Rev-. Stephen Badger,
1 753 ; — Clark, Peter. The Witness of the Spirit ; — Ser-
mon in Watertown, 1744 ; Convention Sermon, 1745; Or-
dination of Wm. Jenison, Salem, East Parish, 1728 ; — Ed-
wards, Jona. Funeral Sermon for David Brainerd, 1747; —
TJyles, Mather. Sermon before the Flxecution of a Young
Negress, for poisoning her infant, Boston, 17S1; — Gay,
JCben. Election Sermon, 1745 ; — Tirrell, Eben. Exhorta-
xion on the late Fast, Jan. 1747-8; — Prentice, T. On a
Thanksgiving, for the reduction of Cape Breton, July, 1745 ;
— On aTublicFast, Jan. 1747-8, after the burning of the
Court House : Hancock, John, of Braintree. Ordination of
Kev. John Bass, at Ashford, Conn., Sept. 7, 1743 ; — Par-
sons, Jona. Wisdopi justified of her children ; Lectures in
Boston, 1742 ; — Smith, Thomas, of Falmoutli. At Ordi-
nation of Solomon Lon)bard, in Gorham Town, Dec. 26,
1750; — Harrington, T. Century Sermon at Lancaster,
1 753- ^S pamphlets, bound in i vol. 8"" sheep.
Boston, 1738-53
::r99 SEViGNb.. Lettres de Marie Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de
St?vign«5, h Madame la Comtesse de Grignan sa fille. Fine
copy. 2 vols, in i, elegantly bound by Trautz-Bauzonnfj
in olive crushed levant morocco cxtrn, inside borders, gilt
edges. N. P., 1736
22CO Sewall, Joseph. Sermon on the Redwction of the Ma\Mn-
nah, Boston, Sept. 16, 1762, 8° stitched, uncut.
IjQston, 1762
2201 Seymour. Conduct of a Married Woman, laid down in a
series of letters. 18'^ sheep. London, 1753
2202 Shafer, Daniel R. Foundations of Success and Laws of
Trade. 8° sheep. Montreal, 1877
2203 Shaftesbury, Earl Anthony. Characteristics of Men, Man-
ners, Opinions, Times. Fifth edition. An ele2:ant copy of
the fine Baskerville edition. 3 vols, royal 8° old calf.
Birmingham, 1773
2204 SHAKESPEARE, WILLL^M. The Second Folio. Mr.
William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies.
Published according to the true originall copies. The sec-
ond impression. Folio, full russia, re-backed.
Printed by Thomas Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be
sold at the signe of the Black Beare in Paul's Churchyard :
London, 1632
An excellent copy of the extremely rare second folio, with good
margins, the original Droeshout portrait neatly inlaid, the leaf contain-
ing Jonson's verses, leaf of dictation, and two leaves at the end neaily
mended. J. G. Nichol's copy, with his autograph and notes.
An additional value is given to the above copy by the numcrois
manuscript notes it contains, recording all the variations from the first
folio, every change from the former edition is carefully recorded,
giving the book an especial interest.
"As to the value of the text of this Second Folio, a diversity of
opinions exist. Stanton says, 'it corrects some of the most palpable
typographical mistakes of the first folio.' The price of this second
folio, though constantly advancing, does not show the marked advance
of the first. Fifty or sixty years ago a second folio generally brougl t
at auction in London, from ;^20 to £^0. Mr. Perkin's copy sold for
£44, while Mr. Daniel's copy realized the highest price paid at a public
sale, £148."
2205 Shakespeare. The Fourth Folio. Mr. William Shakeii-
peare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies; published
according to the true original copies ; unto which is added
seven Plays never before printed in folio, the fourth edition.
Portrait in fac-simile and 3 leaves wanting, otherwise a very
good clean copy. Folio, calf. London, 1685
2206 Shakespeare. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of
Venice. As it hat been diverse times acted at the Globe,
at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Servants. Writlcn by
William Shakespeare. Small 4° dark calf, gill.
Printed by A. M., for Richard Hawkins : l^ondon, i6jo
A good, but somewhat short copy of this exceedingly rare quarto
An edition of primary value as it varies from the quarto of 1622 and
the folio of 1623, and followed an independent MS.
2207 Shakespeare. The First Collated Edition of the Dramatic
Works of William Shakespeare. A reproduction in exact
fac-simile of the famous First Folio, 1623, by the newly-dis-
covered process of photo-lithography, executed under the
superintendence of H. Staunton. Large folio, cloth, uncut.
London, 1866
220S Shakespeare. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, His-
tories and Tragedies, London, 1623. Portrait on title. 4"*
half calf. Reprinted for L. Booth : London, 1S62
2zo() Shakespeare. Works of, in reduced fac-simile from the
famous First Folio edition of 1623. With an introduction
by J. O. Ilalliwell-Phillips. 8° half roan, uncut, gilt top.
London, 1876
tz^o Shakespeake. Plays and Poems. Valpy's scarce cabinet
edition, vviih 170 outline plates, original impressions. 15
vols. iG° calf, London, 1S3J
2; II Shakespeare. Plays. Pickering's Diamond edition. 9
vols. 18° cloth, uncut. London, iS::5
?3i2 Shakespeare's Plays; v.'ith his Life. Edited by Gulian C.
Verplanck. Numerous illustrations. With autograph let-
ter of the editor inserted. 3 vols, royal S° morocco.
New York, 1S1;
2r-?3 Shakespfark. Taming of the Shrew. As arranged by Au-
gustin Daly. \Vith an introduction by William Winter. Jl-
h;st rated by photogravures. 8^ paper.
Privately printed, New York, 1SS7
2: T.I Sffakespeare. Sonnets. Edited by Edward Dowden. Por-
trait. iS° full crimson morocco, gilt edges, padded sides.
London, 1SS5
2:15 SHAKEtPEAKE. Aunals of the Life and Works of William
Shakespeare, collected from the most recent authorities.
Illustrations. 12^ cloth. London, 1886
2 lid St{akfspe;are's Home. Visited and described by Washing-
ton Irving and F. W. Fairholt; with a letter from Stratford
by J. F. Sabin, and the complete prose works of Shakes-
peare. With 12 etchings by J. F. and W. W. Sabin. 4''
hn\[ blue morocco extra, uncut edges, gilt top.
New York, 1S77
Large Papkk. India Proofs;, including the Falstaff plate
not in tlie small edition.
ri?7 Shakespeare Illustrated; or the Novels and Histories on
which the Plays of Shakespeare are founded. Collected
^nd translated from tite originals by Mrs. Lenox. With
critical remarks, and biocrraphical sketches of the Writers
hv .N[. M. Ni.ah. \"..!. r.^(all puhlishedX S^ sheep.
Phila., 1809
2118 Shaw, Henry. Illuminated Ornaments from MSS. and
Early Printed Books of the Middle Ages, with Descriptions
by Sir F. Madden. 59 beautiful plates, highly finished
with opaque colours, and heightened with gold. Imperial
4^" half morocco extra, gilt edges. Large Paper.
Pickering: London, 1835
2319 Shaw. Specimens of Ancient Furniture. 74 plates dr.iwa
from e.xisting authorities, with Descriptions by S. R. Mey-
rick. All the plates richly colored. Imperial 4° half mor-
occo. Large Paper. Pickering: London, 1836
2220 Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from
the Seventh to the Seventeenth Centuries, with an Plistorl-
introduction and Descriptive Text to every illustration, by
Thomas Wright. With 96 colored plates, gS initial letters
printed in colors, and i?S wood-cuts. 2 vols, imperial S'
half morocco. Pickering; London, 184 ^
2^2i Shaw. Handbook of the Art of Illumination as practised
during the Middle Ages ; with a description of the metals,
pigments, and processes employed by the Artists at difi'er-
ent periods. i& large, separate plates of miniatures, wlih
initial letters and ornaments executed in fac simile after
the designs of illuminated MSS. Imperial 4° half morocco.
Large Paper. London, 1866
2222 Shaw. Handbook of Medireval Alphabets and Devices.
36 plates. Imperial S° cloth. London, 1853
2233 Shea, J, G. French-Onondaga Dictionary, from a Manu
script of the Seventeenth Century. Royal 8° half morocco.
New York, iSCo
22?4 Shea. Histoiy of the Catholic Missions among the Indian
Tribes of the United States, 15 29- 185 4. 'Portrait. 8"
cloth. N. Y. 1S83
2225 Sheldon, Gilbert. Sermon preached before the King at
Whitehall, June 28, 1660. Being the day of solemn Thanks-
giving for the happy return of his majesty. Small 4°
stitched. London, 1&60
2226 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Queen Mab. S" boards, uncut.
London, 1821
2227 Shenston, Thomas E. Oxford Gazetteer, containing a com-
plete history of the County of Oxford, from its t'lrst settle-
ment ; together with a full abstract of each census, carefully
copied from the original abstracts. Portrait and map. 8"^
cloth. Hamilton, C. W., 1852
2228 Shephard, R. H. The School of Pantagruel; an Essay.
Second edition. (First edition printed, but suppressed be-
fore publication). 8° half roan, gilt edges. Sunbury, 1862
2229 Shocerl, Frederic. The World in Miniature. Numerous
illustrations. 18° half morocco. London.
22^0 .SiKjcKFOKD, Snmuel. Histoire du Monde, sacree et profane,
iDterleaved. Maps. 4 vols. 12^ old morocco, gilt edges.
Leyde, 1738
2231 SiLLiMAN, Benjamin. Remarks made on a Short Tour be-
tween Hartford and Quebec in the Autumn of 1819. Plates.
12° sheep. New Haven, 1824
2232 SiLLius Italicus. Opus de Bello Punico secundo summa,
cura Ambrosij Nicandri castigatum, restitutis multis car-
minibus quae in alijs desiderantur. 12° vellum.
Impressum Philippi Suntae : Florentice, 1515
Good copy of the scarce Junta edition.
2.?33 SiM(3NS, N. W. A Letter to an Honorable Brigadier-
General, Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Forces in
Canada, London, 1760. Now first ascribed to Junius. 12°
cloth, uncut. Pickering: London, 1841
2:134 SiREV, Jean. Les Codes Annotes de Sirey, contenant toute
la jurisprudence des arrets et la doctrine des auteurs, con-
tinues par P. Gilbert. 2 vols, royal 8° half morocco, gilt.
Paris, 1882-86
2235 Skottowe, B. C. Four Hanoverain Kings; a Short History
of the Four Georges, embracing the Period, 1714-1830. 8'^
cloth, uncut. London, 1884
2236 Slater, J. H. Library Manual, a guide to the formation of
a library, and the valuation of rare and standard books.
1 2° cloth. London.
2237 Slight, Benjamin. Indian Researches ; or facts concerning
the North American Indians. 12° half roan.
Montreal, 1844
2238 Small, II. B. Chronicles of Canada, or a concise history
of the leading events in the old provinces of the New Do-
minion. 8° paper. Ottawa, 1868
2239 Small. Animals of North America ; Series i, Mammalia.
8" cloth. Montreal, 1864
2240 Small. Products and Manufactures of the New Dominion.
8° paper. Ottawa, 1868
2241 Small. Canadian Handbook and Tourists' Guide. Photo-
graphic illustrations. 12° cloth. Montreal, 1866
2242 Smm H, G. H. Manual of Grecian Antiquities, Illustrations.
12° cloth, uncut. London, 1834
2243 Smith, Captain John. A Description of New England, or
Observations and Discoveries in the North of America, in
the year 1614. Facsimile of the original map. 4° cloth,
uncut. Only 250 copies printed. Boston, 1S65
2244 Smith. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of
New England and anywhere. London, 1631. Map. 4°
cloth, uncut. Only 250 copies printed. Boston, 1865
2245 Smith. True Travels, Adventures and Observations of
Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America,
beginning about the yeere 1593, and continued to this
present 1629. From the London edition of 1629. Por-
trait, maps and plates. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Richmond, 1819
2246 Smith, Phillip H. Acadia, a lost chapter in American His-
tory. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Pawling, N. Y., 1884
2247 [Smith, William.] Historical Account of the Expedition
against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764, under the com-
mand of Henry Boquet, Esq., Colonel of Foot, and now
Brigadier General in America. Including his Transactions
with the Indians, relative to the Delivery of the Prisoners,
and the Preliminaries of Peace. With an introductory ac-
count of the preceding Campaign, and Battle at Bushy-Run.
To which are annexed Military Papers, etc. 12° full calf
extra, uncut. Dublin, 1769
2248 Smith, William. Sermon on the present situation of Ameri-
can Affairs, preached at Christ-Church, June 23, 1775, at
the request of the officers of the third battalion of the city
of Philadelphia. 8" full polished calf extra, gilt edges, by
Pratt. Philadelphia, printed ; re-printed, London.
Presentation copy from the author, with the following autograph on
title-page :
"The Author requests Col. Cad wallader's acceptance of this English
edition of a sermon published at his request and the officers of his
battalion," etc.
2249 Smith. Oration in Memory of General Montgomery and of
the Officers and Soldiers who fell with him, Dec. 31, 1775,
before Quebec, drawn up (and delivered Feb. 19, 1776) at
the desire of the Honorable Continental Congress. 12° half
morocco. Phila., 1776
2250 Smith, ^^'illiam. History of Canada, from its first discovery
to the Peace of 1763. 2 vols. 8° half roan. A fine copy.
Quebec, 18 15
2251 S.mith, William. Classical Dictionary of Biography, Myth-
ology, and Geography, based on the larger dictionaries.
i6th edition. 750 illustrations. 8° cloth. London, 1878
2252 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography.
Numerous illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1872
2253 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.
Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. London, 1878
2254 Smith. Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui-
ties. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1874
2255 Smith, W. H, Canadian Gazetteer; comprising statistical
and general information respecting all parts of the Upper
Province, or Canadi West. INIap and illustrations. 8"
cloth. Toronto, 1846
:'o^6 Smith. Canada, past, present and future, being a historical,
p;eographical and statistical account of Canada West. Vol.
I. 8" paper. Toronto.
2?57 Smith, W. R. History of Wisconsin. Vols, i and 3 (all
published}. 2 vols. S° cloth. Madison, 1854
2i^S Smollett, Tobias. Adventures of Roderick Random. 2
vols. 12° sheep. (Covers broken.) London, 1748
?:'59 Smollett. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. Fine copper
plates. 3 vols, in i, S' sheep. (Covers broken.)
London, 1785
2260 Smollett, ^liscellaneous Works, with Memoir of the author
by Thomas Roscoe. illustrated by George Cruikshank.
I'ortrait. 8' half morocco. London, 1850
;';6i Smucker, S. M. History of the Four Georges, Kings of
England, containing incidents of iheir Lives, Public Events
of their Reign, etc. 12" cloth. Phila., i860
-j?b2 Smucker. History of the Modern Jesvs, or annals of the
Hebrew Race, from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the
present time. Portrait. 12° clotli. Philadelphia, 1S60
2263 Smyth, Coke. Sketches in the Canadas. 23 large litho-
graphic plates of Canadian scenery, customs, etc. Atlas
folio, cloth. (Stained.) ' London.
2264 [Smvtiie, D. v.] Short Topographical Description of his
Majesty's Province of LTpper Canada in North America.
To which is annexed a Provincial Gazetteer. First edition.
S° boards, uncut. London, 1799
226^ Smvthe. The Same. Second edition. 8° boards, uncut.
London, 18 13
2266 Smith, William. Evidences of Christianity. j6'^ cloth.
London, 184S
2267 Snowde.v, J. R. The Coins of the Eible and its Money
Terms. Illustrations. iS"* cloth. Philadelphia.
2265 Snow Drop; or, Juvenile Magazine. Vols, 1, 2, 3, 1847-50,
followed by the Maple Leaf, a Juvenile Monthly Magazine,
vols. I, 2, 3,4. 5 vols. 12" and 8". (The 3 title pages
missing.) ^ ' Montreal 1847-53
2269 Soirees Canadiennes, Recueil de litterature nationale. 1861-
65. s vols. 8° in parts. Quebec.
All published. A complete set of this very rare liistorical magazine.
2270 Qoiintis. Rerum Memorabilium Collectanece. Fine copy.
printed in Roman characters, the capitals rubricated
and MS. notes in the niar;;ins. From the Sunderland
Library. Small 4° calf. A. Portila: Parmas, 1480
2271 Sous. Antonio dc. History of the Conquest of Mexico
by the Spaniards. Translated by Thomas Townsend.
Portrait and plates. 2 vols. 8^ old calf, London, 173S
2Z'j2 SoMERviLLE, Alexander. Conservative Science of Nations,
being the first complete narrative of Somerville's Diligent
Life in the service of public safety in Britain, 8° cloth.
Montreal, 1S60
2273 SoRLEv, U. R. Jewish Christians and Jewdaism, A stud}-
in the history of the first two centuries, 8"^ cloth, uncut.
Cambridge, 187 r
2274 SouLE, Richard. Dictionary of English Synonymes an<l
Synonymous or Parallel Expressions, 12° cloth.
Philadelphia, 1SS9
:;2 75 South esk, Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Moun-
tains, a diary and narrative of travel, sport and adventure
during a journey through tiic Hudson's Bay Company's
Territories, 1S59-G0. Maps and illustrations. 8° cloth.
Toronto, 1S75
t2)(} SowERBY, James. British Miscellany; or Colored Figures
of new, rare, or little known Anim.al Subjects ; many not
before ascertained to be Inhabitants of the British Isles.
Numerous colored plates. Royal 8"^ half roan, uncut.
London, 1804-6
2277 Spaulding, Hugh M. Encyclopaedia of Law and Forms
for all the States and Canada. 8° sheep. Phila,, 18S0
2275 Specimens, with Memoirs, of the Less-Known British Poets.
With an introductory essay by George Giltillan. 3 vols. S''
cloth uncut. P^dinburg, i860
2fj<) Specttlttm Qlurcnm. Anim^e Peccatricis. Woodcut of the
Fall of Man ; Paris, Guido Mercator, 1499 ; — Gerson, J. de.
Regulae Mandatorum, with device of Jehan Petit ; Paris G.
Mercatore, pour J. Petit, 1497. JBlack £cttcr. 16"^ red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Padeloui'. Paris, 1497-99
Excellent specimens of early French printing, bound by a celebrated
binder. From the Hamilton. Palace library.
2250 Spedon, a. L. Rambles among the Blue Noses; or remin-
iscences of a tour through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
during the summer of 1S62 ; — Tales of the Canadian
Forest. 2 vols. 16° cloth. Montreal, 1863
2251 Spencer. Indian Captivity; a true narrative of the capture
of the Rev. O. M. Spencer, by the Indians, in the neighbor-
hood of Cincinnati. 16 half roan. \. V., 1846
2282 Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Qveen : The Shepherds
Calendar : Together with the other Works of England's
Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. Collected into one volume, and
. carefully corrected. Title-page with wood-engraved border,
also numerous head-pieces on wood, etc. Small folio, full
sprinkled calf extra, yellow edges. (Title and i leaf
mounted). Printed
by H. L. for Matthew Lownes, London, Anno Dom. 161 1
A good copy of the second folio ediiion of the Faerie Queene and
the firit folio of the other poems.
2283 Stackhouse, Thomas. An Epitome of the History, Laws
and Religion of Greece. Frontispiece. 12° cloth.
London, 1824
2284 Stafford Gallery. Engravings of the Marquis of Stafford's
Collection of Pictures, in London ; arranged according to
School and in Chronological order, with remarks on each
picture. By William Young Ottley, the Executive Part un-
der the management of Peltro William Tomkins, Esq.
Contains 300 fine engravings. 4 vols, atlas folio, boards,
uncut. Large paper. Brilliant India proofs. London, 18 18
2285 Stamler. Dyalogus Johannis Stamler August, de diver-
sarum gencium sectis et mundi religionibus. Wood-cut
title, repeated on both sides of the leaf. Small folio
boards, (i cover wanting).
Per E. Oglin et G. Nadier, Auguste, 150S
On the reverse of the leaf in a letter to Jacobus Fhilomiisus (Locher)
dated May, 20, 1506, we find the words of which the following is a
translation : " I make, however, no mention of the discovered
islands, but you may examine the two little tracts (which I send you
herewith) of Cristofer Colom, the discoverer of the same, and of Alber-
icus Vespucius, concerning the new discovered world (to both of whom
our age is most largely indebted)." See Harrisse, B. A. V., No 51.
2286 Stanley, George. Classified Synopsis of the principal
painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, their scholars,
imitators and analogists, including an account of some of
the Early German Masters. 12° cloth, uncut.
Bohn : London, 1855
22S7 Stephens, C. PL Quebec Law Digest, being a complete
compilation of all the Reported Decisions in the Province
of Quebec, down to Jan. i, 1877. Royal 8° half sheep.
Montreal, 1878
2288 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central America,
Chiapas and Yucatan. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8°
cloth. New York, 1846
2289 Sterne, Laurence. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy,
Gentleman. Original edition (except Vol. t, second edi-
tion, and Vol. 2, fourth edition). 8 vols. 12° calf. (Title
page of vol. 7 imperfect.) London, 1760-65
With autograph of Sterne in vols 5 and 7.
2290 Sterne. Tristram Shandy, with introductory Note by John
Oldcastle. Six unpubHshed illustrations in Aquatint from
the original copper-plates engraved in 1S20. Small 4°
paper, uncut. Leadenhall Press : London.
2291 Sterne. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy,
beautifully illustrated by Maurice Leloir, with 12 full-page
photogravures, and 220 wood engravings in the text.
Small folio, cloth, uncut, gilt top. Bouton : N. Y., 1884
Edition de luxe, handsomely printed on heavy vellum paper.
2292 Stevens, Henry. Recollections of Mr, James Lenox of
New York, and the Formation of his Library. Portraits
on India Paper, Square 8° boards, uncut, London, 1886
Large paper,
2293 Stevens. Catalogue of my English Library. 16° cloth.
London, 1853
2294 Stevens. Schedule of Two Thousand Historical Nuggets
taken from the Stevens Diggings in September, 1870, and
set down in chronological order of Printing, from 1490 to
I See. Described and recommended a supplement to any
printed Bibliotheca Americana. Imperal 8° cloth, uncut.
London, 1870
2295 Stevens. Bibliotheca Historica; or, a Catalogue of 5000
volumes of Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to
America, sold in Boston, April 6, 1870. 8" cloth, uncut.
Cambridge, 1870
2296 Stevens. Historical Collections. Part 2, with Printed list
of prices. 8*^ paper, uncnt. London, 1886
2297 Stevens, J. A. Jr. Colonial Records of the New York
Chamber of Commerce, 1 768-1 784, with historical and
biographical sketches. Portraits. Imperal 8° cloth, uncut.
New York, 1867
2298 Stevenson, A, Vocal Preceptor or Key to Sacred Music
from celebrated authors. Engraved title and music.
Small oblong folio, paper. Montreal, iSi 1
A very rare Montreal imprint.
2299 Stewart, Rev. Charles. Short View of the present state
of the Eastern Townships in the Province of Lower Can-
ada. Autograph letter of the author inserted. 8° stitched,
uncut. Montreal, 1815
2300 Stewart, John. Account of Prince Edwards Island, in the
Gulph of St. Lawrence, N, A, Map, 8*^ boards, uncut,
London, 1806
2301 SrEWAR'r, Two Sermons on Family Prayer, with extracts
from various authors, and a collection of Prayers, selected
and compiled by Hon. and Rev. Charles Stewart, A. M.,
Minister of St. Armand, Lower Canada and Chaplain to
the Lord Bishop of Quebec. 8° calf. Mower: Montreal, 18 14.
The first Anglican Service Book printed in Canada. Very rare.
2302 Stirling, Earl of. Analytical Statement of the Case of
Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, etc., containing an
explanation of his official dignities, and peculiar territorial
rights and privileges in the British Colonies of Nova Scotia
and Canada. By Sir T. C. Banks. Map. 8° boards, un-
cut. London, 1832
2303 Stirling. Register of Royal Letters relative to the affairs
of Scotland and Nova Scotia from 1615 to 1635. 2 vols,
royal 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1885
Only 150 copies privately printed.
2304 Stone, E. M. Invasion of Canada in 1775, including the
Journal of Capt. Simeon Thayer, describing the perils and
sufferings of the Army under Col. Benedict Arnold, in its
march through the Wilderness to Quebec, with notes and
appendix. Portrait and plates. 4° sheets, folded, uncut.
Large Paper. Providence, 1867
2305 Stone. The Same. Portrait. S° paper, uncut.
Providence, 1867
2306 Stone; William L. Life of Joseph Brant. — Thayendanega ;
including the Border Wars of the American Revolution.
Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 183S
2307 Stone, Life and Times of Sir William Johnson. Portraits.
2 vols. 8° cloth. Albany, 18G5
230S Stotiiard, C. a. Monumental Effigies of Great Britain,
from William I to Henry VIII, selected from our Cathed-
rals and Churches, with Historical Descriptions and Intro-
duction by John Kempe, New edition, with a large body
of additional notes, by John Hewitt. 150 beautifully fin-
ished full-page engravings, and nine vignettes, all tinted,
and some illuminated in gold and colors. Imperial 4° half
crimson morocco, gilt edges. London, 1876
2309 Stowe, H. B. Uncle Tom's Cabin : or, life among the lowly.
Frontispiece. 8° imitation alligator. Toronto, 1852
2310 Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin ; or Negro Life in the Slave
States of America, 50 illustrations. 8° imitation alligator.
London, 1852
23 1 1 Strachan, James, Visit to the Province of Upper Canada
in 1819. 8° morocco. Aberdeen, 1819
2312 Strachan, John, The Poor Man's Preservative against
Popery. Containing an introduction on the character and
genius of the Roman Catholic religion, and the substance
of a letter to the Congregation of St. James Church, To-
ronto, U. C, occasioned by the Hon. J. Elmsly's publication
of the Bishop of Strasbourg's observations on the 6th chap-
ter of St. John's Gospel. 8° boards. Toronto, 1834
First book printed in Toronto.
2313 Strada, Jaques de. Epitome du Tresor des Antiquitez ;
c'est a dire Pourtraits des vrayes Medailles des Emp.
taut d'Orient que d'Occident. Traduit par Jean Louueau.
Numerous medallion portraits. Royal 8° vellum. Lyon, 1553
2314 Strauss, Frederick. Melon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A
Picture of Judaism in the century which preceded the ad-
vent of Our Saviour, Translated from the German of
Frederick Strauss. With Notes and Illustrations by the
Translator. 2 vols, small S° full polished calf extra, yellow
edges, by Bedford. London, 1824
2315 Strauss, G. L. M. Men who have made the New German
Empire. A series of biographical sketches. 2 vols. 8°
cloth, uncut. London, 1875
2316 Strawberry Hill Press. Spence, J. Parallel in the Man-
ner of Plutarch, being a most celebrated Man of Florence
(Signer Magliabechi), and one scarce heard of in England
(Robert Hill). First edition. Satirical medallion portrait of
Magliabechi, Small 4° red morocco extra, tooled sides,
gilt edges, by Riviere. Fine copy.
Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1758
2317 Street, Alfred C, Frontenac; or, the Atotorho of the Iro-
quis, a metrical romance. Portrait. 12° cloth. N. Y,, 1849
2318 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Bachelor Kings of Eng-
land. Portrait, 12° cloth, uncut. London, i86r
2319 Strickland, Major. Twenty-seven years in Canada West;
or, the experience of an early settler. Edited by Agnes
Strickland. 2 vols, in r, small 8° cloth. London, 1853
2320 Strutt, Joseph, Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of
England ; containing, in a compleat series, the representa-
tions of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Con-
fessor to Henry VHI, together with many of the great per-
sons that were emment under their several reigns, 60 fine
plates, reproduced from ancient manuscripts. 4° in the
original red morocco binding, tooled back and sides, gilt
edges. London, 1773
Original edition, in a fine Roger Payne binding.
2321 Strutt. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England,
including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games,
Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and pompous
Spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time.
Edited by W. Hone, illustrated by 140 wood-cuts, from
ancient manuscripts. Thick royal 4° half morocco, gilt
top. London, 1876
Large paper, and printed to range with the other works of
Strutt, in quarto, is further illustrated by an additional
colored set of the engravings as they appeared in the ori-
ginal edition.
2322 Strutt. Complete View of the Dresses and Habits of the
People of England, from the establishment of the Saxons
in Britain to the present time. Illustrated by engravings.
Colored copy, 2 vols. ; — Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiqui-
ties of England, containing the most authentic Representa-
tions of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Con-
fessor to Henry VHI, together with many of the great
personages that were eminent under their several reigns.
72 engravings copied from tne ancient MSS, monuments,
etc., carefully colored. Together 3 vols, royal 4° half
morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1842
The above are the new editions, greatly improved, with critical and
explanatory notes by J. R. Planche, Esq., F. .S. A. *
2323 Stuart, James. Three Years in North America. 2 vols.
small 8" cloth, uncut. New York, 1833
2324 Stuart, C. Emigrants' Guide to Upper Canada. 12''
boards, uncut. London, 1820
2325 Students' Greece ; — Student's Specimens of Literature ; —
Students' Gibbon. Illustrations. 3 vols. 12° cloth.
New York and London, 1884
2326 Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the Works of God, and on his
Providence. Fine plates by Westall. 2 vols. 12° calf.
London, 1824
2327 Sue, Eugene. Mysteres du Peuple ou Histoire d'une
famille de proletaires a travers les ages. Illustrations. 6
vols, in 3, imperial 8° half calf. Paris.
Original edition, which was rigidly suppressed.
232S Sue. Les Mysteries de Paris. Nouvelle edition, revue par
I'Auteur. Best edition. Numerous illustrations, many full-
page. 4 vols, imperial 8° half calf. Paris, 1843
2329 Sue. The Wandering Jew. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half
calf,' gilt. London, 1844
2330 SuLTE, Benjamin. Histoire des Canadiens-Frangais, 1608-
1880. Origine, Histoire, religion, guerres, decouvertes,
colonisation, coutumes, vie domestique, sociale et politique.
Numerous portraits and plates. 8 vols, folio, cloth.
Montreal, 1882
2331 SuLTE. Melanges d'Histoire et de Litterature. 4 vols. 12°
paper. Ottawa, 1876
2332 Sui.TE. Album de I'Histoire des Trois-Rivieres. 8 large
plates, comprising old plans, views, autographs, etc., 1634-
1721. Large oblong folio, cloth. Montreal, 188 1
-333 SuL'i'E. Chroni(iue 'I'riHuvienne. Royal 8° paper, uncut.
Montreal, 1879
2334 SuLiE. Histoire de Saint-Frangois-Du-Lac. 8'^ paper.
Montreal, 1886
2335 SuLTE. Melanges d'Histoire et de Litterature ; — Poesies,
les Laurentiennes : — Le Golfe Saint-Laurent ; — Les
Canada en Europe ; — Les Histoires de M. Suite, Protes-
tation par J. C. Tache. 5 pamphlets.
2336 SuTCLiFFE, Robert. Travels in some parts of North
America, in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806, Plates. 12°
half calf. York, 181 1
2337 SuTCLiFFE. Travels in some parts of North America in
1804-5-6. Plates. 16° sheep. York, 1815
2338 Sutherland, T. J. Letter to Her Majesty the British
Queen, with letters to Lord Durham, Lord Glenelg, and
Sir George Arthur, to which is added an appendix embrac-
ing a report of the testimony taken on the trial of the
writer by a court martial at Toronto in Upper Canada. 12°
cloth. Albany, 1841
2339 Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several Remote Nations of
the World, in four parts. Jjy Lemuel Gulliver. Fine por-
trait. 2 vols, small 8^ full sprinkled calf extra, yellow
edges. London, 1726
Fine copy of the First Issue 'of the first edition, with separate
pagination of each part, rare in this condition.
2340 Swift. A Tale of a Tub. Written for the universal
improvement of Mankind. To which is added, an Account
of a Battle between the antient and modern Books in St.
James' Library. Fourth edition. 8° original calf.
London, 1705
2341 SvNESii .Ilymni et Gregorii Nazianzeni Odae", Gr. et Lat.
Fine copy, 32" red morocco, gilt edges, by Roger Payne.
Turnoni, 1605
2342 ''T^ABLEAU Des Piperies des Femmes mondaines, ou
J_ par plusiers Histoires se voyent les ruses et artifices
dont elles se servent (1632). Texte original avec une no-
tice par le Bibliophile Jacob. 8^ paper, uncut. Paris, 1879
Holland paper copy. Only 50 copies, only 375 copies
printed in all.
2343 Tache, Alex. Vingt Annees de Missions dans le Nord.
Ouest de I'Amerique. 8° cloth. Montreal, 1866
2344 Tachi^, Louis H, La Poesie Frangaise au Canada. 8°
cloth. St. Hyacinthe, 188 1
2345 Taensa Manuscript. Le Taensa a-t-il etc forge de toutes
pieces ? Response a M. D, G. Briton, par Lucien Adam ;
Le Taensa n'a pas e'te forge de toutes pieces, Lettre de M.
F. Muller a Lucien Adam ; — Don Parisot ne produira pas
le Manuscrit Taensa, lettre a M. V. Henry. 3 pamphlets.
Paris, 1885
2346 Taine, H. a. The Ancient Regime. 12° cloth.
New York, 1876
2347 Tambaco, Johannes de. Speculum Patientie cum theolog-
icis consolationibus ; — Speculum Patientie cum quibus-
dam theologycis censolationibus adjunctis per doctorem
Udalricum Pinder compilatium. With 2 fine woodcuts by
Albert Durer. Small 4° calf. Nurembergae, 1509
234S Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionnaire Genealoglque des Fa-
milies Canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonic jus-
qu'a nos jours. 6 vols, royal 8° cloth, Quebec, 1871-89
2349 Tanguay. The same. Vol. 1. Royal 8° half calf.
Quebec, 187 1
2350 Tanguay. Repetoire General du Clerge Canadienpar ordre
chronologique depuis la Fondation de la colonie jusqu'a
nos jours. 2 vols. 8° paper. Quebec, 1868
2351 Tanguay. A Travers les Registres. Portrait. Royal 8°
paper, uncut. Montreal, 18S6
2352 Tapestry. Tapisseries du Roy, ou sont representez les
quatre elements et les quatre saisons, avec leur devises qui
les accompagnent, et leur explication. With 2 engraved
title pages, 8 finely engraved double page plates, from de-
signs by Le Brun, and numerous vignettes in the text.
Atlas folio, calf. Paris, 1679
2353 Taylor, Fennings. Are Legislatures Parliaments ? a Study
and Review. 12° cloth. Montreal, 1879
2354 Taylor, Henry. Present Condition of Upper Canada, as
regards agriculture, trade and commerce. 18° cloth.
Toronto, 1850
2355 Taylor, Isaac. Scenes in America, for the amusement
and instruction of little tarry-at-home travellers. Numer-
ous illustrations. iS° boards. London, 182 1
2356 Taylor, Tom. Ballads and Songs of Brittany, translated
from the " Barsaz Breiz " of Vicomte Hersart de la Ville-
marque, with some of tlie Original Melodies Harmonized
by Mrs. Tom Taylor. With illustrations by J. Tissot, J. E.
Millais, J. Tenniel, C. Keene, E. Corbould and H. K.
Browne. Small 4°. Elegantly bound by Alfred Matthews
in red crushed levant morocco extra, double with crushed
purple levant, exquisitely tooled and inlaid with leather
at the corners, leather joints, gilt edges. London, 1865
A superb specimen of American binding, the inside tooling is equal
to the work of the foremost modern French binders.
2357 Temple. Letters written by Sir William Temple and other
Ministers of State, both at Home and Abroad. Portrait.
2 vols, 8° old calf. London, 1700
2358 Tennyson, Alfred. Enoch Arden. First edition. 16°
cloth, uncut. London, 1864
2359 Terentius. Comctdia. Folio, old red morocco, with gilt
panels ; from the Sunderland Library.
Impressit Joannes Agrippina Colonic: (Venetiis), 147 1
EuiTio Princeps of Terence, with decisive date.
This copy has 9S 11. only ; therefore wanting the two 11. containing
the Life of the Poet ; the leaves have been washed with chemicals,
and are lender and a little defective.
2360 ilTcrcntillS. P. Ter. Aphri Comedie in Guidone Juvenale
familiater explanate ; et ab Jodoco Badio Asccnsio, etc.
Clack £cttcr. 4° old calf. (Title wanting.)
Per Pe. IVIareschal et Barn. Chaussard : Lugduni, 1515
2361 Terentius. Comoediiii. (Cum notis Melanchtoni, Scali-
geri, etc.) Folio, old calf. (Title missing and covers
broken.) Robertus Stephanus: (Parisiis, 1529)
2362 Ternaux, II. Bibliothcque Amc'ricaine ou Catalogue des
ouvrages relatifs a I'Amerique, qui ont paru depius sa
de'couverte jusqu' a I'an 1700. 8° half antique calf, red
top. Paris, 1833
2363 Tetu et Gagnon. Mandements, Lettres Pastorales et Cir-
culaires des Eveques de Quebec. Vols, i, 2, 4, and 5, 1659-
1806 and 1S50-76. 4 vols, royal 8° paper. Paris.
2364 Thackeray, W. M. Student's Quarter, or Paris Five and
Thirty Years since. Original colored illustrations. Small
8° cloth, uncut, London,
2365 Theller, E. a. Canada in 1S37-3S, showing by historical
facts, the causes of the late attempted Revolution, and of
its failure, 2 vols, small 8° cloth Philadelphia, 1S41
23G6 Theodoret, evesque de Cyr, La Providence divine, traduit
du grec en frangois, par le R, P, Nicolas Le Sueur, 12°
old red morocco, tooling " a la Du Seuil," gilt edges.
Paris, 1664
2367 Theophilus. Les Oeuvres de Theophile, diuise'es en trois
parties. 2 vols, in i. 16° old red calf. Paris, 1661
2368 Thevet, E. Andre'. Les Singularitez de la France Antarc-
tique, autrement nommc Amerique, et de plusieurs Terres
et Isles decouvertes de nostre temps. Numerous wood-
cuts by Jean Cousin, including the first illustration of an
American Buffalo. The title and 3 pages in manuscript,
otherwise a very good copy, with good margins. Small
4° vellum. Paris, 1558
The very rare Original edition. Thevet had his information direct
from Jacques Cartier, and his narrative is the most authentic history
of Canada and other parts of the New World.
2369 Thistleton, Francis. How I came to be Governor of the
Island of Cacona ; with a particular account of my admin-
istration of the affairs of that island. Illustrations. 8"^
paper. Montreal, 1852
2370 Thomas, A. L. Poesies Diverses. 12° half sheep.
Lyon, 1763
Contains Jumonville, Poeme, founded on the allef^ed assassination
of Jumonville in Washington's expedition, which gave rise to the
French and English war.
2371 Thomas, C. Contributions to the Early Settlement of St.
Armand, Dunham, Sutton, Brome, Potton, and Bolton, 12°
cloth, Montreal, 1866
2372 Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America, with a
Biography of Printers, and an account of Newspapers, 2
vols, 8° sheep, (Binding cracked.) Worcester, 18 10
2373 THO^^AS, History of Printing in America, with a biography
of Printers, and an account of Newspapers. Second edi-
tion, with corrections, and a catalogue of American publi-
cations previous to the Revolution of 1776. Portrait, 2
vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1874
2374 [Thompson, Charles,] An Enquiry into the Causes of the
Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanesse Indians from
the British interest and into the measures taken for recov-
ering their friendship, extracted from the public treaties,
and other authentic papers relating to the transactions of
the Government of Pennsylvania and the said Indians, for
near 40 years, and explained by a map of the country.
Map. Small S"^ half crimson morocco, unci5t, gilt top by
Mathews. London, 1759
2375 Thomson, James, The Seasons, \\'ith fine plates by Kent,
4° old panelled calf. London, 1730
2376 Thomson. The Seasons. With four illustrations and extra
portrait printed direct from the copperplates engraved in
1792, and a preface by John Oldcastle, Small 4" paper,
uncut, Leadenhall Press : London,
2377 Thomson, Works of. Portrait and plates, 2 vols, 8^
sheep, London, 1788
2378 Three Rivers, Les Ursulines des Trois Rivieres depuis
leur Etablissement jusqu'a nos jours. Tome premier (all
published). 8° paper, uncut, Trois-Rivieres, 1888
2379 Three Rivers, Early Years of Three Rivers; — Les
Marches de la Ville des Trois-Rivieres ; — Three Rivers as
a Sea-Port ; — Histoire de Trois-Rivieres, par Suite, etc. 6
2380 Times, John, Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most
rare and remarkable Objects of Interest in the Metropolis ;
with nearly Sixty Years' Personal Recollections. New edi-
tion, corrected and enlarged. Illustrations. Royal 8° half
Diorocco, uncut, gilt top. London.
2381 TiMBS. Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most rare
and remarkable Objects of Interest in the Metropolis,
with nearly Fifty Years' Personal Recollections. Portrait.
12'' cloth, uncut. London, 1855
2382 TuRCOTTE, Louis P. Le Canada sous I'union, 1841-67. 12'
cloth. Quebec, 1871
2383 Todd, Alpheus. Practices and Privileges of the Two
Houses of Parliament; with an appendix of Forms. 8°
cloth. Toronto, 1840
2384 Todd, C. B. Story of the City of New York. Maps and
illustrations. 12° cloth. ' New York, 1888
2385 Tomlins, E. G. History of England ; combining the vari-
ous histories by Rapin, Henry, Hume, Smollett, and Bel-
sham ; corrected by reference to Turner, Lingard, Machin-
tosh, Hallam and other sources. 3 vols, royal 8° cloth.
2386 TooNE, W. Chronological Historian, or a Record of Events,
historical, political, biographical, literary, domestic, and
miscellaneous'; principally illustrative of the Civil, Ecclesi-
astical, Naval and Military History of Great Britain and its
Dependencies, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the
present time. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1828
2387 Toronto. Hand-Book of Toronto ; containing its Climate,
Geology, Natural History, Educational Institutions, Courts
of Law, etc. By a member of the Press. Maps. 8^ half
morocco. Toronto, 1858
2388 Toronto. Illustrated Toronto, past and present. Maps
and illustrations. 8° cloth. Toronto, 1877
2389 Toronto. Origin, History and Management of the Univer-
sity of King's College, Toronto. 8^ half roan. (2 copies.)
Toronto, 1844
2390 Toronto Imprint. Poor Man's Preservation against Popery.
The first book printed in Toronto. 8° stitched.
Toronto, 1834
2391 Toronto. The City of Toronto and the Home District Com-
mercial Directory and Register, with Almanack and Calen-
dar for 1837, by George Walton. Toronto, U. C, n. d ; —
The Toronto Directory and Street Guide for 1843-4, by
Thomas Lewis. Toronto, 1843; — Brown's Toronto City
and Home District Directory, 1846-7. Toronto, 1846; —
Notes upon Canada. Toronto, 1835. (With Marshall S.
Bidwell's autograph signature on the fly leaf, S[)cakci
House of Assembly, U. S., 1837). 4 vols.
2392 Tour of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales through British Amer-
ica and the United States, By a British Canadian. Por-
trait. 8° cloth.
2393 Townships. A brief view of the Township Laws up to the
present lime, compiled by the Author of the Provincial Jus-
tice. 12° half roan. Toronto, 1S35 ; — First and Sec-
ond Reports of the Select Committee appointed to inquire
into the causes which retard the Settlement of the Eastern
'lownships of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1851 ; — Parochial
and Township Subdivisions of Lower Canada, giving his-
tory of the Parishes directed under French Regime and the
Townships under English Rule. Quebec, 1833. 3 vols.
2394 Tracts, r>rayhew, Jonathan. Two Thanksgiving Sermons,
Dec. 9, 1763, Boston, 1763; — Cleveland's Essay to Defend
the Protestant Reformed System of New England, against
Dr. Mayhew, pp. 108, Boston, 1763; — Burgh, J. Youth's
Friendly Monitor, London, 1756; — Finley's Sermon on
the Madness of Mankind, New York, 1758; — Clap's Essay
on Moral Yirtue, New Haven, 1765 ; — Wilkinson's Essay
on Economy, Woodbridge, 1765; — Holly on Infant Bap-
tism, New London, 1771 ; — Emerson Sermon at the Ordi-
nation of J. Edson, Halifax, N. S., 1797 ; — Lewis's Ser-
mon on Christian Forbearance, Hartford, .17S9 ; — Willard's
Sermon to Soldiers, Mendon, 17S1, etc., etc, 27 Sermons
bound in 3 vols. 8° sheep.
2395 Tk.\cis. " Our Colonies," by A. \V. Hart, London, 1849 ; —
Report of a Case tried at Albert Circuit, in 1852, before
Judge Wilmot and a Special Jury: Abraham Gessner vs.
William Cairns, St. John, N. B., 1853; — Jewish Emancipa-
tion not inconsistent with National Christianity, etc. 8° half
2396 Tracis. Lord, Benjamin. Parable of the Merchantmen ex-
plained, Norwich, 1773; — Gill, Sarah. Devotional Papers,
etc., Norwich, 1773 ; — Christian Economy ; translated from
an old manuscript found in the Isle of Patmos, New York,
^773 5 — Eliot, Jared. Give Caesar his Due; Conn. Elect-
ion Sermon, 1738, New London, 1738; — Byle's Thanks-
giving Sermon, for Successes of the British Arms, New
London, 1760. Bound together, i vol. 8° sheep.
2397 Tracts. Observations on the State of the Colony, by J.
Carry, York, U. C, 1821 ; — Statistical Sketches of Upper
Canada, for the use of Emigrants, by a Backwoodsman,
London, 1832 ; — Canadian Farmer's Travels in the United
States, in which remarks are made on the Arbitrarily Col-
onial Policy practiced in Canada, by R. Davis, Buffalo, 1837 ;
— Letters to Hon. ^^'. Morris, being Strictures on the cor-
respondence of that Gentleman with the Colonial Office, as
a Delegate to the Presbyterian Body in Canada, by John
Strachan, Cobourg, U. C., 1S38, etc. Bound in i vol. 8°
half sheep.
2398 Tracts. Inland Seas of North America, and the Natural and
Industrial Productions of Canada, by Rev. J. Williamson,
Kingston, 1854, — The Gavazzi Riot and Outrage in Mon-
treal, June 9, 1853 ; — Canada warned against Jesuits and
Jesuitism, Montreal, 1S53 ; — The Leeming or Learning
Family ; — Geological Survey of Canada, 1852-53, etc. 11
pamphlets bound in i vol. 8"^ half calf,
2399 Traitez de paix conclvs, entre S. M. Le Roy de France et
les peuples du Canada ; Paix avec les Iroquois de la Nation
Tsonnonts an A Quebec le vingt deuxi^me May 1666. Paix
avec les Iroquois de la Nation d'Onneist A Quebec le douz-
ieme juillet 1666. Paix avec les Iroquois de la Nation
d'Onontague, le treizeme de'cembre, 1666. 4" vellum.
Fine copy. Paris, 1667
Very rare document, not mentioned in Charlevoix' or Faribault's
histories. These treaties were made by M. de Tracy, Vice Roi oi
Xew France, after the military expeditions against the Iroquois in 1666.
2400 Traitez de Paix entre la France, I'Angleterre, la Savoye et
la Hollande, concus a L'trecht le 11 Avril, 17 13. 4*
stitched. Avignon, 1713
2401 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the most serene
and most potent princess Anne, by the Grace of God,
Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and the most
serene and most potent Prince Lewis XIV, the most Chris-
tian King, concluded at Utrecht, Mar. 2 c, 17 13. 4^
stitched. London, 17 13
2402 Treaty of Peace, Good Correspondence, and Neutrality in
America, between the most serene and mighty Prince James
II, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France,
and Ireland, etc, and tlie most Serene and Mighty Prince,
Lewis XIV., the most Christian King, concluded the 6th
Day of Nov., 16S6. 8"^ half mor., gilt top. London, 16S6
2403 Treaty of Amity, Commerce and navigation between His
Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, coiuli-
lionally ratified by the Senate at Philadelphia, June 24,
1795. 16° sheep. Phila., 1795
2404 Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his
Britannick Majesty, and the United States of America,
signed at London, i9lh of November, 1794. 4° paper
stitched. Quebec, 1796
2405 Treaties. Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance,
and Commerce, between Great Britain and other Powers.
from the revolution in 1668, to the present time. 2 vols. 8
y calf. (Covers broken). London, 1772
2406 Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, Manners and Institu-
tions of the Greek and Roman. Illustrations. 2 vols. 16"^
uncut. London, 1S33
2407 Trebellius Pollio ; Flavius Vopiscus ; Johannis B. Egna-
tij, de Principibus Romanorum. 12° calf.
Rob. Stephani : Parisiis, 1544
3408 Tkial. M'l.ane, David, of Providence, R. I., for High
'I'reason, al Quebec, June 14, 1797. In Providence Jour-
nal, for April 28, 1873.
2409 Trial. Preceedings of a Court Martial, holden at Quebec
for the trial of Lieut. Benoit Bender, of the 41st. Regi-
ment of Foot, in July, 18 15. 8° paper. Montreal, 181 7
2410 Trial. Proceedings of a General Court Marshal, held at
Edinburgh Castle, September 10, 1804, whereof Lt. -Colonel
William Ponsonby was President, for the Trial of Certain
Private Soldiers in the Canadian Fencible Regiment. 8"^
half roan, uncut. Edinburgh, 1805
241 1 Trials. Life, Trial, Condemnation and Dying Address of
the three Thayers, 1825; — Trial of Alexander M'Leod,
1837; — Review of the Case of Alexander M'Leod. 4
pamphlets bound in i vol., 8° half calf.
2412 TKiiBN'ER, Nicholas. Bibliographical Guide to American
Literature. A classed list of books published in the United
Stales of America during the last forty years. 8° half
roan. London, 1859
2413 Tkudon, S. Nouveau Traite de la Science-pratique du
Blason, avec I'Explication des Armoiries des Princes, Dues
et Pairs et autres grand seigneurs. Enrichies de cartou-
ches, supports et autres ornemens. Upwards of 50 finely
engraved heraldic plates. 12° full olive crushed levant
morocco, gilt edges, inside borders. Paris, 1689
An elegant copy of a scarce and valuable heraldic work,
2414 Two Hundred Queries concerning the Doctrine of the Revo-
lution of Human Souls, and its conformity to the truths of
Christianity. 18° half russia. London, 1684
2415 Tucker, S. The Rainbow in the North. A short Account
of the first establishment of Christianity in Rupert's Land,
by the Church Missionary Society. 12' cloth, uncut.
London, 1851
2416 Tt'RNEr Gallery. A Series of 120 engravings from the
Works of J. M. W. Turner, each plate accompanied with
historical and critical remarks. Subscription edition. 2
vols, folio, in the original parts, uncut. New York.
2417 Tuttle, Charles R. Illustrated History of the Dominion.
Vol. I. Numerous portraits and plates. Royal 4° half
morocco. ^Montreal, 1877
2418 Tytler, Patrick F. History of Scotland from the Accession
of Alexander III, to the Union. 4 vols, in 2, 12° half
calf. Edinburgh, 1864
2419 8[urrccv€mota, Joljauues be, Cardinales S. Sixti (Vulgo
Torquemada), Expositio brevis et utilis super toto Psalterio,
Black Cetter, printed in single column, on 173 leaves, 35
and 36 lines to a page. Folio, original stamped calf.
Impressa p. Petru 0cl)onfter de Ciernsshem, Moguntiae, 1474
A very fine specimen from Schoylfer's celebrated pre^^s, printed
from the same type used by Kaust ai\d Schoylfer in their edition of the
bible in 1462.
From the library of Duke de la Valliere, with his book-plate.
2420 TvPOORAPHiCAL Antiquities : Origin and History of Print-
ing, foreign and domestic, including among a variety of
curious and interesting matter, chronological lists of emi-
nent printers In England, Scotland and Ireland. 12° half
roan. London, 1813
2421 T TREE, IToNORt. d'. Le Sireine. Very fine copy. 12"
y^ full blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Chambolle-
DuRU. Jouxte la copie imprim^e !l Paris, 1618
2422 UzANNE, Octave. L'Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon.
Beautifully illustrated with photogravures from designs by
Paul Avril. Royal 8" paper, uncut. Paris, 1883
2423 UzAiWE. Nos Amis les Livres. Causeries sur la Litt^ra-
ture curieuse et la Librairie. Etched frontispiece by
IManesse. 1 2 "^ ornamented wrapper, uncut edges. Paris, 1886
2424 \ '''ADE Mecum for America; or, a Companion for
\ Traders and Travellers ; containing, I. An exact and
and useful Table, shewing the value of any quantity of any
commodity, ready cast up, from one yard or pound to ten
thousand; IL A Table of Simple and Compound Interest ;
111. Names of Towns and Counties in the several Provinces
and Colonies of New England, New York and the Jersies ;
as also the several Counties in Pennsylvania, Maryland and
Virginia, etc. To which is added, the Names of the Streets
in Boston. 12'' calf. Boston, 1732
2425 Vade Mecum. The Same. 12" calf. (Title page and last
leaf damaged.) (Boston, 1732)
2426 Valades, Didaco. Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi, et
orandi usurn ac commodata, utrisusque facultatis exemplis
suo loco insertis ; qua? quidem, ex indorum maxime de
/ prompta sunt historiis, unde praeter doctrinam, suma quo
que delectatio comparabitur. Copper plates. 4" vellum.
Perugia, 1579
The author of this work appears to have been a missionary in
Mexico, and gives in the course of his treatise an account of the
Indians in that country.
2427 Valentine, L. The Queen, her Early Life and Reign. Por-
traits and illustrations. 12° paper. London, 1887
2428 Vaughan, William, The Golden Fleece. Diuided into
three parts, Vnder which are discouered the Errours of
Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and
lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so
much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Col-
chis, out of the Southermost Part of the Hand, commonly
called the Newfovndland. By Orpheus Junior. Map of
Newfoundland. Small 4° full morocco, super extra, gilt
edges. London, 1626
Kine copy, with the rare map, missing in most copies. Autograph of
S. G. Drake.
2429 Velazquez, Mariano. Pronouncing Dictionary of the .Span-
ish and English Language. Thick 8° half morocco, (worn)
New York, 1854
2.^30 Vera et simplex narratio colloquii inter viros delegatos
habiti ; tum qui ducis Meduani, status ac corona; Gallia-
rum locum tenentis generalis, principium eliam pralatorum
ac publicorum quce Parisiis habita sunt regni comitiorum,
tum qui principum, prcelatorum, nobilium carter, catholicum,
qui regi Navarra* adherent, nomine convenerunt. Beautiful
copy. Small 8° bound by '1'rautz-Bauzonnet in full blue
levant morocco extra, gilt edges, inside borders, with the
monogram and crown of Comte de Robert, stamped in
gold in the corners. Parisiis, 1593
2431 Vertron, M. de. Paralelle de Louis le Grand avec les
Princes, qui ont este surnommez grand. 18" full old green
morocco extra, gilt edges, silk lining. Cologne, 1797
2432 Vespucius. Amerigo Vespucci. Son Carractere, ses Ecrits
(m^me lesmoins authentiques) sa Vie et ses Navigations,
avec une carte indiquant ses routes. Par F. A. de Varn-
hagen. Map. Folio, half red morocco, uncut, top edge
gilt. Lima, 1865
2433 Vespucius. Le Premier Voyage de Amerigo Vespucci de-
finitevement explique dans ses details par F. A. de Varn-
hagen. Fac-simile of the Admirals map. T'olio, paper
uncut. Vienne, 1869
2434 Vie de la Mere Sainte-Madelaine, Superieur de la Con-
gregation de Notre-Dame de Montreal. 8° cloth, (upper
corner of title page torn off.) Montreal, 1876
2435 ViGER, D. B, Memoirs Relatifs a I'emprisonment de I'hon-
ourable, D. B. Viger. S" half roan. Montreal, 1840
2436 ViGNE, G. T. Six Months in America. Plates. 2 vols.
small S*^ half calf. London, 1S32
2437 Villon, Francois. Lcs Oeuvres Maistre Frarn^oys Villon.
Le Monologue du franc Archier de BaignoUet, le Dya-
logue des seigneurs de Malle pave et Bailleuent. On les
vent a Paris a la rue neufuc nostre dame a lenseigne sainct
Nicolas. INI. D. XXXIII. iS° full citron levant morocco,
super extra, dentclle border on the sides, tooled back, gilt
edges, inside borders, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1533
Superb copy, of this beautiful and rare edition, published before the
revision of the text by Marot, and with the imprint of Sainct Nicolas,
not known to Brunet ; a copy with the more common imprint of
L'escu de France, is quoted by Morgan et Fatout at 3,000 francs, and
in a recent New York catalogue at $750.
243S Villon, CEuvres. Avec les Remarqucs do diverscs per-
sonnes. Fine uncut copy of the best edition. 12^ half calf,
uncut. La Ilaie, 1742
2439 ViLLOx. Les deux Testaments dc Villon, suivis du Banc-
quet du Roys, nouvcaux textes publics d'apics un manuscrit
inconnu jusqu'a ce jour, et precedes d'lme notice critique
par Paul L. (Lacroix), Jacob, bibliophile. 12" paper, un-
cut. Only 220 copies printed. Paris, 1866
2440 ViLLOX. Poems of Master Francis Villon of Paris, now
first done into English Verse in the Original Forms, by
John Payne, author of the " Masque of Shadows," " Intag-
lio," " Songs of Life and Death," " Lautree," " New
Poems," etc. S° half vellum, uncut. London, iSSi
2441 Virgil. Opera. Cum Notis Thonrn^ I'^arnabii. iS° old
calf. . Francis Blaeu : Amstelaedami, 1650
2443 Virgil, Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera, per Johannem Ogil-
vium edita et sculpturis Aeneis adornata. With engraved
title, portrait, map and 102 very beautiful plates engraved
by W. Flollar, Faithorne, and Lombart, fine impressions.
Large folio, full old red morocco extra, gilt edges, with
coat of arms on the sides, " a la Du Seuil."
Thomas Roycroft : London, 165S
Large Paper copy, ruled with red lines, throughout.
A beautiful copy from the Hamilton Palace Library.
2443 Virgil. Works of, translated by John Dryden. Frontis-
pieces. 2 vols. 18° sheep. New Vork, 1825
2444 Virginia. Publick Good without private Interest ; or a
compendious Remonstrance of the present sad State and
Condition of the Colonic in Virginia ; with a Modest Dec-
laration of the severall Causes why it hath not prospered
better hitherto. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. (Reprint.)
Printed for Henry Marsh : London, 1657
2445 Virginia, Newes from Virginia (1610). A Tract in verse,
by R. Rich, soldier. 4° half roan. Only 25 copies pri-
^ vately printed. London, 1S74
2446 Virginia. Nova Britannia, offering most excellent Fruits,
by Planting in Virginia, exciting all such as be well affected
to further the same. London, 1609. Small 4' boards,
uncut. Only 250 copies reprinted for J. Sabin.
New York, 1867
:;447 VoLiAiKF, M. de. Lh Ligue, ou Henry le Grand, Poem epi
que. 8" old calf, gilt. Geneve, 1723
Original edition of tlie Hcnriadc.
2448 VoLTAiRK. La Henriade. Large Paper Subscription edition,
illustrated with 10 large plates and 20 head and tail pieces
after designs by\De Troves, Veugles, Le IMain, Micheux,
etc. Royal 4° calf. (Binding broken.) Londres, 1728
Printed in London under Voltaire's own supervision, with a dedica-
tion by Voltaire in English to Queen Anne. An original subscription
receipt for this copy, with Voltaire's autograph, inserted.
2449 Voltaire. Henriade, ou est joint le Poem de Fontenoy.
Notivelle edition, avec le plan de la bataille. Portrait and
1 1 fine plates, probably by Chodowiecki. 12" calf.
Amsterdam, 1746
2450 Voltairp:. La Henriade. Poem. 18'' full morocco extra,
gilt edges. London, 1735
2451 Voltaire. Oreste, Trage'die ; — Samson, Trage'die lyrique.
Portrait of Voltaire by Folkema. Sinall 8^ calf.
Paris, 1750
f)nir,rN\L EPITION. Presentation copy, with autograph: "Donne
par I'auteur a Mme. la Marquise du MarUux."
2452 [Voltaire.] Candide, ou I'Optimisme, traduite de I'Alle-
inand der M. le Docteur Ralph. 16" mottled sheep (a few
leaves wormed). N. P., 1759
2453 Voltaire. La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poeme. Nouvelle e'dition.
16 tine coper plates. 8" half calf. N. P., 1762
2454 Voltairie. Le Huron ou ITnge'nu. First (suppressed) edi-
tion. 2 vols, in 1, 12'' old calf gilt. Lausaune, 1767
2455 Voltairie. Age of Louis XIV. 2 vols. 12" calf.
London, 1770
2456 Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV, to which is added an Ab-
stract of the Age of Louis XV. Portrait and map. 3
vols. 8" half calf. London, 1780
2457 Voltaire. Philosophical Dictionary, Portrait. 12'' boards,
uncut. London, 1802
245S Voltairie, by Colonel Hanley. 12° cloth.
Edinburgh, 1877
2459 Voyage au Canada dans le noid de TAmerique Septentrion-
ale fait depuis Tan 175 1 a 1761. 8'^ paper, uncut.
Quebec, 1S87
2460 Voyages. Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en
I'Amerique qui n'ont point este encore publiez, contenant
Torigine, les moeurs, les coutumes et le commerce des habi-
tants de ces deux parties du monde. Maps and plates.
4° sheep. Paris, 1674
2461 Voyages of the Northmen to America; including extracts
from Icelandic Sagas, relating to Western Voyages by
Northmen in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, in an Eng-
lish translation by N. L. Beamish ; with a synopsis of the
historical evidence, and the opinion of Professor Rafu as
to the Places visited by the Scandinavians on the Coast
of Africa. Edited, with an introduction by Rev. E. F.
Slafter. Maps. Small 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt top.
Only 200 copies printed. Prince Society : Boston, 1877
2462 Voyage d' Iberville ; — Voyage de Dollier de Casson et de
Galinee, 1669-70 ; — Journal du Voyage de St. Luc de la
Corne, 1761 ; — On the Discovery of Australia by the Portu-
guese in 1601 ; — Littlehales' Journal from Niagara to De-
troit, 1793 ; — 2oo« Anniversaire de la Decouverte du
Mississippi, etc. 7 pamphlets.
2463 '\ T 7AFER, Lionel. New Voyage and Description of the
W Isthmus of America, giving an Account of th2 Auth-
or's .\bode there, the Form and Make of the Country, etc.
Map and copper plates. S° old calf. London, 1699
2464 Walker, Sir Hovenden. Journal, or full Account of the
late Expedition to Canada, with an Appendix containing
Commissions, Orders, Instructions, Letters, Memorials,
Councils of War, etc., relating to. 8° old calf. (Title page
in manuscript). London, 1720
2465 Walker, John. Elements of Geography and of Natural
and Civil History. Numerous maps. 8° calf. London, 1805
2466 Walker. Rhyming Dictionary. Thick 12° cloth. London.
2467 W^allon, II. Jeanne D'Arc. Edition illustre'e d'apr^s les
Monuments de I'art depuis le quinzieme sibcle jusqu'a nos
jours. Numerous full-page illustrations, colored and plain,
portraits, fac-similes from old manuscripts, views, etc. Im-
perial 8° half roan extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1876
2468 Wallon. Saint Louis. Elegantly illustrated with illuminated
plates of miniatures, fac-similes of ancient manuscripts, old
views, portraits, maps, etc. Imperial 8^ half morocco ex-
tra, gilt edges. Tours, 18S0
\2469 Walti^n, Izaak. The Complete Angler; or the Contempla-
tive Man's Recreation, Being a fac-simile reprint of the first
edition, published in 1653. Illustrations. 16° paper, un-
cut. London,
2470 Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of Painting in England, with
some account of the principal artists, and incidental notes
on other arts, collected by the late Mr. George Vertue, and
now digested and published from his original MS. by Mr.
Horace Walpole. First edition, with first impressions of
the numerous fine portraits and plates. (2 or 3 plates ap-
parently missing). 5 vols. 4° tree calf extra, gilt edges.
Printed by Thomas Farmer : Strawberry Hill, 1762
The rare Strawberry Hill edition, with an autograph letter of Wal-
pole and several portraits inserted.
2471 Walpole, Memoirs of the last ten Years of the Reign of
George the Second. Large paper, with illustrations by
Bentley, engraved by Thomson. 2 vols, folio, cloth, uncut.
London, 1822
2472 Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some of
the principal artists. With additions by Rev. James Dalla-
way. New edition, revised by Ralph N. Wornum. Por-
traits. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1876
2473 Walpole of Woolterton (Lord). Answer to the latter part
of Lord Bolingbroke's letters on the Study of History.
Presentation copy from the Author's Son, with his auto-
graph letter. 4° red morocco, gilt edges, by J. Clarke.
London, 1762
Privately printed. Lord Walpole in his letter desires Mr. Salter "to
lend it to particular and trusty friends only."
2474 Walpole C. . . . (ourt) and Country, a Play of seven acts.
In which will be reviv'd the entertaining scene of the
Blundering Brothers. To which is added the comical
Humours of Punch. The whole concluding with the
Grand Masque, call'd, the Downfall of Se'janus. Vignette
on title. Folio, half roan. London, 1735
A Satire on Sir Robert Walpole and his brother Horace.
2475 War of 1812. American Naval Battles ; being a complete
history of the battles fought by the Navy of the United
States, from its establishment in 1794 to the present time.
20 illustrations. Small 8° boards. Boston, 1837
2476 War of 17 12. Auchinleck, G. History of the War between
Great Britain and the United States of America, during the
years 1812, 1813 and 1814. Inserted portraits. Royal 8°
cloth, uncut. Toronto, 1855
2477 War of 18 1 2. Barbarities of the Enemy exposed in a
report of the committee of the House of Representatives of
the United States, appointed to enquire into the spirit and
manner in which the war has been waged by the enemy.
16° cloth. Worcester, 1814
2478 War of 18 1 2. Anglo American Magazine. Views and
illustrations. 6 vols. 8° cloth, Toronto, 1852-55
A complete set of this scarce Magazine, edited by Auchinleck, author
of the War of 1S12 and in which his history thereof first appeared.
2479 WARof i8f2, Brackenridge, H. M. History of the late
War between the United States and Great Britain ; contain-
ing a minute account of the various Military and Naval
Operations. Plates. 12° half morocco. Baltimore, 1817
2480 War of 18 12. Christie, Robert. Alilitary and Naval Oper-
ations in the Canadas, during the late war with the United
States, With 6 inserted autograph letters. 12° calf.
Quebec, 18 18
2481 War of 1812. Christie. Military and Naval Operations in
the Canadas, during the late War with the United States,
including also the political History of Lower Canada, from
1807 to 1815. 12° half roan. (Title-page and 2 pages at
the end in manuscript.)
Quebec, printed; reprinted, New York, 1818
2482 War of 18 1 2. Coffin, W. F. The War and its Moral, a
Canadian Chronicle. 8° cloth. Montreal, 1864
Some extra illustrations and autographs inserted.
2483 War of 18 1 2. Fay, H. A. Collection of the Official Ac-
counts in detail, of all the battles fought by sea and land,
between the navy and army of the United States, and the
navy and army of Great Britain, 18 12-15. ^° ^^'^ russia.
New York, 18 17
2484 War of 1812. Impartial and Correct History of the War
between the United States of America and Great Britain,
declared by a law of Congress, June 18, 18 12, and con-
cluded by a ratification and exchange of a Treaty of Peace,
at the City of Washington, Feb. 17, 1815. Plate. 12'^
sheep. New York, 18 15
2485 War of 18 12. James, William. Inquiry into the Merits of
the Principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the
United States ; comprising an account of all British and
American ships of war reciprocally captured and destroyed
since the i8th of June, 1812. 8^ boards. Halifax, 1816
2486 W^R of 1812. James. Full and correct account of the
chief occurrences of the late war between Great Britain
and the United States. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1817
2487 War of 1812. James. Full and correct account of the mil-
itary occurrences of the late war between Great Britain
and the United States. Maps. 2 vols. 8° half calf.
London, 181S
Portrait and 2 autograph letters inserted.
2488 WARof 1812. Journal of Events principally on the Detroit
and Niagara Frontiers during the War of i8ri, by Mer-
ritt ; — Fragments of the War of 1812; — Les Frances de
1S12; — Defence of Major General Proctor, etc. 6
2489 War of 1812. Melish, John. INIilitary and Topographical
Atlas of the United States, including the British Possess-
ions and Florida ; to which is added a list of the military
districts, a register of the army, and a list of the navy of
the United States. 5 maps. 8° half roan. Phila., 1813
2490 War of 1812. Naval Monument, containing official and
other accounts of all the Navies of the United States and
(iitat Britain, during the late war. Plates. 8° sheep.
Boston, 1816
2491 War of 18 1 2. Prevost. Some Account of the public Life of
the late Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost, particu-
ally of his services in the Canadas. With 15 inserted por-
traits and autographs. 8° half calf. London, 1823
2492 War of 1812. Richardson, Major. War of 1812. First
series, containing a full and detailed Narrative of the oper-
iitions of the right division of the Canadian Army. With
14 inserted portraits, views, manuscripts, etc. 8° half roan.
N. P. 1842
2493 War of 1812. Rules and Articles for the better Govern-
ment of the Militia of the Province of Lower Canada,
when emboided for Service. \G° paper. Quebec, 18 12
2494 War of I '■'.1 2. Sketches of the War between United States
and British Isles, intended as a faithful history, inter-
spersed vv'ith geographical descriptions of places, and
biographical notices of distinguished military and naval
commanders. 2 vols, in one. 8° sheep. Rutland, Vt., 1815
2495 ^^'ar of 1812. Thompson, David. History of the late war
between Great Britain and the United States of America.
16° boards. (Broken.) Niagara, N. C, 1832
3 autographs and i portrait inserted.
2496 WARof 1812. Thompson, History of the late war between
Great Britain and the United States of America, 16° half
roan. Toronto, 1846
The rare second edition unknown to Morgan.
2497 Warburton, Eliot. The Conquest of Canada. Portrait.
2 vols. &° cloth, uncut. London, 1849
249S Warburton. Conquest of Canada. 12° boards.
London, 1857
2499 Watkin, E. W. Canada and the States. Recollections,
1S51 to 1886. Portrait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London.
2500 Waking, J. B. The Arts connected with architecture, illus-
trated by Examples in Central Italy, of Stained Glass,
Fresco Ornament, Marble and Enamel Inlay, etc., from the
Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century. With 41 beautiful
plates in colors, with descriptive text. Imperial folio, half
morocco, gilt edges. London, 1858
2501 Waring. Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at
the International Exhibition of 1862. Consisting of 300
plates, containing many hundred illustrations of the most
choice examples, British and Foreign, executed in the
most finished manner, in colors and gold, by Day & Son,
with descriptions. 3vols.bds,, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1863
This important work, more complete than any of the kind yet pub-
lished, is the most magnificent, useful and interesting souvenir of the
International Exhibition of 1862 — rendering with exact fidelity, both
in form and color, the chefs d'ceuvres of the world's progress in art
and industry.
2502 Washington. Journal of Major George Washington, sent
by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddle, to the Commandant of the
French Troops. IMap. Royal 8** paper, uncut.
Large Paper, only 50 copies printed. New York, 1865
2503 Washington's Monuments of Patriotism, being a collection
of the most interesting documents, connected with the mili-
tary command and civil administration of the American
Hero and Patriot. 8° half roan. Phila., 1802
2504 Washingtoniana : containing a Biographical Sketch of the
late Gen. George Washington, with N^arious outlines of his
character. Portrait missing. 12° sheep. Baltimore, 1800
2505 Watts, Rev. George. Sermon preached before the Trus-
tees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, at their Anni-
versary Meeting, Church of St. Bridget, alias St. Bride, in
Fleet street, London, March 18, 1735. 4° paper.
London, 1736
2506 Wavlen, Edward. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the
United States. Frontispiece. 8^ cloth. (Shaken.)
London, 1846
2507 Webster, Noah. Dictionary of the English Language. Por-
trait and illustrations. Royal 4" sheep. Springfield, 1886
2508 Weckerlin, J. B. Chansons et Rondes Enfantines des
Provinces del la France, avec notices et accompagnement
de Piano; — Nouvelles Chansons. Illustrated with full
page colored plates, head and tail pieces, etc. 2 vols, im-
perial 8° cloth. Paris, 1886-89
Contains original French Canadian songs, with music.
2509 Weld, Isaac, Jr. Travels through the States of North
America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada,
during the years, 1795-97. Copper plates (some missing).
4'^ calf. (Cover broken.) London, 1799
2510 Weld. Travels through the States of North America, and
the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the
years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Numerous maps and copper-
plates. 2 vols. 8° sheep. (Binding cracked.) London, 1800
251 1 Weld. Voyage au Canada, pendant les anne'es 1795, 1796,
et 1797. Ouvrage traduit de I'Anglais, et enrichie d'une
carte ge'nerale du pays, et de onze planches, offrant les
points de vue, et notamment le fameux saut de Niagara.
3 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1800
2512 Welde, Thomas. A Short Story of the Rise, Reign and
Ruine of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines, that
infected the Churches of New England ; and how they
were confuted by the Assembly of Ministers there ; as also
of the Magistrates proceedings in Court against them, etc.
First edition, pp. i, 18, 66. Small /\.° half morocco.
(Somewhat cut into at the bottom.) London, 1664
2513 Wesley, John. Calm Address to our American Colonies,
1775; — Thoughts upon Slavery, 1775; — Bible and the
Sword, 1776; — Letter to a Friend concerning Tea, 1749.
Bound together. 12° half calf. London, etc.
2514 West, Benjamin. Account of the observations of Venus
upon the Sun, June, 3, 1769, at Providence, New England,
with some account of the uses of those observations. Small
8° half morocco. Providence 1769
2515 West, John. Substance of a Journal during a residence at
the Red River Colony, British North America, and frequent
excursions among the North West American Indians, 1820-
23. Plates. 8" boards. London, 1827
2516 Westropp, H. M. Handbook of Pottery and Porcelain, or
history of those arts from the earliest period. Illustrations.
16° cloth. New York.
2517 Wevl, Adolph. Die Jules Fonrobert'sche Samlung uber-
seesicher Miinzen und Medaillen. America. 5 vols, royal
8° paper, uncut. Berlin, 1877
2518 Wheatlev, H. B. The Dedication of Books to Patron and
Friend ; a chapter in literary history. Whatman Paper
Copy. 16° half roan, uncut, gilt top. London, 1887
2519 Whincop, Thomas. Scanderbeg ; or, love and liberty, a
tragedy. To which are added a list of all the dramatic
authors with some account of their lives ; and of all the
dramatic pieces ever published in the English language
to the year 1747. Portraits. 8° sheep. London, 1747
2520 White, G. A. Halifax and its Business: containg a histor-
ical sketch and description of the City and its Institutions.
8° boards. Halifax, 1876
2521 Whittier, J, G, Leaves from Margaret Smith's Jour-
nal, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9.
12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849
2522 [Wilkes.] The North Briton. 2 vols. 16° sheep.
London, 1763
2523 WiLKiE, Sir David. Sketches in Turkey, Syria and Egypt,
1840 and 1841, drawn on stone by Joseph Nash. 26 large
colored plates, mounted on cardboard, of Turkish and
Hebrew costumes and customs, in a portfolio. Atlas folio,
half morocco. London.
2524 Wilkinson's Atlas Classica, being a collection of Maps of
the countries mentioned by the ancient authors. Folio,
half roan. London, 1842
2525 Wilkinson's Londina Illustrater; or, graphic and historical
illustrations of the most interesting and curious architec-
tural Monuments of the city and suburbs of London and
Westminster, as monasteries, churches, palaces, halls, places
of early amusements, theatres, old houses, etc. 207 copper
plate engravings. 2 vols, large folio, half crimson morocco,
gilt tops. (Re-issue): London, 1819-25
2526 WiLLARD, S. The Child's Portion : Or the unseen Glory of
the Children of God, Asserted, and proved : Together with
several other Sermons Occasionally Preached, and now
published. By Samuel Willard, Teacher of a Church in
Boston, New England. Boston, in New England, Printed
by Samuel Green, and are to be sold by Samuel Phillips, at
the West end of the Town-house, 1684; — The Righteous
Man's Death, a Presage of evil approaching : A Sermon
Occasioned by the Death of Major Thomas Savage, Esq. ;
Preached Febr. 19, 1681. By Samuel Willard, Teacher of
a Church in Boston, N. E. Boston in New England, Printed
by Samuel Green, 1684; — The only sure way to prevent
threatened Calamity : As it was delivered in a Sermon,
Preached at the Court of Election, May 24, 1682; — All
Plots against God and his People Detected and Defeated,
as it was delivered in a Sermon at a Fast kept by the first
gathered Church in Boston, Jan. 25, 1682. 16° in the
original sheep binding and wooden boards. Boston, 1684
The Massachusetts Election sermon for 16S2 was not issued sepa-
rately. On page i, in old handwriting, is the name, " Saml. Adams's
Book, August 9, 1777," and on a front fly leaf is a list of the contents
in the same hand.
2527 WiLLEMS, Alphonse. Les Elzevier, Histoire et Annales
Typographiques. Illustrations. Royal 8° boards, uncut.
Bruxelles, 1880
2528 Williams, J. Life and Actions of Alexander the Great.
Small 8° half morocco. First Canada edition. Niagara, 1831
2529 Williams, Mrs. Neutral French, or the Exiles of Nova
Scotia. 12° cloth. Providence, 1841
2530 [Williams, Roger.] A Paraenetick or humble addresse to
the Parliament and Assembly for (not loose, but) Christian
Libertie. pp. 44. Small 4° half calf. London, 1644
The author of this rare tract is not definitely known. A note in the
John Brown Carter Catalogue says, "This little tract has from its style
and arguments been with some reason ascribed to Roger Williams."
2531 Willmott, Robert A. Pleasures, Objects, and Advantages
of Literature. 16° cloth. London, 1866
2532 Wills, W. H. Poets' Wit and Humour. Illustrated with
100 engravings from drawings by Charles Bennett and G.
H. Thomas. Small 4° full crimson morocco, gilt edges.
2533 WiLLVAMS, Rev. C. Selection of Views in Egypt, Palestine,
Rhodes, Italy, Minorca, and Gibraltar. 64 finely colored
engravings. Folio, half roan. London, 1822
2534 Wilson, F., and A. B. Richards. Britain Redeemed and
Canada Preserved. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1850
2535 WiNTERBOTHAM, W. Historical, Geographical, Commercial,
and Philosophical View of the United States, and of the
European Settlements in America and the West Indies.
Portraits. Maps and plates. 4 vols. &° half sheep.
London, 1785
2536 [Wirt, William.] Letters of the British Spy. 16° sheep.
Richmond, 1805
2537 Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. Vols. 7 and 8,
1873-79. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Madison, 1876-79
2538 Wolfe. General Wolfe's Instructions to young Officers ;
also his orders for a battalion and an army : also a Placart
to the Canadians, etc. Second edition. 12'* half crimson
morocco. London, 1780
2539 Wolfe. A Poem sacred to the Memory of James Wolfe,
Esq., Major General, etc., who was slain upon the Plains of
Abraham, Sept. 13, 1759. pp. 19. 8° half turkey morocco,
gilt top. James Parker &: Co.: New Haven (1759)
2e;4o Wolfe. Life of General James Wolfe, the Conqueror of
Canada ; or, the Eulogium of that renowned Hero, attempted
according to the Rules of Eloquence. With a Monumental
Inscription, Latin and English, to perpetuate his Memory.
By J***P******. 4° halt roan. London, 1760
2541 Wolfe. An Address before the New England Historic
Genealogical Society, in the Hall of the House of Repre-
sentatives of Massachusetts, Sept. i, 1850. looth Anniver-
sary of the death of Major-General James Wolfe. By
Lorenzo Sabine. 8° paper. Boston, 1859
2542 Wolfe, Life of, founded on Ori;^M"nal Documcnls ;)nd illus-
trated by his Correspondence. IW Robert \\'ri;;Iit. I'or-
trait. 8" cloth, uncut. London, 1^04
2543 Wolff, Albert. Figaro-Salon, 18S6. ^^"ilh upwards of^qo
double page illustrations. Folio, half morocco, TaiLs.
2544 Wolff. Figaro-Salon, 1S87, 'SS and part i of 09. Xuintr-
ous fine double page and other ilhi^lralions. 1 r jiarts folio.
J'aris, 1887-9
2545 Wolff. The Same, for 18S7. 5 parts fulio. J'aris, 1SS7
2546 WoLTMAN and Woermnnn. History of ancient, early Christ-
ians, and mediaeval Printing. Edited by Sidney Colvin.
Numerous illustrations. 2 noIs. .\° half roan.
New ^'()l k, iSSS
2547 Woods, J. C. Old and Rare Books. An elementary lecture
delivered at the Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea,
March 2, 18S5. 8° vellum-paper, uncut. London, 1885
2548 Woods, N. A, Prince of Wales in Canada and the I'nited
States, 12° half morocco. London, 1801
2549 Words and Places, by Isaac Taylor; — English Literature
in the reign of Victoria, by Henry Morley. 2 vols. 12°
cloth. Leipzig and London, 1881-8
2550 Woodward, Ashbel. Wampum, a paper presented to the
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. 8°
cloth. Albany, 1878
2551 WooLEV, Charles. Two Years' Journal in New York, and
part of its territories in America. New edition, with an in-
troduction and copious historical notes by E. B. O'Calla-
ghan, 8° cloth, uncut. New York, i860
2552 Wright, Rev, G. N, Life and Reign of William the Fourth.
Numerous portraits and plates, 2 vols, 8° half morocco,
uncut, gilt tops. London.
2553 Wright, J. American Negotiator : or the various curren-
cies of the British Colonies in America. S° sheep.
London, 1761
2554 Wright, Thomas. Womankind in Western Europe, from
the earliest times to the Seventeenth Century. Illustrated
with illuminated plates and numerous wood engravings in
the text. Small 4° cloth, London, 1869
2555 Wright, Caricature History of the Georges, Nearly 400
illustrations. Small 8° cloth, London.
2556 Writer's Handbook (The). A Guide to the Art of Compo-
sition. 8° half morocco. Philadelphia, i888
2557 Wynne. General History of the British Empire in America.
3 vols. S'^ calf, London, 1770
2558 Wyatt, D. Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century : a
Series of Illustrations of the choicest specimens produced
by every Nation at the Great Exhibition of Works of In-
dustry, 1851, with 158 elaborate plates executed in the ex-
act colours of the originals, Sculptures, Metal-Work, Tex-
tile Fabrics, Lace and Embroidery, Porcelain, Wood and
Ivory Carving, etc. 5 vols, imperial folio, original boards.
London, 1851-53
This beautiful work forms in itself a perfect cyclopaedia of Design in
all branches of Art. The plates have the appearance of original
paintings, and have never been surpassed in gorgeousness of coloring.
2559 WvATT, Sir Digby. The Art of Illuminating as practised in
Europe, from the earliest Times, illustrated by borders,
initial letters, alphabets, etc., selected from the British
Museum, South Kensington Museum, and other important
Collections, by W. Tymms, with an Essay on the art, and
instructions as to its practice in the present day, by M.
Digby Wyatt. Imperial 8° cloth, gilt edges. London, i86o
This magnificent work contains 102 plates, all illuminated in gold
and colors and 194 pages of te.xt surrounded with borders in colors.
2560 Wynne, James, Private Libraries of New York, Frontis-
piece. Imperial 8° full russia super extra, uncut edges, gilt
top. New York, i860
Large paper. Only 100 copies printed.
2561 Wytfliet, Cornelius. Descriptionis Ptolemicifi Avgmentvm,
sive Occidentis Notitia. With 19 maps of America, Folio,
calf, Gerardi Riuii : Lovanii, 1598
The first special atlas of the New World.
2562 ^7'ENOPHON. The Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus,
y\^ and the Memorabilia of Socrates. Translated by J.
S.Watson. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut, Bohn : London, 187 1
2563 Xenophon. Cyrdpa?dia, or Institution of Cyrus, and the
Hellenics, or Grecian History, Translated by J. S. Watson
and Henry Dale. . 12° cloth, uncut. Bohn : London, 1876
2564 "X/OUNG, George R. Letters to the Right Hon. E. G.
j[ S. Stanley, upon the existing treaties with France and
America, as regards their " Rights of Fishery " upon the
coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador and Newfoundland. Map,
8° half roan. London, 1834
2565 Yapp, G. W. Art industry. Furniture, Cpholstery, and
House Decoration, illustrative of the arts of the carpenter,
joiner, cabinet-maker, painter, decorator, and upholsterer.
With 1200 illustrations. Thick folio, cloth. London,
2566 Year Book and Almanack of Canada for 1S67 to 1875. 9
years, bound in two volumes with maps. 8° half roan and
boards. Montreal, n. d.
5567 Yeats, John. Technical History of Commerce; or Skilled
Labor applied to Production. Map, 12° cloth.
London, 187 i
2568 Ye Last Sweet Thing in Corners, being Ye Faithful Drama
of Ye Artists Vendetta. Square 8° cloth. Phila.
7569 YoNGE, Charlotte Af. History of Christian Names. 12*^
cloth, uncut. London, 1884
2570 Young, G. A. Canadian Question. 8"^ half roan.
London, 1839
2571 Young, William. Latin-English Dictionary, containing ail
the words proper for reading the classic writers, with the
authorities subjoined. 8° cloth. Edinburgh, iSir
2572 Ai.den's Cyclopsedia of Universal Literature, presenting bio-
graphical and critical notices and specimens from the writ-
ings of eminent authors of all Ages and all nations. 4 vols.
12° cloth. New York, 1885
2573 Almanac. Toronto Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper
Canada, 1S39. 16° paper (shaken). Toronto.
2574 Anderson. Son of a Genius; a Tale for the use of Youth.
Wood-cuts by Dr. Anderson. 16"^ halt russia.
New York, 181 8
2575 DuNCOMP.E, Dr. C. Report upon the subject of Education
made to the Parliament of Upper Canada the 25th of Feb-
ruary, 1836. 8° half roan. Toronto, 1836
2576 BousQUET, J. Nouveau Tableau de TAmour Conjugal. 4
vols. 18'' paper. Paris.
-577 Colonial Protestant (The), and Journal of Literature and
Science. Edited by Rev, W. Taylor and Rev, J, M.
Cramp. Vol. i. 8° half roan. Montreal, 1848
2578 Cohen, Henry. Guide de I'Amateur de Livres a Gravures
du XVHI Siecle. Cinquieme edition, revue, corrige'e et
considerablement augmente'e par le Baron Roger Portalis.
Royal 8° paper, uncut. Paris, 1886
Only iooo copies printed.
2579 GossE, P. PL The Romance of Natural History. Proof
sheets with author's autograph corrections, 12"^ unbound.
London, i860
2580 Jackson, A View of the Political Situation of the Province
of L^pper Canada in North America, with notes and appen-
dix, 8" unbound, London, 1809
Contains letters and speeches of Brant.
3190 Cartier, Jacques. Documents Nouveaux, recueilles par F.
Jouon des Longrais. 16'' paper, uncut. Paris, 18S8
3191 Cartier. Recherches sur sa personne et sur sa famille, par
H. Harout. 8° paper. Nantes, 1884
3192 Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la Nouvelle France, conte-
nant les Navigations, D^couvertes et Habitations faitcs
par les Frangais es Indes Occidentales et Nouvelle France.
Avec les Muses de la Nouvelle France. Nouvelle edition.
Maps. 3 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Tross : Paris, 1866
3193 Sagard, Gabriel. Histoire du Canada, et Voyages que les
Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion
des infidelles. 4 vols. 12° paper, uncut. Tross: Paris, 1865
3194 Sagard. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons situ^ en
I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la
Nouvelle France. Avec un dictionnaire de la langue
Huronne. 2 vols. 12° half morocco. Tross: Paris, 1865
3195 Petitot, Emile. Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-
Ouest. Textes originaux et Traduction litt^raire. 8°
paper. Allengon, 1887-8
3196 Roy, Jennet. History of Canada. Original edition. Very
rare. 8° half roan. Montreal, 1847
3197 Wilson, Rev. E. F. The Ojibway Language, a Manual for
Missionaries and others employed among the Ojibway
Indians. Grammar, Dictionary, etc. 12° cloth. Toronto, 187 1
3198 Magasin du Bas Canada. M. Bibaud, editeur. Vol. i,
complete, in the original parts. Rare. Montreal, 1832
3199 L'Abeille Canadienne. Journal de Littc^rature et de
Sciences, par Henri Meziere, from Nov., 18 18, to Jan. 15,
1819. 6 nos., with manuscript index.
3200 BiBLioTHEQUE Canadienne. Complete, June, 1825, to Dec,
1829. 54 nos. in the original covers, (i cover and i leaf
258o*Admirality Maps (Coast Surve\'). River St. Lawrence. (6)
2581 America. Map of a part of America, comprising Nova
Francia, Terra nova, Normbega, Mocosa, Virginia, Florida,
Mexico, Hispania nova, Antillas, Castilia del ouro, Cari-
bana and Guiana. Finely engraved on copper. Mounted,
About 1650
25S2 America. Figura Naturalis America Australis, 1700; —
America Australis, 1699 ; — Archipelagi Americani, 1700 ;
— America Borealis, 1699 and other early maps. 4°. (8)
2583 America, by R. Bennett, 1759; — New Map of North
America, 1761 ; — New Map of the Province of Quebec ; —
Plan of the Township of Nichol, Canada West ; — Plan of
Montreal, 1760, etc.
2584 American Revolution. Maps of the several States, pub-
lished between 1778 and 1781. (12)
2585 Atlas JSFinor ; das ist eine Kurtze, jedoch griindliche
Beschreibung der gantzen Welt. With descriptions and
numerous finely engraved maps, including a complete set
of maps of America. 2 vols, in i, small oblong folio, sheep.
Joannis Janssonii, 165 1
2586 Atlas. Catalan de I'an 1374, conserve parmi les MSS. de
la bibliotheque du roi. 6 maps, with text by J. A. C.
Buchon. Pads, 1844
Important publication relating to the history of mediaeval geography.
25S7 Bellin. Partie Occidentale et Orientale de la Nouvelle
France ou du Canada. Colored. 2 sheets. Paris, 1755
2588 Bellin. Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du
Canada. Plain. Paris, 1755
2589 Boston. Ante-Revolutionary Plans. (2)
2590 Bouchette, Joseph. Map of the Province of Upper and
Lower Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United
States of America. Elephant folio. Mounted on linen.
2591 British Provinces. Nova Scotia (178 1) ; — NewFound Land,
1762; — Plan du Port Dauphin, 1744; — Karte von Aca-
dia, 1744, etc. (6).
2592 Cabot. Figura extensa en piano, anno 1544. Fac-simile
by Pilinski, from the unique copy in the Bibliotheque Xation-
ale in Paris.
2593 Canada. Tramontana. II Disegno del discoperto della
noua Francia, etc.
Venetiis aeneis formis Bolognini Zalterii : Anno 1566
2594 Canada. Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours
des grandes rivieres de Saint Laurens et de Mississippi
aujourd'hui Saint Louis, aux environs desquelles se trou-
vent les etats, pais, nations, peuples, etc., de la Floride, de la
Louisiane, de laVirginie, de I'Acadie, du Canada, etc. 1720
2595 Canada. Prospect der Haupt-Stadt Quebec (1760.) Plan
of the Town and Fortifications of Montreal, 1760; — lies
of Montreal (1745), etc. (4).
2596 Canada. Plan de la Ville de Quebec (1762) ; — Plan de la
Baye de Chibouctou nommee paries Anglois Halifax, 1763.
(2) Paris.
2597 Canada. Map of the Province of Upper Canada, describing
all new settlements, townships, etc. London, 1838
2598 Cantino's Tvlap, 1502, Fragment du planisphere envoye
de Lisbonne a Hercule d'Este, due de Ferrare, avant le 19
November, i502,par Alberto Cantino. Piliniski's fac-simile,
made for Harrisse's Corte Real. Elephant folio.
2599 Champlain's Voyages. Carte geographique de la Nouvelle
France en son uray meridien. The rare original folding
map from the edition of 1613, with the legend, usually
wanting in the book.
2600 CuAMPLAiN. Set of the very scarce Maps from the Champ-
lain of 1613, all with the legends, comprising R. Saint
Jehan, Port des Mines, Port Royal, Port au Mouton, Port
Saint-Louis, Le Beau Port, Malle Barre, Fort Fortune,
Quebec, Montreal, Le Grand Sault Saint-Louis, Habitation
de rile Sainte-Croix, Habitation du Port Royal, Defaite des
Iroquois au Lac de Champlain, etc. 17 rare original maps.
2601 Columbus. Tabula Terre Nove. (Strassbourg, 1513).
A fine colored copy of the rare Admiral's map supposed to have
been compiled by Columbus.
2602 CoRONELLi, P. Partie Orientale du Canada ou de la Nou-
velle France avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Novelle
Ecosse, la nouvelle Yorck, et la Virginie. Colored. With
numerous historical notes. Paris, 168S
2603 CoRONELLi. L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la partie sep-
trionale des Indes Occidentales. Colored. Paris, 1689
2604 Cosa's Map. Mappemonde de Jean de la Cosa, pilote de
Christophe Colomb, fin du xve siecle. From Jomard's
Atlas. 3 sheets elephant folio.
Very interesting map relating to the discovery of America.
2605 Fac-similes. Montreal in 1675 ; Jacobs' Americas Septen-
trionalis, 1621 ; Hennepin's Carte de la Nouvelle France et
de la Louisiane, 1683, etc. (7)
2606 Desnos, L. C. L'Amerique Meridionale et Septentrionale,
dressee sur les nouvelles decouvertes et dernieres Relations
des meilleurs Navigateurs de ce temps. With medallion
portraits of early explorers, including Cartier, etc.
Paris, 1760
2607 French War. Seat of War in the Northern Colonies. A
General map of the Northern British Colonies in America,
which comprehend the Province of Quebec, the govern-
ment of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New England and
New York. London, 1776
2608 Genest, M. a. Carte de la Nouvelle France, pour servir a
I'etude de I'histoire du Canada, depuis sa de'couverte jusqu'
en 1760. Elephant folio. Mounted on linen.
Montreal, 1875
2609 Hawkins, Alfred. Plan of the Military and Naval Opera-
tions before Quebec. Elephant folio. Quebec, 1841
2610 Henri II.- Map. Mappemonde peinte sur parchemin par
ordre de Henri H. From Jomard's Atlas. 4 sheets ele-
phant folio, mounted on linen.
Comprises Map of Roberval's expedition to Canada, in 154::.
2611 Jaillot. Amerique Septentrionale devise'e en ses princi-
pales parties; — Amerique Meridionale. Both colored.
2 sheets, elephant folio. Paris, 1696
2612 Jaillot. Le Canada, ou Partie de la Nouvelle France.
Colored. Large folio. Paris, i6g6
2613 Jaillot. Partie de la Nouvelle France. Large folio.-
Paris, (1760)
2614 Jaillot, Hubert. Amerique Septentrionale, divise'e en ses
principales parties. Large folio. Paris, (1719)
2615 LouiSBOURG. Plan de la ville et du port de Louisbourg-
leveeni756. Paris, 1779
2616 Mississippi. Les Costes aux environs de la Riviere de Mis-
isipi, decouvertes par M. de la Salle en 1683, et reconnues
par I\L le Chevalier d' Iberville en 169S et 1699, par ^L de
Fer. Paris, 1705
2617 Montreal. Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Mon-
treal, i860; — Karte von der Insel, Montreal, 1760; — lies
of Montreal, 1760. 3 maps.
261 8 New York. Novi Belgii novae que Anglias nee non Penn-
sylvania et partes Virginze tabula, multes in loces emendata
a justo Danckers. With a rare view of " New York." Col-
ored. Large folio, very rare. Circa, 1670
2619 New York, Novi Belgii novae que Anglias nee non partis
Virginee tabula, a Nicolas Joannis Visschero. Fac-simile of
the original Dutch map. New York, 1833
2620 New York. Plan of the City and Environs of New York in
North America, (1776.)
2621 Ortelius, a. Maris Pacifici (quod vulgo Mar del Zur),
cum regionibus circuniiacentibus, insulisque in eodem
passim sparsis, novissima descriptio. Folio, 1589.
2622 Philadelphia. Map of Philadelphia and parts adjacent,
with a perspective view of the State House. By N. Scull
and G. Heap, 1750.
2623 Ptolomv. Tabu, Nova Orbis, (Lyon, 1535); — Tabula
Noua Totius Orbis, (Vienne, 1541) ; — Typus Orbis Des-
criptione Ptolemoei, (Vienne, 1541.) 3 rare wood-cut maps.
2624 Ptolomv. Typus Universalis; — Typus Orbis Ptol. Des-
criptus ; — Nova Insulce XXVI, Nova Tabula. Rare
wood-cut maps from the Ptolomy of Basle, 1552. (3)
2625 Quebec. Ville de I'Amerique Septentrionale dans la Nou-
velle Francib, 1690. Rare map, showing the position of the
iieet composing Sir William Phipps' expedition.
2626 Quebec. Plan of the River St. Lawrence, with the opera-
tions of the Siege of Quebec, 1759 ; — Map of the Country
round Quebec, with the camps of the English and French
at the siege thereof, 1759 ; — Grundriss der Stadt Quebec,
1757; — Plan of the River St. Lawrence, with the oper-
ations of the Siege of Quebec, 1763. (4)
2627 Ribero. The Second Borgian Map by Diego Ribero,
Seville, 1529. Reproduced from the original in the Museum
of the Propaganda in Rome. Elephant folio, ^^ounted
on linen. London.
2628 Sanson, N. Amerique Septentrionale, 1650; — Amerique
Septentrionale, revue et change'e en plusieurs endroits sui-
vant les Memoires les plus recents, 1669. Colored. 2
sheets. Paris, 1650-69
2629 Sanson. Le Canada, ou Nouvclle France. Colored.
Paris, 1656
2630 Sanson. Amerique Septentrionale. Colored. Paris, 1660
2631 Senex, John. North America and South America. 2
sheets, elephant folio. London, 1710
2632 Senex. New Map of America, (1721)
2633 Tableau des Pavilions ou Bannieres que la pluspart des
nations arborent a la mer. Elephant folio.
2634 United States. Laurie and Whittle's Maps. (5)
London, 1794
2634*Lescardot. Riviere du Canada, et Cotes de I'Ocean en la
Nouvelle France. Original map from the Lescarbot of
2635*Lescarbot. Figure de la Terre Neuve, Grande Riviere de
Canada, et Cotes de I'Ocean en la Nouvelle France. Fac-
simile of the large map from the Lescarbot of 16 13.
ff. /. J. autograph letter signed; /. j. letter signed ,#^. x. document signed;
a. n. s. autograph note signed.
Autographs will be sold per part or piece, and bids bj' mail or otherwise
must be made accordingly.
In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be re-sold.
2635 Abercrombie, Genl. James, Commander in Chief of British
Army in America, /. s. 2 pp. folio, " New York, 1758," to
Gov. Sharpe of Maryland, announcing the removal of the
2636 AcHMET, Pasha, Commander in Chief of the Sultan's Army,
Embassador to St. Petersburg, a. 1. s. i p. 4° 1835.
2637 Addison, Joseph, Celebrated English Essayist and States-
man, a. I. s. I p. 4° "Dublin Castle, May 24, 1709," to
John Taylor, an eminent English Unitarian minister.
"... We have lately had pretty good success against the
Privateers that infest these coasts. The Speedwell about a
week ago retook a Rich Jamaica Merchant, and at the same
time took a French sloop. Since that, the Shoreham has
taken a French privateer of St. Malos of twelve gunnes and
So men. ..." Very rare.
2638 Ac-uiLAR, Grace, Authoress, Autograph Manuscript signed,
16 pp. 4° " The Stone Cutter's Boy of Possagno. A Sketch
from his Life, by Grace Aguilar."
2639 Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of. General of the Parlia-
ment Army, as Admiral defeated Van Tromp, etc., d. s. i p.
folio, 1668, signed also by Sir Thomas Clifford, one of th"
" Cabal" Ministry, and others. Rare. Repa3nienf to .Mt
Peter Lely of money loaned to His Majesty.
26.10 Alison, Sir Archibald, English historian, </. /. >■. 3 pp. 8""
1S53. Cost of his Baronetcy,
2641 Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Army, etc., /. s. i p. folio, "New York, 1761," to Sir Wm.
Johnson, in relation to Indian Captives,
2642 Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Army in America, Colonial Gov. of Virginia, a. l. in 3d
person, 1 p. 4° " Whitehall, 1779."'
2643 Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Army, etc., /. s. i p. folio, " New York, 1762," relative to
deserters from the Army.
2644 Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Army, etc., /. s. i p. 4° "New York, 1761," to Col. Brad-
street, in relation to military affairs on the St. Lawrence Sor
the Capture of Montreal,
2645 Amherst, L-ord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Arm)', etc., /. s. 1 p. 4° " New York, 1760," to Cadwalladcr
2646 Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, Commander in Chief of British
Army, etc., l.s. i p. 4^ "Albany, 1761," to Thomas Han-
cock, relative to Army transports.
2647 Anne, Queen of England, ^. .<■. 1 p. folio, " Court of St,
James, 17 10." Signed also by Lord Godolphin.
264S Arnold, Hannah, Sister of Genl. Benedict Arnold, a L s.
I p. 4° " New Haven, Aug. 10, 1776," to " Brig-GenI, Bene-
dict Arnold, at Ticonderoga," and endorsed by him.
"... I am glad to hear your lieet is in such forwardness ;
I here is a formidable army &: fleet at N. York &: General
Washington has sent for the militia of this Colony to be
raised forthwith, expect a bloody scene will present there
soon, but our cause is Just, and to the great disposer of all
events we must commit the issue. ..."
2649 Aylmer, Lord and Lord Gosford, British Statesmen and
Governors of Canada, a. I. s. 3 pp. 8^ of each, 1834, 1S23.
2650 Bacon, Lord Francis, Baron Verulam, Lord Chancellor of
England, d. s. portion of. i p, 4°, signed also by Sir
Edward Coke, Fulke Greville, George Abbott, Archbishop
of Canterbury, one of the translators of " King James'
Bible," Sir Julius Caesar, etc, with portraits of Bacon and
Coke. Excessively rare.
2651 Beauharnois, Gov. Nev/ France; — Lambert Closse, 1660,
one of the founders of Montreal; — P, Payen and Wife,
Catherine Le jNIoyne, sister of Iberville; — P. Raimbault;
Mlle.de Mery ; De Conage ; D'Eschambault, 1692; Le
^larquis de Crisafy ; Le Chevalier de St. Ours ; Coulon
Villiers, to v.hom AVashington surrendered, Signatures.
2652 BARXU^r, P. T., Showman, a.l.s. i p. 4"^ " Eridgeport,
18S3," referring to his autobiograph}-.
2653 Barnum, p. T., Showman, Autograph Telegram, in pencil,
on the blank of the American Telegraph Co., dated IJridge-
yjort, May 15, 1S64, to Edwin M. Stanton, offering $500 for
the clothes in which Jefferson Davis was disguised when he
was arrested.
2654 Beaujeau de, defeated Braddock, Claude de Ramezay,
1700 ; ^[aricour Paul le Nevine de, brother of Iberville and
his wife M. M. Dupont ; Migeon de Lagauchetiere, 1708 ;
De Longueil Charles le Moyne, dated Montreal, 5th June,
i68g ; Pottier ; Maricour Louise Brissot veuve de la Valk*-
terie, 1702; Charles de Conague, Hervieux, Julien Oger,
1700, Signatures. (12)
2655 Beranger, Pierre Jean de, French song writer, a. I. s. 2
pp. 8° 1S26. Scarce.
2656 Beranger, Pierre Jean de, French song writer, a. I. s. \ p.
8° and address, 1823. Scarce.
2657 Blessixcton, Countess of. Miscellaneous writer, a. I. s. 2
pp. 8° " Gore House, 1845."
2658 Bliss, Jonathan. Loyalist, Chief Justice of New Brunswick,
a. I. s. 3 pp. 4° and address, " Fredericksburg, 181 1 " ; —
\Vm. Osgoode, Chief Justice of Canada, a. I. s. 2 pp. 4'"*
"Quebec, 1798": — F. J. Cugnet, Author of earliest
Canadian Law Books, a. I. s. 2 pp. 4° and address,
••Quebec, 178S"; — Archd. McLean, Chief Justice of
Upper Canada, d. s. i p. folio, 1S31 ; — \Vm. Grant,
Attorney General of Quebec, a. d. i p. 8' 17S0. (5)
2659 Boston', Town of. Presentment of the Grand Jury at the
Court held in Boston, Oct. 28, 1690. 2 pp. folio, signed by
Samuel Williams, " in the name of the rest of tiie Jury."
They prevent Christian Heridge for keeping men lodgers —
Ralph Durdant for living from his wife and children who
are in England — The town of Boston for a nuisance in the
Burying place, and several persons in Dorchester for selling
liquor to Indians and English, without license, etc.
2660 Boucher de Grosbois, Gov. of Three Rivers and autlior of
Ilistor)' of Canada, a. l. s. i p. 12° dated, 1665 ; — Coulon
de Villiers Faite de ^^ercheres le 27 Juillet, 17 19, defeated
W'ashingtdn at Fort Necessity, a rare form of his signature,
signed in full ; Sir George Prevost, Sir J. Colborne, Sir P.
Maitland, General James Murray, Quebec, 1764, four latter
Govs, of Canada ; J. M. Lamotte, Commanded the Indians
at the battle of Chattanguay, 1812. P. T. Hopson, Gov. of
Louisburg, 1749 ; Alexander Henry, author and traveller,
All a. d. s. and d. s., an interesting and valuable lot. (9)
2661 BoucHETTE, Joseph, author and historian, Jean Bochart,
Champigny, Intendant, Chief Justice Reid, dated 1806, Sir
1'. Maitland, Gov.lJeneral of Canada, Sir Edmund Head,
(iOv. of Canada, Edward Baques, Military Sec'y and Adju-
tant, V\'ar of 1812, and others, including a pass to the
House of Lords signed by Duke of Norfolk as Earl
Marshal. (12)
2662 BoucHETTE, Joseph, Topographer, Surveyor General of B.
N. America, surveyed the boundary line between Canada
and the United States, a. I. s. 2 p. folio, ."Quebec, 1804."
2663 Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, Aide to Montcalm at
Quebec, celebrated navigator. Commodore under Count de
Grasse in the Revolution, d. s. i p. 4° '* Brest, 1777."
2664 Bouquet, Col, Henry, Distinguished Officer in the French
and Indian War, a. I. s. 2 pp. 4° " Philadelphia, 18 June,
1765," to George Croghan. "... I can not but express
to you, as 1 have to the Commander in Chief, the particular
satisfaction I have felt in seeing you support so vigorously
the dignity of the Nation, and put thereby an End to the
contemptible Cant used before by People utterly unfit to
direct such Negotiations. ..." Fine and very rare.
2665 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, English Poetess, a. I. s. i p.
8°, " London, 22d Sept.," to Miss Greenwell, complimeni-
ing her on her recently published Poems. This letter is
signed in full, and in this respect is excessively rare.
26G6 Brant, Joseph, Celebrated Indian Chief and Warrior, 1789,
an obligation 4 lines auto, and signed by Joseph Brant on
back, in Mohawk language. Very rare,
2667 Burleigh, Lord (Wm. Cecil), Celebrated Prime Minister,
and adviser of Queen Elizabeth, /. s. i p., 4°. No date.
Very rare.
2668 Burns, Robert, Celebrated Scotch Poet, a. I. s. i p. 4° and
address, "Dumfries, 12th December, 1794," to James Simp-
son of Dumfries. Excessively rare,
2669 Burns, Robert, — An a./, s. i p. 12°, 1844 of Jane Renwick,
the heroine of Burns' famous Poem, " The Blue-Eyed
2670 BuRro.v, Capt. Richard F., Author and traveller, a. I. s, i
p. 8°. "Damascus, 1869 " ; — Fred. Burnaby, Author and
traveller, signature. (2)
2671 Butler, Col. John. Tory Leader in the Revolution, Com-
mander at the massacre of Wyoming, /. s. 2 pp. 4°, and
iiddress, "New-Ark, 1793," to D. Fonda: "...am happy
to find liie descendants of my late Vv' orthy Friend are Desir-
uus of keeping up the Friendship that has for many years
subsisted . . . and hope thev may follow the footsteps of
their Predecessors as far as we have acted with Propriety. . ."
2672 Byron, Lady Arone Isabella Noel, wife of the Poet, a. I. s.
2 pp. 8°. 1845.
2673 Cardigan, Earl of, Led the charge of the famous Six Hun-
dred at Balaklava, /. s. 1 p. 4'', "Ilounslow Barracks,
2674 Carleton, Sir Guy, (Lord Dorchester), Commander in chief
of the British Forces in North America, /. y. 2 pp. folio,
1776, to Genl. Reidesel in relation to the mo\enients of
the Army. In French.
2675 Carleton, Sir Guy, (Lord Dorchester), Commander in Chief
of British Army in America, d. s. i p. folio, " Montreal
24 June 1775,'' A AFilitary Proclamation to the people of
2676 Carlton, Sir Guy, (Lord Dorchester), Commander in Chief
of British Army in America. ^/. s. i p. folio. "Quebec,
2677 Carlyle, l^homas, F.ssayist and historian, a. I. s. 2 pp. 8^.
"Chelsea, 1838," to iSIrs, Jameson, "... Vou do me so
much honor that I can only cover my face, and sit speech-
less for a time. The hearts of women, dear little creatures,
are by nature exaggerative ; many is the Bristol diamond
or poor Scotch Pebble, that has been taken for a true stone
of price ! Vou should beware withal, and not turn people's
heads ..." Very fine and scarce.
2678 Carlyle, Thomas, Celebrated author and Historian, a. I. s.
I p. 8°, no date, to Chevalier Bunson. Rare.
2679 Carteret, Sir George, Proprietor of New Jersey, /. s. i p.
folio "Whitehall 167 3-4," signed, also, by the Duke of
Ormond, and Earl of Anglesey. Scarce,
2680 Castries, Marechal de, Famous French ofHcer and states-
man, /. s. I p. 4°, " Paris, 28 Jany. iJTj."
2681 D'Ailleeoust and his wife, Barbede BouUougne, 164S, Gov.
of Montreal and New France ; — Pierre Boucher de Gros-
bois, 1635, the author of the Hist, of Canada and Gov. of
Three Rivers ; — De Vivier, Jvlarine Officer; — Mijeon de
Braussat Lt. Genl., 1684; — Chambly — built and named
Fort Chambly, 1665 ; — Le Moyne de Longueuil, 1702, Le
Tvlachab^e Canadien, 1st Baron; — De Ramezay Claude,
Gov. of Alontreal, 1700; Chevalier d'Ailleboust, 1713 ; De
Villeray : Paillc. Signatures rare (10)
2682 Chandos, Lord Thomas of Gloucester, /. s. 1 p folio, and
address, 1601, to Queen Elizabeth's Privy Council "for
cost and conduct money for 100 sufficient and able men
unto the realm of Ireland," etc. In fine condition and
2GS3 Charles I. of England, /. s. 2 pp. folio, and address, " York,
30 August 1642." Very interesting letter to the Judges of
York, Cumberland, etc., relating to the proceedings of
Parliament. Fine Seal.
2654 Charles I, of England, d. s. i p. folio, iG.jG, on vellum, a
i\Iilitary Commission. Discolored.
2685 Charles IX, of France, consented to the Massacre of St.
Bartholomew, d. s. i p. folio, 1566, on vellum.
26S6 Charles Emanuel I, Duke of Savo}^ surnamed '• The Great,"
"The Ishmael of his Age," /. s. 3 pp. folio, and address,
with 3 lines autograph, 1591. Very rare.
2687 Charles Emanuel II, Duke of Savoy, /. s. 1 p. folio, and
address, 1657.
2655 Choiseul, Etienne Frangois, Duke de, French Statesman,
Instrumental in the Suppression of Jesuits, /. s. i p. folio,
'* Versailles, 1764."
2689 Clark, Genl. Isaac, Revolutionary OiTicer, Commander of
the Expedition against Massequoi, a. /. s. i p. 4°, "Burl-
ington, 1S12"; — Genl. \V. H. Windor, and Genl. Lewis
Cass, /. s. 4° of each. (3)
2690 Cobham, Lord, (William Brook), Statesman of the time of
Elizabeth, Ambassador to the Netherlands, a. /. y. i p,
folio, and address, "London, 1586." Scarce.
2691 CocKBURX, Sir George, British Admiral, Commander of the
Expedition against Washington in 1S14, ^. /. s. i p. 8°,
1S44. Portrait.
2^93 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Celebrated Financier of Louis XIV,
/. s. I p. 4*^ "Camp before Lille, 1667." Scarce. Portrait.
2G93 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Celebrated Financier of Louis XIV,
rf. s. double folio, on vellum, "Versailles, 1672," fine Col-
bert Seal. Scarce. Very fine document.
2694 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Celebrated Financier of Louis XIV,
i/. s. I p. small 4° on vellum, 1668. Very fine. Scarce.
2695 CoLDEN, Cadwalader, Colonial Gov. of New York, a. I. s.- 2
pp. 4° " Springhill, Dec. 15, 1765," to Sir William Johnson,
"... Tho' the Stamp Act was made use of to Excite the
Mob, yet the directing it against me arose from the resent-
ment of the men who think their power is abrigded by es-
tablishing Appeals The Dependency or Indepen-
dency of the Colonies seems now to be brought to the
Crisis, and it remains with the Parliament to give it the pro-
per Issue, whether the Parliament of Great Britain shall
submit to the Colonies, or the Colonies to the Parlia-
ment. ..." Fine and scarce.
2696 Bull, John, a. l. s. i p. folio, and address, 1758, to Richard
Peters. Very rare.
2697 CoLDEN', Cadwalacler, Colonial Gov. of New York, /. s. r p.
4° "Fort George, 1761," reply to an Address of the
269S Conway, H. S., Lord Dartmouth, and Lord Hillsborough.
P2nglish Statesman, /. .r. of each, i p. folio, 1765, 1772, 1768,
to the Gov. of Maryland. (3)
2699 CoNWEY, Edward, Secretary of State under Charles L, of
England, /. s. i p. folio, "London, 24th Dec, 1624," with
line Seal. Interesting political letter, in perfect condition
and of excessive rarity.
2700 Cook, Capt. James, Celebrated Xavigator and Explorer, (/.s.
I p. folio, " 16 Jany, 1759," signed as Master of the " Pem-
broke," Man of War, in which he accompanied \A"oIf to
Quebec. Excessively rare.
2701 CoRwiN, Jonathan, one of the Judges at the Witchcraft I rials
at Salem, d. s. 1 p. folio, "Salem, 1690." Scarce.
2/02 Craig, Genl. Sir James H., British Officer in the Revolution,
at Lexington and Bunker Hill, t/. s. i p. folio, 1802, signed
also by Genl. Sir Alured Clarke, Commander at Savannah ;
— Sir Robert S, Milnes, and Thomas Dunn, d. s. 1 p. folio,
of each, 1804-5. All Governors of Canada. (3)
2703 Duxx, Thomas, if. s. i p. 4° 1773, also signed IL T, Cram-
ahc, both Lt. Govs, of Canada ; — Sir George Yonge, /. .f.
War Office, 17S6, (relative to Canada) Summons Executive
Council Office, 1795, (printed) to Hon. James Mc Gill, Mon-
treal (founder McGill University), and 6 other early
Canadian a. I. s. (9)
2704 CuviER, Baron G., Celebrated Naturalist, d. s. 2 pp. folio,
1816. Fine Seal of Commission of Public Instructions.
2705 DousssiEU, 1659, One of the heroic 17 Dollard companions
who saved Montreal in 1660, extremely rare signature;
Michel Le Neuf de la Valliere, 1670, early Acadian foun-
der ; La Corne de St. Luc, a distinguished veteran of the
French war; Hertel, 16S5 ; Bigot, Indendant; Tout}-,
Commandant of Detroit, 1723. Boutrine, 1669, Intendanl;
Coulon Villierrs, to whom Washington surrendered at Fort
Necessity; Louis d'Ailleboust de Coulonge,' 1652, 3rd.
Gov. of New France ; Longueuil ; Angelique de Ramezay
Elizabeth de Ramezay, 1735. Signatures with biographi-
cal notes, a rare lot. (12.)
270G Dartmouth, Lord, and Lord Hillsborough, English States-
men, /. s. 3 pp. folio, of each. 1772, 17GS, to the Gov. nf
Alaryland. (2)
2707 Dearborn, Henry. Revolutionary Officer, IMajor General
in 18 1 2, a. L s. 2 pp. 4°. "Philadelphia, 1807."
2708 Delancey, James. Colonial Gov. of New York, Congress
of 1754, a. /. s. I p. folio, "Albany, 1757," to Gov. Povvnall.
"... the account I sent yesterday of Fort Edward being
attacked proves false. . . though there still appears the
greatest necessity for hastening to this place all possible
assistance that Genl. Webb may be enabled to drive the
Enemy from this end of the Lake. . ." Scarce.
2709 Ue Quin'CEy, Thomas. Essayist and critic, Autograph Man-
uscript, pages 28 and 29 of "A Tory's account of Toryism"
3 pp. 4°. Very scarce.
2710 D'EsTREES, Angelique, Abbess de ALiubaisson, Daughter of
Antoine d'Estre'es, forty years grand Master of Artillery in
Erance, and sister of the celebrated Gabrielle, mistress of
Henry IV., d. s, 2 pp. folio, 1G16. Signed twice.
2711 DiBDiN, Thomas F., celebrated Bibliographer, a. I. s. 2 pp.
4", and address. "Newmarket 1827."
2712 Dickens, Charles, Novelist, a. I. s. i p. S", to Lady Bless-
ington, mentions Longfellow, whom he wishes to introduce,
with water color portrait of Dickens, both beautifully
mounted in a frame, 17 by 13 inches.
2713 Documents, Early English Canadian, with signatures of
prominent men, also South Sea Co., signed William Schrci-
ber, 1722, Speakers Warrant, House ol Commons, London,
signed Fletcher Norton, 17S2. (19)
2714 Dew, Henry, of Hampton, New Hampshire, a. d. s. 2 pp.
folio, 1707, being the last will of Nathaniel Batcheldor, and
signed by him and others.
2715 Drummond, Sir Gordon, British Commander at Lundy's
Lane, Sir George Frevost, and Sir George Arthur, d. s. i p.
4° of each, iS 10-39, ^^^ governors of Canada. (3)
2716 Dumas, Alexander, fils, French poet and dramatist, a. J. s.
1 p. 8'\
2717 DuRELL, Philip, Admiral, a. I. s. 1 p. 4", "New York, 1758,"
to (}ov. Delancey, relative to impressment of seamen ; —
Capt. George St. Leo, a. I. s. i p. 4° to " Louisburg, 1759,"
relating to the expedition against Quebec. Admiral
Durell commanded one of the navy divisions against
Quebec. (2)
2718 DwiGHT, Joseph, Soldier and Judge, Brigadier General at
Louisburg, a. d. s. 1 p. 4° "Louisburg, July 13, i745." A
Marriage License.
2719 Edward VL of England, d. s. 2 pp. folio, at Richmond, " the
third yeare of our Reyne" (1549). Signed also by Edward,
Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector. A warrant signed in
blank. Excessively rare.
?72o Ecclesiastics of New France, D'Avangour, a. d. s. i p. 8',
1716; — Francois de Mercier, 1655; — ^^^ Pontbriand,
last French Bishop of Quebec, 8 July, 1753 (i line auto.)
also 7 lines auto, unsigned ; — D. Urfe, cure de St. Louis (now
St, Anns) (i6S6) ; — Du Bois (1672) ; — Francois Vachon
de Belmont, V. C. (1708) author of the Memoirs sur le
Canada ; — Normant Vie G. et Sup. : — Fre're Isidore Mar-
sollet. Signatures, (9)
2721 Elgin, Lord, Governor of Canada, English Statesman,
"Elgin Marbles," and Field Marshal Sir Charles Yorke,
<7. 1, s. 8°, of each ; — Major John Richardson, soldier and
Author (/. s. 1-2 p. 4°, 1S14. (3).
2722 Elizabeth Queen, Temp. Treasury order for the expense of
the Cost and Conduct of Soldiers, January 27, 1600, signed
by Thomas Edgerton, lord Chancellor, T. Buckhurst, Earl
of Dorset, poet, Notingham, Charles Howard, admiral who
commanded against the Spanish Armada, W. Knollys, Sir
William, Ro. Cecil, ist Lord Salisbury, J. Fortescue. Sir
John, J. Popham, Lord Chief Justice, celebrated as having
taken part either as counsel or judge, in most of the leading
trials of the times, J. Herbert, with two lines autograph of
Lord Buchurst and autograph endorsement signed of
Thomas Burghley, ist Lord Exeter, i page folio, and ad-
dress. A very rare group of signatures.
2723 Planning, Genl. Edmund, Noted Loyalist leader in the Rev-
olution, Gov. of Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Uiand.
a. L s. 2 pp., 4 °, "37 Margaret Street, Cavendish Squ ire,
24th April, 1806." Excessively rare.
2724 Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain. Pat-
rons of Columbus in his discovery of America, etc., /. s. i p.
4°, and address, 14S6. In fine condition and excessively
2725 Ferdinand II. of Arragon, the Catholic. Husband of Isabel-
la of Castile, /. s. ip. folio, and address 1509. Very rare.
2726 FoRBUSH, Eli, a. l. s. 2 pp, 4 '', and address, "Lake George,
July 9, 1759,"' to Rev. Stephen Williams of Longmeaduu-,
giving an interesting account of the contests with the
Indians; — Ebenezer Hartshorn, <r. /. j. i p., 4°, and ad-
dress, "Concord, Sept. 12, 1754," to James Bowdoin. (2).
2727 FoUQUiER-Tainville, Antoine Quentin, One of the most atro-
cious of the French Jacobins, Public Accuser during ilm
"Reign of Tt^rror." ( 'iiiillniiuod in 1795, '^- '^^ .1 p]*-. 1 .
t";94, as public accuse! giving a lisi o( '6 \ pers'jns t<,i lip
arrested at that date. Veiy rare.
2728 Francis I, of France, d. s. double folio, 1541, on vellum.
Rare, Countersigned by Bayard, brother to the Chevalier,
3729 Fox, Henry, Lord Holland, /. s. 2 pp., folio, "Whitehall
1756," to the Gov. of Maryland, announcing the Declara-
tion of War against France; — Lord Hillsborough, Secy,
of State for the American Department, /. s. 2 pp. folio."
"\Miitehall, 176S," to the Gov. of Maryland, announcing
his appointment as Secretary. (2).
2730 Francis L of France, Opponent of C!i.?rlcs V. Infervieu-
with Henry VHL at the "Field of the Cloth of Ciold." t/.
s. I p. folio. In fine condition, and very rare. Summon.s
to surrender a besieged Town in Bressc v/ithin 24 hours,
signed l.>y the King and Secy.
2731 Francis L of France, Opponent of Charles V. and etc. d. s.
I p. oblong folio, on vellum, 1541. Very rare. Signed
Franroys, also Countersigned by jjayard, a brother to the
2'jT^2 Francis, L /. .»•. i page folio, 2\ I'cl)y. 15 16. Convoking
the Parliament of Brctagne, addressed on back to the No-
bles, Burgesses and Inhabitants of Rcnncs, from Saint
2/33 Frkdkrick. Elector of Saxony, surnamed "The Wise.''
Friend and protector of Luther, /. s. 3 pp. folio, and ad-
dress, "Alstet 20th Dec. 1520" to William de Croy, "The
wise Governor of the F^mperor Charles V.'' endorsed, "in
causa Lutheri." This is a very important historical letter,
written to prevent Luther being brought before the Diet at
^Vorms, not knovi-ing that Luther had already determinerl
to go. He mentions the burning of Luther's books at Col-
onia, Maguntia, and elsewhere, by command of the Pope.
With a Latin, and an I<>nglish translation.
273 t Frederick William IV. King of Prussia. /. s. i p. 4'' " Sans-
Souci, 1841."
2735 Froude, J. A., English Historian, <?. I. ,c. 2 pp. 8" iSSS.
2736 Gage, Gen. 'J'homas, Gov. of Mass., British Officer in the
Revolution, a. !. s. i p. 4°, and address franked, " Montreal,
1762," relating to a Court Mortial at Crown Point. Scarce.
Gage was first English (jO\'ernor of Montreal after the
2737 Gage, Genl. Thomas, Gov. of Mass., etc., d. s. i p. folio,
" New York, 176b."
273S Gage, Genl. Thomas. Gov. of Mass., etc., d. s. i p. folio,
" New York, 176S."
2739 Garibaldi, G., Italian patriot and general, a. L s. i p. ob-
long 8°, " Caprera, 1862"; — Baron B. Ricasoli, Prime
Minister of Italy after the death of Cavour, a. /. s. i p. 8°,
"Turin, jS6i." Both mounted, with photographs. (2)
CATALOG up:. 267
2740 Garibaldi, G., Celebrated Italian patriot, /. s. i p. folio,
1862 ; — J. Basso, vSecretary and friend of Genl. Garibaldi.
ti. /. s, I p. 8°, " Caprera, 1S63." (2)
2741 GASPt and Chaleur, Bays of, Memorials and Petitions of tiie
Merchants, Traders and Settlers, concerned in the Fisher-
ies there, to the English Government, 1771-1772, folio, (jo)
2742 CiEORGE II. of England, ^/. .>\ 2 pp. folio, 1756, with seal,
addressed to Go\% Sharpe of Maryland, prohibiting any
communication with France, against which country Eng-
land had declared war.
27.^3 George II. of England. </. .<\ portion of, June 26, 1727.
2744 George III. of England, /. \. 2 pp. folio, and address in
German, *• Palace of St. James, 1761," line seal.
2745 George III. of England, d. s. 1 p. folio, " Court of St. James,
1776," signed also by Lords' North, Granby, and Towns-
hend. For the payment of the Army under Genl. Howe in
2746 George III. and George 1\'. of England, //. .*-. portion of, by
each, on vellum. (2)
2747 George IV. of England, ir. </. s. 1-2 p. 4°, "Brighton 1822."
274S GiLDART, Lieut. F.. a. I. s. 3 pp. 4°, "Lunenberg, N. S.
1759," ^lichael Francklin, Gov. of Nova Scotia, a. L s. i p.
folio, "Halifax, N. S., 1768," to Thomas Flucker of Boston..
{2) Gildart's letter gives interesting account of the Wolfe
expedition against Quebec, mentions Wolfe, Amherst,
Saunders and Devreli. *'Pray God give him success over
our most vile enemies."'
2749 Grant, Capt. John, Revolutionary officer, n. I. s. \ p. 4'\
and address, "Longgaul, Sep. 22, 1775. 9 at Night," t<>
Ethan Allen. ••. . . Col. Leviston hath just Sent man
Express here, and their is a party to our assistance on their
.March from Shambale Expected this Night. I am advised
to Send to you to Send a party, or Com as Soon as May be
if Not Needed whare you Now be. . .'"' Addressed from
Longueuil opposite Montreal. Shambale means Chambly.
2750 (]reelev, Horace, Journalist and statesman, a. I. s. 2 p. 4',
"New York, Sept. 18, 1849." Interesting political letter.
2751 GuizoT, F., French statesman and historian, tf. /. y. i p. S"" 1841
2752 IfALDiMAND, Sir Frederick, Oflicer in the French and Indian
War, Gov. of Quebec during the Revolutionary War, a. I. s.
2 pp. 4^, "Quebec. 17S1." Interesting letter, mentions
Madam de Reidesel.
2753 Hamilton', Col. Henry, British OiYicer in the Revokiiion,
a. l. s. I p. 4°. "Quebec, 1783" ; — Sir Fredkrick Haldi-
mand, British oflicer in the Revolution, /. s. i p. 4".
"' QuebeC; 1779." Both Governors of Canada, (2)
2754 Handfield, Col. J., In command with Genl. Winslow in
removing the French Acadians, /. s. i p. 4°. " Louisburg,
iTfS";. — ^^lorl Carillon, (Ticonderoga), Autograph Docu-
ruenf signed of Frere Antoine, Chaplain of the Fort, i p.
■I "■ *7S^^ signed also by lierthemat, Surgeon, and Charles
l.ajtalnier ii»e builder ot the Fort. Interesting and rare
l-ieiich War documents. (2)
2755 Hartley, Thomas, M. O. C. Revolutionary ofllcer, a. /. s.
2 pp. 4°, and address.
2756 Hazen, Moses, Brig. General in the Revolution. /. s. i p.
fi<liu, and address Head Quarters "Montreal, April ii,
i';76," 10 Capt. (ioforth, Commanding at Three Rivers.
"... the conduct oi the Canadians in general is changed
iinich to our disadvantage, partly from the indefatigable
jhiins of our Enemies, and partly from their being harrassed
I/O the Public Service as yet unpaid, & thro' fear of the
want of a sufficient force to protect them, more especially
us Quebec is not yet reduced. . . ." Very interesting letter
ill iflatioii to military affairs in Canada at the beginning of
ihf kc-vuhiiion.
.'557 Hi.Ai), Sir Edmund, Governor General of Canada, a. 1. s.
i pp. 4", "'loronto, 1855," v.rites of the recently printed
Ma.>>s. Records.
2758 Head, Sir Francis Bond, Gov. of Canada, Soldier and au-
thor, a. I. s. 2 pp. 8°, 1847, to Mrs. Jameson.
2759 HenkvIH. of France, and Poland, The last Sovereign of
the Valois family, d. s. double folio, on vellum, 1587.
Very .scarce.
2760 Henkv III. of France, Granted religious liberty to the Hu-
guenots,/^/, s. double folio, on vellum, 1576.
2761 Henry IV. of France and Navarre, Assassinated by Rabail-
lac, /. s. I p. folio, as King of Navarre, 1588. Signed
also by Philippe de Mornay Sieur du Plessis, the celebra-
ted Plistorian and friend of Henry. In fine condition.
2762 Henry IV. of France and Navarre, &:c, J. s. double folio,
on vellum, "Paris, 1600," Of historical importance, being
the original Deed placing the territory of Canada, and ad-
jacent islands, Labrador, Norumbega, iScc, under Marquis
de la Roche, as Viceroy and Capt. Chauvin as Lieutenant.
Of the highest rarity and value, in fine condition.
2763 Henry IV. of France and Navarre, &c. a. y. double folio, on
vellum. 1596.
2764 Hogg, James, Poet, " Ettrick Shepherd," a. /. x. i p. 4°,
"Harwich, 1820," to J. Wilson at Edinburgh.
2765 Hertel de Rouville : — Celeron de Blainville ; — Bochart
Champigny (Intendant) De Catalongue; — De Bailleul and
wife Magdelaine Chretien ; — Aubert de Gaspe wife of De
Beaucourt ; — Chevalier de S. Ours (killed at Battle of
Quebec, 1759), 3 lines auis.; — Louis d'Ailleboust de Cou-
longes; — D'Ailleboust de la Madelaine ; — D'Ailleboust de
Terigny; — Theophile IJarlhe. Signatures early New
France. (12)
2766 Hillsborough, Lord, English Statesman, /. s. i p. foliu,
•* Whitehall, 1770 " ; — Lord Dartmouth, /. s. i p. folio,
" Whitehall, 1765," signed also by Soame Jenyns, and J.
Dyson, as Commiss. of Trade and Plantations ; — G. Chei-
wynd, a. </. s. 2 pp. folio, 1774, the order of Government
prohibiting the transportation of Arms and Amunition. (3)
2767 Hood, Admiral Sir Samuel, Admiral Sir George Cockburn,
King of Hanover (Ernest), Duchess of Kent, Lord George
Sackville, Duke of Cambridge. Lord Durham Waddington,
a. /. s. &c. Addresses of Letters franked. (10)
276S HoPSON, Peregrine Thomas, Gov. of Nova Scotia, Officer at
Louisburg, /. s. i p. folio. "Louisburg, May 2, 1748," to
Thomas Hancock, relative to affairs in that place since its
2769 Hume, David, English Historian, ^/. /. y. i p. 4"^, "Edin-
burgh, 1757." Interesting letter relative to his Works.
"... You continue still to be very correct in this edition.
I have scarce seen so many sheets printed with so few
errors of the Press. I fancy it will not be necessary to
print the contents of the " Natural History of Religion " on
the Title Page of it " Very rare.
2770 Hunter, Genl. Sir Martin, and Genl. Sir James H. Craig,
British Officers, at Lexington, Bunker Hill, &c. ]\[ajor
Genl. Alured Clarke, British Commander at Savannah, d. y.
I p. folio of each: signed as Governors of Canada, 1793
toiSii. (3)
2771 Hutchinson, Thomas. Gov. of .Mass. .Albany Congress of
1754, i/. y. 1 p. 4-". 1767.
2772 L>;goldsi!V, Richard, Colonial Gov. of New York, /. s. i p.
4", and address, "New York, loth Sept. 1709," to Col.
Rensselear, "... God send our fleet soon to Arrive or
Else we shall all be in Confusion. I shall endeavor to
keep the assembly Sitting till we hear from England. . . ."
Very scarce,
2773 J.A..MES I of England, d. y. 4 pp. folio, 160S. " The accompt
of horses bought for his Maj'''^ service the 7th of Sept,
1607," Scarce,
2774 James II of England, r/. x. i p. 4". "Whitehall, 1687."
Signed also by Samuel Pepys (author of Pepys' Diary).
-775 J-^^'> John, M. O. C, Chief Justice, /. s. as President of Con-
gress, I p. 4°, " Philadelphia, 1779," to Gov. Rodney.
2776 JoHXSON, Col. Guy, Oflicer in the Indian Wars, and Loyalist
leader in the Revolution, a. /. y. i p. 4°, 177 1. Interesting
letter in relation to land between Fort Stanwix and Oris-
kany. Refers to his father, Sir William Johnson. Scarce.
-777 Johnson, Sir John, Tory Commander at Oriskany, t/. s. i p.
folio, "Quebec, 1778." On the reverse is (/. s. oi Fred,
llaldimand, as Governor. Refers to Loyalists from
Uurgoyne's army settled in Canada.
27 7S Johnson, Sir William, Celebrated Superintendent of Indian
Affairs, Congress of 1754, ^/. s. i p. folio, with 3 lines auto-
graph, "Schenectady, 17C4."
-779 Juxox, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord High Trea-
surer of England under Charles 1, /. s. 1 p. 4*, " London
House, 1637," >>'g'^'ed as Bishop of London. With portrait.
.T7So JuxoN, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, etc., t/. s. 1 p. 4"^
1638, signed as Bishop of London, signed also by Sir Rohr.
Pye, Auditor of the l<l\chequer. Scarce.
27S1 Kent, Edward, Duke of, Father of Queen A'ictoria, /-/. s. i
p. folio, "Halifax, 179S.''
2782 Keppkl, Augustus, English Admiral, accompanied Anson in
liis voyage round the world, a. /. s. i p. 8° and addres.'s,
2753 Laf.wette, Marquis de. Major General in the Revolution.
a. I. s. 2 pp. 4° 1787. In English. Very interesting letter
on European alTairs, as relating to America.
2754 Lamartine, Alphonse de, French Poet and historian, a. I. s.
2 pp. 8*^ and address, 1831.
2785 Landseer, Sir Edwin, Celebrated animal painter, a. I. s. i
p. 8"^ and address, "St. John's Wood, 1SS3," writes of hi^j
painting and signed in full.
27S6 La Verendrve, discoverer of the Rocky Mountains; — De
Afesy, Gov. of New France, 1663-65; — Longueil, Che-
valier de. Gov. of Detroit and Three Rivers ; — Juchereau,
(..'harles, 1693 ; — Du Vivier ; — Francis Ardouin, 171 1 ; —
I'ierre Raimbault, 170S; — Boucherat, 1669; — Joybert de
Longueuil, wife of the Chevalier; — Francois des Jordis
Sleur de Cabanac ; — D. Thaumur Doctor, 1 700 ; — Gedeon
de Catalongue, 1708. Signatures. All celebrated Canadian
names, with descriptive biographical notes, (12)
27S7 Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, Favorite Statesman of
Queen Elizabeth, Husband of Amy Robsart, d. s. double
folio, with seal, Utrecht, 15S6. Signed also by Gilpin. Very
scarce and in perfect condition. Has English translation
in full.
?7?8 Le Moyne, Charles, the celebrated Indian interpreter and
founder of the Longueuil Eamily, Father of Iberville ; —
Catherine Primot, wife of the above ; — C. J. D. Ailleboust,
fl. 20 Juin, 1671; — Maricour, brother of Iberville,; — M.
M. Dupont de Iberville, wife of Maricour; — C. Martel,
an Indian Fur Trader (the three last signed together) ; —
f. B. de Iberville, 1760; — Robineau dc Bolancourt ; —
Earon dc Fortnoeuf ; — Boisberthelot de Beacourt, Gov, of
Three Rivers; — C. Villicrs, to whom Washington surren-
rlered at Fort Necessity ; — Dc Quindre. Signatures, with
biographical notes. (S)
-;S9 Lever, Charles, Irish Novelist, a. I. s. 4 pp. 8". Scarce.
r79o LoNGUEUir., Sieur de (Joseph F',nianuel), Britisli Officer in
the Revolution, held F'ort St. John, Aide to Montcalm at
Quebec, a. I. s. \ p. folio, " Montreal, 1S05. Scarce.
279 1 LoNGUEUiT., Sieur de (Joseph Emanuel), British OfHiccr in
the Revolution, etc., a. I. s. i p. 4° "Quebec, 1800." A
copy of a letter of Hugh Finlay, in the Jiandwriting of, and
signed by Longueuil.
^792 LoRR.MNE, Cardinal de, celebrated French theologian and
statesman, v. .c i p. folio, and address, with fine seal,
" Nancy, 1629." Very line and rare.
2793 Loudoun, John Campbell, I'>arl of, Gov, of Virginia, Com-
mander in Chief of the British F'orces in America, /. s. i p.
folio, *' New York, 1757, to Gov, \\'m. Denny, relative lo
the embargo.
2794 Louis XI of France, called the " Tjberius of I'rancc, /. .v.
I p. oblong folio, 1466, on vellum. Excessively rare. Also
modern French reading.
2795 Louis XII of France, (f. s. portion of, on vellum, at Milan,
1499. Scarce.
2796 Louis XIII of France, /. .<■. i p. folio, and address, tC2i.
Very fine and scarce..
2797 Louis XIII of France, /. s. \ p. folio and address. 1637.
2798 Louis XIV, of France, /. s. i p. 4'' and address, with seals
and silk, " Paris, 13 November, 1663." Very rare.
2799 Louis XV, of France, d. s. i p. folio, "Paris, 1732," signed
also by Philippeau.x, and Varin at Quebec, 1732. (Varin
was an accomplice of Bigot in his robberies).
rSoo Luther, Martin, the Great Reformer, a. d. s, i p, 4^ 1544,
" r, Martin Luther, [Doctor] with this my hand do acknowl-
edge that My Measure Corn and two Measures Malt have
been forwarded to me in full frotii the Castle. Given Fri-
day after the New Year, 1544." 'Ihis iJocurnent w'as for
m.erly in the Collection of the Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha.
The Duke presented it to Dr. A. Beck. At the decease of
the latter it was sold by auction, with the rest of Dr. Beck's
Collection. One of the rarest and most desirable Auto-
2S01 ^IcDoNELi., Alexander, Archbishop of Canada, a. I. s. \ p.
4^ and address, "Queenston, 1806 " ; — J. O. Plessis, Bisli-
op of Quebec, /. j. i p. 4" "Quebec, 1778." (2)
2802 Madison, James, President, /. s. (in cipher), 2 pp. 4" " Wash-
ington 1803," on the purchase of Louisiana Territory.
2803 Maitlaxd, Sir Peregrine, Sir John Colborne and Peter Hunt-
er, Governors of Canada, d. f. of each, double folio, on vel
lum, 1S02-33, signed as Governors. (3)
2504 Marlporough, John, (Duke of), celebrated INIilitary Com-
mander, d. s. 2 pp. folio, "At the Camp, 79 Sept., 1711,"
Order for a Court ISIartial.
2505 Mason, (reorgc, ^L O. C. Member of Constitutional Conven-
tion, a. I. s. 3 pp. 4° and address, " Gunston Hall, 179::."
2506 Maunder, Samuel, Author of "Treasury of Knov.-Iedge," a.
/. .r. I p. 4'' 1825.
2507 Mazarin, Cardinal Giulio, Italian Statesman, Minister to
Louis XIV, /. s. r p. 4° and address, with seals and silk,
"Paris, 1656." Very rare.
2808 Medici, Catharine de, Queen of France, Wife of Henry II.
To her is attributed the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, a. /.
s. 2pp. foliO; and. address, 1585, to Jacques de Savoye, Duke
de Nemours. Excessively scarce.
2509 Medici, Catherine de, Mother of Charles IX. of France,
at whose instigation the Massacre of St, Bartholomew took
place, /. s. I p. folio. 13 April, 1566.
2510 Medici, Lorenzo de, surnamed "The Magnilicent,'" celebra-
ted patron of arts and letters 1476, et sequitur, a. I. s. 1-2
p. 4'', and address, with rare folio portrait by Ravano.
Very rare.
28 11 Melancthon, Philip, Imminent German Reformer, Friend
and successor of Luther, a. I. s. 2 pp. folio, and address,
in Latin, 1538. Excessively rare.
2812 Melancthon, Philip, Eminent German Meforuier, etc. a. /..w
1 p. 4°. Excessively rare.
28 13 IMeyrick, Sir Samuel Rush, English Antiquary, "Ancient
Arms and Armour," a. I. s. 3 pp. 4° and address, 1S32.
Interesting letter.
2814 Moore, Thomas, Irish Poet, ^. /. s. i p. 8", 1837. '' • • • My
head quarters will be in Sackville St. but I suppose my
" Row-brothers, row " will give me, for a few nights, lodg-
ing, in order to be near the Devils." (Reference to Cana-
dian Boat Song.)
2S15 Moore, Thomas, Irish Poet, a. I. s. i p. 8". 1829, to Sheri-
dan, writes of his works now in press, &:c.
2816 Murray, Genl. James. At Quebec with Genl. \\'olfe, and
at Louisburg. Sir George Prevost, and Sir James Kempt,
d. s. I p. folio, of each, signed as Governors of Quebec.
1782 to 1829. (3)
2817 Napoleon I. Emperor of France, /. s. Portion of, 1-2 p.
4°, 1802. Signed " Bonaparte."
28 18 Nelson, Horatio, Lord. Celebrated English naval officer,
a. I. s. I p. 4° and address, "Amazon, 1801." Fine per-
sonal letter to Dr. Baird. Very scarce.
28 19 Nelson, Horatio, Lord. English Naval Officer, d. s. i p.
4°, "St. George at Spilhead, 1801." Naval Order.
2820 Nesselrode, Karl Robert, Count, Russian diplomatist, /. s. i
p. folio, " Dusseldorf, 1810."
2821 Abenaki Indians. " Recensement general fait au mois de
Novembre 1708 de tous les Sauvages de I'Acadie qui resi-
dent dans la Coste de I'Est et de ceux-de Pintagouet et de
Canibeky, famille par famille, leurs Ages, celui de leurs
femmes et enfants, avec une Recapitulation a la fin, de la
quantite d'hommes et de garc^ons capables d'aler a la
guerre. Comme aussi le recensement des Franrois establis
a la ditte Coste de I'Es." 42 pp. folio. Very important
document in connection with Acadia and Eastern Maine.
2S22 Arenaki Indians. An account of their affection for the
French and what forces they need to oppose the English,
II pp. folio, 1723, endorsed, " Memoire pour M. Le Cardi-
nal" ; — " Memoire sur I'Etat present des Abnaquis." 3 pp.
folio, 1724, giving a detailed account of the location of their
villages in Acadia and Maine, and their importance to Can-
ada ; — Another "Memoire," 7 pp. folio, 1726, giving an
account of these Savages from 1718 to 1726. Important
historical Documents. (3)
^S^3 Acadia. " Memoire sur le droit que les Fianr^ois nnt dans
I'Acadie depuis Pantagouet jusqu'a la Riviere de Kinibeky,
des Pays des Iroquois et la Baye d'Hudson." 2 pp. folio,
1688 ; — " Memoire contre la pretention de I'Anglois sur les
Terres de la Nouvelle France." 35 pp. folio, 17 19. (2)
2824 Acadia. " Cession de I'Acadie ct de I'lsle de St Christophe
a la Reine et a la Couronne d'Angleterre," 6 May, 1713.
3 pp. 4° ; — G. Hocquart, Indendant of Justice and Police
in Canada, d. s. 3 pp. 4° 1731, fine seal ; — " Relation de
ce qui s'est passe a la Baie du Nord," 1689, with accom-
panying letter of d'Iberville, all in copy. 9 pp. 4°. (3)
2825 Acadians. Letter of Count de Toulouse to the Archbishop
of Cambray, 2 pp. folio, 1720; — Letter of Gen. Philippes,
5 pp. folio, 1720 ; — Letter of Thomas Caulfield, Gov, of
Annapolis to Monsieur De Costebells, Gov. of Isle Royale
(Cape Breton), 3 pp. folio, 1715. All the above are con-
temporary copies and are of interest relating to the taking
of the oath of allegiance and misconduct of the French and
Indians. (3)
2S26 Annapolis (Port Royal), " Relation de ce qui s"est passe !e
Mois de juillet dernier clans la province de I'Acadie," 5 pp.
folio, 1704, giving a detailed account of the attack upon
Port Royal by the Forces of Mass., under Cyprian Southack
and his' associates ; — M. de Villebon to M. de Cheury.
" Relation de Mon- Voiage a I'acadie sur le Vaisseau I'llnion
et de tout a qui s'est passe' an de Pays dans tout Le Temps
qui j'y ay este'," 17 pp. folio, 1690, giving an account of Sir
* \Vm. Phipps' attaclc upon Port Royal, and its surrender to
' him. (2)
2827 AuBRY, P., " Memoire du P. Aubry, Missionnaire de Canada
sur les Limftes de la Nouvelle France et de la Nouvelle
Angleterre," 7 pp. folio, 1720; — "Observations du P.
Aubry sur la Ville de Port Royal maintenant appelle' Anna-
polis Royale," 20 pp. folio, 1720, (2)
2828 AuBRV, P., " Memoire general sur les Limites de I'Acadie,"
24 pp. folio, 1720; — " Memoire sur les Limites de I'Acadie,"
6 pp. folio. (2.) This, and the preceding number, arc
important historical documents relating to the cession of
.\cadia by France to England at the treaty of Utrecht.
2829 Eecancuurt. Original agreement between the Chiefs of the
Indians of Becancourt with Acadian Refugees relative to
giving land to the latter near Three Rivers. 2 pp. 4° 1764.
Signed by Francois Arcenaux and J. G. Lacroix, Acadian
exiles, and De Tonnancour, Last French Governor of
Three Rivers and Frederick Ilaldimand, Governor.
2830 Beauharnais, Charles, Marquis de, Gov. of Canada, /. s.
portion of. i p. 4° " Quebec, 1745"; — Sieur D'Augre-
mont, Commander of the Marine, and Etienne Rocbert,
King's Store Keeper at Montreal, (/. s. by both, i p. 4"^
1707- (2)
2831 Begon, Michel, Intendant of New France. An Account of
munitions sent to the soldiers at Acadia, and also an ac-
count of the munitions sent to the savages there. Each
document 2 pp. folio, signed by I'egou. " I'ait a la
Rochelle, 10 ISIay, 1696." (3)
283'? Bigot, Francois, Intendant of Justice and Police in New
I'^rance, " Memoire sur le droit que les Franc;ois ont dans
I'Accadie, depuis Pentagouet jusques a la Riviere de qnini-
bequi, le Pays des Iroquois et la Baye d'lludson," </. y.
24 pp. folio, 1750, with two other documents signed by
Bigot, of the same date, each 4 pp. folio, relative to the cel-
ebrated missionary. Father Rasle, and the hostile relations
between Vaudreuil and the Governor at Boston, fine seals.
2833 BossciiAERT, Chevalier de, if. /. s. i p. 4^* and address, Ant-
werp, 1769," writes of Canada, with printed broadside 2 pp.
4^", 1763, " Extrait des Registres du Conseil d'Etat."
2834 Branssat, Migeon de, Lieut. General of the Royal Jurisdic-
tion of Montreal, 16S1, t/. s. i p. 4'^, 16S3.
2835 Canada, Fisheries of, "Memoire sur les Peschesde Canada,
presente a Monseigneur le Comte de Maurepas," 21 pp.
folio, (/. s., 1698.
2S36 Champic.nv, Jean Bochart, Intendant of Justice and Police
in Canada, a. /. s. i p. 4°, "Quebec, 1701," to Mons. Pou-
chartrain. Scarce.
2837 Ciiampignv, Jean Bochart, Intendant of Justice and Police
in Canada, i/. s. 1 1 pp. folio, " fait A. Quebec le 26 Octobre,
■ 1694." " Relation du voyage fait par le .Sie'ur de Villion
Capitain d'un 'detachement de la Marine a la teste des
Sauvages Kanibais de I'acadie pour faire la guerre aux
Anglois, 1694." Scarce.
2838 Champk;nv. Jean Bochart de, Intendant General of Canada,
1/. s. I p. 4^^, July II, 1689, with seal. Scarce.
2839 Champlain, Samuel de, French Navigator, Explorer of Can-
ada and the coast of New England, discoverer of Lake
Champlain, founder of Quebec, i/. s. 3 pp. folio, 1619. A
quittance of land in his native city of Brouage, signed also
Ijy Jacques Hersan, Marie Camaret, his wife and others.
Very tine, in perfect condition, and of excessive rarity.
2S40 Com PORTE, Philip Gauthier cle, First Grand Prevost of New
France a. 1. s. i p. 4°, "Quebec, 1684."
2841 CouAGNE, Cliarles, Chevalier de, Extract from the Registry
at Montreal, of the record of his marriage to Marie Gode in
1680, 2 pp. folio, with many Signatures, and fine Seal of R.
iJurton, the second English Gov. of Montreal, in 1763,
2S42 Daiue, M., Lieut. General of Quebec, d. s. i p. 4°, "Quebec,
1753," Signed also by Bigot, the Intendant.
,2843 De Cheury, M., Early French IMissionary to the Indians
in New France, rt-. /. s. i p. 4°, "15 Jany., 1697," writing of
an Enterprise against New England.
2S44 De Cheury, M., Early French Missionary to the Indians in
New France, a. l.s. ip, 4° and address, "16 Jany, 1697,"
to the Intendant General of Commerce in France, Sending
a plan of the Bay and Town of Boston.
2845 D'Estrees, Marechal, "Papiers Concernans Canada, I'Acadie
etc., remies par le Marechal d'Estree," 13 pp. folio,
1720 ; — "Memoire general sur les limites de I'Acadie," 27
pp. folio, 1720. These papers refer more particularly to
the affairs relating to that part of Acadia bordering on
Eastern Maine to the Kennebec River. (2)
2846 D'Iberville, Lemoyne, Canadian Navigator, Explored the
Mississippi in 1699, a. /. y. 4 pp. 4*^ and address signed
twice, "La Rochelle, 13 July, 1699," \\'rites of his voyage
up the Mississippi, and the Settlements there. An historical
letter of high value. Excessively rare.
2847 De La Tour, Lord, "Reflexions sur le Memoire du Sieur
De la Tour, countenant Ses pretentions sur plu-
sieurs parties de I'Acadie," 9 pp. folio, 1701. Interesting
document in relation to the claims in Eastern Maine ; —
"Memoire pour le Sr Andre Grasset de Saint Sauveur
ci-devant secretaire General du Government de Canada,"
2 pp. folio. (2)
2S48 De Lisle, M, of the Academy of Science, " Memoire pour
les limites de I'Acadie," 3 pp. 4"^ ; — G. Hocquart, In-
tendant of Justice and Police in Canada, d. s. 3 pp. 4° 1731,
fine Seal ; — Confirmation, by the King, of grants in Can-
ada to Lamothe (Jadillac 1688. Copy of 4 pp. 4 °. (3)
2849 Denonville, Jacques, Rene de Brisay, Marquis de. Governor
of Canada, Opponent of Gov. Dongan, recommended the
purchase of New York by France, d. s. i p. 4"^, "Villemarie
(Montreal) 15 Oct. 1689," with Hozier's abstract of his
pedigree, 6 pp. 4°, with fine seal. (2)
2850 Des Herbiers, Sieur, Appointed by France to take possess-
ion of Louisburg under the Treaty of Aix La Chappelle,
a. l. s. 18 pp. folio, "a louibbourg, Le 29 Juillet 1749,"
very interesting letter, giving a detailed account of the de-
livery of the City to France.
2S51 De Vallierres, Jesuit Missionary in Canada, a. d. s. 1-2 p.
4o» 173°; — Soeur St. Alexis, Superior of the General
Hospital, a. L s. i p. 4^ i775> signed also by Soeur St.
Bartheleniy, depositaire. Imperfect. (3)
28';2 De Villebon, De Jordy, Sieur, Second in Command at the
Fort at the Laye de Piiants, il. s. * p. a^\ 175^-
2553 De Villebon, Le Clievalier, Governor of New France,
" Journal de Ceque s' est passe a I'acadie depuis le mois
dUctobre 1696," d. s. 31 pages folio, " au forte de Natch-
ouat le premier Octobre 1697 ;" Very rare, aad historically
2554 I)e Villebon, I,e Chevalier, Goxernor of New France,
"Journal de ceque s'est passe a I'Acadie depuis le mois
d'Octobre 1697," d. s. 17 pages folio, " au fort du bas de
la riviere St. Jean le 3 Octobre 169S." Very rare, and of
much historical importance.
285s Du Coudrav, Le Eorgne, /. s. 33 pp. folio, 1663, concerning
his rights to parts of Acadia, in connection with Duke de
\'endome, and replying to a claim presented by Lord De
La Tour.
2856 Fleurv, Charles, Born in Canada in 1672, member of the
Expedition of Iberville to Hudson's Bay in 1694, was with
]0e Serigny in his expedition to that Bay in 1696, Captain
General of Marines in 1735, Lieutenant General of Klon-
treal. 34 a. /. s, folio, and 4'^ and a. d. s. 3 pp. folio, an au-
tobiography, all dated from 1735 to 1741. (35)
2857 Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Count de, Governor of Canada.
The most remarkable man who ever represented the Crown
of France in America, /^/. i^. i p. 4"^ "Montreal, 16 Sept.,
1693," with fine seal. Relating to the English and the Iro-
quois. Very rare.
285S GuERCiiEviLLE, (Antoinette de Pons), Marquise de, Bought
in 1612 the Concession of Canada accorded to the Sieur de
Monts, Protectress of the first Jesuit Missionaries in Can-
ada, d. s. 3 pp. folio, 1626. Very rare.
2859 Hocquart, M., Intendant of New France, d. s. 22 pp. folio,
1730, An account of the munitions delivered from tlie mag-
azine of the King, to the Abenaki Savages, who ha\e been
in his Majesty's service during the year 1729.
2860 KiRKE, Sir Lewis, Governor, and was the first Military Com-
mandant of Quebec, 1629-32, in the employ of English
Government, Captured Champlain at the surrender of Que-
])ec, and transported him to England, d. s. i p. folio, 1662,
signed as Treasurer and Paymaster to the Gentlemen Pen-
sioners. In fine condition, and excessively rare, if not
2861 La Gallissonniere, Roland Michael Barrin, Count de, Gov-
ernor of New France, French Admiral, defeated Byng, Au-
thor of " French Colonies in America," /. s. 4 pp. folio,
" Quebec, 1748." Important historical letter relating to the
affairs of Canada, and their connection with New York and
the Indian Nations. Rare.
2862 La Roche, Marquis de, Letters patent, on vellum, given by
Henry IV, of France, ordering the Authorities of Rouen to
deliver to the Marquis de La Roche all the criminals they
had condemned to death, to be transported by him to peo-
ple the newly discovered lands, (Canada), " (iiven at Mont-
ceau, 12 November, 1598," signed" Henry," countersigned,
" Potier." An original document of the highest importance
in the history of the first discoveries in Canada. For full
account of this, see Parkman's" Pioneers of France in the
New World," page 210, et seq.
2S63 La Roche, Marquis de. Obtained in 1577, a commission
from Henry III. to found a Colony in New France; this
was confirmed by Henry IV., 1578. He sailed for New
France with a number of prisoners committed to him to
people the country, was wrecked on Sable Island. For fur-
ther account, see I'arkman, "Pioneer of France in the
New World," page 210 et seq.: This document is a
power given to sell property, 2 pages folio, 12 February,
1586, signed by the Marquis, and is stated by Dufosse', to
be one of the only three autographs of the Marquise de La
Roche known to historians or collectors.
2864 Lauzon, Jean de. Fourth Governor of New France, Pro-
cured the restoration of Quebec and Montreal, Treated
with the Iroquois 1625 d.s, 1-2 p. 4° on vellum.
2865 Le Blonde, Claude. Governor of Detroit, /. s. 2 pp. 4°,
" Detroit, 1752."
2S66 Letters and documents relating to New France. — List t)f
Papers relating to Acadia, January, 1702 ; — Rupture with
the English, 1734; — Comparison of the condition and
resources of New France in 1732 with that in 1730; —
Necessary for the troops in Canada, the Cannon and other
munitions; — Discoveries of New France from 1G03 to
1723, </. s. Bigot, Intendant. All these are in French, from
2 to 12 pp. folio, and of much historical interest, {p)
2867 Louisiana, Territory of. Accounts of the voyage of Sieur
Denis for the discovery of the Red River, 7 pp. folio, 1716;
— Copy of a letter written by Sieur Denis to De Lainothe,
18 September, 1715,3 pp. folio, with observation* by La-
niothe in relation to Louisiana; — Copy of letter written
l;>y Don Diego Ramon to Sieur Denis, relative to Lou-
isiana, 2 pp. folio, 1715; — Memoir for continuing the
investigation of the monies and establishments of the
Spaniards on the Atississippi, 11 pp. 4°, 1697; — State-
ment of orders given'in regard to Louisiana Territory, 4 pp.
4", 1703 ; — Letter to the King in regard to Louisiana, 4 pp;
folio, 1750. Documents of high historical interest, two
signed by Lamothe Cadillac, the one of 1G97 mentions
Chicagou. (6)
2868 Pema(^)UID, "Relation du Combat des Canbas par Monsieur
Cheury, missionaire," 6 pp. 4°, 16S9. A detailed and im-
portant account of the attack on the Forts on the Kenne-
beck, and at Pemaquid.
2569 rKMA(^iuiD. Estimates of what is needed to equip 300
Savages for the expedition against I^cmaquid, z pp. folio ;
— Report of the munitions needed for this Expedition, 2
jip. folio ; — Plan for the enterprise to Fort Pemaquid, 2
]ip. folio, 16S5, with two other documents relative to the
same expedition, each 2 pp. 4°. (5)
2570 PoiNTEAU, Pierre, Fermier General of New France and the
Isles of America, d. s, 3 pp. folio, "Paris 14 December
1 69 1, Warrant given to Claude Regnault to act as head of
this administration in the Isles of America. Signed also
by Regnault.
2871 Ra(;;ueneai;, Paul, Jesuit Missionary in Canada. Noted fur
his labors among the Hurons and Iroquois, and for his
writings on the missions of Canada, d. s. 3 pp. folio, 1663,
Signed also by Marie De Maupeon, and G. Foucquet and
others. Rare.
2872 Ramezav, Claude dc, Governor of Canada, a. d. s. 1 p. 4"^,
" Montreal 28 Sept. 171 1," relating to the Savages, and the
llovendin Walker expedition to Canada, Cut on the mar-
gin, and a few letters destroyed.
2873 Ramezav, Claude de, Governor of Canada, d. s. 2 pp. 4°,
1694. Signed also by Jean Pochart de Champigny, and
others, with line seal.
2S74 Ramezav, Jean Baptiste (Son of Claude), Governor of Mon-
treal and Quebec, Commanded Canadian Militia in Nova
Scotia, 1746, Commandant of Quebec at time of surrender,
Capitulated to the English forces 1759, Articles of Capitu-
lation at the surrender of the English Forces at Grand
Prc'e, 12 Feby., 1747, d. s. 2 pp, folio. Very rare.
NEW FRA:;CE, etc. — Con.
2875 Maisonneuve (Paul de Chomedey), Sieur de, First Gov. of
Montreal, and its Founder, d. s. 3 pp. folio, 1661, with
two long marginal notes in his autograph. Signed also by
Charles Le Moyne and Catherine Primot his wife, parents
of D'Iberville, Barbe de Boullougne, wife of D'Ailleboust,
(General of New France, and others. This document is a
Deed given at Montreal, and is of the highest rarity and in-
2576 Montreal. Contract made before the Notaries at Paris
between Le Royer, La Dauversiere, Francois Coura and
Gilles de Valois relative to affairs in New France, and the
Isle of Montreal. A Notarial Document of 6 pp. folio,
made at Paris, 29 April, 1642. Interesting, relative to the
lirst French families established in Canada.
2577 Montreal, Hospital of. Institution of an annual perpetual
rent of 1 100 livres granted by the Society for the conver-
sion of the Savages in New France to the hospital of St.
Joseph in the Isle of Montreal, 3 pp. folio, Paris, 4 March,
1653. A notorial document, very curious and historical,
mentions the priests Oilier and Le Rageois, also Abbe Bar-
riau, Duke de Laincourt, and other members of the Society
and De Maisonneuve, Gov. of Montreal and Jeanne Mance.
2578 New France. " Memoir concernnans les Limittes de Colo-
nic, presentc en 1720 par le S. Bobe, Pretre de la Congre-
gation de la Mission." 94. pp. folio, commenting upon the
rival claims of France and England to this territory.
2579 River St. John. An Account of the munitions sent to the
Fort at the entrance of that River, 5 pp. folio, signed by
M. Begon, Intendant. " Fait a la Rocheile, 10 May, i6g6"
— An Account of Provisions sent the 40 soldiers at the
Garrison at Naxouac (Fredericton), during the year 1695,
d. s. 19 pp. folio. (2)
2SS0 RoBERVAL (Jean-Franrols de la Rocpie), Lieutenant of the
King in the Voyage to Canadn, Ochclaga and other regions
towards Saguenay. Roberval obtained from Francis I. let-
ters patent 15 Jan., 1540, for a voyage to Canada. He left
)\ochelle on his lirst voyage, 16 April, 1542, The cele-
brated pilot Jean Alfonse accompanied him. This docu-
ment is an Order given by the Officers of the City of Paris
to Roberval for compensation for his labors in the fortify-
ing of that city, and is signed by Perot, Boursier, Patin,
Decoursay and Messier. On the reverse is the receipt of
Roberval, signed " La Roque." .This document, on vellum,
is of the highest importance and rarity, though the signa-
ture of La Roque is somewhat faded. It is dated, 1557.
It has hitherto been stated that he died in 1549.
2881 RoBiNEAU, De Becquencourt et Portneuf, Grand Trustee of
New France. Receipt for annual rent. A notarial docu-
ment, 2 pp. 4° " Paris, 1 741 " ; — Cheralier Bernapre', Capt,
at Quebec. Petition to serve under another officer, 3 pp.
oblong folio, 1723, unsigned; — Etienne dc Rivedoux,
Lieutenant of Grenadiers, served at Ticondero,:^;.!. Petition
to the Secretary of War, detailing his services, 2 pp. folio,
unsigned. (3)
2882 Saint Vallier, Jean Baptiste de Lacroix, Bishop of Quebec,
Chaplain to Louis XIV, Founded the general hospital of
Quebec in 1693, and the Ursulines of Three Rivers in
1697, d. s. I page 4° on vellum, 1703.
2SS3 Serigny (Joseph Lemoyne), Sieur dc. brother of D'lborville
the explorer, surveyed the coast of Louisiana, took Pensa-
cola from the Spaniards, a. I. s. 2 pp. 4° and address,
1700, writes of his brother and of tlie Mississippi. Very
2884 Tracv (Alexander Pourville), Marquis de, Lieut.-Gencral of
the King in New France, </. j. i p. folio, " Paris, April
26, 1670," signed also by his wife, Louise de Fouilleuzc and
Sieur Henry de la F"resnaye. Rare.
2885 Varennes, Rend Gaultier, Chevalier de. Governor of "' Tlirre
Rivers," d. s. i p. 4° 1689. Certifying to Boucher de
Grand Pre's conduct as Major.
2886 Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud de. Gov. of Canada, r7o;,
to 1725, /. s. 2 pp. 4" "Montreal, 1702," to Col. Schu}ler,
relative to Indian captives. Very rare.
2887 Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de. Governor of
Canada from 1703 to 1725, /, j. 2 pp. 4° "Montreal,
1708." Speaks of Fort Detroit and de la >iothe Cadillac.
Very scarce.
2888 Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud, ^L1rquis de, last French Gov.
of Canada, //. s. i p. folio, 1756, signed also by Herbin,
Gov. of Michilimackinack, and Bigot, the Indendant, State-
ment of munitions of war furnished the savages. Very rare.
2889 Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de, last P'rench
Gov. of Canada, Military Commission signed, i p. folio,
" Montreal,|April3, 1757." Countersigned "Saint Sauveur,"
the author. Excessively rare.
2890 Villieu, Sieur de. Distinguished at the Siege of Quebec in
1690. "Relation d'un voyage fait par Le Sieur De Villieu,
Cap. d'un detachment de la marine, a la teste des Sauvages.
Karibas, et Malicites de I'acadie, pour faire la guerre aux
Anglois," 13 pp. folio, 1694. An account of his celebrated
attack, as commander of Acadia, upon the territory of New
England, with notes by de Villebon, the Governor of .Acadia,
2S91 NewtOxV, Sir Isaac, Mathematician and philosopher, d. s-
T p. oblong folio, on vellum, 1698, as Master of the Mint,
One of the scarcest English Autographs.
2893 Orleans, Charles, Duke of, Father of Louis XII, taken
prisoner at Agincourt, one of the best poets of his time.
d. s. 1-2 p. oblong folio, on vellum, 1448, fine wax seal with
label and fleurs-de-lys. A note of hand to Jacques Boucher
for 50 gold crowns to be repaid on demand. A fine
document in French. Very scarce.
2Sg3 Oswald, Col. Elsazer, Revolutionary ofTicer, with Gen.
Arnold at Quebec, a. d. s. i p. folio, 1790.
2894 Papineau, a. d. s. Vandreuil, 6th June, 1S2S, Leader Cana-
dian Rebellion, 1837, Mrs. Leprohon, Authoress, Chief Jus-
tices Sewell and Osgood, with wax seal, Sir Francis Gore.
T^t.-Governor of Upper Canada, 1S17, Sir Guy Johnson,
Uoratio Gates, Rev, J. (7. Delisle, 1782, Sir Chas. Na-
pier, Chatham, Lord Raglan, W. Kyland. (12)
2895 Parr, Rev. Samuel, Celebrated Tiieologian and Critic, /. s.
portion of. Portrait.
2896 Pkt'Perrell, Sir William, Commander at Siege of Louis-
burg, a. d. s. 1 p. 4 °, 1756.
21897 Pitt, William, Prime Minister of England, a. I. in 3d person,
I p. 4° 1794, to George III, submitting a draft of his Speech
as prepared by the Government.
2S9S Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poi^sson, Marquise de, Mis-
tress of Louis XV. a. /. i-. 3 pp. 8° "Versailles, 8 Nov.,
1 760, to the Due de Eellisle, with seal and silk. Autograph
letters of this remarkable woman are of excessive rarity.
2S99 Prescott, Richard, Lieut. General of British Army, taken
prisoner at Rhode Island, by Col. Wm. Barton, /. s. i p. 4*^
1787. Scarce.
2900 Prescott, Robert, Major General in British Army, at Louis-
burg, with Wolf at Quebec, at battles of Brandywine, Fort
^^'ashington, etc., d. s. i p. folio, "Quebec, 1797," as Gov.
of Canada,
3901 PREVOST, Sir George, Gov. of Canada, Commander in Chief
of British Army in North America, a. /. in T,d person, i p.
4° and address, "Halifax, 18 11."
2902 Proctor, B. W., (Barry Cornwall), English Poet, a. /. s. i p.
8°, speaks of Thackeray ; — Wm. Wordsworth, English
Poet, Signature, with 2 lines autograph, i p. oblong S'*
1849. (3)
2903 QuiNCV, Josiah, President of Harvard College, a. /. x. i p. 4'
and address, "Cambridge, 1S30."
2904 Kawson', Edward, Secretary of the Mass. JJay Colony, a. /. i.
I p. 4^^ " Boston, 1672, on public affairs. Letters of Raw-
son are scarce.
2905 Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, French
Statesman, Minister of Louis XIIL /. s. i p. folio, and ad-
dress, with seals and silk, 1636. Very rare. Organizer of
the 100 Associates for colonizing Canada. It was by his
efforts that Chainplain was sent to Quebec and the City
2906 RiCHMO.VD, Duke of, Gov. of Canada, Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, died of Hydrophobia, /. J. I p. folio, "Whitehall,
'T'^? "; — Col. Henry Hamilton, British Revolutionary Of-
ficer, and Henry Hope, Governors of Canada, a. I. s. i p.
4^ of each, 17S3-S5. (3)
3907 Rogers, Major Robert, Famous Partisan of the French
War, Commander of the Queen's Rangers in the Revolu-
tion, /. s. I p. 4°. •' Montreal, 26th jfuly, 176S." Very
rare. Author of Rogers' Concise Account, etc.
2908 RoussE.\u, J. J., Celebrated French writer, a. l. s. 2 pp. 4",
"Brienne, 1763." Interesting letter, and extremely rare.
Portrait and fac-siraile letter.
2909 RuBiN'i, Giambattista, Celebrated Italian tenor singer, a. /. j-.
I p. 8". Portrait.
2910 St. Heleine de Lemoyne TBrother of Iberville) killed at
Phipps' assault of Quebec in 1690, Rigaud de VauDreiul
lind his Wife Lagorgendiere de Rigaud ; Pierre Boucher dsf
Crosbois (Author of History of Canada and Gov. of Three;
Rivers) Foretier, 1705, de Maricour and Wife (Brother to
Iberville and a celebrated Warrior) de Francherelle De
Lonnal; De Composti ; de Cabanac; Joseph Crevier, dated
Quebec, 1680, killed by the Indians, Commandain at
Francais de Lac Forte. Signatures. (12)
29 1 1 Saxe, Count Maurice de. Marshal of France, Defeated the
English at Fontenoy, /. .f. i p. folio, ''Brussells 1747."
\'ery rare. .Saxe's refusal to send troops to Canada occa-
sioned the defeat of Montcalm.
2912 Scott, Sir Walter, Novelist and Poet, a. I. j. i p. -j'^, and
address, "Edinburgh, 1819." Scarce.
2914 Scott, Sir Walter, Xovelist andJPoet, a. I. s. i p. 4°, and
address, "Edinburgh, 1807." Scarce.
2915 Scott, Sir Walter, Novelist and Poet, a. I. s. i p. 4*, and
address, "Edinburgh, 180S." Scarce.
2916 Scott, Sir Walter, Novelist and Poet, .Autograph Draft of
John Ballantyne & Co., endorsed " Abbotsford Accepted,
Walter Scott " ; H. F, Scott, /. x. i p. 4"^ to " London,
ii532;" in regard to some Memorial of Sir Walter Scott. (2)
2917 Selkirk, Earl of, (Thomas Dundas), British statesman,
-N'otrd !ur hi.s fettlcment of Colonies in Winnipeg, a. /. s.
2 pp. 4"", " London. »So6," re,lati\e to (.^'anadian affairs. A
scarce autograi)h.
2yi6 ShKKts, Olive W., (I'rirtcess of Cumberland), Landscape
painter, Her claims brought before the House of Commons
1822, a. /. s. 3 pp. 8°, 1820. Interesting letter to her So-
licitor in reference to her claims.
29*9 Sewei-l, Genl. Henr}-, Served through the Revolutionary
VVar, a. I. s. \ p. 4°, and address, "Augusta, 18 14."
2920 SnAKEsi'tkK, William, lac-simile of his Will. 3 pp. double
folio. 16 16.
2921 Shiklev, William, Gov. of Mass. /. s. \ p. folio, "Albany
1755," to Robert H. Morris, Gov. of Pa., on public affairs.
I'rojected the expedition against Louisburg 1745, Succeeded
iJradilock 1755, as Commander of the English Array dur-
ing the French W ar.
2922 Lee, Richard Henry, a. I. s. 3 pp. 4' and address, " Phila-
delphia I St July, 177 s," to Robert Carter. "... The
inclosed printed hand bill will give you an account of a very
bloody engagement between a detachment of the Continen-
tal Army and the Ministerial forces from Boston. Our
er^emies are compelled to remain under cover of their ship's
cannon. Should they come out, we have 15,000 Men under
command of Generals Washington, Ward, Lee, Putnam
and others, ready to give a good account of them ....
'1 he Canadians (20 noblesse excepted), have peremptorilly
refused to join Gov. Carleton "A very interesting
2923 S.MJTH, William, Chief Justice of New York and Canada.
Historian of New York, a. L s. i p. folio, and address,
" New York, 1773," to (ienl. Bradslreet, at Albany. Fine
letter, and scarce.
29^4 Southev, Robert. British Poet, a. I. s. 2 pp. 4° and address,
"Keswick, 1821." Interesting letter on Literary matters.
Very scarce.
2925 SpoTSwoon, Col. Alexander, Revolutionary Officer, a. I. s,
I p. 4°, and address, 17S1, to Wm. Davies. Scarce.
2926 SiRoyzi, Roberto, son of Alessandro, Italian diplomatist,
a. /. J-. 2 pp. folio, and address, 1489; — Louisa Strozzi,
wife of Alessandro, «. /. s. \ p. folio, and address, 1496. (2)
2927 Si'SSEX, Duke of, (Augustus Frederick,) son of George HI.
Celebrated Bibliophile, a. I. s. \ p. 4°, and address, franked,
29^8 Taveor, Tom. Critic and dramatist, a. I. s. 4 pp. 8°. No
2929 Tennyson, Alfred, Poet Laureate of England, a. l. y. i p. 8"^,
'• Whitby, July 18." Very scarce. " I send the permission
trusting that Miss L. B. will not serve me as some do, i, e.,
transpose all the stanzas and alter some of the words and
then put in the title page " by express permission of A, T.,
the P. L."
2930 Thomas, Isaiah, a. I. j. 3 pp.4'', 1793. Distinguished Ameri-
can editor and author ; founder of the " Massachusetts
2931 Thomson, James. Distinguished Scotch Poet. Manuscript
Prospectus for the publication of Bensley's edition of the
'' Seasons," (1728), with subscriber's signatures, chiefly ot
old London booksellers. 3 pp. 4".
2932 TowNSHEND, George, Marquis of. Succeeded Wolfe at Que-
bec, and received its surrender, d. s. x p. folio, 1775, Cora-
mission signed as Master-General of the Ordnance.
2933 TuRNSTALL, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, Ambassador to
France, d. i. i p. folio, 152S, signed also by Edward Pou-
right, ambassador, a fine document in French, undertaking
that King Henry VIIL will ratify and sign the treaty of
Peace made with Charles of Castille. Scarce.
2934 Vancouver, George, Navigator and explorer, "Vancouver's
Island," d. s. 2 pp. folio, 1795, Signed twice, as Captain ot
the "Discovery." Scarce.
293s Van Dam, Rip, Colonial Gov. of New York, c. d. s. ip. 4*.
2936 Vaudreuil, Gov. of New France, Signed also by Beauhar-
nais the Intendant, dated ^ Quebec ce quatri^me October,
1703; — Sister Marie Morin, Sup. Hotel Dieu, Montreal,
171 1 ; — Sister Charlotte Gallard, Sup. Hotel Dieu, Mon-
treal, 1709 ; — Louise de Ramezay, De Reinal, Thaumur, R.
De Conegue, De Comport^, De Montont, De Catelongue.
Signatures. (12)
2937 Vaudreuil Rigaud de, Rouville Ilertel de, Rouville Andre'
de, wife of Hertel, Raudot a Quebeck, 1706, — Intendant.
Longueiul, Noyette, D. de Perigny, Blanchard, St Ours,
1675, Sabreuis de Bleury, 1760. Signatures, rare. (10)
2935 Van Trenhoven, Cornelius, Sec, Dutch Colony, New York,
1638- — Sir John Harvey, Gov. Nova Scotia; — Lord
Aylmer; — Henry Hope, with seals ; — Sir John Colborne,
Gov. of Canada ; — Sir Pludson Lowe, Gov. of St. Hel-
ena ; — Lords Chatham, Dundonald, Beresford ; — Hon.
John Young; — Major Gen. Darling, Military Secy ; — Dal-
housie. Gov. of Canada; — Chief Justice John Elmsly of
Ontario ; — Col. Talbot ; — Capt. Claremont. Officers serv-
ing in Canada. Signatures, (14)
^939 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, French Philosopher, u, /. s. i p. 4"*,
20 August, to J. B. Rosseau. A very fine letter upon his
"Universal History." 3?.are folio portrait. Very scarce,
2940 Voltaire, F. ?*I. A. de, French Philosopher, n. /.i p. 8",
with a fac simile letter i p. 4°, 1772.
2941 Voltaire, F. 'M. A. de, French Philosopher, xYutograph
iManuscript, "Du Thdisme," 8 pp. 4°, with erasures and
corrections. Fine specimen.
2942" Voltaire, F. M. A. de, French Philosopher, Autograph
Poem, a French translation of Waller's Poem, " The Day
that Cromwell Died there was an Extraordinary Tempest,"
2 pp. 8°.
2943 VoNDENVELDE.v, William, Early printer at Quebec, a. I. s. \ p.
4° "Quebec, 1798"; — Alexander Henry, Author and
traveller, a. I. s. 2pp. 4° and address, "Montreal, 1801 " ; —
Gabriel Fran chere, Author of "Travels in Oregon," d. s.
J p. folio, "Montreal, 18 17 "; — Earl of Selkirk, Statesman,
author and traveller, a. /. j. i p. 4° and address, relating to
Canada, iSi i. (4)
2944 Washixgtox, Genl. George, Dinner invitation, 1-2 p. 4"^ and
2945 Weiser, Conrad, Indian Interpreter in the French and In-
dian War, a. I. s, 2 pp. 4* " Heidelberg in Bercks, 1754-"
"... Henry peters the Indian should be privatly Sent for,
and fust of all and without delay Daniel Claus might come
with him, he knows the way by land as he has traveld it
with me in the year 1750, to wit, from the uper Mohock
Castel to Shochary or palantine town, Katskill and Kings-
ton leaving Albany a great way to the left hand . . . have
Belts of wampum provided and two or three large Belts all
Blak. ..." Very scarce.
2946 Wellington, Duke of, a. I. s. \ p. 8° and two of his visiting
cards with auto., i line each, " Paris, 1818 "; — Duchess
of Wellington, a. I. s. 8 pp. 8" " Apsley House, 1830," gossipy
about the Royal family. Wellington's letters dated Paris
are very rare.
2947 Wentworth, Thomas Lord, Governor of Calais, surrendered
it to the French after 200 years occupation, d. s. i p. 4*^
1581. Very rare. See remarks thereon in "Hart's Fall of
New France."
294S Wesley, Rev. John, Founder of Methodism, a. I. s. i p. 4-'
" Bristol, 1786," to his sister. "... In a few days 1 am
to set out for Holland. I believe I am called to pay one
more visit to our Friends on the Continent. If it please
God to bring me back to England, I shall scarce think of
crossing the German Ocean any more, . . " Interesting
and scarce.
2949 West, Benjamin, celebrated Painter, a. d. s. 1-3 p. 8° 1816,
Admission to Burlington House to see the Elgin Marbles,
signed as Prest. of the Royal Academy, also Admission to
Lecture, signed, a card, 1S19. (2)
29^0 WiDDRiNGTON, Sir Thomas, Speaker of the House of Com-
mons, As Speaker he administrated the Oath of Office to
Cromwell as Lord High Protector in 1657, d. s. portion of
I p. 8°, 1655. Very scarce.
2951 William HI., of England, d.s. as Prince of Orange, i p.
folio, 1676. IMilitary Commission. Fine Seal. Scarce.
2952 William IV. of England, a. /. s. i p. 4", "Hanover, 1S19,"
to one of his morganatic children, "your much affectionate
2953 Winchester, Genl. James, Revolutionary Officer, and Brig.
General in 1S12, a. l. s. i p. folio, and address, iSi;.
2954 WixcHESTER, William Paulett, Marquis of. Lord High Treas-
tirer of England, d. s. i p. 4°, 1555. An order for payment
for services in searching for treaties and legal writings in
reference to Calais, which was Surrendered to France.
Ver}' rare.
-955 Winchester, William Paulett, Marquis of, Lord High
Treasurer of England, d. s. i p. oblong folio.' Signed also
by Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and
founder of Emanuel College, Cambridge. Scarce.
2956 WiNSLOW, Major Genl. John, Principal actor in the Expulsion
of the Acadians, a. d. s. r p. 4°, "Boston, 1765." Very
2957 Wren, Sir Chistophcr, Celebrated Architect, d. s. 1 p. folio,
1710. Signed also by Sir John Vanburgh, Architect and
dramatist, built Blenheim Castle, and by others. Very rare.
2958 York, Frederick, Duke of, Field Marshal of the English
Army, Son of George III., a. d. r. i p. 4'', 1707.
?959 Abepxrombie, Burke, Fox, Robert Walpole, Sir Percy Brett,
Camden, Stockdale, Grenville, Pelhani, etc. (20)
2960 Addison, Bacori, Nelson, Henry IV, Louis Philippe, Shakes-
peare, etc, (20)
?9&i Admirals Vernon, Pocock, Ilov.ard, Tyrrell, Bynj;, etc.
Old copper plates. (10)
^962 American Generals and Statesmen. (22)
2963 Amherst, Gen. Sir JeHerev. Fine mezzotint after Reynolds.
Folio. •
?g64 Amherst. Seat of Lord Amherst, Montreal, 1777. 2 differ-
ent views. (2)
2965 Amherst. Different portraits. Fine and rare. (S)
2966 Amherst. Governor of Canada, 1760. By Ryall.
2967 Andrews' History of the War in Americ.T. Portraits from.
2968 Andrews. Another lot. (S)
2969 ANDREW.S. Another lot. (8)
2970 Andr^, Major, Arnold, Washington, De Grasse. Japan
proofs. (4)
2971 Arnold, Benedict. Scarce French Portrait.
2972 Art Journal. Plates and other steel engravings. (40)
2973 Artists. Benjamin West, Bartolozzi, Hogarth, Lucas von
Leyden, Rubens, Da Vinci, etc. (10)
3974 Avers, Dr. Stephen. The celebrated itinerant Cholera
Doctor of New Jersey in the epidemic of 1S32.
2975 AvLMER, I,ord. Governor of Canada, 1830. Mezzotint by
W^ard. Proof before letters. Folio.
2976 Bacon, Lord, Earl Temple, Duke Schomberg, Lord Som-
mers, Prince Eugene, Earl of Stratford, etc. Old copper
plates. (25)
2977 Barr^-, Isaac, with Wolfe at Quebec. I'ine. Folio.
2978 BARTOLO221, Francesco. Eight very fine examples byBarto-
lozzi, engraved in his best manner, some proofs. (8)
2979 Beauties of the Court of Charles 11. India proofs before
letters. (10)
2980 Bethlehem, Fa. Engraved by Xoual after Garrison. Folio.
2981 Bibliophiles. Count d'Hoym, Edward liarley, Grenville,
Colbert. (4)
29S2 Biographical Magazine Prints. 130 portraits, with biogra-
phical notices.
2983 Blome's Bible Prints, etc. (37)
2984 Boccaccio, Giovanni. Fine, from the edition of 176S; —
Thomas Raynal. (2)
2985 Bougainville, L. A. Aide-de-Camp to Montcalm. Differ-
ent portraits. (10)
29S6 Bourgeovs, Marguerite (Villemarie, 1700); — Duchess
■ d'Aiguillon (Fondatrice de I'hospice de Quebec) ; — Maria
Monk, etc. (6)
2987 Bourget, Carroll, Panet, etc. Roman Catholic Bisliops, (5)
2988 BoscAWEN, Admiral Edward. Fine portrait from the Mili-
tary Dictionary. 4'^.
2989 BoscAWEN, Townshend, Hawk, Barre'. Siege of Quebec. (5)
2990 Braun's Permanent Photograph. Les Communiantes, by
Jules Breton. Large folio.
2991 Canada. A fine and rare set of Smyth's views, published
in London, 1768, comprising : View of Gaspe Bay, View of
Miraraichi, View of Cape Rouge, View of Pierced Island,
View of the City of Quebec. Engraved by P. Canot, from
drawings by Capt. Hervey Smyth. Fine copies, beautiful
impressions and large margins, except the first one, which
is trimmed. Large folio. (5)
2992 Canada. The Ice Cone at the Falls of Montmorency, near
Quebec. Large folio lithograph. London, 1S53.
2993 Canada. Governors Cathcart, Williams, Durham, etc. (4)
2994 Canada. Governors Williams, Murray, Cathcart, Dufferin.
2995 Canada. Governors Dundas, Fanning, Gosford, Durham,
Elgin, Williams, Lisgar. (10)
2996 Canada. Governors Lisgar, Elgin, Amherst, Lome, iMet-
calfe, Craig, Dufferin, Simcoe, Head. (10)
2997 Canada. Governors Richmond, Amherst, Sinclnir, Durh'm,
Dundas, Murr.iy, Bjlliursl, ]^<(\\. (to)
2998 Canada. Sir Norton Peto, Dawson, Martin, William Smith,
Ryerson, Sir W. Grant, Osgoode, Simcoe, Vigor, Jolielte,
Papineau, etc. (15)
rggg CANADA., Vue du Monument sur la Montagnede St. HUaite
de Rouville ; — Colored view of Kingston. (3)
3000 Caxadiax Portraits, including photographs and woodcuts.
3001 Canadian \'iews. (30)
3002 Cardinals Richelieu, Mazarin. Fleury, Fenclun, Lussuet.
Fine lot. (8)
3003 Carrincton's North >\mcrican \'ic^\;5 (about 17G0). line
set, very rare, comprising : Fouisburg, when besieged in
175S, Charleston, capital of Soutii Carolina, City of Que-
bec, New York, Cape Rouge, Bethlehem, Pa., Fall of Mont-
morency, Gaspee Kay, -etc. (ir)
3004 Cartif.r, Jacques. Fac-simile from the St. Malo Register.
Portrait of Carticr, views, etc. (lo)
3005 Catholic and Apostolic Ilierarciiic of Kriti.'^h America.
Large folio lithographs, containing 40 portraits.
3006 CFXLULOin Panels. Love's Confession and 'Fhc Wedding
Day. (2)
3007 Cklluloid. Ilere'l'liey Come, and Scenes in Faslern Town-
ships. Proofs, only 6 printed. (2)
300S Celluloid Portraits of Mrs. Cleveland, Fmpcror ^\■ilhclm
I. and Frederick IIL (3)
3009 Cervantls. Set of 31 fine copper plates, engraved by J'i-
cart le Romain, from designs by Cochin, Coypel, and oth-
ers, to illustrate Don Quixote. Fdition Hage, 1746. Proofs
before the numbers.
3010 Champlain, Talon, Laval, Brenville, Charlevoi.x. ('6)
3011 Charleston, S. C. Exact Prospect of Charles Town the
metropolis of the Province of South Carolina. Rare fold-
ing view from the London Magazine, 1761.
3012 Churchill Charles. Sir Thomas More, Sir Philip Sydne\-,
Algernon Svdnev. T. Smollett, etc. Old copper plates.
3013 Ct.ARENDON, Mazeres, Nelson, Pitt, Canning, Lord Metcalfe,
Heathfield, VVarburton, John Knox, etc. (20)
3014 Clark, Alured, Lieutenant Governor of Canada, 1791.
Proof mezzotint. Folio.
3015 Clive, Lord. Lord Digby, Colonel Coote, Earl Clarendon,
John Hampden, etc. Old copper plates. (30)
3016 CoLiCNV, Caspar. Different portraits and views. (4)
3017 Colored Photograph. l"he Missionary's Return. Folio.
3018 Colored Photograph. The Communicants, after Breton.
3019 Colored Photograph. Presentation of the Bride. Folio.
3020 Colored Photograph, The Roll Call, after Miss Thomp-
3021 Columbus. Scarce old German print, and rare Italian
print, with two others. (4)
3032 Cook, Capt, James, Capts. Franklin and Parry. Different
portraits of each. (9)
3023 Cortes, F>rnand. Donna Marina sous la Te'nte de Cortes;
Fernand Cortes s'oppose a des sacrifices humains ; recoit
des Otages ; — Cortes brule sa Flotte ; — Montezuma prison-
nier de Cortes; — Cortes apaise la R^volte de son arme'e.
Set of colored lithographs, published by Turgis of Paris.
Large folio. (7)
3024 CoRNWALLis, Marquis. Engraved by J. Ogborne. linr,
small folio.
3025 Costume Plates, comprising portraits of English and French
Queens and Princesses. (36)
3026 Cromwell, Earl Bedford, Richard Lovelace. Hampden,
Canning, Thurston, Sir Peter Warren, etc.
3027 Cromwell, W'., Beckford, Duke of Cumberland, Marquis ot
Granby, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Burleigh, etc. Old
copper plates. (30)
3028 D'Argexson, Montmorency, Galissoniere, \'iceroys of Can-
ada. Rare copper plates. (3 )
3029 De Brv's \"oyages. Plates from. (4)
3030 Du Plessis, F. X. Jesuit ^^lssionaries in Canad.i. DiitVr-
ent portraits, all rare. (3)
3031 Duquesxe, Maisoneuve, Montmorency, D"Argenson, Grand
Conde. Viceroys of Canada. Fine and rare. (6)
3032 DuRER, Albert, Portrait of Biblibaldi Pirkeymheri, {524.
Original impression.
3033 Durham, Lord J. G., Governor of Canada, 183.S. Fine mez-
zotint. Proof before letters. Small folio.
3034 Drake, Sir Francis, by Thomas De Lu ; — Fernand MageiUn,
by Lairmegsin. Scarce print. (2)
3035 Drake, Sir Francis, Lord Loudon, Admiral IIawk>, Sir
Henry Vane, General Oglethorpe, Walter Raleigh, etc.
Old copper plates. (10)
3036 Drama. J. P. Kemble, G. V. Brooke, Jennv Lind, Gdrrick,
3037 Eminent English Women, (10)
3038 English Authors. (25)
3039 English Queens. (14)
3040 English Kings. (21)
3041 Elgin, Lord. Governor of Can.-icla, 1847. Mezzotint by
Sartaiii. Small folio.
304.' EsTRADES, Cointe de, Viceroy de rAmerique. Fine old
mezzotint. Very rare. Folio.
3043 EsTRADES. Engraved by Stephanus Picart. Fine and rare.
3o.)4 Etching. Derby Hall, by Huon A. Malear. Signed artist's
3045 Etching. Westminister, The Tower, St. Paul. Views in
London by W'ilfried Ball. Signed Remarque proofs. (3)
3046 EicHiNG. Le Pape Formosus, by P. Teyssonnieres, after J.
P. Laurens. Signed artist's proof.
3047 Etching. Shipping, by Appian, and another. India
Proofs. (2)
3048 Etching. The Old Soldier, by L'PIermette, and another.
India proofs. (2)
3049 Etching. Landscape, by Chauvel, and another. India
proofs. (2)
3050 Etching. Landscapes, by Yon and Laurens. India proofs.
30:;! Etching. Appel des dernieres victimes de la teireurs, with
3052 Etching. The Evening, by Stanley Berkley. Remarque
proof, signed by the artist.
3053 Etching. Belliville on the Passaic, by Stephen Parish.
Signed artist's proof.
3054 Etching. The River, by Bonvin and another. India
proofs. (2)
3055 Etching. Bon Secour Church, Montreal, by Landon. Ar-
tist's proof.
3056 Etching, The Marauders, by 11. Costello. Signed artist's
proofs on India paper, printed in sanguine. (2)
3057 Eltropean Views. Set of old colored views of London,
Rome, etc. Very rare and curious. Oblong folio. (12)
305S European Views. (9.)
30.-9 Explorers. La Salle, Champlain, Drake, Vespucius, P^a-
leigh, Pizarro. (9)
3060 Evrk, Sir William, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Mez-
zotint. Proof before letters. Folio.
3061 Fairfax, Lord. Keppel, Capt Forest, St. John Ligonier,
(len. 'I'ownshend, Lord Downe, etc. Old copper plates.
3062 P'rancis 1. By Tetit after Titian. 4".
3063 Francis I, Duke of Brunswick, Gaston de Fiance, Fred-
erick the Great, Charles V, etc. (9)
3064 Franklin, Benjamin, by St. Aubin alter Cochin. 4". Fiat?.
3065 Franklin. Different portraits. (3)
3066 French War. Vue de la descente des Francois a I'isle de
Terre NeuYe ; — View of Niagara P'ort, 1759; — Plan de
Louisburg; — North View of Fort Johnson (from Royal
Mag.), etc. (7)
3067 French War. Attack of the British Fleet on Eelleisle, 1759 ,
•— Defeat of a French Fleet, 1759 ; — Death of Gen. Wolfe,
etc. (4)
3068 French War. Montgomery, Boscawen, Earre, Pepperell, St.
Vincent, etc. (13)
3069 Frontenac, Comte, Viceroy of Canada. Henrlcaee Maiu
de Buade Frontenac (Sister of Frontenac), (2)
3070 Garneau, F. II. Autlior of Flistoiy of Canada, Folio,
3071 GosFORD, Earl Archibald, Governor of Canada, 1S35. Lith-
ograph. India proof.
3072 Gray, Thomas. Three different portraits, with Gray's mon-
ument and frontispiece to the Elegy, after Shelley.
3073 Green, Genl. Nathaniel, and Samuel Adams. Engraved by
J. Norman. Rare. (2)
3074 Head, Sir F. B. Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada,
1837. Fine mezzotint. Proof before letters. Folio.
3075 Henry IV. Different Portraits. All fine. (6)
3076 Heraldry. English Coats of Arms. 390 figures on 7
sheets, large folio.
3077 Hind's Views in the North West. 12 colored views, mounted
on card board.
307S Hogarth, William. 10 plates by Hogarth, published in
1735, including " Before " and *' After." Folio. (10)
3079 Hoym, Comte de. Celebrated Bibliophile. Portrait in ^
different states. (4)
3080 India Ink Panels. By J. Burns, (3)
3081 Indians. Ahyouwaighs, Chief of the SLt Niitlon^. I'ulio.
3082 Indians. Joseph Brant, from the original in the possession
of James Boswell. Original impression.
3083 Indians. Joseph Brant. Different Portalts, including the
original Boswell portrait. (7)
3084 Indians. Cunnee Sholi (Mezzo.); — Outacite, Cherokee
King, 1762, Sklagusta, 1762, Brant, etc. Good lot, (8)
3085 Indians. IMort heroique de quelques pires de la compagnie
de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. Lithographs. Large
30S6 Indians. The same, colored. Large folio.
3087 Indian Scenes. (18)
308S Indian Wigwam, and another. Original drawings by Krieg-
hoff. Folio. (2)
3089 Kings of England. Old copper plates. (20)
3090 La Fontaine, Jean de. Engraved by Ficquet. Original
impression. Fine and rare.
3091 La Fontaine. Set of 40 proofs. Woodcut illustrations 10
La Fontaine's Tales.
3093 Lansdowne, Lord. Governor of Canada. India proof.
3093 Lodge's Portraits. (50)
3094 Lodge's Portraits. (36)
3095 Louis XIII., XIV,, XV., XVI. Different portraits of each.
Fine and rare lot. (n)
3096 LouiSBOURG. A View of Louisbourg in North America,
taken near the light-house when that city was besieged in
1758, drawn by Capt. Ince, engraved by P. Canot. (1768.)
Large folio. Fine and rare.
3097 Louisb';rg. Views of the Ruins. Ori^'inal water colors.
309S Louvois, Duquesne, P.erjeau, Bienville, Duke of Kmt,
Bishop Laval. (6;
3099 McGiLL, James. Founder of McGill College, Montreal.
3100 Wacken;^ik, Alexander, Canadian Traveller. \'ery fine
31 01 Maps : Plan of the Town of Montreal, 1760 ; — Map to il-
illustrate Gen. Amherst's E.xpedition to Montreal ; — Plan
of the Fort and Bay of Frontenac, etc. (4)
3102 Maintenon, Madame. (Very fine) ; — Pompadour. (4)
3103 Marie de I'lncarnation, Premiere Superieure des Ursulines
de la Nouvelle France. Rare portrait by Edelinck. 4".
3104 Marie de I'lncarnation. Another portrait by Pailly.
3105 Mary Stuart, Mary I., Queen Anne, Caroline, Charlotie,
Elizabeth, etc. Old copper plates. (20)
3106 Maseres, Francis, Attorney General of Canada. Rare,
3107 Metcalfe, Baron C. L., Governor of Canada, 1343. Fine
mezzotint. Folio.
3108 Mirabeau and .Marat. Brilliant India proof-J before
letters. (2),
3109 Miscellaneous Scrap Prints. (;o)
0 MoNCKTON, Gen, Robert, Governor of New York. Fine
folio mezzotint. Rare.
1 MoN'CKTOx, Gen. Robert, Go\crnor of New York. Differ-
ent portraits, all rare including a fine mezzotint. (4).
2 Montaigne, Sully, Due clc Rohan, Due de Guise Cuvier, La
Rochefoucauld, Necker, etc. (20).
3 Montcalm, Marquis dc. Folio lithogranli.
4 Montcalm, Marquis de. Portrait in three stales; — Mott
de Montcalm. (4).
5 Montcalm, Mort du General Mont Calm, b}- Chevillef, after
Vateau. Large folio.
3ti6 Montcalm, Wolfe, Abercronibic Poscaween, Leris, Pougain-
ville, St. Vincent, etc. Seige of Quebec. (10).
7 Montgomery, Richard. Full length by J. Norman. Rare.
S Montgomery, Richard, r\fajor Macpherson (killed at Que-
bec), Arnold, St. Clair, Morgan, etc. (9).
9 Montreal, Jean dc, Mathematician, teacher of Columbus.
Engraved 1584. 4°.
3i_'o Montreal. An East Wcw of Montreal. Drawn (ju iho
spot by P. Canct, London ( lyGoX Fine copy, wiih full
margins. Very rare.
312 1 Montreal. Notre Dame Street. Rare colored view by
Lene)', 1S30.
^\Z2 Montreal. View of IMontrcdl from St. Helen's Island.
Large lithograph. (Torn in margin.)
3123 Montreal. Seat of Lord Amherst; — \"icw of Fortifica-
tions, 1760 ; — Place d'Armes ; — Old Grey Nunnery, etc.
3i::4 Montreal. Set of Pourne's Views of earlv Mon(re-al.
Rare. (5).
3135 ^foNTREAL. Views of the Ice Palaces of 1884, 'S^, 'Sj, 'S9.
Complete set, (i8Sg torn). (4).
3i:G Moreau's Illustrations to Reynal's .Amerique. Fine copper
plates. (10)
3127 MouNTAi.N, Rev. G. J. First Epis. Bishop of Montreal,
1836 ; — Fulford, second Bishop ; — Viev,' of Christ Church.
Folio. (3)
312S Murray, Sir George, Lt. Governor of Ontario. Different
portraits. India proofs. (2)
3129 New York. South Prospect of the City of New York in
North America. Rare folding view 'from the London
Magazine, 1761.
3130 New York. Novum Amsterdamum. Rare Views from
Montanus, 1671.
^131 New York. Debarquement des Troupes Angloises k Nou-
vclIcYorck; — L'Entrde triumphale de Troupes royales a
Nouvelle Yorck ; — La Destruction de la Statue royale a
Nouvelle Yorck. 3 large contemporary colored views,
engraved by Habermann.
3132 New York. The Government House. Colored lithograph
by Robinson, 1S47, after C. Milbourne, 1797. Large folio.
3133 New York. New Amsterdam (now New York). The scarce
folding view from the first edition of Irving's New York.
31:54 Oil Sketches, by W. Rucl. Calais and Dover, after Stan-
field. (2).
3135 Old German Portrails, engraved about 1600. (50)
3136 Old German Portraits. Another lot. (50)
3137 Orleans, Due. Louis Philippe, colored engraving,—
Philippe d'Orleans, Regent, by Major. Both fine. (2)
3T3S Papixeau, L. J., Leader in the Rebellion of 1S37. Different
Portraits. India proofs. (2)
313^ Parkman, Bancroft, IL C. Murphy, O'Callaghan. (3)
3140 Pepperell, Sir William, Bradwick, Harrington, Beaujeu, Sir
William Johnson, etc. French and Indian War. (8)
31.) I PiiiLADELriiiA. East Prospect of the city of Philadelphia,
in the Province of Pennsylvania. Rare folding view, from
the London Magazine, 1761.
3142 Philip II of Spain, Lord Russell, ^^'alpo]e, Ilarley, Duke of
Marlborough, Earl of Leicester, Marshal Keith, etc. Old
copper plates. (30)
3143 Photogravured. The Evening Hymn, after George Mason ,
— The Edge of the Common, after Pyne ; — Return of the
Reapers, after Seifert ; — Birds of Flight, after Aubert ; —
First Day of Spring, after Isembart. Large folios. (5)
3144 Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. Different portraits. (7)
3145 Pitt. The Chatham Monument in Westminster Abbey.
Fine mezzotint by Williamson. Folio.
3146 Political. Apotheosis on the American War; — News
from America ; or, the Patriots in the Dumps ; — Dissolu-
tion of Parliament; — Gambols of the American Buffalo on
St. James' Street, etc. (7)
3147 Pompadour, Madame de. Different portraits. (7)
314S Quebec. Set of rare colored Views of Quebec. 4'. (6)
^'49 Quebec. View of the City of Quebec. Engraved by J. C.
Stadler, after a painting by George Heriot. Inrge folio.
London, 1S05. (Torn.)
31^0 Quebec, Scarce old vie-^'s engraved on copper: Quebec
from the North East (from Payne's Geograph}') ; — Quebec
from the Basin, by Royce ; — Perspective View (from
Royal Magazine) ; — Quebec from the Basin, 1759, and two
others, all previous to the capture. (6)
3151 Quebec. Vue de la Place Capitale k Quebec; — Vue de-
Quebec ; — Vue de la Haute Ville k Quebec ; — Vue de la
basse Ville. Large views engraved by Habermann, and
colored, except the last published at Augsburg, about 1760.
3152 Quebec. Premiere Monastbre des Ursulines de Quebec; —
General View of Quebec (India proof) and other views. (13)
3153 Raphael Panel. A faithful reproduction of the famous
"Ansidei." Raphael. London.
3154 Revolution. Gen. Gage, Rodney, Cornwallis, St. Leger,
Hood, Carroll of Carrolton, De Grillon, etc. (iS)
3155 Revolution. Charles Carroll, Burgoyne, ^^me. Riedesel,
Lady Ackland, Guy Carleton, Lafayette, Koscuisko, etc.
3156 Richard, I, H, HI; — Edward I, 11, III, IV, V, VI; —
Henry I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. Old copper plates. (17)
3157 Richmond, Duke Charles, Governor of Canada, 1S19. Bril-
liant mezzotint by Meyer. Folio.
3158 Riel Rebellion. Large colored Views, comprising : Battle
of Fish Creek, Battle of Cut Knife Creek, Capture of Ba-
toche. (3)
3159 Roger, Major Robert, Commandent en chef les troupes
Indiennes au service des Am«fricains. (2 copies.)
3160 St. Aubin's Portraits. Turenne, Catherine II, Mme. de
Maintenon, Colbert. Fine and rare. (4)
3161 Sanson, Nicol, Geographer; — Chief Justice Reeves, W.
Smith, Berryer, J. B. Ferland, Francis Parkman, Gab.
Franchere ; — Henry and Hearne, Travellers, etc. (12)
3162 Saunders, Admiral Sir Charles, with Wolfe before Quebec.
Different portraits, including proofs and scarce colored
print. (7)
3163 Scrap Book, containing 70 fine, rare and old Portraits, Etch-
ings and Engravings. Folio, half calf.
3164 Scrap Prints by Bartolozzi, Neagle, etc. (6)
3165 Sergent's Portraits, 1790. Finely colored and very rare,
comprising : Richelieu, Montcalm, Mazarin, Frantjois I,
Henry IV, Colbert, Du Quesne, Coligny, etc. (10)
3166 Stamp Act. The Repeal; or, the Funeral of Miss Anne
Stamp. Scarce caricature, 1766. Small folio.
3167 Sussex, Duke of. and another. Brilliant India proofs before
letters. (2)
3168 SYDENHA>f, Lord, Governor of Canada, 1S39. Fine mezzo-
3169 TowNSHEND, Gen. George, nith Wolfe at Quebec. Folio,
mezzotint. No margins.
3170 Venetian Views. St. Mark's Place, Bridge of Sighs, Fi^-
7elta, Arsenal, Grand Canal, Portal of St. Mark, Colored
photographs. Large folio. (G)
3171 Vespucius, Amcricus. Rare old portrait, 1594,
3172 VrcER, D. B. Canadian Author. Diflerent poittait?,.
Folios. (3)
3173 Vincent, Earl John (Admiral Jar\i.s!, with ^^'oIfe at Quebec.
P'ine. Folio.
3' 74 We.st, Benjamin, engraved by II. Mcjcr. Fine impression.
->T75 WrsT, Mr., ct Famillc. engraved bv Rugcndas, after ^^'est.
3176 War of iSi2. Battle of the Thames; — View of Fort George ;
— Capture of the Chesapeake, etc. (5)
3' 77 ^^'ATER Colors. Canadian Voyageur. View of the Rebel-
lion of 1S37, etc. (5)
3178 WiLLi.AM III; George I and II ; James I and II; Charles
I. and IL, etc. Old copper plates. (17)
3179 Wolfe, Major General. Fine Mezzotint by R. Furcel,
Folio. Rare.
3rSo Wolfe, Major General James. Different Portraits, A val-
uable and scarce lot. (10)
3tSi Wolfe. Various Portraits. (7;
3!Sj Wolfe, La Morte du General Wolfe, by Liigel, after West.
Berlin, 1792. Folio.
^\S;i Wolfe. Death of General Wolfe, by W, Woollett after
West. Beautiful impression, with full margins. Large
3154 Wolfe. Death of General Wolfe. Engraved by G. . . .
after West. Large folio.
3155 Wolfe. Death of Gen. Wolfe. Rare engravings by Gran-
ger, Somerby, Houston, etc. No duplicates. (8)
3156 Wolfe. Thefirst Wolfe Monument in Quebec. (Destroyed.)
Original India ink drawing. Folio.
3157 Wolfe. The W'olfe Monument in Westminster Abbey, en-
graved by Thomson. Proof before letters. Folio.
3188 Woollett, William, engraver. By Caroline Watson, after
Stuart. Very line.
3189 Woorlidhe'.^; Gems, line impressions. (20!
LIST OCT 15 1933
Hart, Gerald E.,
Catalogue of the library,
manuscripts, autograph
letters, maps and prints
* •",
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